Chapter 15: When the Girls (1 of 2)

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“H-Halmeoni!” trying to wake my grandmother up after she collapsed on the floor. “Halmeoni! Halmeoni!” I glanced again in front and still the dark shadow can be seen but not the one who’s casting it. “What have you done to my Halmeoni?!” I yelled at the shadow. “Call her name and she’ll be fine.” a familiar voice spoke to me. “Name … what’s Halmeoni’s name again?” thinking deeply. “Song … Song Hyuna! … Song Hyuna wake up!” giving her a slight body shake. “You brat! Why did you pull me back immediately?!” she yelled at me. “Pull you back, Halmeoni??” helping her to sit up. “Yes, you fool! I’m almost there to see what ties you up to that curse but you pulled me back!” frowning at me. “It’ll be hard to do it next time, it’s draining the life out of me.” “Halmeoni, are you trying to set me free from my curse??” I asked. “What do you think I just did?!” she shouted. “I can break other people’s curse but I can’t help my own granddaughter.” “Halmeoni.” I hug her tight. “I thought you hated me so I always avoid you …” sobbing. “I didn’t know that you care for me this much.” “Why would I hate my only grandchild?” patting my back. “You were just a kid; you didn’t know what you’ve been doing that time. You were easily lured because of your pure soul.” “I appreciate what you’ve done for me Halmeoni but if it would cost your life then don’t do it again. I rather be cursed than lose a family. That guardian that you’ve seen earlier, he’s an angel of death. Seeing him won’t do any good for anyone, so please don’t risk your life for me again, Halmeoni. You don’t know what he’s capable of.” “Desa.” she pulled away from me as she looks into my eyes. “I might be your only chance to break free. Do you think I’m afraid of death? I’m already 73, I lived long enough, and giving up my life for my family isn’t a waste. But you …” looking at my right palm. “You’re not going to live this long if you carry that curse upon you.” “It doesn’t matter how short I live. I don’t want you to sacrifice your life for me. I won’t let you die on my place.” holding her hands. “Silly girl! How long do you want me to live huh?!” raising her voice. “Until 100, you should live until that age, Halmeoni.” smiling at her. “No, I won’t live that long. Those people who live that long have a long-life line on their palm, mine isn’t.” she responded. “But you’re almost there, Halmeoni. Probably 90, Mom thought me palm reading before.” looking at her hands. “Live for me until you’re 90, it’s not your time yet, a lot of people still needs you, Halmeoni.” “Just like your troubled friends? Tch.” shaking her head. “Those young men that you brought here, they’re good at bringing misfortune to themselves because of what they’re doing in life.” “That’s why you can’t leave this world yet, Halmeoni. We might be bothering you from time to time so be healthy. You’re the greatest ally that we can ever have against those entities out there.” “You brat! Go ahead and light up all the candles again!” she ordered me like a queen that I should obey. “Yes, Halmeoni.” I followed her immediately. It was 10pm when Michael completely washed away his curse. He was taken to the room and stayed there alone until midnight. “I know you’re hungry but eat slowly alright?” watching Michael eating the dinner we set aside for him earlier. “Desa, you don’t see the symbol at his back anymore, right?” Calum asked anxiously as he glance at me at Michael. “No, he’s clean, not even a trace.” I confirmed. “We definitely need your Halmeoni.” Luke uttered. “Her ability defies what the books says.” “She’s a born shaman and with her experiences, she become this knowledgeable about anything supernatural.” I replied. “I want second serving of rice, please.” Michael looking at me. “You can’t sleep right away if eat much, you know.” taking his rice bowl to refill it with rice. We stayed awake with Michael until he rested for an hour or two after he ate a lot. I let the boys used my room while I slept with my parents in their room since we don’t have any guest room in the temple. It was late morning when I woke up and when I’m about to help my Mom to prepare for lunch, Alexa and Troye came along with Pluto and Diso, they suddenly showed up because they’re worried. (Diso Point of View) When I heard about the news that Pluto is dating Desa, I thought it was just an absurd rumor spreading around the campus. Since I met Desa alone, I admit I somewhat feel different about maybe because of her peculiarity that I find myself attracted to her, but why am I not like this towards Alessia and Troye?? I don’t really know why I want to take care of her but I just make a reason to convince myself that she’s like a little sister to me. I never felt this kind of sentiments for anyone before until I met her, and because of her I stayed