Chapter 14: It's Something Bigger Than Myself (2 of 2)

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“Dad, you’re looking for a job in the capital?” I sit on his right side. “You’ve gone through my stuff, do you?!” Dad pointing his finger at me. “That’s not nice, Desa Ha.” “Why don’t you try at the Main Hospital of SNU?” I asked as I put meat on my rice bowl. “Will I be qualified to your university’s hospital?” Dad laughed at me. “Hmm …” I covered my mouth when I’m about to talk while my mouth is full. “You even got a Canadian license, Dr. Ha Yoo Ahn.” “That’s what I told your Dad before, he’s only trying those hospitals around your university.” Mom shrugged her shoulders. “If you don’t mind me suggesting, Jong Hyun Medical Center is the best hospital in the capital, they also have 3 branches in US.” Luke uttered as he passes me the side dish beside him. “Yeah, Dad I’ve read about it too! It’s also in Jongno-gu. JHMC is an interracial hospital, 60% are foreigner and 40% are pure Koreans staffs. Which is also the same ratio in their US branches, they always save the 40% ratio for Koreans.” I added. “I’m not sure if I can go that big. I’m not even sure about your university, so what more to JHMC.” Dad being a pessimistic. “There’s nothing to lose in trying, Mr. Ha.” Calum said. “I definitely agree with Calum!” I nodded. “By the way, what happened to Ashton and Michael?” “Michael is at the stream right now, soaking his back for we don’t know how long it will take for him, but Halmeoni said that it’ll be over in less than a day.” Calum explained. “He’s been there since 6am.” “Ashton is locked up in a palanquin, praying along with Halmeoni, he rarely prays but now he’s a devotee.” Luke said. “It’ll take one or two days for him and he can’t sleep or eat because he must not stop praying. I don’t know if Ashton can endure for a long time.” “He has to if he wanted to cut his knot with his ghost bride.” Mama said. “After you two eat lunch, take a bath and sleep at Desa’s room. You boys need a rest, specially you Luke.” “Yes, Auntie.” Luke and Calum answered my Mom politely. “But I must tell you two that we don’t have showers here, you boys have to pail your own water, that’s how we live here.” I uttered. “Traditional way of living.” Calum said. “Yeah, I figured when I went to take a pee earlier at the toilet.” “It’s like exercise for Calum here who’s building up some muscles.” Luke making fun of Calum. “He got the best body among us.” “I can see that.” Dad said. “And you’re the skinniest, Luke.” “Luke’s a model, Dad, he got a figure to maintain.” I responded. “Ah, that’s why you’re eating a little. I thought you don’t like the food.” Mom said. “You have a strict diet?” “Yes, Auntie, instead of starving myself like how locals do to be skinny.” Luke said. “I always have 3 meals a day.” “That’s a well-balanced diet.” Dad uttered. “But Calum here must exercise a lot since he eats a lot of meat.” “Yes, Uncle. I eat as much as I want and exercise every day.” Calum responded. “I rather be bulky than skinny. I’m not a model after all like Michael, so I got the say to my own shape.” After having lunch, I helped my Mom to wash the dishes while Dad brought the boys to the well where they got their water for bath. Dad’s clothes look small for Calum while they’re large for Luke. I prepared my bedroom for them to rest and while they’re sleeping Mom asked me to wash their clothes. I never washed men’s clothes before so seeing not just one underwear but four, made me feel uneasy. “Who among those four you like the most, Desa?” Mom caught me staring at the four underwear after I hanged them to dry. “No one!” I answered immediately. “They like girls who look like models or real models, so I’m out of their league and they’re not my type too. I prefer Korean, just like Dad.” “Ah, that’s why you rejected Hyde and you never look the same way as Jacob look at you.” Mom responded. “Mom, they’re just my friends and please let’s not talk about them.” “You’re still blaming yourself for what happened?” Mom hug me from behind. “I told you baby, it’s not your fault, you’re not the one who bombed that stadium, you’re not that terrorist. They are just unfortunate that’s all, and you’re lucky to survive.” “But I don’t feel lucky at all.” holding my Mom’s arms. “Mom, is it alright for me to have friends again?” “What kind of question is that, silly girl?!” she laughed at me. “Of course, it is! Did you made yourself an outcast thinking that you’ll bring death to anyone who got attach to you?” “H-How did you know Mom?” I turned around to face her. “I’m your mother.” she caresses my face. “I know everything about my baby, you don’t have to say a word for me to understand you.” “Mom …” hugging her tight. “I miss you and Dad so much!” “We miss you too, baby. That’s why your Dad is looking for a job near your university, he wants us to live together again as a family.” Mom patting my back gently. “I’m earning money from my part-time job and I already saved almost 100,000 Korean Won in the bank. It’ll be enough for a deposit to a 2-LDK apartment in Dobong-gu for us three.” I pulled away. “That money is yours, sweetie, keep it. You’re Dad will figure things out, once he got hired to a hospital in the capital, we’ll look for an apartment, he also saved money for that too, so don’t worry.” she said as she stares at me with her gentle eyes. “Then don’t send me money from now on, if you don’t want my money, just save it for the deposit, I’ll spend my own money for my cost of living. It’ll be faster for us to earn if we do it that way.” I said. “You think like an adult now, sweetie.” she’s smiling at me. “I’m in college now, that’s why.” smiling back at her. After my serious conversation with Mom, we said the same thing with Dad and got him convinced to our financial plan. We’re not rich so we have to be wise with money, being practical in life is better than having too much pride, we’re a family so we should help each other and not just rely on one person. That evening, Mom asked me to wake Luke and Calum up after we prepared the table for dinner. “Calum. Luke. Guys wake up it’s already 7pm.” I