Chapter 32: And We May Never Feel the Same (2 of 2)

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“Because my Desa made a wise choice of rejecting you, you’ll only make her cry.” Diso turned to me. “Believe me a good-looking guy is no good for a permanent relationship.” “Hey, why are you giving Desa bad impression about me?!” Pluto yelled. “I’m not like Ace-hyung who play with women’s hearts.” “Come to think of it, he’s always being surrounded by beautiful girls.” “Is it wrong to be friendly with everyone?!” Pluto glanced at me. “No, I’m just saying I prefer low profile guys.” I leaned my back on my seat. “You’re too perfect always grabbing attention of many girls, you can’t only be mine if we become together.” “But I am yours. I don’t care about anybody else; I only want you.” “Yeah, that’s what you feel right now but you may never feel the same as time passed by. Not all relationship lasts forever.” I said. “You sounded like you’ve experienced a lot of breakups when you were never in a relationship before.” Pluto sneered at me. “I’ve seen a lot of lovers breakup right in front of me before.” “That’s them, it’ll never be us. Also, that’s probably your high school days, we’re in college now.” Pluto added. “Do you have trust issues, Desa?” Diso glanced at me. “Maybe, that’s why I never think beyond friendship with guys around me. I don’t want to experience the pain of breaking up with the person I love. Friends don’t have breakups so I prefer to stay friends than lovers.” I opened the backseat door as soon as Pluto parked the car at the front door of the building. “Thanks.” getting off excitedly as I see the dog with the security guard. “Hey, Tom!” “Tom isn’t usually friendly with anyone, even I had a hard time taming him, he must really like you Miss Desa.” the guard said. “I like dogs but my parents won’t let me have one so I’m just contented playing with the dogs in the neighbourhood.” petting Tom. “Hey, we’re not done talking yet.” Pluto stand beside me. “How could you run just like that for this dog?!” “Tom is the first one who welcomed me here.” standing up after I gave Tom a hug. “Look, he’s even at the same height as me.” supporting Tom to stand up. “Gosh! You’re heavy Tom! Hahaha!” “You need to wash your face after that licking.” Diso walked right behind me. “He’s taking advantage because he’s a dog.” “Stop it, Tom! Hahaha!” closing my eyes as Tom continue to lick my face. “I’ll see you tomorrow again, alright?” putting him down. “You like big dogs?” Pluto handed me his handkerchief to wipe my slimy face. “You look like a cat person to me.” “Most of our neighbours got big dogs so I’m fond of them.” wiping my face as I walk with them to the elevator. “I never had a cat before but I made friends with squirrels last year. Wait, why are you coming along with us?” getting in at the elevator. “I have something to discuss with Diso.” Pluto said. “Really? Not because you want to walk Desa to her unit?” Diso asked. “Well that’s one thing but we really need to talk.” Pluto put his arm around Diso’s shoulders. “Oh, alright.” looking at their reflection on the elevator walls as I continue to wipe my face. “You two look adorable together.” “I don’t like that grin on your face, Desa.” Pluto raised his eyebrow. “Hey, we’re you thinking indecent about me and Pluto?!” Diso read exactly what’s on my mind. “How did you know??!” I can’t help but smile at them. “I get it a lot because I look more feminine than masculine. Don’t ever think that again, I’m a straight man and I like women.” Diso pointing a finger at me. “I’m not like Troye, alright?!” “You’re even jealous at Diso? Do you want to monopolize me, Desa?” “I don’t know what the hell are you talking about.” I sneered at him. “If we become together, I’ll do whatever you want me to even if you don’t want me to have friends anymore as long as I have you.” “I’m not a tyrant, you can surround yourself with everyone and I’ll never be jealous of anyone.” I get off from the elevator as soon as it opens at the 11th floor. “Goodnight, guys.” unlocking the door with my key. “Mom gave it to me earlier, I got my own house key now.” “Better than ringing their doorbell and knocking their door nonstop.” Diso said. “Goodnight, Desa.” “Goodnight, my love. Dream of me.” Pluto uttered with a sweet smile. “That’s impossible, I always have a dreamless night.” I entered my unit and closed the door behind me. “I’m home, Dad.” (Diso’s Point of View) “What do you want to talk about?” I opened the door of my unit. “Should I sleepover here tonight?” Pluto followed me inside. “We already have a guest.” pointing at the clothes on the stairway. “I love Desa, what about you?” he said without hesitation. “I like her but I’m taking it slow to make sure that it’s love. I don’t want to be impulsive knowing that she’s reserving herself.” I said. “Are you saying that I’m being impulsive right now?” Pluto asked. “Mmm.” I nodded as I get a bottled water from the fridge. “But I do understand why you’re acting that way. She’s the girl you’ve been searching for, the one whom you can’t forget after all these years.” “Yes, she’s my first love and now that I found her, I won’t let her go ever again. I’ll make her mine even if you become my rival.” he said. “Good luck then. I’ll let you do whatever you want for now, maybe I don’t even have to put up a fight later.” tapping his shoulder. “Tch. I’ll get going now.  