in the campus until it closed and wait for her in the train station to accompany her on the way home. Saturday afternoon, I waited for her in the cafeteria but she didn’t show up until her next class at 12:30. I thought she skipped lunch again because of practice and she’ll probably hungry again after her class at 3pm like the last time. I went to buy her sandwich and juice, this time the meal is on me unlike before that I received food from someone else and gave it to her instead of giving them to my professor and colleagues. When I saw a lot of students coming down from the stairs and most of them look freshmen, I tried to talk to one of them. Desa is quite famous because she’s the rumored girlfriend of Pluto so asking one student about her isn’t a waste of time. “Excuse me, are you from the social welfare class?” I asked a student who’s walking alone. “Yes.” she nodded at me. “Did Desa Ha attend your class today?” I asked again. “Desa Ha …” thinking carefully. “No, I didn’t see her today in class.” “She’s probably absent today.” I mumbled. “Thanks. Here, take it.” “You’re giving the sandwich and juice to me??” pointing at herself. “Am I talking to anyone else aside from you?” I responded. “Take it.” “T-Thank you.” she noticed my ID. “Richy Diso, you’re not Korean?? 1972-1978 … ah, sunbae. Sorry, sunbae I thought you’re also a freshman like me.” bowing her head slightly to me. “It’s alright. Thank you again for letting me know.” I turned my back against her and walk off towards the laboratory. To be honest, I couldn’t concentrate and I’ve been spacing out a lot, thinking of the reasons why would Desa be absent. I went to Caracciolo to check on her, Edna told me that Desa called Alessia’s mother earlier and notified her that she’s currently on Suncheon for an urgent matter. I’m about to leave the restaurant when Alessia suddenly called me. “Diso!” Alessia called my name. “Are you looking for Desa too?” I looked back and see Troye and Pluto standing beside her. “No.” “Liar.” Troye uttered. Right, he’s a human lie detector, he knows when someone is speaking the truth or not. “Fine. I’m just worried about her because she’s absent today.” I said. “You were looking for her at school, Diso?” Pluto asked. “Yeah, we had lunch together last Saturday so I thought we’re having lunch again today but she didn’t show up.” I told them the truth instead of a lie because they might misunderstand me. “Ah, so you’re close to her too. You haven’t told me about that.” Pluto walks over to me. “We’re going to Suncheon tomorrow morning to check on Desa; you want to come along?” “Sure, I want to know what’s happening too.” I nodded at him. The next day, Pluto picked me up from home and we met Alessia and Troye at the market to buy some stuffs because we can’t go empty handed to Suncheon where Desa’s family lives. “Is it true? You and Desa are together?” I asked Pluto to break the silence between us while he’s driving his car and I’m on his passenger seat. “You announced it yourself to everyone in the campus?” “It’s true, I announced it to everyone that Desa is my woman but we’re not together.” he glanced at me before he answered. “Why?” I glanced at him for a while and stare back at the road. “Just because.” he replied without so much thought. “Do you like her?” staring straight on the road. “No. Do you like her?” he glanced at me for a few seconds. “Maybe. Maybe not.” I answered as I glanced back at him. “Hmpf.” he laughed at me. “Once you sort out your feelings about her, just let me know … but for now, I’ll keep her close to me.” “You don’t like her but you want to keep her close?” looking at him in puzzlement. “What’s between you two?” “Something that nobody else should have.” he replied. “Hmpf.” I laughed at him. “You’re not going to be on my way when I figured out that I really like her, are you?” “No. She’s not my type.” he answered without hesitation. “Good to know. I don’t want us to fight for one girl.” I responded. “That won’t happen. She’s rough and cold, completely opposite of what my ideal girl is.” he uttered. “Tch. Still thinking about your childhood crush.” I smirked at him. “She’s gentle and affectionate, that’s why I can’t forget about her.” “People change Pluto, she’s probably not like that anymore. Also, if only that scar in her right palm is the only lead you got, I’m very doubtful that you’ll find her.” stating the facts. “Yeah, I know. That’s why I stopped looking for her since last year. 10 years is enough for me to give up.” he said. “I guess the saying is applicable to you. First love never dies. That girl you met in Canada become your standard for your woman.” I said. I know that Pluto is still stuck with his childhood memory the reason he won’t date someone else and he’s only keeping Desa close because they have something that should be kept between them. But still it bothers me that they’re