Chapter 40: … That I'm All That You Need (2 of 2)

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“Hey, I can marry you now and we can make a baby tonight, you only say the word, we can get a marriage certificate today.” I responded. “Hmpf … hahaha!” she burst out laughing. “That’s a good joke.” slapping my shoulder as she keeps on laughing. I grab her hand and look at her seriously. “I’m not bluffing Desa, I do intend to marry you, have a baby with you. and together we can make our own family. I don’t see myself with anybody else aside from you, I’m truly in love with you Desa Ha.” She blinked at me many times as her face flushed in bright red like she ate something super spicy. “I-I’m not ready yet. S-Sorry.” I released my grip on her hand as she averted her gaze somewhere. We’re both quiet for the rest of the journey to the amusement park until we finally arrived to our destination. “What do you want to try first?” I’m trying not to invade her personal space for her not to feel uncomfortable around me. “Uhm … let’s start from light to extreme rides.” she took a map like the others before we start touring the park. “I want to try everything even the horror house but that would be the last.” “Sure.” I nodded in agreement. We literally tried everything and I found out that she likes extreme rides the most as we rode the roller coaster thrice before she’s satisfied and the horror house where my coat almost tore into pieces because of other people who grabbed me from behind. “Are you alright?” she handed me a bottled water. “The room you showed me is much scarier than that horror house.” “People are scarier.” drinking the water, she gave to me as I lean my back on the bench. “I’ve been mobbed inside; I’m expecting that you’ll hug me when you got scared but you just walked straight ahead like nothing is happening around you … you didn’t even help me out.” “Haha. Sorry. I just want to finish the trail quickly as I don’t like being in a dark room.” she glances at me and tidy my clothes. “You look like a mess right now.” “I should’ve reserved this whole place for us.” I sighed heavily. “Geez. You’re too selfish if you’ve done that. Look how many people come here to have fun today. Look at me. I’ll fix your hair for you. You’re tall, they manage to pull your hair??” she fixes my hair like it’s a natural thing to do. I just stare at her pretty face and I can’t help myself from not looking at her lips, her plum coloured lips. “There you go.” she smiles at me like my heart is going to melt. “Shall we try the Ferris wheel now? I’ll buy a cotton candy first, since we’re falling in line again also, I need sugar. You want anything else?” “Your lips.” I grab the back of her head as I lean closer to her and when I’m about to kiss her lips she covered it with her hand. “I won’t let you or anyone kiss me again easily.” she pushed my lips away from her. “Behave yourself, alright?” she stands up from the bench. “You get in line first, I’ll meet you there.” “You’re not going to leave me, there are you?” I feel like she’s tricking me to get away. “Of course not.” she shakes her head. “We’re being efficient here; you fall in line while I’m buying cotton candy. Wait for me there, alright? I’m coming for you; I won’t leave you.” “Fine, I’ll go.” I stand up from the bench and walk towards the line for the Ferris wheel. After a few minutes, she came with two cotton candies on her hand. “Here.” she handed me the blue one. “I think you need sugar too.” “Thanks. Come here.” I put her first before me and place my left hand on her shoulder as I consume the cotton candy she bought. I’m not into sweets but I can eat anything she give to me. It doesn’t take too long when it’s finally our turn. We sit across each other instead of taking one side together that’s what she wants when she gestured me to sit on the other side. “Have you ever dreamt of having superpowers??” she suddenly asked as our ride begin to move. “No, have you?” I asked her back to continue our conversation. “I want to fly. I was bullied in elementary until middle school, I don’t cry on the spot so I go to the highest place of our building to let out my frustrations. The rooftop of the school was my safe haven because no one else go there, it’s a restricted area but I’m the only one who have the guts to disobey that rule.” she stated. “If Michael Jackson is friends with a rat, I’m friends with birds, pigeons to be exact. Every time I cry on the rooftop, I wanted to have wings like them and fly away freely, far from everyone who thinks I’m a freak.” “Kids don’t know what they’re doing wrong to others.” I responded. “Yeah, that’s why I just let them be until they get tired of me. I actually had a peaceful 2 years in high school because my bullies finally stopped paying attention to me. Then on my 3rd year, I became friends with the guys who used to bully me for years. Funny, isn’t it? Specially when one of them told me that he liked me … and the other one, my main bully, missed the chance to confess his feelings for me. But I would’ve rejected him too, even if he tried to save me.” “Because you haven’t forgiven them for