Chapter 34: For You (2 of 2)

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“I like it!” taking another sip. “I can drink this all day.” “Hey, it’s also a Belgian beer only that it’s sweeter, you’ll get wasted if you drink a lot.” Pluto reprimanded me. “Oh, I thought it’s just a cherry-flavoured soda.” putting the huge mug down on the table. “French Fries here are different from the fries in Canada or in Korea, though they’re just the same potatoes.” “That’s why I always tell Ace-hyung to get a pack of fries whenever he comes here. Aside from the waffle mix, chocolates and can of beers.” Diso responded. “These are the foods that I want coming from this country.” “I know what you mean.” I nodded. “Tomorrow I’ll get those as souvenirs, tell me where to get them, alright?” “Right, tomorrow is shopping day!” Troye clapping his hands silently. “Are there flea markets here??” I asked curiously. “Brussels ranks as one of Europe's best capital cities for flea market shopping.” Diso replied. “That’s where I plan to buy souvenirs too, you like African fashion and lifestyle, Troye, right? That’s in Chaussée d'Ixelles or Elsenesteenweg. As for Pluto, you’re in Avenue Louise for high-end fashion stores and boutiques.” he leaned on to me to whisper. “It’s one of the most expensive streets in Belgium.” “Ah, then I don’t want to go there. I’m fine with the flea market.” “Hey, don’t tell me you two are disposing us tomorrow because we have different destination for shopping areas?!” Pluto complained at Diso immediately. “I can go alone, just dropped me off and picked me up after.” Troye said with a teasing smile on his face. “See, you’re even a month old with Troye but he can go alone.” I said. “No, I’m coming with you and you’re coming with me, that’s it. End of discussion. I can go alone but I want you to be with me.” Pluto said. “That’s not an efficient way of shopping. You should go on your way instead of waiting for us to finish, also Luke and Matthew probably come with you so ask them later, exchange group with others.” “Then I won’t go to Avenue Louise, it’s fine with me not to buy souvenirs from high-end fashion stores and boutiques.” Pluto stated. “What about the list that Tia gave to you for the stuffs she wanted you to buy for her?” Diso said to Pluto. “She can buy them herself. It’s not like she can’t come here on her own, she got her own plane too.” Pluto responded. “If it’s for Tia, I’ll accompany you. I want to give something to her in exchange for what she did for me on your Mama’s party.” I said. “You don’t have to give her anything, I already paid for it.” Pluto said. “Ah, the Michael Jackson’s album.” I nodded. “But still I want to thank her, I’ll come with you to buy her souvenirs.” After we’re done with lunch, we went to the Congress Column next before we had a walk at the Cinquantenaire Park while having a hot waffle for afternoon snack, then took some photographs at the Flower Carpet event in the Grand Place which happens every August. We had the Brussel Sprout for dinner, although it’s delicious, I felt like there’s something missing on it so I requested for sesame seeds and it looks more presentable than before also the taste improved, and the chef of the restaurant also agreed with me. “Sesame Brussel Sprouts, do you mind Mademoiselle if I use this awarding dish of your Brussel Sprouts version?” the chef asked. “Oh no, not at all. Your Brussel Sprouts is perfect as it is, I only add up the sesame seeds but it’s all on you Chef Pierre.” I replied. “If you’re available later, would you have a drink with me? I’ll be out by 9pm, I know a great bar in the city.” Pierre invited me. “She’s not into alcohol, Chef Pierre.” Pluto answered for me. “Also, she’s off-limits, so back off.” “Alright, I’m not into fight too, Monsieur. I only want to be friends with Mademoiselle here because I’m grateful for her idea.” Pierre said as he raised his hands like he’s surrendering. “As you can see, she already had enough male friends, no space available for another one.” Diso also telling him off. “I understand.” Pierre smiles at my two bodyguards. “How about a dessert, Mademoiselle, I can at least offer you sweets, right?” “I guess so, thank you, Chef Pierre.” I slightly bowed my head to him. “I’ll serve it to you in a few minutes. We’re good Monsieur?” Pierre looking at Pluto and Diso as he walks back to the kitchen. