Chapter 18: Do You Tell Them White Lies? (1 of 2)

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Alessia and Troye sleepover at my place and we all had a bad day. I could tell them everything as we all share the same sentiments when someone die on us. We’re all freaks and our abilities are associated with death and supernatural that only few people know about. “Uhm …  Desa.” Troye shaking me up. “Do you have plans with Pluto today? He’s cursing you non-stop and he’s quite angry now.” “Desa!” Pluto knocking on the door. “You better be up right now!” “Oh sh*t!” I immediately sit up. “I forgot we’re going to Suncheon today.” I looked at the clock and it’s already 4:20am. “He’s furious.” Alessia uttered while keeping her eyes close. “I could smell woods burning, that’s his scent when he lost his temper.” “Yeah, I can hear it from his voice and the force he’s using to knock on my door.” I stand up and walk towards the door to open it for him before he destroyed it. “Are you going to smashed my door?!” “Do you know what time I woke up to make it here by 4am?! And yet you woke up just now?!!” Pluto yelling at me. “I’m sorry, alright?!” I yelled back at him. “You could go there by yourself but you want me to accompany you, I’m only doing you a favor and yet you’re angry at me because you waited for 20 minutes?! Don’t you think you’re being irrational?!” “Why I can’t be mad?! You said yes to me but then you want to cancel it because you forgot your plans so we made adjustments. It’s you who set the time to 4am and now you’re telling me I’m irrational?!” “You two!” Troye called our attention. “I know you’re both wide awake but will you please stop bickering first thing in the morning? It’s only 4:25am for goodness sake. Don’t make me use my command ability to you, let me sleep, alright?” he laid down at the mattress again after he reprimanded us. “We slept at past 1am so I want to sleep some more too please fight quietly and don’t make loud noises.” Alessia talking to her sleep. “What are they doing here?!” Pluto shouting at me softly. “Sleepover. Give me 10 minutes to get ready wait for me here or in your car wherever makes you feel better.” I talk to him softly. “Do you think I feel any better?!!” continue shouting at me softly. “Are we going to continue this conversation or you’ll give me time to change my clothes?!” I shouted at him softly. “Fine! Just 10 minutes!” he replied while frowning. I closed the door quietly and walked to my closet as light as I can for them not to be disturb by my footsteps. I changed my clothes immediately and brushed my teeth before washing my face. “Really? Wearing sunglasses when the sun isn’t up yet?” Pluto commented. “Can you even see with that glasses on??” “Ah right, I have to climbed down the stairs.” I put my glasses up to my hair. “Let’s go. I want to continue my sleep too.” pushing him slightly to get him moving. “Hey! You’re sleeping while I’m driving?! Who do you think you are?! Do I look like your driver?!” he keeps on yapping at me. When we reached his Volkswagen, I’m about to get in at the backseat when he told me to sit on the passenger seat instead and just reclined the chair. “How do I recline this seat?” touching the sides. “Tsk.” he reclined my seat without a word so I lost my balance since I’m leaning my back on the chair. “Are you going to rip my clothes?” “You suddenly pulled it and I’m not ready yet.” I let go of my grip on his shirt. “You can play music if you want, I can sleep with noise anyway since I’m tired.” laying down to get some sleep. “Just go ahead and sleep.” he played a quiet music on the radio. “I thought you’ll be playing loud music.” I laughed at him. “I like quiet music but if you prefer loud music, I’ll play rock songs.” “No, I like this better, it sounds like a lullaby. Wake me up when we get there.” closing my eyes. I thought I could only sleep with the help of beer but listening to quiet music is also effective for me. He woke me up by flicking me on the forehead and I could feel his anger on that one hit. “What the hell is wrong with you?!!” I yelled at him as I rub my forehead. “That hurts!” “Sorry, I can’t control my force when I’m mad.” smiling at me. “Sorry, you’re not even sorry at all! Is that how you wake people up, huh?! You could’ve called me or shake me up but flicking …” yapping. “I called you and tapped your shoulder but you’re still sound asleep, as you may know I’m not a patient man.” getting off from his car. “Yeah, I’m definitely aware of it but still … how could you hit a girl?!” I get off from his car too and climbed the stairs with him to the temple while holding back myself not to strangle him myself because of his mark on the neck. “Desa?!” Mom exclaimed as soon as she sees me walking towards her. “Morning