Chapter 34: For You (1 of 2)

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11pm, we’re all settled and the Crossey family are already in the greenhouse with Alessia, Luke, and Matthew to secure them, just in case everything inside in this mansion go sideways as we planned. I don’t have any experience with demon hunting or whatsoever so they put me on standby along with Calum and Ross in the room where we set up our equipment. Troye is with the rest of the team who are experts in handling supernatural cases and dealing with paranormal activities. My sixth sense is on my sight and I might be at disadvantage because we’re facing a trickster so they decided to leave me with the monitoring but it feels like I’m the one being watched. “Uh, I know I’m being paranoid but that circle you guys drew on the ceiling will keep us safe here, right?” I asked Calum and Ross anxiously. “Sorry, I’m new to this.” “Technically, that circle is a trap, if that entity is bold enough to get here then we could probably get hurt before the other team come. It’s not a fortification circle like what we have in our bedrooms.” Ross explained to me. “In other words, we’re baits here.” Calum said like he’s all ready for action any minute. “Also, we’re the most vulnerable team here because it’s just us 3 and there’s 7 of us who are dealing with the entity directly. So, don’t ever lower your guard.” “I-I won’t.” holding onto the demon knife tightly as I know that anytime we can be under attack instantly ready or not. When the clock strikes to 12, we all could hear the chime notifying us that it’s midnight and after it echoed in the house a giggle of a child can be heard through the transceiver. I like hearing the children laughter but this one sends me chill that I’m having goosebumps all over my skin. I stand up and look around the room but I don’t see anything unusual until I see my reflection through the glass window and there’s someone standing behind me. When I look back it’s just Calum who got worried about me because I suddenly froze at the moment. “You alright?” “We got company.” the moment I alerted Calum; Ross suddenly flew from his position to the wall like he’s being lifted. “Ross!!!” He’s the bulkiest member of SOS but he’s like a paper being tossed around the room by the dark entity. “No!! Please, stop it! Calum do something!” I turned to Calum but even him is acting weird as if he’s in a trance. “Calum, where are you going?!” watching him walk towards the balcony. “Calum, pull yourself together! Listen to my voice, Calum!!” This entity is luring me out the circle because it doesn’t want to be trap inside, if I stay inside the circle it’ll kill Ross and Calum. I can see the dark entity holding onto Ross, so without much thinking as I need to act fast, I stabbed it with the knife I have in hand. When it released Ross as it threw him on the floor, I run as fast as I can to save Calum who jumped out from the balcony, just in time to caught his hand before he completely falls to the ground. “Desa??!” Calum snapped out from the trance. “What??! What happened?!” grabbing my hand tightly. “Desa, behind you!!” screamed. “It doesn’t matter, it’s not my time to die yet, am I right, Emolga?” I can here Emolga talking to the entity but it’s not a language that I know so I don’t understand any of their conversation. I didn’t look back and pulled Calum with all my physical strength until I put him back to safety and we’re both lying on the balcony’s floor. “Who’s Emolga??” Calum catching his breath. “My guardian angel of death.” I stand up slowly while panting. “I thought you two will be the one saving me when I’m in danger, you’re both the bulkiest in your own bands, but you’ve been taken easily.” “If it’s against werewolves or vampires we can go head on with them but this is different.” Ross sitting on the floor while rubbing his neck as he leans on the wall. “I didn’t know that you’re fast, Desa.” “I maybe small but I can move quick. Let me see if it left a trace on you.” looking thoroughly at Ross’s neck. “You’re good it’s nothing like what Pluto had before when we had a case in the occult museum.” “Your knife.” Ross handed my knife back. “It only works when a demon is in a meat suit but now, I know that it stunned them for a while when you stabbed it’s spirit form. Your eyes are very convenient for us who can’t see anything unless the spirits made themselves visible to us ordinary people.” We suddenly heard the commotion from the other team inside the house. “I guess it’s not over yet, can you walk?”  “Of course, I show you that I can fight too.” Ross stand up and follow me and Calum to where the others are. The mansion is huge and it’s like a maze inside but it doesn’t feel right the moment we stepped out from the room as we kept on walking in circles as if we’re being played. “It won’t let us go where the others are.” Calum uttered. “I also want to help but I think we should sit this one out. Let’s have faith with our team they can handle it themselves, also Troye is with them.” “Calum is right, we can’t do anything in this situation Desa. We better stick to the plan and stand-by, it’ll be over soon that’s for sure.” Ross opened the door of the room where we used to stay earlier and a wooden chair flew towards him. “Bloody hell!! Why is it always me?!” he also has a quick reflex so he avoided the direct hit. “Where did that chair come from anyway?!” Calum peek to the room and a think book hit his face in an instant. “AAWWWW!” “You guys let’s just stay where we are alright?” I closed the door just in time when the axe almost hits me if not for the thick door. “That could’ve killed me in an instant.” my heart stopped for a moment when I realized I’m no exception to flying objects. “Let’s stay here and watch each other’s back.” Ross pulled me away from the door as we all stand closer to each other. “You alright, Calum? Are you bleeding?” “No, but it hurts.” Calum uttered. “Are we trapped in other dimension or we’re still in the real world with the craziness around us? I don’t know where are we anymore.” “Then there’s only one way to find out.” Ross cut his hand with his knife and drew a transfiguration circle on the wall with his blood. Once he’s done, he put his palm on the wall and when it lightened up like magic, we’re back