Chapter 13: I Can Hear 'Em Talking (2 of 2)

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Not rich my foot. If Luke isn’t rich as he claimed then what am I a beggar?? I don’t know if he’s being humble or sarcastic. I know this bar, this place is for elites, so I never set foot inside here, I don’t have a reason to have some fun or money to waste anyway, but now I feel like a normal teenage girl who’s watching a live concert, jumping with everyone in the crowd. I never done clubbing or attended any music concert before where the crowd goes this wild, I’m into classical music but NSW introduced me to pop rock. I don’t even know everyone around me but we’re all having fun while jamming to the loud music with our bodies like we’re out of control.  I made my way out from the wild crowd because I’m getting thirsty so I went to the bar counter and asked water from the bartender. “Water??!” the bartender raised his eyebrow at me. “Yes, water, because I’m thirsty, what’s wrong with that??” I said. “Just give her a bottled water.” the owner uttered. “She’s with the band who’s making money for me right now.” “Yes, boss.” the bartender gave me a bottled water after he went from the kitchen. “Here’s your water.” he glances at me again and shake his head as he smiles like I’m some kind of a joke for him. “Wearing a casual attire and ordering water, are you at home?” a familiar face came to me, wearing a short backless dress with full makeup on her face and high heels to make her stand taller. “Ari Kim.” I continued drinking my water and try to ignore her presence like I usually do to everyone in class. “So, you know my name, Desa Ha.” She still talks to me as if we’re close. “Does King know that you’re here?” “Ah, so you’re one of those girls who worship him.” I responded. Students in the university who claimed that Pluto is their first love or idolizes him as their role model called him King instead of his first name as a sign of their admiration. “How dare you compare me with those girls?!” Ari exclaimed. “I only call him King because that’s what everyone calls him.” she turns her head on the stage. “Why would I adore a man like him who doesn’t have a great taste in women?” sneers at me. “You like someone from the band?” I notice her gaze at Michael. “The lead guitarist. Isn’t he adorable?” giggles. “His name is perfect for him, Michael, he looks like an angel that can send me to heaven.” She’s in love and she’s not hiding it to anyone, I know this kind of look since I’ve seen it from my girlfriends before. “Wait, why am I telling you this?!” she turns to me. “If you’re thinking to seduce Michael, sorry but he won’t be yours, he’s already mine. I don’t even know what kind of black magic did you use to get King as your boyfriend.” “Haha. If I do have a black magic, I’ll use it to be invisible. I don’t like the attention I’m getting from everyone.” I replied to her. “Tch. So, pretentious. You told me and Ana that you don’t want to make friends but then you’re sucking with Troye-sunbae and Alessia-sunbae.” drinking her cocktail. “You’re a social climber, surrounding yourself with people who’s beneficial to you. Well I can’t blame you, life is a jungle, it’s survival of the fittest. But I feel sorry for you because you have to use other people to live a life that isn’t yours.” “Of all the lies that you spread about me; this is the first time you speak the truth. I use other people to live a life that isn’t mine.” I smiled at her. “Do you know why I made myself an outcast from our class?” holding back my tears. “Because you have nothing to gain from us.” she smirks at me. “Because I killed thousands of people to be alive right now.” I said to her as I clenches my fists. “What I told you before, it doesn’t change, I’m not here to make any friends. Those people … they are not my friends; they’re bunch of lunatics who are looking for death.” I walked past by her and left the bar to catch some air, maybe I went overboard because she reminded me of my past. I never thought I could say those words to others but I already said it, so probably she’ll tell it to everyone. And just as I thought, she really spread the words to everyone, Monday morning before our class starts. “How could she say that??” “Who does she think she is to call them lunatics?!” “Just because she’s King’s girlfriend, she can say whatever she wants?!” “Someone should tell King about this girl!” Maybe if we we’re in high school they’re going to throw stuffs at me but the only thing they can do is talk and make sure that I hear them to make me feel miserable. Alessia and Troye possibly heard the news since everyone in the building is chattering about how I badmouthed them. I went to Caracciolo for my part-time job, when Alessia came in along with Troye and told me to come with them in the VIP room. “Is it true? You said that we’re lunatics who are looking for death?” Troye crossing his arms while raising his eyebrow at me. “True. It’s not just a rumor, I really said it.” standing near the door while both of them are sitting on the couch. “How about the words that we’re not your friends?” Alessia gazing at me coldly as she crosses her legs. “True. I can’t be friends with you. I only joined SOS for my own sake and not to befriend anyone.” looking down at the floor. “I guess we haven’t done enough to win her heart, Troye.” Alessia said to Troye with a deep sigh. “She’s been through a lot, of course, she won’t open up to us that easily.” Troye responded. “Haist, I thought we can be trio, but I guess it’s really just you and me.” “Tch. As if you got other choice, those men won’t take you in their circle.” Alessia replied to Troye. “I’m not giving up on Desa, she should be in our group.” Troye said. “Hahaha. You really want her, huh?” Alessia glance at me. “She must be confused on what we’re talking right now.” “Desa, darling, do you think we’re all friends in SOS?” Troye asked. “H-Huh??” I look at him in puzzlement. “Only me and Troye are real friends. Those gentlemen they’re only using our ability that’s why they let us in but we’re not their friends.” “Alessia’s right. We’re like strangers to each other when we’re not in a mission.” Troye