Chapter 40: … That I'm All That You Need (1 of 2)

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(Pluto Point of View) Christmas Eve of 1976, at the Incheon International Airport. After 5 nights and days, she’s finally coming back. I should be the 1st to welcome her back home so even if I don’t like being in the crowd just like everyone else who are waiting for their loved ones to come home for Christmas, I’m here standing in the middle of the gate, excitedly and patiently waiting. The moment I laid my eyes to the girl wearing white sneakers and long white socks with 3 red stripes on it. “She’s showing off her thighs again.” sighing in defeat as I shake my head when I see her wearing shorts. “Hey, aren’t you cold??” “P-Pluto??! What are you doing here?!” Desa walking up to me with a surprise reaction written all over her face. “Waiting for my Christmas present to come.” looking at the white ribbon on top of her head. “Let’s go, I’ll take you home.” “How did you know my time of arrival?” she asked while we’re walking towards the gate. “I’ve got my ways to find out.” Taking her luggage for me to hold her hand like it’s a natural thing for us to do. “Your hand is freezing.” “There’s this group of people in the plane who got a lot of company with them. I don’t know where they came from or what they’ve done but the spirits were attached to them.” she responded as she looks at our hands holding together. “How can you be so warm??” “Uhm … I’m alive??” I stated as a matter-of-fact. “Geez. I shouldn’t let you hold me like this.” she’s pulling her hand away but I hold her tighter. “Just let it be until your temperature is back to normal.” I put her hand into my coat pocket while holding it tight. “Diso-sunbae … he confessed to me.” she uttered anxiously. “Oh …” I already expected it to happen. “What did you say to him?” “I rejected him but … he doesn’t want to give up, just like you.” she said as she glances at me. “Why are you guys doing this to me??” “Don’t worry, it’s between Diso and me, you only need to choose and whatever your decision is, we’re both fine with it.” I responded confidently but I actually want her to choose me over Diso. “Do you really mean it?? I don’t have to worry about you guys fighting over me?” she stopped her track and stand in front of me. “Mmm.” I nodded my head. “Diso and I will settle things on our own.” “College is really different from high school.” she smiles in relief. “Boys are more matured but still into physical touch.” “What do you mean? Did Diso got intimate with you?!” I frown at her as I grip her hand tighter. “Hey! You’re hurting me!” she pulls her hand more forcefully now. “Sorry.” I released her hand from my grip. “I know I don’t have the right, but it made me furious to think that other man touched you.” “Yeah, I’m not comfortable being touch too.” she massages her hand. “So, you’re going to hurt me when you’re jealous? You’re not even my boyfriend yet but you’re possessive.” she took her luggage from me. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” apologizing to her sincerely. “Please forgive me, please Desa?” “It’s fine, maybe I shouldn’t tell you everything from now.” she looks disappointed in me. “I should be considerate of how you feel, yeah, I’m at fault too. Sorry.” she bowed her head to me slightly. “I think I’ll just take a cab, it’s Christmas Eve, we should be spending time with our family. You should go home.” she turned her back against me as she pulls her two huge luggage in each hand. “Urgh! This temper of mine!” I chased after her and grabbed her luggage. “I’m really sorry, Desa, please don’t be mad at me.” “Mmm.” she shakes her head and smile at me. “We’re good. I was just startled but I’m not mad at you.” “Then will you at least let me take you home?” I used my puppy eyes. “Uhm … fine.” she sighed deeply as she agreed with me. “You’ll just drop me off home then you’ll leave right?” “Do you want to get rid of me immediately?” I replied coldly as we walk towards my Volkswagen. “That’s not what I meant! I’m just asking because I’m thinking about your family.” she looks around. “I mean look at everyone, they’re spending time with their family.” “Don’t worry I’m spending Christmas Eve with my family.” I handed her luggage to Butler Kim. “What are you doing tomorrow?” “Going to Suncheon with my parents, we’re celebrating Christmas with Halmeoni.” she gets in first as I gestured her to do so. “How long are you staying in Suncheon?” I followed her immediately at the backseat. “Just until Sunday evening, Mom and Dad will resume their business this Monday so we’ll be back home soon.” she replied. “I see. Do you have plans on Monday then?” I’m anticipating that she doesn’t have any. She thinks first before giving me an answer. “I’m doing laundry and clean the house. Everything should be clean before New Year.” “How about on Tuesday?” biting my lower lip. “Organizing my room. It’s kinda messy so I need to clean it up too.” “Wednesday?” trying to be patient with her