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair.” Troye teasing me. “Keep quiet Troye!” I scowled at him as I gritted my teeth. I had a Red Velvet Custard cake on-the-house dessert with a “Merci” written with cherry sauce on the side of the plate. Once we’re done with dinner, we went to the Town Hall and Mont des Arts area, that is so picturesque at night. “Where’s your hometown Diso-sunbae?” I suddenly remember the place I also want to visit. “At Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, it’s far from here and we don’t have much time to visit there, maybe next time when we come here for a real vacation and not for a mission.” Diso opens the car door at the back seat for me. “What about this December? There’s a lot of winter activities here on that month and Christmas is well-observed in this country than in Korea.” “Sounds interesting, how long is the winter break in college?” I asked. “Is it the same 2 weeks or shorter than that?” “Almost the same, 2 weeks.” Diso replied as he takes care of my head when I get in at the back seat before he gets to the driver seat. “There’s also seat-sale promo flights during that month.” “Oh, I’m definitely in! Let’s come back here by December!” I said enthusiastically. “I asked permission form my parents immediately when we come back home. “What’s with the seat-sale when we can use my plane to get here?” Pluto uttered. “I’ll specifically request for Ace-hyung to be our pilot so you could spend time with your brother to your hometown while me and Desa are on a date.” “Who says I’m going on a date with you??!” I frown at Pluto. “Are you coming too, Troye?” Pluto ignored my complaint. “I’m probably spending Christmas and New Year in Australia with my family but if it’s earlier than that, I don’t see why not. I actually like it here in Brussels and I want to go back.” Troye responded. “Then let’s leave at the last day of class and back at Christmas Eve.” “It’s settled then we’ll be back here at 3rd week of December.” Pluto nodded at my set date. “Just to make things clear, I don’t live in a castle-like mansion, it’s a simple home our family have here in Brussels.” Diso uttered. “It doesn’t matter, I’m small so I can fit in anywhere.” I said. “Well it’s not that we can’t fit all if everyone in SOS is coming too. It’s a five-bedroom house anyway, we’ll make do with the space.” “Five-bedroom house sounds big to me. Houses like that in Canada is mostly for rich people.” I said. “Ace becomes a pilot and Diso is about to become a doctor, he never had an aura of someone who struggles for money. On top of that, the car that Ace have costs a lot of fortune, just thinking about the tax he paid to drive that foreign car in Korea.” Troye stated. “Diso-sunbae are you perhaps a son of a billionaire?” I leaned forward to look at Diso who’s driving the car. “No, I’m not like Pluto, I’m only a son of a former mayor.” Diso shyly said. “Im not a big shot like what you imagined.” “His late Dad was the baron of Sint-Pieters-Woluwe.” Pluto stated. “A baron??! You’re in nobility class here in Belgium?!” I exclaimed. “I knew it!” Troye said in a loud voice. “That’s why Ace had that royal aura exuding with him. You guys aren’t simple citizen of Brussels.” “That was before, alright. Neither of us wants to be in politics and the fact that a baron married an Asian woman which is my Mom had our family excluded from royalty. Nevertheless, our family still belongs to the upper-class of the society only that we’re in the lowest. The reason my father won the election for mayor instead of his rival whose rank was higher than him, when it comes to nobility, the people liked my father as he doesn’t discriminate and he’s really for the people and not for the position of being the mayor.” “It wasn’t a simple plane crash that killed his parents.” Pluto suddenly revealed a shocking news. “They were assassinated, he and Ace-hyung didn’t migrated to Korea on their own will but they fled to survive before they get killed by the same people who wanted to annihilate their family.” “So, you