what they did to you before?” I tried to guess her reason for rejecting the boys. “Maybe, I’m still mad at them and it doesn’t make sense to me that they like me after making my life a living hell in school for 7 years. But later on, I realized that wasn’t the reason I couldn’t feel any romance for them.” she continued. “Hyde and Jacob, specially Jacob he’s the boy every girl wants to be their boyfriend, but I’m not one of those girls. I admit that they sometimes made my heart flutter but it only lasted for a few hours then I don’t feel anything for them again. Exactly the same of what I feel for Diso-sunbae and you.” “No, it’s not. You were wise not to fall in love with other guys in high school, but this time it’s different. I can make you fall in love with me everyday if only you give me a chance, open your heart for me.” “Of course, you can … but the problem here is me. I’m not capable of loving someone romantically.” she said with cold eyes as she’s dead serious when she said she can’t love someone. “I don’t believe you. I’ll work hard from now on to make you mine. I can’t just give up on you easily. I’ve searched for you for a decade and now that I found you, I won’t let you go. You’re gonna love me, I’m sure of it. I’ve got the rest of my life, to spend loving you.” “Why??” she’s looking straight to my eyes. “Why do you love me so much? You can get any girl you want but why me???” “Because you’re the first girl who made me feel special when you held my hand like you didn’t want to ever let go. You started it.” “That’s because you’re the only one who took away my pain that time but everything has changed. I’m not in pain anymore and I don’t have to hold your hand. You’re free, I’m letting you go.” she said with a cold expression on her face. “You don’t need me that’s why you’re letting go. But you’re not the only one who held my hand back then, I also held you back and I’m not going to let go. It’s me, who need you now and forever.” I pleaded. “I need you because I love you, Desa.” “You.” she smiled at me. “Since, when did you fall in love with me?” “Since I first met the snotty little girl crying on the corner of the street. If you were a kitten, I would’ve taken you home.” I replied. “Hey! Did I look that terrible when you first met me?!” she pouted. “Yes, even so I’ve searched for you for a decade.” I lean forward and pinch her cheeks. “We’re fated to each other, don’t you think?” “I can’t believe that Pluto Nevaeh is talking about fate right now.” “Is it too cringy?” letting go of her cheeks. “Yes.” she nodded. “But come to think of it, we might be destined to meet. You were the one who freed my Dad before and now we’re attending the same university.” “The more reason you shouldn’t let me go, what if you need me in the future too. You said it yourself, I’ve saved you from the pain when we were kids, secondly, I’ve saved your father. I’ve done things for you; shouldn’t you be paying me back??” I’m being shameless now. “How much do you want me to pay??” she asked anxiously. “Not money but your affection. I want you to love me too.” I stated. “I can give you a ₩100,000,000, that’s easier than what you asked.” “Do I look like I’m short of money?” I laughed at her. “I’m not forcing you to love me back, what I’m trying to say is take a chance on me.” “Do whatever you want, but I’m not into commitment yet.” she said. “I’m the one who’s pursuing here so even if you’re that cold I can’t complain. But don’t forget that I’m the first in line when you decided to fall in love and be in a relationship.” I responded. We stayed at the amusement park until it closed then we had dinner at the restaurant nearby before I took her home. The next day, since she agreed to watch a movie with me, I brought her to my place and watched Christmas movies at our theatre room. Friday came, we met Adam and the others to the Star Road Hotel. “It’s nothing much but I want you guys to have it.” Desa handed her presents to the gentlemen. “Thank you. Sorry, I don’t have anything for you in exchange.” Matthew said. “I’ll just pay for your meal, so order whatever you like. It’s on me.” “You don’t have to; I can pay for mine also it doesn’t cost much compare to the meal here.” Desa refused Matthew’s offer. “Oh please, I insist. Besides it’s New Year’s Eve later, take it as my Christmas and New Year’s Eve present to you.” Matthew stated. “So, Matthew will pay for our lunch.” Adam smile cunningly. “Let’s order a lot of food, Desa.” “I’m only paying for mine and Desa. You guys pay for your own.” “So stingy.” Adam sneered at Matthew. “Well, Pluto is here anyway.” “I forgot my wallet at home.” I lied. “I was thinking that since you guys invited us here, we don’t have to spend a cent.” “Fair enough.” Adam uttered. “Well, since you’re the youngest excluding Desa, me, Ross, and George will pay for your meal.” “Yeah, we seniors should be the one paying and not the youngest.” Ross added. “Go ahead and order whatever you like to eat.” “Please have mercy on us, Pluto.” George put his hands together. “Hahaha. It’s rare for the seniors to treat me so I should seize this opportunity.” I raised my hand