Chapter 33: Falling and Falling Until I Fell (1 of 2)

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(Pluto’s Point of View) Monday morning, I can finally be with Desa again after a day without seeing her, I feel like I’m dying of loneliness, I don’t want to be too clingy towards her so I tried so hard so to hold back and stay at home until I see her again. As usual, I’m the first to arrive at the airport since I had to arrange the flight for everyone. It’s been months since we had a mission outside the country but this is the first time, I’m so thrilled to work on a case abroad because I’m doing it with the girl I fall in love with. We could go for a date once we’re done, spend time alone together since the rest of the team got their own kind of fun when we’re out of the country and that’s not Desa’s cup of tea. George arrived 2nd along with the 3 English men, since he’s the one who got us all on this deal with his fellow mate in Belgium. Then Ashton and the other Aussie boys came one by one after him, including Luke who gave Alessia a ride, because this lady is such a reckless driver that I had to use some connections to let her out from jail too many times before. Diso came next and surprisingly he’s alone, so I asked him immediately Desa’s whereabout. “Troye dragged her with him when we met him at the gate, they’ll be here in a few minutes.” Diso uttered. “Ace-hyung wanted to be our pilot but he’s not feeling well today, he already filed a sick leave.” “Yeah, I’ve been notified by that news 10 minutes ago. Did he overwork in bed while playing with his girls?” I smirked. “That’s one thing, his body is aching and he even caught a cold. Uncle is looking after him since he’s a licensed doctor and he’s just next door, also the fact that I’ll be back next week.” Diso replied. “You two are close to Desa’s family, I’m jealous.” sulking. “What can I say, we finally have the best neighbour.” he shrugged his shoulders. “I even had dinner at their place last night.” “Hey, are you stabbing me at the back?” I put my right arm around his shoulders. “Are you my rival now??” “You can rest assure for now that I’m in the safe zone.” he took my arm off from him. “I’m not like you who fall in love easily.” “You promise to tell me when you already sort things out?” giving him a serious look. “Like the way I told you that I love her?” “I promise.” he raised his 3 fingers as he swears. “I’ll fight you fair and square when I figured everything.” “You’ll be my best man when Desa and I get married?” I asked. “If she’s willing to be your bride, I don’t see why not. I know how to concede defeat, you’re my friend no matter what happens.” Diso taps my shoulder as he gives me assurance. “Don’t worry I will cherish and love her for the rest of my life that’s how I’ll repay your sacrifice. I’ll prove to you that I’m worthy to be her husband and the father of our children.” thinking about future. “Mi amigo, you’re thinking too much advanced, that might be my future you’re talking about and you’re just having a vision of my life. You’re going to do the same for me if I become her man, right?” “W-Well …” rubbing my nape. “Like what you’ve said, we’ll be friends no matter what happens.” I sounded insincere but I mean it a half. “It sounded like your words are coming from your nose but I’ll believe you.” he smiles at me. “I trust you because we are friends.” “Yeah, of course. We’ve been best of friends before she came to our lives, I mean she reappeared to my life because we actually knew each other since we we’re kids and we’re childhood sweethearts.” “Really, did she say it herself that you two were childhood sweethearts or you’re just making that up to gloat?” Diso smirked. “Uhm … we almost kiss when we found out that we knew each other since we’re younger so I concluded that she had feelings for the younger me too as I had the same for her.” I defended. “Boys. Tsk. Tsk.” Alessia shaking her head. “You can set aside your competition for Desa’s attention while we’re on a mission, right?” “We can actually hear your heated conversation here.” Luke added. “The reason, I prefer everyone in SOS are gentlemen.” Adam uttered. “No offense, Alessia.” “Some taken, Adam.” Alessia responded to him. “I know you gentlemen barely making it out alive before us ability users became your members and thanks to us, you men aren’t blind to your enemies now that we’re part of the team.” “And we’re grateful for that.” Matthew butted in. “What Adam wanted to say is, having two of our men fall for one lady is troublesome. So, you two …” pointing at me and Diso. “Settle it.” “Diso and I are good … for now, right?” I turned to Diso. “That’s right. We have our own arrangement and we both know how to separate our private matters when we’re working on a case.” Diso nodded at me. “Whatever we have it’s just us, we’ll handle it ourselves and SOS have nothing to do with it.” “Very well said.” Ross clapped his hands. “Let’s leave that matter alone to those who are directly involved. We only need to focus on the case we’re working on, but I have to say that I’m rooting for Pluto, I’m casting my vote to you, mate.” he pointed at me. “I’m on your side, amigo.” George pointed at Diso. Thought it’s no new because he always favours Diso since they’re both Belgians even if Diso’s appearance is completely Korean. “Geez, are you guys telling them to stop or start fighting?” Ashton sneered at the two who are 4 and 5 years older than him. “What’s wrong with that, they’re just saying their opinion.” Michael turned to Ashton. “I’m also favoured to Diso.” “I’m betting on Pluto.” Calum gave me a salute before he turned to Luke who also seems likely to vote for me. “I’m on to whoever Desa’s choice as his man.” Luke shrugged his shoulder. “Everyone deserves to be love by the person they love.” “I’m on the man who deserves Desa the most.” Alessia said as she stands up to greet Desa and Troye who are walking to our direction. I sometimes wish I could be her who can kiss and hug Desa as a greeting, but Desa might stay away from me if I do that to her. “Troye had to put some makeup on like he’s on a fashion runway.” Desa said to Alessia as the three come together like a girl group. “I got bread for everyone; Mom told me to bring these for you guys.” “Is your Mom