were just like me, Diso-sunbae.” I look at him with sympathy. “The reason we fled to Korea is the death threats that I received from the families of those who were killed in the terrorist attack, they’re blaming me as I put the curse of death to everyone.” “That’s all in the past Desa. Part of our dark history in life and should be forgotten as our lives must go on. You shouldn’t live in guilt with something that you never committed and I forgotten about revenge as it won’t do any good to me. Let’s leave our dark past behind and live the life we have now to the fullest, we should be happy.” “Mmm.” I nodded in agreement. “I’ll always listen to you from now on, Diso-sunbae. I’ll be a good sister to you and Ace-oppa.” “Haha. Shouldn’t you be calling me oppa too instead of sunbae?” Diso said with a smile on his face as glances at me for a while. “Don’t push your luck Diso. You’re still her senior so it’s right for her to call you sunbae.” Pluto said to Diso with an arrogant tone. “What’s with you two wanting to call you oppa? Is there something special with that word that I don’t know about aside from big brother??” looking at Diso and Pluto. “Troye, do you know anything about it, I’m curious with that term.” I turned to Troye who’s smiling. “Well, I call my Korean boyfriend, oppa.” Troye said bluntly. “So, oppa is some kind of an endearment to a guy not just big brother??!” I’m still new to Korean words and terms. “Technically, that means big brother but girls tend to call their older boyfriend oppa.” Pluto explained to me. “Ah, so it’s up to the girl’s intention calling a guy oppa.” I nodded. “But Ace-oppa isn’t my senior and he’s older than me and like a big brother so I don’t see anything wrong if I call him like that, as for Diso-sunbae …” I look at Diso through the rear-view mirror. “I’m already used to call you Diso-sunbae so I need to adjust if I have to call you Diso-oppa too.” “HEY!” Pluto yelled at me. “If you call him like that then call me your husband, I don’t like you calling other men your oppa.” “Are you crazy?! Why would I call you my husband??!” I rolled my eyes on him as I lean my back on our seat. “Well, you just called me your husband.” Pluto said with a teasing smile on his face. “When did I ever called you my husband??!” I scowled at him. “That’s the second time now, my wife.” He continued teasing me. “YOU!!” I clenched my fist as I wanted to punch his face. “Hmph!” “Alright, Mr. and Mrs. Nevaeh, stop bickering like children.” Troye reprimanded us from being childish. “Troye! You should be on my side at times like this!” I yelled at him. “I can’t help it, you two are so adorable.” Troye chuckles. “I’ll make your share exactly €80,000 tomorrow, Troye.” Pluto tapping Troye’s shoulder as he smiles victoriously. “Thank you for your generosity Mr. Nevaeh. Mrs. Nevaeh you should be a good wife to your husband.” Troye making fun of me too. “I can’t believe you just sold me out for €3,000.” crossing my hands to my chest. “Are you really my friend??” We arrived to the Crossey mansion at 9pm and we’re actually the first group to arrive, so it’s just me and Troye in our bedroom until midnight when Alessia came drunk. The next morning, we got our own share from the €1,000,000 payment of Mr. Crossey for the success of our mission, all got €76,923.08 each, yes even the cents are accounted for, as the distribution of payment among members are equal. And as Pluto promised to Troye, he gave him €3,076.92 more to make it €80,000, he even offered the same amount to Diso just to give us time alone together when we’re headed to Avenue Louise. “Deal.” Diso accepted the money from Pluto. “Diso-sunbae, not you too.” looking at him in disbelief. “Hahaha. It’s fine. It’s not like you’ve got much time left, he got a time-limit, so whether he likes it or not, we’ll depart from the airport at 7pm this evening.” Diso looking at his wrist watch. “Damn that house rule!” Pluto said with irritation. “Let’s go Desa.” He grabbed me by the hand as we walk along the shopping street. “What do you mean by house rule??” catching his pace. “It’s our family peculiar rule that can’t be broken.” he replied. -End of Chapter 34-
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