schedule. “I got nothing to do on Wednesday, so probably I’m taking a rest after cleaning up for 2 days.” she replied while stretching her arms. “Will you give me that day then? I want to spend a day with you.” “Huh??” she glances at me with a surprise reaction on her face. “W-What exactly are we going to do if I agree?” “Have fun in the amusement park??” I just blurted it out as I don’t know what to do aside from being with her that day. “Hmm … in that case, sure!” she nodded with a sweet smile on her face. “Where’s the amusement park in Seoul anyway?” “I’m not sure either but Jongin knows, right?” I turned to my driver. “Yes, Young Master Pluto.” Jongin nodded at me. “I’ve never been into the amusement park here in Korea, I only know about other countries.” I uttered. “Like in Europe and US. Do you like amusement parks??” “Yes! I always ask my parents to bring me to a fun fair or carnival when I was a kid. Then when I became a teenager, Alexa and I used to spend our Friday nights to fun rides and games.” she stated enthusiastically. “Though it was more fun in high school when I had more friends.” she smiles bitterly. “I probably spend a December with them last year at the funfair that comes around the neighbourhood every winter, if only that accident didn’t occur.” “Hey.” I grab her hand and pats it gently. “Let’s make new memories, alright? I promise to make you happy.” “Geez.” she laughed at me. “I’ll be happier if you’re not that touchy.” she put my hand on my thigh. “Can you do that?” “I’ll try but I can’t promise.” I shake my head in disagreement. “Just do it. By the way, I bought presents for everyone. I already gave to Diso-sunbae his gift, can you help me contact the other seniors?” she’s pertaining to the working men in SOS. “Of course, we could meet them on Friday afternoon.” I lean my back on the backrest of our seat. “What do you have for me?” “The same thing as I have for everyone, it’s in my luggage. I’ll give it to you later.” she leans her back on the backrest too and her head on the window beside her as she yawns. “Gosh, I didn’t have a peaceful sleep in the plane but I have to stay up at least until 1am.” “Why do you have to stay up that late if you’re tired?” I glanced at her, she’s trying to keep her eyes open. “Because I need to be awake to welcome Christmas. It might sound childish but I do believe in miracles that happens on Christmas day.” “Miracles??” I asked curiously. “Uh-huh. I know that it’s my Dad who put presents under the Christmas tree and it’s my Mom who put cookies on the Christmas socks but I’m still excited even knowing the truth.” she’s smiling like a kid. “Christmas is the happiest day for me that happens every year, my birthday is only second. The lights in every house, the carols in the streets, everything looks magical to me.” “I know what you mean but unfortunately Christmas isn’t lively in this country unlike in America or in Europe where there’s a lot of Christians.” I uttered as I reminisce the celebration of Christmas in the Philippines. “People only decorate inside their houses here and there’s no Christmas carols from choir of children.” when I glanced at her again, she’s sleeping soundly at the corner. “Sleepyhead.” I don’t know how long I stared at her because I never get tired of watching her sleep. When we arrived at her residence, I carried her in my arms as I don’t want to wake her up. “Pluto??” Auntie Jung Yoo, Desa’s mother, opened the door for me. “What happened to Desa??” “She falls asleep while we’re in transit from the airport. I’ll take her to her room Auntie.” I asked for her permission to put Desa in her bedroom. “She must be exhausted from the long flight.” “Sure.” Auntie nodded as she leads me to Desa’s room. “You’re spoiling my daughter too much; you should’ve wake her up.” “I can’t believe that someone else is taking care of my princess now.” Uncle Yoo Ahn, Desa’s father, uttered as he followed us to the room. “Oh my gosh!” Auntie opened Desa’s bedroom door. “What happened in this room?! Sorry, I should’ve visited this room earlier.” “It’s so Desa.” Uncle helping Auntie to tidy up the bed. “Sorry, for the mess, please don’t have a bad impression to my daughter.” “It’s fine, Uncle. Desa already told me about cleaning her room.” I put Desa down on the bed. “Also, it doesn’t change how I see her.” Auntie sit down on the bed and take Desa’s shoes off her. “Do I have to ask if you like our daughter?” “Is it too obvious, Auntie?” I shyly responded as I touch my nape. “You’re not the first one to show interest to my baby girl.” Uncle taps my shoulder. “I can see how sincere you are but Desa isn’t easy to please, so good luck son.” “My husband is right; we don’t even have to be wary about boys who pursue our girl because she rejected them herself.” Auntie said. “She actually rejected me before.” I look down on the floor. “But I won’t give up, I love her and I’m willing to wait for her to be ready.” “So romantic!” Auntie responded. “I just hope you won’t change your mind. Desa