a Pâtissier?” Adam taking his share. “No, my Mom doesn’t have a title or whatsoever, she just loves to bake that’s all.” Desa handed the plastic bag of breads to the men. “It’s good to have coffee with this bread.” Matthew uttered. “You guys want some coffee? You all know that coffee isn’t in the menu when we get on Pluto’s plane because he doesn’t like it.” “Me, I want coffee!” Adam raising his hand and everyone follows him. “Desa how about you?” Matthew turned to her. “You don’t drink coffee too like Pluto?” “I do drink coffee but I want to sleep right away so pass. I woke up 5am and I’m still sleepy. I already had a glass of milk this morning.” “How about other beverage or anything you like? I want to pay you for the good bread we have now.” Matthew insisted. “You don’t have to pay me really, I’m glad to share with everyone what my Mom made.” Desa shaking her head. “Please, I insist, anything at all.” Matthew tapping Luke’s shoulder. “Uhm … jellybeans, I guess. Thank you, Matthew.” Desa replied. “Oh, alright. We’ll look for your jellybeans, baby girl. Come with me, Luke.” Matthew asking his usual partner when running an errand. “How about you Alessia, do you want anything else aside from coffee?” Luke waiting for Alessia before he leaves with Matthew. “I want the candy we used to eat in high school.” Alessia responded. “Hmm … I don’t know if the shops here got that candy but I’ll look for it since you want to eat them.” Luke walks off with Matthew. “The two models are out for a walk of fame again.” Troye sighs. “Is Matthew a model too like Luke?” Desa asked him curiously. “No, he’s only dating models but he’s a son of English actor and actress, so he does appear to UK screens before he was a kid.” “Oh, I didn’t know that Matthew comes from a celebrity family in UK. I thought he just have that aura because he’s the lead vocals of their band like Luke.” Desa watching the two walks away. The two came back after a quarter and Matthew didn’t forget to by me a caffe latte since that’s the drink I prefer along with the jellybeans he bought for Desa. One everyone got their drinks, we headed out to get in the plane and had a long flight to Belgium. Troye doesn’t speak French neither Dutch but because of his ability he’s fluent like George and even better than Diso, who are both born and raised in the country. “Wow! We’re staying in this castle-like mansion for few days?!” Desa exclaimed as soon as she got off from the bus that picked us up from the airport and dropped us off at the Crossey mansion. “How did you get this client again, George?” Adam gawking at the big house in front of us. “My childhood friend referred us to the Crossey family.” George replied. “I still have contact with her even if we’re miles apart.” “Georgy!!!” a woman suddenly appeared almost flying to George arms. “Whoa, April!!” George caught her perfectly as he swings her around. “I miss you so much, Georgie!!” April kissed George’s mouth passionately like their filming a romantic movie. “Childhood friend huh?” Ross holding back his laughter while watching the two being intimate to each other. “That’s not how Belgian girls greet people, right?” Matthew asked Diso as the two are still on their moment. “Definitely, not.” Diso shaking his head. The lovebirds stopped devouring each other’s lips when they feel like loosing air as they’re both panting as they pulled away from each other slightly to catch their breath. “Oh, are they your friends?” April finally noticed us standing around them. “Sorry, I just miss Georgie so much!” telling George to put her down since he carried her like they’re about to make out. “I’m April Knipawoluwe, George’s fiancée.” “Fiancée??!” everyone exclaimed in chorus. “Technically, I haven’t proposed to her yet but we’ve been betrothed by our grandparents since we were kids.” George explained himself. “You look better in actual than your photographs, April.” hugging the lady from behind. “Let me introduce them to you. That’s Adam, the founder of our club and the oldest among us.” “I just turned 28 this May so don’t make it sound like I’m already out of the calendar days, Georgy!” Adam responded. “Hahaha, he’s also the lead guitarist of our band. That’s Matthew, our lead vocals and the well-off member of our band but he’s only second to Pluto, that guy with sun-kissed skin, he’s the wealthiest among us, probably even to this family.” he looked behind him before he continued. “Then, that’s Ross our band’s bassist, he’s the one from Cheshire, well that’s my 3 English men. Aside from our band, we have another musical band in our club and that’s the Aussie boys, their fans named their band because their first band name sucks.” “I think, I’ll just introduce us. That’s enough Georgy, I’ll take it from here, GEORGY!” Ashton making fun of George’s name. “Hello, I’m Ashton, the current president of SOS club. Just like Georgy, I’m the band’s drummer. This is Michael our lead guitarist, Calum our bassist, and Luke our lead vocalist, also the well-off member in our band because he’s not just like Matthew here who dated models, he’s model himself, and he’s in love with Alessia.” “Respect, President!” Luke clapping his hands for Ashton. “I really like how you introduced me just now.” “Hi, I’m Alessia.” she cuts off Luke’s commendation to Ashton. “Just to make it clear, Luke and I aren’t in a relationship, just like you and Georgy, we’re still in the getting-to-know-each-other stage.” “Yeah, for almost 3 years they’re still on that stage.” Troye butted in. “Hi, I’m Troye, and let me give you a piece of advice. You should tie the knot to Georgy as soon as possible if you don’t want him to be taken away by their fangirls.” “If he doesn’t propose to me within this year, I’ll propose to him then.” April looked back at George. “We should be married since last year but until now we’re not even officially engaged.” “Uh …” George scratching his head. “By the way, that’s Diso, he’s the future doctor of our club, he’s the one I’ve been telling you a half-Belgian, apparently he got his appearance from his mother.” “Ah, sorry, I thought you were a girl, you look so pretty to be a boy.” April said the usual first impression of everyone about Diso. ... To be Continued ...
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