I don’t want to watch the drama tomorrow morning.” he took a quick glance at Ace’s room. “Ace-hyung is really …” shaking his head as he makes his way out. “Take care on your way home.” sending him off. “Is that you Diso?” Ace came out from his room with only towel to cover his lower body as he come downstairs. “Is she staying for the night?” pertaining to the woman in his room. “I think so, she’s quite drunk so there’s no way she’ll walk out any minute soon.” he’s taking out a bottled water from the fridge. “Did you get her straight from a club?” I asked intriguingly. “No, she’s one of my colleagues. She asked me for a drink but she can’t even handle her own alcohol.” he emptied his bottled water. “You make out with your drunk colleague?!” I exclaimed. “She initiated it; I just go with the flow.” he makes himself clear. “Geez. Well it’s not the first time you slept with one of the stewardesses in the airport. Is she the type to break things?” “Not sure, I just got her name earlier by reading her name tag.” “Why am I not surprise that you don’t even know the people you’re working with?” shaking my head for his carefree personality. “Do you want something to eat? I’m cooking ramyun.” he opened the drawer to get some ramyun. “Nah, I’m still full of pasta and pizza. Goodnight, Ace-hyung.” making my way upstairs to get to my room. “Maybe I’m also afraid that I may end up like Ace when I have my first relationship.” sighing. (Desa’s Point of View) Sunday morning, I helped my Mom at the bakeshop since I’ll be assisting Dad in the future once I become a licensed nurse. “One Chocolate Sandwich Cookies and Ice-Cold Mint Tea please.” “Diso-sunbae.” I look up to the customer in front of me. “You’re here for an afternoon tea?” punching his order at the cash register. “That’s ₩19,000, I received ₩20,000, here’s your change ₩1,000.” “Keep the change, that’s a tip for the service.” he said as he leaves the counter to get a table. After taking the other customers order, I served Diso’s order on his table. “I’ll just help Momo to serve the other customers, I’ll join you in a bit.” leaving him after I completed his order. “Sure.” he nodded at me. When I’m done with my chores, I got my own Chocolate Sandwich Cookies and Strawberry Milkshake as I join Diso at his table. “My payment for being a cashier today.” sitting in front of him. “I saw a woman from your unit this morning.” “Ah, that’s Ace colleague who sleepover with him.” he said lazily. “Oh, she’s quite pretty, she even looks like a model.” I continued. “That’s Ace standard. He won’t waste a time with some random girl.” “Figures. By the way have you filed a leave at your internship?” changing the topic since I feel like I’m being nosy to his brother. “Yeah this morning. How about you?” he glances at me as he takes a sip of his mint tea. “Yeah, that’s why I’m working at the bakeshop today since I’ll be gone for another week starting tomorrow. I actually thought that they won’t let me because it’s in Belgium but they allowed me to go.” “You really have cool parents.” he watches me eat the cookie. “Mmmh. That’s why many customers order this cookie it’s like an ice cream sandwich.” savouring the taste in my mouth. “Just right for the summer.” he added. “Where’s Auntie anyway?” “Taking an afternoon nap in the house, I’m here so she can take a rest. Have you packed your stuffs already?” taking a sip of the strawberry milkshake. “Not yet, maybe later. Don’t forget to pack a coat with you the weather in Europe is way much colder. Wear thick clothes.” “Thanks for the tip, I’ll just get long sleeves with me and high socks.” “High socks??” he chuckled at me. “Don’t tell me you’re wearing shorts that’s why you’re thinking of high socks.” “Why not? I’m actually comfortable wearing them than long pants.” “Haist. I wish you don’t expose your legs too much, but if that’s what makes you comfortable then go ahead.” he sighs deeply. “You talk like Pluto, what’s with girls exposing their skin in public? Can’t we wear anything we want to without being criticized?!” “I’m not criticizing you. I just want you to be careful and that’s Pluto’s reason too. Men are beasts Desa and it’s a jungle out there.” “Yeah, I know that what my Dad always tell me. I’m wearing crop tops and shorts or miniskirts most of the time but it doesn’t mean that I want to seduce men or whatsoever. I just want to be comfortable with the clothes I wear that’s all.” I explained. “I understand. Everyone is free to wear anything they like it’s the human nature to be blame.” he uttered. “That’s why people are scarier than ghosts.” continue having my meal. “I agree.” he noticed the customers coming in. “Just finish your meal, I’ll handle them. I’ve got nothing to do anyway.” “Do you know how to use the cash register?” looking up at him. “Yes, I watched you earlier. I’m a quick learner when it comes to machines. Enjoy your break, I’ll take it from here.” he went behind the counter and do my job for me. “It’s fine.” I nodded at Momo when she looks at me as she’s surprise that Diso is taking over the counter. After I’m done with my break, I continue working as a cashier while Diso help us taking the customers’ orders. When Mom come back before closing, she’s also surprised that Diso is working at the shop and she even scolded me but Diso defended me and tell her that he insisted. The reason he invited Diso for dinner after we closed the bakeshop. “Since you’re coming with Desa we’re not worried at all to let her go to Belgium.” Mom taking care of Diso. “I won’t take my eyes off her, Auntie.” Diso humouring my Mom. “Does your circle of friends always go out of the country for a vacation?” Dad asked Diso. “Yes, Uncle. We’re enjoying life to the fullest while we’re young.” Diso replied with a sweet smile on his face. “That’s right, youngsters should live life to the fullest. Have fun but not too much fun.” Dad chuckles. “You’re from Brussels, right? The capital of Belgium. Aside from chocolates what is Belgium known for?” Mom asked curiously. “Brussels is well known for its food. Brussel sprouts were named after the city. Like most of Belgium, moules-frites, uhm, that’s the French term for mussels and fries. It is considered the national dish of Belgium.” Diso explained before he continued. “Waffles or gaufres, chocolate, French fries, and beer are common there.” “Ooh, I like waffles for breakfast and I can French fries every day, as for chocolates, no question about that, I love them so much!” just thinking about the food in Belgium makes me drool.    -End of Chapter 32-
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