opened the sliding door to my room and saw the two sleeping like logs. “Calum. Luke.” I crouched down above their head and look at their faces closely. “How I wish I have Calum’s thick eyebrows and Luke’s pointed nose.” “You’re making my heart flutter, Desa.” Luke slowly opens his bluish-grey eyes. “Don’t do that to me, I can’t go against Pluto.” “Hey, Luke she’s off limits, remember?” Calum sneers at Luke. “Once again, Pluto and I aren’t in a relationship. Hey, you two didn’t tell my parents about that right?” looking at Luke and Calum. “No, it’s for you to tell them. It’s none of our business.” Luke said. “That’s right. With this craziness that’s happening to Ashton and Michael how could we even think about that?” Calum added. “Just making sure that you guys didn’t spout rubbish to my parents.” standing up. “How long are you two been awake?” “When you opened the door.” Luke replied. “When I heard you two flirting to each other.” Calum replied too. “I’m a light sleeper, I easily wake up with a slight noise near me.” “Me, I’m cautious sleeping with Luke, I usually rotate in bed but not this time.” Calum sit up as he stretches his arms upward. “Ah, that’s why you didn’t snore.” Luke laughs at him. “I don’t want to disturb your sleep, you’re second to Pluto in turning to psycho mode when disturbed while sleeping.” Calum responded. “Hmpf … It’s dinner time. I know you only slept for 5 hours or less but you guys should eat on time.” walking out from the room first. Once we’re done with dinner, I washed the dishes with Mom and again while Dad and the two boys went to check up on Ashton. I wanted to see what’s going on too but I might interrupt the praying because my presence always alarmed Halmeoni. “What are you doing Mom?” I followed my Mom to a room in the temple. “Can I do anything to help you with?” “Sure thing, I’ll light up the candles at left, you do the right side.” “What are we doing this for?” start lighting up the candles. “For your friend, Michael. He’ll be staying here until midnight, washing his curse away will be done in a few hours.” Mom said. “How did you know that it’ll happen soon?” I asked her curiously. “I developed a skill of extraordinary sense of what’s happening around this temple, so before your Halmeoni completely turn me into a shaman as her successor I have to get out of here.” Mom sighs. “So, you also knew that I’m here before Halmeoni told you?” I asked. “No, I’m not on that level yet. You’re Halmeoni covers the whole mountain and my range is very limited, that’s fine with me because I want to be normal and not like this.” Mom responded. “I envy that you have a choice to be normal, Mom.” I smile bitterly. “Oh, sweetie, that’s not what I meant. I’m not saying that …” “I know Mom. Don’t worry about me. I’m getting used with my ability anyway, also the fact that I’m friends with people like me.” I said. “I like it that you have friends but like you, you said??” furrow her brow as she looks at me in puzzlement. “Yes, I told you about Alessia before, right? daughter of the owner of Caracciolo, the restaurant I’m currently working in. She can smell scents that ordinary people can’t smell. That’s how she finds out if there are other entities around beside living humans.” I explained. “Really??! She got that ability?! Meaning her sixth sense works on her nose and not her eyes??” Mom confirming her conclusion. “Uh-huh. And another one is Troye. I’m the eyes, Alessia is the nose, while him is the lips. He can speak any language even not human language, there are spirits that can’t do mind link so he’ll speak for them with his mouth. Those two are my friends.” I continued. “Oh, wow!” Mom laughs at me. “I can’t believe that there are such abilities, I really know a little about this supernature world.” “Yeah, all the mysteries around are something bigger than myself. I know I can’t be pathetic for my entire life with this guilt about my past, they’re making me think that I should live life to the fullest for the sake of everyone who lost their lives that time. But is it really alright for me to do that, Mom?” I turn to look at my Mom when suddenly Halmeoni opened the door. “I thought your daughter is highly intelligent, Jung Yoo. Doesn’t she know that she shouldn’t blame herself for other people’s death unless she’s the one who killed them in her own hands?” Halmeoni said loudly like she’s scolding me than consoling. “H-Halmeoni??!” I bowed my head to her immediately. “Mom, I need to go now.” gesturing to my Mom that I leave first. “Wait, Desa, don’t leave!” Mom stopped me from going. “You have to light up all the candles here. I’m going to check Ashton.” walks off. “B-But Mom??!” telling her not to leave me alone with Halmeoni. “Just do it.” she muttered as she closes the door after she stepped out from the room and completely left me speechless. “What are you standing there for?! Those candles won’t light themselves up!” Halmeoni yelled at me. “Uh, yes, Halmeoni.” lighting up the rest of the candles immediately. “Those boys that you brought here, they’re both victims of love. Love that was forced to them to accept or else they die.” she said. “Is she talking to me calmly right now?” I mumbled to myself. “Your friends who died last year. Jung Yoo showed me their photograph, and I got a glimpsed in their past. They had great memories with you. What happened back then, wasn’t your fault.” “I-I should’ve seen it coming Halmeoni … I could’ve saved them.” I look back to her and my tears starts to fall down from my eyes. “Your ability won’t work on you. Haven’t you figured it out yet?” “W-What do you mean, Halmeoni?” looking at her in puzzlement. “You can’t see your own death. You should’ve died that day too but your guardian won’t let you die until you fulfilled the curse.” she replied while looking above me. “I can see you now.” I look above me but I see nothing until the door suddenly opened and all the candles were blown by a strong wind along with a loud thunder, like I jumped from drama to horror. I stand beside Halmeoni and see a huge dark shadow in front of us. -End of Chapter 14-
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