inside the room where we supposed to be before we stepped out and walked in circles as if we never left but everything in the room scattered everywhere. “Oh no! Are all our equipment has been destroyed?!” Calum looking at the equipment on the floor one by one. “As if a hurricane come in to this room.” Ross uttered. “Desa, can you help me stop the bleeding?” “O-Of course!” I took his handkerchief and covered it around his hand like a bandage. “There’s a first aid kit here somewhere, I’ll find it to clean your wound that thing is only temporary.” rummaging the stuffs on the floor. We decided to stay in the room and wait for the sun to rise while we inspect if some of the equipment are still working. When we heard Diso’s voice from the radio we’re also relieved that they’re all safe with minor injuries but importantly they succeeded to cast out the evil from the doll. “Desa are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere??” Pluto’s worried voice on the radio. “I’m coming to you, stay where you are.” “Hey, don’t force yourself!” Diso shouted at him. “You can’t even walk properly and yet you’re about to run.” “I’m unscathed, only Ross has a minor injury among us but we’re all fine here.” I responded through the radio. “Diso-sunbae, please don’t let Pluto do something stupid.” “I’m on it. If I have to put this guy to sleep I will. I’m glad you’re safe Desa, we’ll see you in a bit.” Diso replied. “Yeah, see you all later. I’ll asks the status from the greenhouse.” U switched the channel to the greenhouse and Alessia answered me right away. “Is everything fine there, Alessia?” “Yes! Nothing to worry about here. How are you guys doing inside??” “Our team is fine but the other team have minor casualties though they told me their safe and they succeeded.” I said. “That’s good news. I actually feel bad that I did nothing to help, it’s so calm here like there’s nothing happening outside.” Alessia replied. “These nature elements really keep us safe here.” “How about Emilia, nothing strange happened to her before?” I asked curiously as she’s the doll owner. “She was summoned many times before but Ever protected her daughter so well, mother’s love is the strongest affection of all.” “I agree, mothers are the first person who love us even before we’re born. Before we let the Crossey in let’s inspect the whole place once again to confirm if it’s completely safe for them to come back home.” “Of course. Their safety is our priority here. I’ll go inside first and meet you by the door.” Alessia keep her radio on. It was 8am when we finished our final inspection of the place and it’s all clean now, even the spirit of Mr. Crossey’s Aunt confirmed that there’s no evil in her house anymore. Even said, Ashton also suggested to call for a priest to bless the house that same day to assure the family that they’re safe in their own home now and nothing to be afraid of. It’s been a long night and day to everyone that’s why when the evening comes even if it’s only 7pm we’re all down in bed for a long sleep as tomorrow we can really enjoy Belgium. The next morning, Mr. Crossey provided us cars to use for our trip around the area, Ashton and Adam talked business with the man of the house and stay at home while the rests of us are having fun. George is with his betrothed childhood friend, April, along with Matthew and Ross in their car. Alessia is on a friendly date with Luke, as Michael and Calum are with them in the other car. As for me, I’m with Troye, Diso, and Pluto, which is quite assuring as they’re all speaking French and Diso isn’t a complete foreigner in the country as he was born and lived here until he graduated middle school before he and his brother migrated to Korea. The only problem is, Pluto using his ankle injury to take advantage of every situation, he even lay down his head on my lap while we’re in transit to our destination since we’re both at the backseat. “Hey, if you’re in pain you should’ve stay in the mansion and didn’t bother to come with us. You can always come here whenever you want because you have your own plane.” I want to enjoy the view but Pluto keeps on whining about his ankle like a kid. “Is this how you treat an injured comrade??” Pluto pouting at me. “Urgh!” I want to pull his hair out because of frustration. “Fine, lay down as much as you want.” combing his soft hair with my fingers. “Where do you guys wanna go after the Royal Palace?” Diso steering the wheel since he got a driver’s license. “I want to see the Manneken Pis.” Troye replied immediately. “What’s that??” I curiously asked. “It’s a well-known public sculpture in Brussels.” Diso replied. “Ooh, I want to see it too!” I excitedly said. “Tch. You can watch me taking a piss if you want.” Pluto uttered. “Eww. Why the hell would I watch you doing your business?!” looking down at him since his head is on my lap. “Manneken Pis, is a fountain containing a small bronze sculpture of a urinating youth, I don’t understand how it became a tourist attraction and symbol of the city.” he explained to me his reason. “Is it true, Diso-sunbae??” I don’t want to believe Pluto’s words. “Yes, that’s what Manneken Pis is, a mannequin taking a piss.” Diso made me realized the name of the sculpture. “Seriously, Troye?! That’s what you want to see here??!” I turned to Troye who’s smiling at me. “Why? What’s wrong with that?!” he chuckles. “Just like what Pluto said it’s the symbol of the city.” Right, I almost forgot it’s Troye I’m talking to, I suddenly miss Alessia at times like this. After we’re done taking pictures outside the Royal Palace of Brussels, we still went to see the Manneken Pis as Troye requested. Then we headed to St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral before we had our lunch, and finally I get to taste the moules-frites or mussels and fries which is one of the notable specialties in the country aside from the gaufres that we had for breakfast. “What is this beverage again?” I noticed that beer is like water for everyone here and I’m not a drinker so Diso ordered something special for us. “I can taste cherries in this drink.” “It’s called Kriek, a cherry Lambic.” Diso replied. “It’s available in almost every bar or restaurant here in Brussels.” ... To be Continued ...
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