to order. “I want this one, this one.” I keep ordering meals from the menu list and when it’s their turn they refused to add more orders as they glare at me. A few moments later, our table is full of the meals I ordered as well as Desa’s order and Matthew’s meal. I just ate comfortably while the three restrained themselves at first but enjoyed the food eventually since they’re paying anyway. Honestly, I intended to pay but the three really paid the meals that I ordered even if I told them that I’ll pay. “It’s fine. We have another case coming up, anyway.” Adam uttered. “Other case??” Desa asked curiously. “What do we have?” “Haunted house in Busan.” George responded. “We’ll work on it next week, since the others are on vacation.” Matthew added. “It’s not urgent anyway.” “Yeah, the client wants to sell the property, it’s commission base so the pay isn’t that high.” Ross continued. “I see. We better enjoy our holidays for now.” I nodded. “So, it’s not urgent because the pay isn’t high??” Desa looking at us. “Uh-huh. Also, there’s no one in the house anyway, so there’s no life at stake.” Adam responded. “But it’ll be our first case next year.” “Oh …” Desa rubbing her nape. “I guess it can wait until next week.” “Let’s go Desa.” leading her out from the hotel’s restaurant. “SOS also sells haunted house??” Desa glance at me. “Yes, after we make sure that the house is safe for occupancy.” walking with her to the parking lot. “Why, are you scared?” “Last time it was the doll who’s haunting a family but now it’ll be the house itself. Would it be more dangerous for everyone?” she asked. “It’s always dangerous but we always made it out alive.” I smirked. “Yeah, I know you guys aren’t people who easily die. I’m just worried about the safety of everyone but I know why we’re doing what we’re doing and why it has to be us.” she stated. “That’s what matters, as long as you’re not lost of our purpose.” “Well, whatever, but I won’t allow you guys if I see death is after anyone. I don’t want my friends to die on my watch, never again.” “You’re our guardian, Desa. Keep us alive.” patting her head gently. “Geez.” she gets in at the passenger seat after I opened the car door for her like a gentleman. “Drop me off at the supermarket.” I walked around to get in at the driver’s seat. “Supermarket?” “Yes. Mom asked me to buy everything on this list.” she showed me the paper from her pocket. “That’s a lot. I’ll come with you.” putting my seatbelt on. “No need. I can take care of this. Besides, don’t you need to go back home? It’s New Year’s Eve later, you should be home before sunset.” “What does sunset have to do with me coming back home?” I laughed at her as I drive the car. “I don’t have anything to do at home.” “Ah right, you only need to relax because everything will be prepared for you.” she sneered at me. “You sure you want to come with me to the supermarket, it’ll be crowded there and it might take too long.” “Appositive, I want to come with you.” I nodded at her without hesitation. “What’s so hard doing groceries?” The moment we set foot on the supermarket, she’s not kidding when she told me it’s crowded, people are doing last minute shopping. “Since you’re here, will you help me get half of the list?” she tore the paper into half and handed the other half to me. “We’ll be faster this way if we distribute. You can do it, right?” “Of course, I’ll take the basket then and look for you once I’m done.” “Great. Thank you!” she taps my shoulder before we parted our ways. I’ve never run an errand before but since Desa is depending on me to do half of her task, I have to do my best to help her. I thought it’ll be hard but I only look for each section to get what I need and put it in the basket. Though I’m done with my list I also took all the products that the merchandisers offered to buy. “Sir, do you want to put your items in the cart instead of the basket?” one of the staff handed me a cart. “Oh, thank you.” I put the basket in the cart and pushed it as I roam around to look for Desa. “Pluto, are you done?” Desa called me from behind. “Oh my gosh! I think that’s more than what’s on the list.” “I was just looking for you. Yes, I’m done, I got everything on the list. Others, were offered to me so I added them in.” I explained. “Yeah, I can see that. Hahaha, you just reminded me of Dad, he’s also like that when we go for a grocery.” she gestured me to move forward. “Now we have to fall in line.” “Sir, this counter is open.” a staff wave her hand on me. “I guess we don’t have to fall in line for too long.” I said to Desa. “Do they know who you are?” Desa follows me to the counter. “I don’t know. But everyone seems to be paying attention to me.” “Well, they probably know who you are.” she starts putting the items on the counter from my cart. “Are you his personal maid? You’re so lucky to have a handsome boss.” the cashier said to Desa. “Ah, do you know who my boss is??” Desa glance at me. “She’s not my maid, she’s my woman.” I cleared the misunderstanding right away. “Why do you have to pretend to be my maid?!” -End of Chapter 40-
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