Chapter 13: I Can Hear 'Em Talking (1 of 2)

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Sunday morning, rain is falling outside and I hate it when it rains, because the spirits can be visible in the water. For someone like me who can see both dead and the living, it’s hard for me to identify who’s in the meat suit and who’s pretending. The reason I always look down when I’m walking outside on a rainy day instead of looking at people’s faces because once I met eyes with spirits, they’ll just bother me again to do things for them. “Sorry.” I bumped my head onto someone’s chest. He’s hard so he’s human that’s why I look up to see his face. “Luke??” “Mind if you share me your umbrella?” Luke holds the handle of my umbrella. “I’ll also raise it a bit because I’m taller.” “You have a car, why are you running in the rain? looking up at him because he’s almost 6-footer tall. “I went to the mart to buy some cigarettes when it suddenly rains. I parked my car near the bar and I’m going there right now, will you drop me off first?” asking me nicely. “Sure.” I turned around since he’s going where I already passed by earlier. “So, you’re smoking??” glancing at him. “Before our jam session, so we won’t be nervous on stage.” he replied. “I see. All of you in band are singing, right? Don’t you know that smoking might damage your vocal cords?” I suddenly realized that I’m interfering to their lifestyle. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.” “No need to apologize. Yes, we know, you’re not the first nursing student who told us that.” he suddenly pulled me closer to him. I didn’t pay attention to my surroundings and if not for him the bicycle might hit me. “Thanks.” I said to him shyly. “Stay on this side.” he switched position with me. “For someone who’s dating Pluto, you seem so down, is it because of his temper?” “I’m not dating him. I don’t know what’s gotten into him that he proclaimed that we’re together when we’re actually not. We barely even friends so how come we become lovers?!” I explained. “Then are you saying that he’s lying to everyone? I don’t see the point why he’ll do that, no offense but, he won’t gain anything being your fake boyfriend if you’re the one who’s telling the truth.” “Yeah, why would you believe me if you know him better than you know me. Like everyone else in the university. You’re all on his side.” “That’s because it makes no sense for him to lie about your relationship. I’m friends with him since I’m on senior year in high school, he never takes the initiative to approach a girl, because girls do it for him.” he glances at me as I raised my eyebrow on his statement. “You took him home when you two first met, right?” “Urgh! That’s because …” I can’t tell him the whole truth that night. Pluto and I didn’t lie on how me met but we just skipped the part where I needed his deepest and darkest secret because it can never reveal to anyone. “Because what??” Luke covered my forehead with his hands before I bumped my head on the post. “Aren’t you going to look where you going? Do you always look down when you’re walking outside? You should be aware of your surroundings.” “I am aware. I’m just focusing my attention to you instead of my surroundings.” I responded to him. “Hey, don’t flirt with me. You’re Pluto’s girl so you’re off limits.” “Tch. I’m not flirting with you. What I’m trying to say is …” I pulled him down to whisper on his ear. “It’s not just us in this alley, I’m ignoring them that’s why let’s both act normal, alright?” “Ah I get it. We’re kinda busy too today so we don’t have time for it now. Also, we only do a case with a client who’s willing to pay. Your case at your place was an exception to that rule.” he uttered. “You mean SOS is solving cases for money??” looking at him in puzzlement. “I thought it’s for helping people.” “It’s Adam’s idea, we’re doing it for business which means we’re getting paid for risking our lives.” he replied. “Huh?? Aren’t you all from rich families, specially Pluto?” I asked. “Define rich. Pluto is rich no doubt about that because he’s a Nevaeh which is one of the wealthiest family in the world, but we’re not.” We finally reached the bar where they going to perform later for a Sunday night live jamming. “You want to come inside and spend time with us until the rain stops? I’m worried that you won’t make it home unscathed.” he opened the door of the bar as he asked me to come. “Yeah, I probably hang out with you guys for the meantime.” I followed him inside the bar which is dimmed lighted. “Hey, Luke, how old is that girl?!” a middle-aged man noticed us. “Don’t worry he’s a freshman college student, she only looks younger.” Luke answered the man. “He’s the owner of this bar.” “Hope you’re not lying to me. I don’t want minors lurking around, that will put me in trouble.” the man uttered as he stares at me. “I can vouch for that Mr. Ye!” Ashton came to me. “You know I don’t want trouble too because I’m graduating next year.” “Well if you said so, Ashton.” the man nodded at Ashton. “He’s strict, more like the security of this bar than the owner.” Ashton muttered to me. “Let’s go to the backroom, I’ll lend you a towel. You’ll get wet when you share an umbrella with Luke.” Luke is the tallest among them, given that he’s a model but their heights doesn’t have much of difference. “Desa??” Michael covered his bare top immediately when I entered the backroom with Luke and Ashton. “What are you doing here?” “Waiting for the rain to stop. What are you guys doing??” looking at Michael and Calum who looks disturbed with my sudden appearance. “Hey, we’re not queers if that’s what you’re thinking right now!” Calum said with his baritone voice. “That’s right, don’t misunderstand. I’m just checking my back in the mirror if I got scratches because there are certain parts that stings a bit when I showered earlier.” Michael explained. “May I take a look?” gesturing to him to turn around. “Oh gosh! Have you applied first aid to those scratches you might be infected if you just let them like that.” I see long and thin scratches at his back. “D-Don’t scare me like that Desa!” Michael