takes time to open up to people much as well her heart to give to someone.” “Come, let’s talk in the living room and not here.” Uncle put his arm at my back. “Though Desa sleeps deeply and doesn’t get bother by the noise around her.” I talked to Uncle for a few minutes in the living room before I took my leave since there’s a party at home that I have to attend. Desa’s parents are good to me so I might as well be honest with them and tell them my intention to their daughter. I love her and I can’t hide it, that simple crush I had for that little girl developed into something more than I could imagine. Few days later, it’s finally Wednesday, I’m not a morning person but I woke up early to prepare myself for my date with Desa. With my Christmas present to her in my hands, I carried a life-size teddy bear to the elevator. As Desa opened her unit’s door for me, she welcomes me enthusiastically because of the teddy bear. “Thank you!” Desa hugging the teddy bear as she put it on the couch. “Do you like it?” I can see her huge smile on the face. “Yes! I actually thought you were a mascot when I opened the door. This teddy bear is so huge!” she turns to me after looking at the bear thoroughly. “I suddenly feel ashamed of my present for you.” “What is it?” I sit on the sofa beside her but she stood up and walk towards the Christmas tree. “It’s nothing much but I hope you like it.” she took a box under the tree and returned to her seat. “Here. Merry Christmas, Pluto.” “May I open it now?” I asked for her permission first. “Sure.” she nodded her head as she watches me open her present. “Snow globe.” I smiled at her. “Thank you, Desa.” “Do you like it?” she asked anxiously. “Absolutely. I like anything you give to me. I’ll put this on my bedside table.” playing the snow globe in my left hand. “Are you ready to go?” “Ah right, yes, let’s go.” she’s blushing and it actually made me happy. She braided her hair and she’s wearing lavender shirt tucked in to her printed pants, but the thing I noticed the most is her earrings that’s one of the earrings I gave to her on her birthday. “You’re wearing those earrings.” watching her settling in at the corner of her seat. “They look good on you.” “Thank you.” she looks at me like she’s scanning my outfit with her eyes. “You look like you’re about to go on a fashion show.” “Am I overclothe??” I suddenly feel conscious about my attire. “Well considering that it’s cold outside, you’re wearing the right clothes for you not to be cold but surely you’ll get the attention of everyone.” she averted her gaze from me after a while. “I also like your hairstyle; it complements your outfit and handsome face.” “Thank you. You’re pretty too with your hair braided.” I shyly replied. “And I’m glad you’re not wearing shorts today.” “I don’t feel like wearing shorts when going to the amusement park.” “I see. It’s not that I’m telling you what to wear or what not, I’m only concern about you. It’s cold and it’s not advisable to wear little.” “I know. Anyway, we’re staying in the amusement park from opening to closing, right?” she excitedly asked. “If that’s what you want.” I nodded at her. “Do you want to go elsewhere after dinner?” “Hmm … I’m not a fan of strolling at night.” she uttered which reminded me that she’s unordinary girl. “Ah … right.” I lean my back on the backrest of our seat. “How about movies tomorrow? At my place??” “Whoa. We’re not even done for today and you’re thinking about tomorrow??” she laughed at me. “So, it’s a no?” I asked anxiously. “Well … I’ve got no plans tomorrow anyway. And if it’s your place … sure … your residence is clean anyway.” she emphasized the word clean indicating that my residence doesn’t have any paranormal going on. “How about the gathering on Friday?” “They agreed for lunch, so I’ll pick you up at 10am to arrive at the venue before 12, they want to meet at the Star Road hotel.” I said. “I see. It’s not like I’m giving them a luxurious gift, should I treat them for lunch? It’s the last day of the year, so might as well celebrate with them.” she stated. “They won’t let you pay the bill. Aside from you’re a lady, you’re only a student and those gentlemen are currently employed.” I replied. “Oh … I know I’m not rich but the instant money I got in the bank … it feels like I have to spend it instead of saving. I even spent a lot in shopping but not those luxurious items you usually buy. I think I’m a spender … I should marry a rich man in the future.” she blurted. “Are you proposing marriage to me now?” I smirk at her. “What’s mine is yours when you marry me and you know I’m a rich man.” “Yeah, I know you’re a 3rd generation rich man but I’m just bluffing, don’t take my words seriously.” she chuckles. “Also, I don’t think I’m going to marry someone.” she turned to look at the window. “Why not? Don’t you want to have your own family?” I asked. “Of course, I do want my own family but … I might not have one.” ... To be Continued ...
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