Chapter 39: Do You Tell Them I'm Your Lover? (2 of 2)

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He also reclined his seat and lay down facing me. “Do you want me to turn off the lights now?” “No, I sleep with the lights on.” I tucked myself in the blanket while staring at him. “You’re so pretty Diso-sunbae.” “Is that a compliment or an insult?” he smiled a bit at me as he also keeps on staring at my face. “That’s a compliment, I’ll never insult you.” I take off his reading glass. “I envy your long eyelashes.” touching his eyelashes. He grabbed my hand that snapped me back to reality, why did I even touch his eyelashes without his permission?! “Sorry, I didn’t mean to …” I was taken aback when he suddenly kissed the back of my hand and intertwine his fingers with mine. “Can we hold hands while sleeping?” he’s looking at me in the eyes. “W-Why do you want to hold hands with me?” I’m getting confused. “I want to feel your warm beside me.” he responded. I get it that his hand is cold but why does my heart flutters though it’s different when it’s Pluto who holds my hand. “Mmm.” I nodded in agreement with him. I woke up in the morning and he’s already up, reading his thick medicine book again but he’s still holding my hand up to this moment. “Oh, you’re awake.” he glances at me. “Do you want fruity or honey pancake for breakfast?” “I think you can let go of my hand now, Diso-sunbae.” I feel like our hands are glued together now. “Sorry.” he finally released my hand from his. “Did you sleep well?” “Mmm. Thanks to you, I also feel warm.” turning my bed to chair again. “Where’s Ace-oppa?” I noticed that Ace isn’t on his seat. “Talking with the pilots.” he replied lazily. “So, what do you want?” “Fruity pancake. I’m done with honey.” stretching my arms upward and legs forward before I stand up. “I’m going to the lavatory first.” “Sure, I’ll order our breakfast so that we can eat when you’re back.” “Go ahead. Oh, I want orange juice. Thanks, Diso-sunbae.” I make my way to the lavatory. Once I’m done with my business inside the lavatory, there’s a commotion at the economy class area, so I take a peek from the curtain partition to see what’s going on. Apparently, a woman collapsed and everyone are looking at the patient from their seats like it’s some kind of a show. The attendants are securing the area of the woman but none of them seems to know what to do to the patient directly until one of them announced an emergency as the woman needs urgent medical attention, they’re looking for doctors among the passengers. But no one is taking a stand to declare themselves as a doctor, so I returned to my seat as I think of Diso. “There’s a woman who collapsed at the economy class area, can you take a look? I don’t think there’s a doctor here in the plane and she looks like she needs an urgent medical attention.” I asked Diso who’s preparing my breakfast table. “I’m not a licensed doctor yet. I can’t go and claim what I’m not.” A flight attendant came to our area and asked the same question. “Is there a doctor here? A woman in the economy class area needs an urgent medical attention.” she’s looking at everybody with pleading eyes because of the frustrating matter. “Diso, aren’t you going there and take a look at least?” Ace stand beside Diso with his arms cross on his broad chest. “Hyung, I’m not a doctor yet. I’m only a med student on his 5th year.” Diso sneered at him as he doesn’t want to get involved. “Did you find a doctor?” another flight attendant came in. “The woman isn’t breathing anymore.” “Urgh!” Diso stand up. “Where’s the patient? What are the clinical tools and apparatus you have on board?” he asked the attendant. The attendant lead him to the economy class area, Ace and I follow behind to support him. Diso checked the pulse of the woman first. “This isn’t good. Is she with someone?” he asked calmly. “She’s alone, Sir.” the attendant with tag name Ravinia replied after asking the passengers sitting around the woman. “Then I’ll proceed on treating her.” Diso put on the surgical gloves and start performing the incision on the woman’s throat. He was so calm while tending at the woman as he does the process smoothly, after a while the woman’s complexion return to normal like her blood circulates again. The woman was at the brink of sure death earlier as I can see a dark figure near her which I’m sure a reaper but Diso saved her life. Ace helped to put the woman on the business class area where they lay her down on Ace reclined seat. After 5 hours our plane landed to the airport and because the woman is alone, we accompanied her to the hospital nearby. The woman’s name is Tzuyu Wovuxe, she’s Belgian national, born in Hong Kong and she’s 9 years older than me, according to her passport that I used to fill up her hospital form. She’s tall 5’8” or 5’9”, with a beautiful face and well-proportioned body, she could be a supermodel with her features but it seems like she wanted a low profile as she’s only wearing simple clothes. “Are we going to leave her here?” I asked the