stuttering in fear. “I don’t see anything, even Calum told me so, Ashton? Luke?” “Are you serious Desa??” Luke looking at me in disbelief. “Don’t you guys see?!” I move closer to Michael. “These long thin scratches like red threads at his back??” looking at the three who’s staring at me blankly. “Oh my gosh! Am I the only one seeing this??” “Michael be honest with me.” Calum interrogates Michael. “Where did you go last night?” “Fine. I went to Ari’s place last night and had s*x with her.” Michael said in panic. “Is it serious Desa??” “I don’t know. I’ve never seen something like this before. You guys might be wondering what I’m seeing right now. Do you have a marker here?? Anything that I can use to write at his back?” asking the guys who are still confused on what’s going on. “Here. Although I don’t know who owns that lipstick.” Luke picked up a lipstick on the corner of the table. “It’ll do.” I took the lipstick from his hand. “Here’s what I see.” tracing the scratches at his back with the lipstick. “Aww … Desa that hurts!” Michael squirming as I draw at his back. “Sorry, I just want to make it visible for you guys to see.” I said. “Don’t stop, Desa.” Ashton said. “Calum, Luke, hold Michael for a while. We need to see what’s happening here.” “Yes, President.” Calum holds Michael at the right. “Sorry, Michael, President’s order.” Luke holding him at the left. “Please proceed, Desa.” Ashton gestured me to continue. “Endure it for a while, Michael.” I continued to scribble at his back until I come up with an odd symbol. “What’s this??” “Holy sh*t Michael! You’ve been marked by a Safta.” Ashton laughed. “I only know Santa, who gives presents at Christmas, never heard of Safta. What’s that??” humoring the guys. “Hahaha. That’s a good one, Desa.” Luke laughs at my joke. “A Safta is an entity who marks his victim during s****l intercourse.” Calum explained. “You saved me from trouble, Michael.” “Hey! Don’t you feel sorry for me?! I’m a victim here of that b*tch!” Michael yelled at Calum. “I shouldn’t have snuck out last night.” “I don’t understand, what does this mark means??” I asked. “It means Michael is now a property of that Safta, more like he’ll be on call anytime that Safta wants. Michael will do anything and everything, like a puppet.” Ashton trying not to laugh at Michael. “It’s game over for you now, Michael.” Calum patting Michael’s shoulder. “You know what will happen when other girl touches you right? Moreover, when you have s*x with someone else.” “What will happen to him?” getting curious of their conversation. “Poke him Desa.” Luke telling me to do a weird thing. “No, don’t!” Michael get away from me. “If another girl touches me whether intentional or not, it feels like I’m poking by needles as if I’m having a tattoo without anesthesia.” “Then it’s like witchcraft??” trying to make sense of everything. “Uh-huh.” Calum nodded. “Only that there’s no voodoo doll. Hey, who’s that Safta??” “Ari Kim, freshman nursing student.” Calum said. “I also kinda like her because she’s hot and pretty but thanks to this traitor I’m safe.” “President.” Michael clings onto Ashton’s arm. “Help me please, get this symbol off me! I only want to have s*x with her but not to be with her for my entire life!” “You know that only Ari Kim can removed that from you, unless she marks another man you won’t be free from her claws.” Ashton said. “Ari Kim … I think I’ve heard that name before.” I uttered. “Don’t you know your classmates’ names, Desa?” Calum mocks me. “Ah, that Ari Kim. Yeah, she hates me, she’s the one who’s spreading rumors about me along with her best friend, Ana Lee. They’re the first two people in my class that tries to befriend me but I snub them both, since then I’ll become their target.” I told them my first day of school story. “Ari is actually nice.” Calum responded. “Maybe she’s just hurt that you rejected her, the reason she’s taking revenge on you with those rumors spreading around the university.” “That I only make friends with foreigners, I like hanging out with seniors and not on the same year as me, I’m a social climber, gold digger, playing a victim, pretending to be hardworking to be pity by everyone, and the latest is I bewitched Pluto. How ironic when she’s the real witch between us. Haha.” I sit at the couch beside Luke. “And you’re cool with that? They’re calling you names and spreading lies about you, yet you just brush it off just like that?” Luke looking at me with concern. “They’re just words, and people talk whatever you do. It’s human nature. As long as they don’t go overboard, it’s fine with me. I’ll just end up explaining myself everyday to everyone if I clear the misunderstanding. It’s a hassle, so let them believe what they want to believe about me, I don’t give a damn about them.” I responded. “Ha … Haha … Hahaha.” Luke laughs at me. “I think I know now why Pluto chose you to be his queen.” “You’re pretty savage, Desa, just like the king.” Calum smiles at me. “I agree they could be both ice cold to anyone who doesn’t concern them. You two are a perfect match!” Ashton added. “Am I the only one who’s concern with my safety here??”  Michael uttered. “You guys know that I could die with this symbol at my back and I’ll be like a puppet to Ari Kim.” “Nah, you won’t die if you stay loyal to her.” Calum brushes him off. “If she made you do something disturbing then we’ll move, right President?” Luke taps Ashton’s chest. “Sure thing, we’ll just observe for now. It’s not that urgent.” Ashton responded. “Just don’t do anything stupid that lead you to death.” “But there would be girls here later.” Michael pleading at Ashton. “Behave then, unless you wanna die tonight, up to you.” Calum said. “Shall we start rehearsing now?” Luke suggested. “Desa, you haven’t watched us perform live on stage, right?” “Mmm. Maybe I’ll just stay here and watch your stage. Wait, do I have to pay when I watch your performance later?” It suddenly occurred to me that I don’t have enough money with me. “It’s on me.” Luke said. “I brought you here, anyway. Just enjoy.” ... To be Continued ...
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