together even if they don’t have feelings for each other, I don’t know why I’m being insecure. We arrived at Suncheon after 4 hours’ drive and we saw Ashton’s car parked near the stairway to the temple. “That’s Ashton’s car, right?” Alessia confirming to us. “Uh-huh. It’s his truck.” Pluto confirmed. “That’s their instruments.” “They must be the reason Desa came here.” Troye uttered. “Let’s go.” carrying the gifts we bought from the market earlier. It took us 7 minutes until we reached the front gate of the temple and even before we knock someone opened the half of the gate for us as he welcomed us to come in. “What are you guys doing here??!” Desa has her hair tied up and wearing an apron while carrying a bowl of vegetables. “Visiting you, of course!” Alessia responded as she comes to Desa. “Girl, you look like a housewife, right now.” Troye commented. She really looks like my Mom when she’s looking like that but why does my heart flutters just by staring at her?? “Diso-sunbae.” Desa bows her head slightly to me. I smiled at her in return. “Hey! Why are you only greeting Diso and ignoring me?!” Pluto complained. “I’m you’re senior too and also your boyfriend.” “Why did you guys bring him with you?” Desa looking annoyed. “Look, I don’t know why the hell are you here but you’re not welcome. So, if you keep on spouting that nonsense in my turf, please leave now.” “Hey, you were absent yesterday in our practice when we’re about to start our own choreography! You didn’t notify me or anyone at campus about your leave and yet you’re the one who’s mad at me?!” “And how am I supposed to do that, huh?!” Desa talked back at Pluto. “You should’ve at least called me at home! You called Cala (Alessia’s mother) at work but you didn’t call me.” Pluto yelled at her. “I don’t know your phone number.” Desa shakes her head. “Are you kidding me?! I’ve been getting calls every day from different girls at campus and yet you don’t know my number??!” “Alright, King. I know you’re popular with girls but I’m not one of your fans. I really don’t know your number and if I do, why would I call you? You’re not even my professor to notify you about my leave.” “Ha. Haha. This girl is really getting on my nerves.” getting worked up. “I’m trying to be cool here but she’s making me lose it.” “Calm down, we’re at her turf.” I’m trying to cool Pluto down. “Desa … what’s taking you so long??” a middle-aged woman came out from the room near us. “Who are these people?” looking at us. “Hi, Auntie. I’m Alessia, Desa’s friend and senior at university.” “Ah, the daughter of the restaurant owner who helped Desa get hired from her part-time job.” Desa’s mother smiles at Alessia. “Hello, Auntie. I’m Troye, also Desa’s friend and I’m their senior.” “The one who invited Desa to the bakery where she buys delicious breads and pastries, that’s actually my daughter’s favorites.” “Yeah, I figured that out eventually.” Troye responded. “And who are these two pretty boys? Desa’s mother looking at me and Pluto who’s standing beside me. “Good Day Auntie. I’m Diso. I’m the most senior among them because I’m currently on my 5th year.” I bowed my head to her in respect. “You’re the one who’s keeping my Desa safe at night.” Desa’s mother walks up to me. “Thank you for accompanying her on the way home.” “Don’t mention it, Auntie. Desa and I are just on the same way, only that I’m a station ahead of her. Also, she’s my hoobae and a girl so I can’t just let her walk alone at night.” I responded. “Such a gentleman.” she smiles at me. “You.” turns to Pluto. “I remember you.” pointing at him. “You’re the guy my daughter brought home 3 years ago.” “Mom! Don’t say it like that!” Desa come to her mother’s side. “You’re making it sound like something happened between me and this guy.” “It’s nice to see you again, Mrs. Daisy Ha.” Pluto greeted her with a smile. “Does Mr. Jamil Ha still remember me?” “Definitely.” Mrs. Ha replied. “I still didn’t get your name.” “Oh, I’m Pluto … let’s keep it to first name basis like how everyone introduced themselves.” rubbing his nape like a shy boy. “Pluto … I finally know your name.” Mrs. Ha hugs him for a while. “Mom, was it really necessary to welcome him warmly?!” Desa snaps. “Sweetie, I’m only expressing my gratitude to Pluto.” Mrs. Ha explaining herself to Desa. “He saved your Dad, why are you being like that towards him??” “It’s a long story, let’s go and cook our lunch.” Desa dragging her mom away. “Luke and the others are probably with Dad at the side, you guys go ahead. I’ll see you again later.” “I can help with cooking too.” Alessia raised her hand. “Diso, take this present with you.” she gave me her box of health products. “I’m coming with you ladies.” Troye left his present to Pluto. “Are you close to her family?” I asked Pluto as we walk to the side. ... To be Continued ...
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