Diso and Ace when they told me we’re going to Woluwe-Saint-Pierre. “Don’t worry she’ll be safe here and she’s out of danger, so yes we can leave her here.” Diso assuring me. “I left my home address and phone number at one of the nurses, so if there’s anything she’ll notify me.” Ace uttered. “Let’s go?” “Well, I guess it’s fine then.” I’m still hesitant to leave the woman alone but since she’s not a kid, she can take care of herself. We left the hospital and headed straight to Woluwe-Saint-Pierre. Diso said that their house wasn’t as fancy as the Crossey’s mansion but when we arrived at their house, it’s a mansion too. It’s a 2-storey house where the first floor is all white the 2nd floor in sienna with the greyish-blue roof on top. Unlike their neighbours, their house has the simplest architectural design, perfectly aligned windows. 3 long windows on the front and back and 6 on the left and right, the front and back door are aligned on the centre window, it actually looks like a school building only because of its structure nevertheless it’s a warm home inside. There’s no balcony but every room got a window or windows. The basement can actually be a bar and operate in business as it’s well designed, they even have an indoor swimming pool there. The attic is fully utilized too instead of the usual storage area, and it all belongs to Diso’s space. “Wow! You’re the only one who use this whole attic??” I sit on the sofa on the side as I look around his big room. “Uh-huh.” Diso nodded as he sits beside me. “This is where I dance too. Right from that door, I keep on spinning until I reach my bed.” “You can dance too??” I look at him in surprise. “Didn’t you know I’m part of the dance crew before too? I only quit this year because I’m already on my 5th year just like how I resigned from presidency at SOS.” he continued. “I know about SOS but the dance crew??” I’m imagining him dancing. “Hmm … perhaps I show you.” he stood up and took an album from the shelf to play some music. He started with slow little movements of his body as he follows the rhythm of the music. “Ooh, I’m surprise you’re not stiff.” watching him dance to the beat. He’s good like Pluto, that’s why I enjoyed watching him perform and even joined him for a dance as we both move along the music. We can go in sync too like we’ve been practicing together for a long time, we’ve done a lot of twist and turns and some spins until I lay down on his bed and he lay down next to me. We were laughing as we stare to each other when he suddenly brushes my hair with his fingers. “You’re so beautiful, Desa.” he said with a sweet smile. “Stop it, you’re making me shy, Diso-sunbae.” I smiled back at him. “What do you think of me, Desa?” he’s looking at me in the eyes. “You’re a good person. I actually admire you earlier in the plane when you saved that woman’s life. She’s supposed to be dead but you brought her back to life. I didn’t interfere so death won’t bounce to other people but you, you changed her fate.” staring at him with admiration. “You’ll be a great doctor, Diso-sunbae, and I want to be on your side as your nurse.” “I would love that too.” he caresses my face. “But aside from being my nurse in the future, I want you to have another role in my life.” “What role? You’re dance partner? Hahaha.” I chuckle. “How about my life partner too?” he grabbed my chin gently. “Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?” moving closer. “Y-You like me Diso-sunbae?” I stuttered as I look in his deep eyes. “I love you, Desa Ha.” his lips touch mine and his tongue made its way inside my mouth. I stiffened with his kiss that I could only clench my fists while he’s taking my breath away with his kisses. He only stopped when he’s in need of air too. “I’ve always wanted to kiss you Desa whenever I look at your lips.” I’m only staring at him, still in shock about his sudden love confession and the French kiss he just gave me. “I guess I overdone it.” he bit his lower lip while looking at me. “I’m sorry, I should just kiss you simply and not that kind of kiss. Are …” I pushed him away from me and rushed out from the attic towards the room that they gave to me. “What the hell was that for?!”  my legs gave in that I flopped down on the floor as I rest my back on the door. “Diso-sunbae … loves me?” caressing my lips as the thought of him kissing me with his tongue keeps on playing in my head. I curled myself like a ball while feeling a lot of emotions at the moment when someone knocked on the door behind me. “Miss Desa, dinner is ready.” one of the housekeepers, she must be Via, the only one who speak English. “I’ll be down in a minute, thank you, Via.” I responded politely. There are 3 housekeepers in their manor, the oldest is Woona, 57, she only speaks Dutch though she can understand French and a bit of English, she was the one who took care of Ace since he was a baby until the brothers migrated to Korea; the second is Mina, 47, just like Woona she only speaks French who understands Dutch and a bit English, the one who raised