Mom.” hugging her as I lean my head on her shoulder. “That guy flicked me on the forehead to wake me up.” “You two slept together?!” Mom reacted. “What?!! No! Mom, why would you think that?!” I pulled away immediately. “I was sleeping while he’s driving his car.” “Ahh … maybe he had a hard time waking you up. Am I right, Pluto?” “That’s correct Mrs. Ha.” Pluto replied to her. “Are you really my mother?? Why are you siding with the enemy?!” “This man, isn’t your enemy.” Halmeoni walks towards us. “In fact, he’s the greatest ally you can ever have. You two bring balance to each other, I didn’t even know that it’s you who’s coming because this man’s aura matches yours.” “Halmeoni, with all due respect, him and I always collide so it’s impossible that he’s my greatest ally, we couldn’t even get along.” “You’ll get what I meant eventually, for now, why don’t we have breakfast? It’s almost 9am and you two haven’t eaten yet.” Halmeoni said with a smile that I haven’t seen before. “Mom, is she really Halmeoni?” I whispered to my Mom. “Something great happened to her earlier that’s why she’s in a good mood.” Mom replied to me softly. “Ah, I thought she’s a doppelganger of Halmeoni.” I looked back and saw Halmeoni talking with Pluto. It’s actually the first time that Halmeoni is eating a meal with me, although we’re in different tables because she’s traditional. “What did Halmeoni told you about your imprint?” I asked Pluto since it’s just us two sharing the table. “She said it’ll take a day or two to remove it in her own method but you can take it away in less than a minute.” he replied with doubts. “Me??!” pointing at myself. “But I’m no healer. What can I possibly do when I don’t know how??” “I’m also not sure if she’s serious or not.” scratching his head. “Did she tell you how? Because if it’s just me I really don’t know.” “A ki- …” hesitating to tell. “But no, that can’t be possible.” “You mean kit, the medical kit, so I can take that away by applying some ointment on your neck??” I responded. “Not that i***t! I already tried it myself since I’m the only who can see it aside from you … and your Halmeoni, but it didn’t work.” “Tch. Then what ki do you mean?!” frowning at him. “Halmeoni said that this is a mark of hate the easiest way to get rid of it is through mark of … love.” sighing heavily. “Mark of love?? What’s that?” asking him cluelessly. “Stupide.” he uttered as he shakes his head. “Hey! Did you just call me stupid in French?!” sneers. “Have you ever been in a romantic relationship??” he asked. “What does it have to do with you?!” I exclaimed. “It’s just a simple yes or no.” gazing at me coldly. “No.” averting my attention to elsewhere. “That’s why you’re ignorant.” he responded. “Hey!” I shouted at him that made my parents and Halmeoni look at our table. “Just live with that mark for the rest of your life, I’m not going to help you get rid of that hate imprint.” shouting at him softly. “Should I tell them about us?” smirking at me. “Everyone in the campus knows about our relationship anyway so I think it’s right for your family to know about it too.” “Is that supposed to be a threat? They’re my family you think they’ll side on you instead of their own flesh and blood.” I responded. “Let’s see. Mr. Ha, there’s something I want to tell you about Desa and me, I think you should know it too since everyone in the …” I covered his mouth immediately. “Him and I are partners in the dance competition. Everyone in the campus knows it that’s why I’ve been the center of attention because of him.” “Ah, I figure that Pluto is popular with the ladies because he’s good-looking.” Dad responded. “Why? Does those ladies give you a hard time in the university because of him?” “Well, I can manage.” removing my hand from Pluto’s mouth. “I’m …” “She’s being taken care of me in the university.” Pluto smiling like he is a saint. “You don’t have to worry about her.” “That’s right, Dad.” I nodded in agreement. “I thought you two are going to admit that you’re dating.” Mom said. “Mom! Him and I are just friends we can’t be more than that.” I said. “Tch. You’re drawing a line again. Sweetheart, your Dad and I aren’t against if you have a boyfriend.” Mom responded. “But I have to know the man first before you agree to date him.” Dad pointing at me. “Mom, Dad, once that man finds out that I’m a freak do you think he’ll stay with me?” I responded to them. “Then what about Hyde and Jacob? They know that you’re special but still they stay with you.” Mom answered. “Those two young men told me that they like you, Desa.” Dad said. “And both of them are dead now.” sighing. “I’m done eating, I’ll wash the dishes later.” I stand up and leave the table. I know it wasn’t my fault but the fact that everyone dies on me doesn’t