said. “Have you seen us bond with others?” “Now that I think about it. I never seen you two with them.” I said. “The Aussie boys; the English men, oh one of them is Belgian; then Diso; and us two; Pluto is a friend to all so he’s friend to none but he’s closest with Diso. We’re only working as a team, not circle of friends.” Alessia said. “Are you going to be like Diso too? A loner?” “You’re better than him Desa, we both know that you’re only choosing to be an outcast because you’re afraid that you may bring us death if you attach yourself from us. Diso is natural but you’re not.” Troye pointing at me. “You’re not used being alone, you’re drawing people to you, you’re unaware of it so I’m letting you know now.” “Haha. You guys. Aren’t you afraid what I can do to you??” glancing at them who’s looking at me kindly. “Just as you said, we’re lunatics who are looking for death.” Alessia smiles at me. “Troye and I, we’re different and so you are, we’re birds of the same feather here, maybe we can flock together?” “I like that Alessia!” Troye giving Alessia thumbs up. “So, what do you say Desa? Will you take a chance with us?” “You guys forgive me for badmouthing you?” looking at them anxiously. “I really said those mean words and they’re not rumors.” “Geez. We already talked a lot and you haven’t got any clue at all?!” “Silly girl!” Alessia walked up to me and give me a hug. “We know that you’re only keeping us safe. But you don’t have to be alone.” “Hey, I want to join too.” Troye hugs me and Alessia. “If you can’t say the truth with your own mouth, I can say it for you.” “You caught me. I guess no one can lie to you, Troye.” I uttered. “My lips can do a lot of things; it doesn’t only work for supernatural entities. I learned how to improve my skills with the living too.” “His lips are precious to him specially if he’s making out with his man.” Alessia teasing Troye. “Geez, I still remember what I saw.” “I bet you’ll do it with a man too sooner or later.” Troye responded. “Eww … never! Why would I put his thing inside my mouth?!” Alessia said with disgust written on her face. “If you guys are talking about s*x, can I go back to work now?” “Why? We’re not kids anymore.” Troye laughing at me. “Will you tell us what Pluto be like when you two make love?” “I’m not kiss and tell.” trying to make my way out from the VIP room. “You can tell Troye right if someone has been kissed or not?” Alessia pulling me back as she teases me. “Uh-huh. They haven’t kissed each other yet.” Troye teasing me too. “Gosh you two! I’m not making friends with you, never!” walking off. I can’t hide anything from them as they see right through me like even if I don’t say a word. Maybe I could really be with them, they’re no ordinary just like me, so I’ll take a chance on them. “Aren’t you two being fast? Why are you sleeping over at my place??” “Why not? We’re friends now.” Troye taking out a beer from my fridge that the Aussie boys left. “You know that’s not mine, right?” I reminded Troye. “They won’t mind it.” Troye pouring the beer on three glasses. “We should drink to celebrate this night.” Alessia took one glass. “Do we really have to drink a beer? I don’t like it’s taste.” I said. “It should be sake but you only have beers so, cheers?” Troye raise his glass proposing a toast. “For us girls??” Alessia also raise her glass. “For friendship?” clanking my glass with them. “She finally said it!” Troye made a toast with us. I thought they’re going to hate me because of what happened but they embraced me instead and offered me friendship. Troye is right, every word he said were the exact words I’ve been telling to myself over and over again to remind me that I should be alone, not to put anyone in danger because of my curse. But I forgot that Troye and Alessia are just like me, we’re all special in peculiar way that ordinary people won’t understand. “Oh sh*t! It’s already 7am!” I’ll be dead if I’m late at Professor Lee’s class so I had to jump out from bed as fast as I can. “Hmm … Desa why are you so loud first thing in the morning?!” Alessia woke up with the noise I’m making. “I should be awake by 6am in the morning but it’s already 7am!” brushing my teeth. “It takes an hour to commute from here to campus and it’s Monday today! I can’t be late at Prof. Lee’s class.” When I found this attic apartment, I thought it was near the campus and I can walk from home to school but the time consumed for commuting made me realize that it’s impossible. I figured it was the spirit living in this apartment before got me lost in time and distance, that’s why when I first tried to walk from campus to home my feet were in pain and I’m so exhausted. Lo Tae Ro called me to this place and convinced me to take this place without realizing that I’m under her trance. “You’re a life saver Troye!” hugging him as soon as I got off from his car. “I’ll buy more pastries this Thursday, promise.” “It’s no big deal. If I were you, I’ll ask my boyfriend to pick me up at home and drop me off at school, you don’t have to commute, Desa.” “I don’t have a boyfriend. You guys still don’t believe me that Pluto and I aren’t in a relationship?” looking at Alessia and Troye. “Well …” Alessia hook me in her left arm. “It’s not that we don’t believe you but we just don’t get it.” gesturing at Troye. “I can speak the words from someone’s heart, that’s why I know your intentions Desa.” Troye said. “But I can’t tell the truth from lies if the head speaks louder than the heart, I can’t speak for you two.” “Also, there’s a scent between you two that I’m getting whenever you’re 6 feet apart from each other. It’s actually a sweet scent like chocolate I guess but not that strong enough to call it romance.” “What are you talking about Alessia?!” getting confused at her words. “What sweet scent??!” “Alessia can tell the relationship between people that are 6 feet apart or less.” Troye uttered. “That’s why I don’t want her to see Jimin and I together because she’ll spoil the fun for me.” “Yeah, he prefers to keep on guessing if the guy likes him too or not.” Alessia responded. “Ah, wait, do you prefer guessing too?” -End of Chapter 13-
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