Chapter 37: Do You Tell Them That You Love Me? (1 of 2)

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I invited Pluto in Saturday evening, although it’s just the two of us, he didn’t make any move on me which I’m grateful for. He left a few minutes after he emptied the cup of latte, I made for him, I still remember the day that he made me drink a lot of latte until he made it into perfection. My parents came after an hour and had our usual family evening. I asked them about my plan tomorrow and Mom told me to go without any objection even before I told her that Pluto will ask his men to take charge the shop tomorrow so she could still have her day off. Sunday morning, after we went to church for the first mass, my Dad went to his clinic while I rendered my half day to the bakeshop. Butler Kim came along with Driver Jongin and the two who will take my shift until the shop’s closed. I introduced Shikyung and Jiwon to Momo and told them few things of my job and they actually find it difficult to handle the cash register so I just told Momo to be cashier and let the two handle the customers and their orders. Mom was probably sleeping at home so I only notified Dad at his clinic that I’m leaving. While I’m in transit to the Nevaeh Residences, I had a conversation with Butler Kim and Driver Jongin as to how Pluto as their Young Master, they didn’t speak ill of him so it felt like they’re concealing the truth from me, maybe because of their loyalty, I don’t know. “Young Miss Desa.” Butler Kim opened the car door for me. “Is it just me or this mansion is different from what I remember?” “This is the North Mansion. Young Master Pluto is waiting for you inside.” he closed the door when I got off from the backseat. “The North Mansion, Pluto lives in the South Mansion, right?” “Yes, Young Miss Desa, but everyone is gathering here today.” Butler Kim replied with a smile as he leads me inside. “What do you mean by everyone, Butler Kim??” I stopped from following him. “All the Nevaeh, Young Miss Desa.” he looks back at me curiously. “Young Master Pluto told us that you already know about the First Sunday event of the Nevaeh.” “First Sunday event …” thinking deeply. “Their family gathering??!” “That’s right, Young Miss Desa.” he nodded at me with a smile. “Why did I forget about that?!” scratching my forehead. “What am I doing here when it’s their family gathering??” “I invited you to come.” Pluto walking towards us. “Thank you, Butler Kim, I’ll take it from here.” “Yes, Young Master Pluto.” he bowed his head and leave us alone. “Hey, why do you invite me to come today?!” I whispered to him. “Because I’m going to introduce you to my family.” he whispered back to me. “They’re expecting you to come too.” “You didn’t tell them anything weird about me, right?” I frowned. “I told them that I found the one I want to marry.” he replied. “Oh no, you didn’t!” I want to wipe off the smirk on his face. “Hahaha. I’m joking. Why are you so nervous meeting my family??” “Should I be relaxed then?? I only expect to meet your parents and siblings but not your whole clan?!” thinking of running away. “Geez. Meeting my family is like meeting the half of our clan. It’s just my grandfather, my uncle, my auntie, my two cousins and their spouses, and my nephews and nieces.” he grabbed me by the arm. “I’m not ready for this.” shaking my head as I put all my weight to my feet because I don’t want to take another step ahead. “Should I carry you like a princess then?” he’s about to lift me up. “No! That’s more embarrassing. I can walk on my own. Seriously, Pluto, why are you doing this to me?!” looking at him in the eyes. “Pluto-samchon!!” a boy running over to him. “The game is about to start what are you doing here??” he turned to notice me. “Who is she Pluto-samchon??” “She’s one of my friends. I invited her today because she likes playing games, she’ll be on our team. She’s Desa-imo for you.” he patted the head of the little boy. “Are good at playing games, Desa-imo?” the little boy looking up at me. “Pluto-samchon isn’t good at sports like my Papa.” “Epi, do you have to tell her about that?!!” Pluto telling the little boy to keep quiet. “Haha.” I crouched down to be at his level. “How old are you, Epi?” “Five.” he shows me his right hand wide open. “Is he your oldest nephew?” I look up to Pluto while holding onto the boy’s arms. “Yes. He’s my cousin’s Iap first born. This kid talks too much.” he said as he pinches gently one of the boy’s chubby cheek. “Stop it, Pluto-samchon! I’m not a baby anymore, I’m already five!” “Nah, as long as I’m taller than you, I’ll treat you like a baby.” Pluto making fun of his nephew. “That’s not fair! You’re a giant!” boy pouting at him. “No, I’m not.” Pluto shaking his head. “I’m not as tall as Lolo Uranus, I’m not even sure if I can make it to 6 foot tall.” “Really, Sir Uranus is that tall like a basketball player?!” I exclaimed. “He’s 6’1” or 6’2”. No one among us in the family have the same height as him. Actually, in everything, he’s second to none.” Pluto responded. “Wow! Now I’m excited to meet this legendary man in person.” I stand up and take the boy’s left hand. “Will you lead me the way?” “Of course!” the boy almost run as he excitedly take me to the garden where everyone is gathering. How can everyone in this clan looks ethereal?! Even the spouses of his cousins and his brother-in-law are also good-looking. I feel so out of place when I got their attention, they’re all gods and goddesses to me, and I’m a mere human who forgot where I belong. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to my Lolo Uranus. You said you’re excited to meet him, right?” Pluto giving me slight push from behind. “Gosh, am I really doing this??!” I hold his hand out of nervousness. “Your hands are cold, is there someone here aside from us?” he asked as he hold my hand back. “No, I’m just really nervous right now.” I suddenly realized that we’re holding hands in front of his family. