Chapter 36: 'Cause Every Night You and I Find Ourselves (2)

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“You changed our practice time to afternoon?” Desa asked me curiously. “Why??” “Because I’m not a morning person, maybe that’s the reason why I get angry easily.” I replied. “So, are we expecting a gentle you this time since we adjusted to afternoon practice instead of morning?” she’s tying her hair. “It depends on how everyone performs. It doesn’t mean I’m giving anyone a slack since I already gave everyone more time to sleep.” “Yeah right, what do I expect. You’re not Pluto Nevaeh if you’re not short-tempered.” she laughs at me. “What do we have now? I can practice until dinner time.” “The Sleeping Beauty, we’re onto theater this time.” I replied. “Wait, does it mean we have to sing too?” she inquisitively asked. “Uh-huh. Don’t you know we can’t just dance but also sing, wait don’t tell me you are deaf tone?!” raising my eyebrow at her. “I don’t know. I only dance but never tried singing before.” she said. “Hmm … Everyone, assemble!” gathering everyone in the middle. “Let’s practice with the vocals first, shall we?” Everyone had their chance to be heard though Desa’s vocals isn’t that bad and she can be considered as vocalist too, it’s just that Krystal and Jennie’s vocals are on top of her. “Next week, we’ll assign roles to everyone. You’re all dismiss.” I sighed heavily as I clearly know that Desa can’t be my princess. “Are you troubled choosing between Krystal and Jennie or the princess you wanted isn’t on the choices?” Dante teasing me. “I have to be fair to everyone, I can’t just choose Desa when it’s crystal clear that Krystal fits the role of Aurora.” I responded. “Ah, so you’ve already made up a decision though it’s the right one, you don’t feel satisfied at all, your highness.” he continued. “I don’t feel like I should be the prince. We should vote next week as to whose role should everyone get instead of me assigning based on my own judgement.” refusing my designated role. “Even if we have a voting system, you’ll be the prince with unanimous votes. Who else can it be if not you?” he smiles at me. “What about you take the role? I’ll concede so you can take it.” “If you want us not to get paid because of few audiences in the theater then do it, pay us with your own money. We both know that you’re the one who’s attracting people to favor our dance crew.” “I shouldn’t accept the offer to perform on theaters for 3 nights.” walking towards the door when I finally see Desa alone. “Too late for regret, you already signed the contract with them.” “Desa, you’re going home?” carrying my duffle bag on my shoulder. “Yes. Why are you asking me for a ride?” she bluntly asked. “Is that a yes?” I smiled at her. “Maybe. I’ll just go the ladies’ room to change my clothes.” she walks towards the ladies’ room after she replied to me. “What’s with her today?” I don’t know what’s happening but I like the way she is at the moment. “If only you can be like that for long.” I also went to the men’s room to change my clothes and waited for her since ladies take too long in the ladies’ room. “I didn’t know Krystal can sing like that.” she gets in at the passenger seat of my car. “She’s more of a singer than a dancer, she’s also good in acting.” “Then she perfectly fits the role of Aurora. She’ll have that role, right?” she glances at me after she buckles up. “I wish you could be the princess. I don’t see myself kissing other girl aside from you even it’s just an act.” I responded. “That night, when you kissed my lips. Were you lying that you never had a girlfriend before?” she asked shyly as she averted her gaze. “No, I never have a girlfriend since birth, so I never kissed anyone aside from you.” staring at her. “Why do you ask?” “If that’s your first kiss too then how come you can move your lips like that? How come it doesn’t look like your first time??” she glances back at me. “I’ve been watching movies with a lot of kissing scenes, I only applied what I’ve learned in actual practice.” I leaned over to her. “W-What are you doing?” she’s moving to the corner. “Do you want to continue where we left off that night?” looking at her eyes down to her lips. “A-Are you crazy?!!” she pushes me away. “T-That was a mistake.” “No, it’s not. There’s nothing wrong when two people kiss each other. You know I like you Desa, I’m serious about you.” I sit properly. “I told you to wait. You also know that I’m not ready yet to commit myself into a relationship. You just caught me off guard, that’s why it happened but it shouldn’t happen again until I sort things out.” “Sorry, I thought it was fine because you didn’t resist.” sighing. “I only realized it wrong when it was over. Let’s just stay friends for now, alright?” she taps my shoulder. “Whatever.” I buckled up and start the engine. “As long as you’re not with another guy, I’m fine with our arrangement for now.” “How am I supposed to be with another guy when I don’t want to be in love yet?” she laughs at me. “It’s just not the right time for me.” “I understand. But don’t forget that I’m the first in line when you feel like falling in love.” I glanced at her for a while. “Who else I’m falling in love with? You’re the only one pursuing me.” “Really?? There’s no other man out there whose making moves to you?” I somehow feel relieved that she only considers me. “No one else, aside from you.” shaking her head. “That’s why I’m really confuse as to what you see in me.” “I actually don’t know why I feel this way to you too. I just want to protect you that’s all I know for certain.” I responded. “Ah, so you’re pitying me because I look like a weakling to you??” “That’s not what I said. You’re the bravest person I’ve ever known considering you see horrible things with your eyes, if I were you, I might have lost it. I don’t think I can handle what you have.” I said. “Then why do you want to protect me if you don’t see me weak?” “I still see the little Desa in you, the stranger who held my hand because I made her pain go away.” I stated. “That was a decade ago, you should get a move on. We’re no longer kids. And you’re no longer my childhood crush.” she responded. “Wait, did you just say that I’m your childhood crush??!” I stopped the car in the middle of the road. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing right now?! Why do you suddenly stop?!” she looks behind us. “Answer my question first, you were interested with me when we were kids? I’m not the only one who like you before??” The cars behind us honking their horns but I don’t even care, I really want her to say it again for me. “Yes, alright! Now, keep on driving.” she yelled at me. “You’re getting us into trouble. Why do you have to do that?!” “Haha.” I stepped on the gas again to hit the road. “What do you like about me back then?” “Aside from you’re my healer, you’re good-looking and kind-hearted. You let me held your hand even though you don’t know me, well we both don’t know each other but you let me tagged along to play with your siblings. I’m very grateful to the younger version of you.” “We can hold hands and play like before if that’s what you want. Come to my house tomorrow, please?” I glanced at her for a second. “I’m attending mass every Sunday morning.” she replied. “How about in the afternoon? After lunch??” I still insisted. “Fine. We’re not going to be alone in your mansion, right?” she asked. “I want that idea but unfortunately there are always people around the house. But if you want to be alone with me, we can go to my room. No one would bother us in my sanctuary.” I stated. “Why would I want to be alone with you?!” she frowns at me. “I just want to see Tia again and Zeus, now I know he’s the one who made me laughed the most when we were playing.” “You’re not interested with my oldest brother, right?” I raised my eyebrow at her. “I’m not telling this because I want you to feel indifferent about him, but he’s too complicated.” “I know. I know your family secret, remember?” she smirks at me. “Ah, right.” I sighed in relieved. “By the way, you like black dahlias?” “We’re suddenly shifted our conversation to flowers?” she laughed. “Yeah, let’s end that conversation there. So, you they’re your favorites? Or you’ve got some other preferred flowers??” I asked. “I actually like all the flowers in the Crossey’s greenhouse. Maybe because I’m into gothic, and every flower in that garden got deep colors although not everything is in black. I don’t know, I just love them all, that’s why I really like the necklace Diso-sunbae gave to me as my birthday present. I’m not saying that I don’t like what you and everyone gave to me, his is somewhat special.” she stated. “Yeah, I figured you like his present the most with your reaction.” “If only we got a backyard at home, I could’ve asked for seeds from Mike but even though I might make our balcony a garden, I don’t think I can raise them well. I don’t have green-thumb.” she sighed. “So technically, you like everything in the Crossey’s greenhouse?” “Uh-huh. Not particularly black dahlias, actually it’s burgundy colored flower that appears as dark in first appearance that’s why it’s considers as black.” she continued talking about flowers until we reach her residence. “Thanks for dropping me off. You want to come in? I could make you at least a latter before you go home.” “Do you know how to make latte now?” surprise at her sudden offer. “Well, I learned it from Momo. Which reminds me, I’m the one who’s in charge of the bake shop on Sundays. Hmm … I should I tell this to Mom that I agreed to visit you at home tomorrow?” she takes off her seatbelt. “She’s off from work on Sundays.” “I can send two people to work on the bakeshop for tomorrow. Please don’t cancel our plan.” pleading at her. “Who among your men are you going to send for work tomorrow??” “Shikyung and Jiwon. They mentioned to me before that they used to work as waiters in restaurants before they served the military.” “Ah, I see.” she gets off from the passenger seat so I followed her out. “I’ll tell that to Mom, by the way, I practiced a lot to make the same taste of latte you made for me before. It’s actually hard to come out with that unforgettable taste of latte.” “I know right, you’ve seen how many trials I made before I succeeded. It’s not that easy to make that latte into perfection.” “I can’t cook or bake so I’ll just make drinks as my contribution to the bakeshop.” she pushed the button of the elevator once we reached its doors. “Coffee is easier to make but latte is a challenge.” “I really don’t like the taste of coffee no matter how many times I tried to drink it.” following her inside the elevator. “Because of it’s strong flavor? My Dad likes my coffee though I make it for him every morning then tea for my Mom in the evening.” “Since when did that dog gone missing?” pointing at the poster paste on the wall. “Not sure but I’ve seen that poster since last week. I hope the owner finds it sooner.” she sighs heavily. “Do you know that kind of dog is a pet to almost everyone in the Hollywood? That breed is quite expensive.” I stated. “You mean there’s a possibility that dog has been abducted because of it’s price?” she looks at me with disbelief. “Probably. If it’s been a week since that dog was gone and until now the owner can’t find it which I’m sure he or she search thoroughly then that’s the optimistic idea I have in mind.” I explained. “It has been abducted and yet that’s optimistic for you??!” she frowns at me. “Rather than the idea that it’s dead somewhere because of an accident or someone killed it.” I defended. “Yeah right, let’s just stick to the first idea of yours. How much does that dog cost anyway??” she stepped out from the elevator first as soon as it opens to the 11th floor. “The latest market value is nearly US$15,000.” I replied. “How do you even know such kind of thing? Do you really know everything and anything??” she opens her unit door for us to enter. “I’m interested with dogs but I never get one to be my pet because I don’t think I can take care of it with my schedule.” I responded. -End of Chapter 36-
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