change. “I’m pathetic, still living a life with guilt because I get to live.” I said to Pluto when he took the dishes to the sink. “Then why don’t you live your life to the fullest for the sake of those people who lost their lives?” Pluto stand beside me. “Can I live like that shamelessly?” I start washing the dishes. “They’re your friends, right? If you put yourself in their shoes, would you like to see your friend blaming herself for something that she didn’t do?” he turned his back on me. “If I’m that friend, I’ll be disappointed. I’m dead and I can’t do anything anymore but this one who survived is living her life pathetically.” walks off. “I don’t know if he’s consoling me or mocking me.” watching him walk away before I continue washing the dishes. After I washed the dishes, I took a bath before we leave since I’m heading straight to Caracciolo to get my salary. “Did you doll up because you’re going on a date with Diso?” Pluto breaks the silence after a while that he keeps on glancing at me. “Does it look like I doll up for him? This is the most decent clothes I have from my closet.” I’m wearing a red and white checkered half-sleeves dress. “You’re even showing off your shoulders and legs.” he sneers at me. “Dad isn’t even strict at the way I dress but you …” sneering back. “I’m just saying what I see.” glancing at me again. “You’re Diso-sunbae best friend, right? What food does he like?” “Japanese food. Western … especially Belgian.” he replied. “Ah right, he’s Belgian-Korean. But Western food are more expensive than Eastern right?” I asked to confirm. “Why are you the one paying? If Diso let you pay then he’s not a gentleman. Who would let a woman pay for the bill??” he uttered. “Yeah. I’m the one paying. What does ‘paying the bill’ have to do with being a gentleman? I’m the one who invited him so I’ll pay.” I said. “So, you’re the assertive one, huh. Well, good luck in pursuing Diso.” “Huh?? I’m not pursuing him. I’m just treating him because of what he did for me.” tying my hair up. “What he did for you??” he asked curiously. “Remember Kim Kwanghee? He was stalking Lee Ana when he was alive. He’s the ghost in our classroom. Diso-sunbae helped me get rid of his restless spirit last night. He risked his internship for me.” “Ah, so you’re just paying his kindness.” he nodded. “I thought you asked him for a date.” “Date?? Why would I ask someone for a date?” looking my reflection through the rearview mirror. “I knew it, not on the center.” “It’s on left side.” he glances at me. “But it’s not that bad, even your light make-up.” smiles wistfully. “Mom applied it to me. She bought cosmetics and she tried it on my face first before she applied it on herself.” I explained. “I see. About earlier, I thought you weren’t threatened when I told you I’ll tell your parents about us but you covered my mouth.” “I’m not threatened. I just don’t want you to give them high hopes with your lie. I can play along with your game but don’t involve my parents.” I glanced back at him. “Speaking of your lie, I wanted to talk to you about it for a long time, why are you doing this to me?” “Doing what?” he’s feigning innocence. “Do you like me?” I asked him directly. “Ha. Haha. You’ve got to be kidding me.” he laughed mockingly. “If not, then why do you have to announced our fake relationship?” “Because I want to keep you close but it doesn’t mean I like you.” “Keep me close? Why??” thinking all the possible reasons. “Ah, because of what I know about your family. You see me as a threat, that’s why you want to keep me close.” “Oh, you know how to use your brain.” he laughed at me. “Geez. You don’t have to do this. The secret you told to that key won’t be reveal. Remember the secret basement in my practice room, whenever I tried to tell them about my parents the memory of it disappeared from my mind, like a bubble that suddenly popped.” “Wait, you mean, you can’t tell that secret to anyone??” he asked. “A golden key was a symbol of the revelation with an obligation to keep secret. That’s what the perpetrator told me.” I uttered. “Perpetrator??” he glanced at me confusingly. “The one who locked up my Dad to the door where I need that golden key. Those secrets that the key holds, I remember them all but I can’t reveal them, it’s like my tongue tied up whenever I tried to talk those secrets to other people.” I responded. “So, aside from the one who revealed a secret to the key, you can’t tell it to anyone else?” he asked to confirm. “Yeah, that’s right.” I nodded at him. “So, no matter how annoyed I am to you, I can’t reveal your secret to get revenge.” “Oh.” he reacted nonchalantly. “Now that you know, will you please take back your lie? Being yo-…” ... To be Continued ...
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