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.” “It’s fine. You can hold my hand until you calm down.” he holds my hand tightly. “Besides my parents saw us holding hands before.” “That was different case. Please, let go of my hand, I don’t want everyone in your family misunderstand our relationship.” I pleaded. “Fine, even if it’s too late now since everyone already saw us.” he let go of my hand and walk beside me instead. He led me to the pavilion where the head of the Nevaeh clan is watching the rest having fun with the games. “Lolo Uranus, this is my friend, Desa Ha.” Pluto introduced me to the old man who looks 20 years younger than his actual age of 76. “Friend?? Not your lover? I just saw you two holding hands before you got here.” the old man chuckles. “She doesn’t accept me yet so yeah, we’re currently just friends.” “What do you dislike about my youngest grandson, Ms. Ha?” the old man turned to me with furrow brows. “Nothing, Sir!” I answered right away. “Pluto is actually perfect, it’s me who got an issue, I’m not ready to be in a relationship yet.” “Why are you still a minor??” the old man glance at Pluto. “Are you pursuing a high school girl Pluto?!” “No, Sir!” waving my hands. “I’m already in college, freshman nursing student in SNU.” “Ah, you’re attending the same university as him.” the old man nodded. “My granddaughter, his older sister, Hera, she’s a nursing graduate from YU. Come, sit here with me. You, join the others, I want to talk alone with this lady.” he told Pluto out from the pavilion. “Please don’t scare her.” Pluto walking backwards as he leaves. “Do I look scary to you, Ms. Ha?” the old man asked me. “I’m intimidated yes, but not scared.” sitting at the couch beside him. “I only see you in business magazines and newspaper before but now that I’m actually seeing you in person and even talking to you it feels like surreal. Only those wrinkles added to your face because of old age but there’s still that handsomeness remains.” “Is that an insult or a compliment?” he looks at me with a serious face. “I somehow feel offended.” “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you Sir! What I’m saying is your handsome. I’m sorry, if I offended you with my comment.” “Hahaha. I’m kidding. I just want you to relax because you look so tense. Thank you for the compliment anyway.” he smiles at me. I noticed that he’s about to pour a tea to his cup so I volunteered to serve him. “Let me pour the tea in your cup, Sir.” “Sure.” he handed me the teapot. “How long have you known Pluto?” “Uhm … Just this April when I joined the dance crew but I actually met him since I was 7 in Canada, though we both didn’t know each other’s name that time.” pouring the tea on his cup carefully. “Ah, so you’re the girl he’s been looking for a decade. I’m glad that he finally found you, he’s been going to Canada every summer to …” “Halabeoji!” two kids run towards us and sit beside him then cuddle the old man with their small arms. “My twins!” the old man hugs the two in his arms. “What are you two eating, huh? What’s that sweet thing in your hands?” “I don’t know what it’s called, it’s a new snack on the table.” the girl on his left said. “It’s chocolate coated bread with blueberry inside.” the boy on his right ate the rest of the bread in one bite. “Oh, I brought that over since I can’t come here empty handed. I’m glad the kids like it.” I responded. “Really?? Did you make them on your own?” the old man asked. “No, my Mom did. She runs a small bakeshop at Chang-dong in Dobong-gu.” looking at the kids who’s making the old man’s face their tissue to clean the chocolate from their hands. “You can laugh if you want. This is me as their Halabeoji, Epi is naughtier than them.” he looks defeated from his grandchildren. “Hmpf.” I covered my mouth before I let out a laugh. “How old are they anyway?” looking for tissue at the table. “2 years old. Artemis is older by 14 minutes from Apollo.” he replied. “I see, will you let me clean their hands first?” asking him politely. “Go ahead. Artemis give your hand to the pretty lady she will wipe it clean for you.” he told the girl first. The girl is just staring at me as I wipe her hand clean with the tissue. “Me too!” the boy also extended his hand to me. “Of course, let me get done with your sister first.” wiping the girl’s hand quickly because most of the kids can’t wait for a minute. “You know how to handle children?” the old man looking at me. “No, Sir. I only know about their nature based on what I read from the books.” wiping the boy’s hand after I’m done with the girl. “So, you’re basically applying what you’ve learned from the books.” “Yes, Sir.” I nodded as I continue to clean the boy’s hand. “Done. You’re both clean now. Do you like that chocolate-blueberry ball?” “Yes. It’s yummy!” the girl smiles at me. “I’m getting another one.” “Noona, wait!” the boy follows his sister like her tail. “You also need this, Sir.” handing the box of tissue to him. “I’ll just go the washroom, why don’t you join the others and have fun? Pluto can’t even take his eyes off you.” he stands up to leave. I knew it someone is staring at me all the time and of course, that’s him, so I walked over to his direction. “What did Lolo tell you?” he worriedly asked as soon as I stand beside him. “He didn’t scare you off, right?” “No, he actually made me comfortable while we’re having conversation. So, you were in Canada every summer to find me??” “Yes. For ten summers after we met, I’ve been waiting for you to come to same park but you never showed up even once.” he said. “So, the night we met outside the club you also went to that park to look for me?” looking at him. “I must say you’re so loyal to your first.” ... To be Continued ...
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