Diso and treats him like her own child. Then there’s Via, 37, she’s French Canadian that’s why she’s both fluent with English and French though she speaks basic Dutch. Woona is married to the driver, Timoteo, 60, who served the Richy family for 40 years now and pledge his service for them until the day he die, so as his wife who bore him six children before she worked for the Richy too. Mina married the gardener, Cain, 50, he’s also the plumber, carpenter, a jack of all trades, they have four children who now have their own families. That’s why Woona and Mina are persuading Ace and Diso to marry too, that’s what Via told me while she’s translating the conversation to me in English since I asked her to be my interpreter. Mina glanced at me before she talked to Diso in French, Diso stares at me as he replied to her in French. Ace sprayed the water from his mouth with what Diso said and the brothers talked in Dutch. “What did Diso say in French earlier?” I turned to Via beside me. Via looked at Diso first and then she shakes his head to me. “Sorry but I can’t say it to you Miss Desa.” she’s trying hard not to laugh. “Hey, can you two at least speak in English and stop leaving me out from your conversation by using other language? Are you two making fun of me?” frowning at Ace and Diso. “Do you really want to know what we’re talking about, Desa?” Diso speaking to me in English as I requested. “Of course, I do! You guys are talking about me!” I pouted. “Mina asked me what’s our relationship, I told her that we’re lovers.” Ace glance at me with amusement in his eyes. “My brother is turning into a man now, he’s claiming you as her woman, Desa.” “You guys … are you messing with me?!” exchanging glances with the brothers as I crossed my arms to my chest. “Do I look joking to you, Desa?” Diso intertwine his fingers and rest his chin at the back of his hands while leaning on the dining table. “Diso-sunbae …” I’m looking for the words to say to him in my head but I couldn’t come up with anything except for “Why me?” “Because you are you.” Diso looking at me in the eyes. “Please don’t do this to me.” shaking my head as I plead to him. Ace gestured the others to leave the dining area as he also takes his leave to give me and Diso privacy. “I’m not forcing you to be my woman Desa if that’s what you’re thinking of me right now, I only said it to Mina because she saw what happened in the attic earlier.” Diso uttered with gentle eyes. “She saw that?!” I want to disappear at the moment as I shut my eyes tightly closed. “Diso-sunbae, I like you but not in a romantic way of liking. That kiss … I let it slipped but please don’t do it again. I might end up avoiding you and that’s not what I want.” “Is it because of Pluto?” his eyes darkened and turns arctic cold. “No … it’s not about him. That man too …” I sighed heavily. “I’m the problem here. I … I’m confused as to what I feel.” “Love doesn’t have to complicated Desa. What’s stopping you from loving someone??” he leans his back on his chair. “Fear of losing the one I love because of me.” I replied directly. “Are you still thinking that you’re losing the people around you now just like how you lost your friends before??” he asked with a serious face as he anticipate my response. “Maybe … but aside from that it’s really me. Well, my heart does flutters when someone show me love but it doesn’t last long. I mean, I might think I love you today but not tomorrow … what I’m saying is I’m not capable of loving someone.” telling him the truth about me. “What do you mean you’re not capable of loving someone??” he asked me curiously as confusion is written all over his face. “It started when I gained my 2nd ability, seeing how people die. I’m only 16 but death becomes part of my life like it’s normal for me to see pool of blood and a dead body in front of me. Since then no emotion lingers on me for too long except for melancholy.” I said. “That’s depression. You’re depressed and I get it, you haven’t had a proper medication or treatment after the tragedy in your life.” “You’re not listening.” I shake my head to him. “The incident happened when I was 17 but I got the gloom a year before that. I tried to be in love too with Hyde but I ended up rejecting his love for me anyway, as for Jacob, I tried to reciprocate his feelings for me too but I feel nothing but emptiness.” “Maybe you don’t like them that much, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t capable of loving someone just because you failed to fall in love before. Trust me it’s different now, you only need to be open in every possibility, no one is incapable of loving.” he assured me. “I don’t want to give you false hope, Diso-sunbae. So please, let me reject you by now, for you to move on and forget that feeling for me. We better off friends than lovers.” I uttered. “I like you too much to be just friends with you. Even if you reject me, I won’t give up on you. I’m barely starting to show you my love.” -End of Chapter 39-
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