Chapter 6: Never Knew Loving Could Hurt This Good (2 of 2)

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I’ve been like this before I got a lot of friends, I don’t care about everyone else, but it’s different now because I don’t have anyone on my side anymore and I won’t let anyone in my life again. I found out what Halmeoni told me the first time we met and it made me realized that what the people accused me in Canada is true. I bring death to everyone; I’m cursed and I involved my friends that costed their lives in the end. I’m contagious so I won’t attach myself to anyone ever again, I should shut people out in my life to keep them safe from my curse. During the weekend, my parents helped me to find a place to stay-in since the dormitory can only house limited undergraduate students and family households. Yeongeon or the medical campus of SNU is on Daehangno or University Street at the northeast Seoul, and we found an attic apartment in Dobong district which is also located in north-eastern Seoul, where I could go for a long-distance walk or through bike. “I think I know why no one wants this attic despite of the low rent cost and the distance from the campus.” I whispered to my Mom. “Can you handle it?” Mom whispered back to me. “Tell Dad that I’m taking it, this is the only space that we can afford in this city. I can live with this ghost.” looking at the ghost who’s staring back at me. “She’s not harmful anyway. It’s actually good that I got a housemate, I’m not alone.” Some studio type apartments or room for rent are either pricey or got a lot of issues with the place itself or the people around, so taking this attic is the best choice for me. “Thanks for reserving this place to me.” I talked to the ghost as soon as I settled in to my new place. “I knew it! You’re different from everyone!” the ghost said. “I’m Lo Tae Ro.” being friendly to me. “What’s your name?” “Ha De Sa.” I start unpacking my stuffs. “How long have you been staying here? Are you waiting for someone??” “I don’t know I got lost track of time since I died, how did you know I’m waiting for someone??” she popped her head on the box. “You were staring on a far distant when I first saw you, so I figured you’re not staying here because you want to scare people, also you’re pretty to be scary.” taking out my things from the box. “How about now am I still pretty?” showing me her corpse look. “I saw a lot of scarier things too many times before.” continue with what I’m doing. “Who are you waiting for??” “My fiancé, he’s an American soldier, and his name is T. Swift, those are the letters embroidered on his military uniform.” she replied. “T. Swift? You don’t know his first name?” organizing my stuffs. “I’m not sure if it’s Tim or Timmy, I actually don’t remember now his first name but I’m certain his last name is Swift.” she uttered. “Must be Timothy.” unboxing the second huge box. “You must be waiting here for him for too long that you’re getting forgetful now.” “He promised that he’ll come back for me so I’ll stay here until he fulfils that promise. I want to see his face for one last time.” “I’ll see what I can do to help you, but I won’t promise anything.” “Really, you’re going to help me?!” smiling prettily at me. “You need to crossover that’s why I want to help you, the longer you stay in the living world the more memories you lose until you left with nothing but melancholy and you won’t have a chance to be reborn again when you lost all your memories here in this world.” “You know a lot about us, ghosts. You look younger but I can sense that you experienced a lot already at such a young age.” she said. “I start seeing dead people when I turned 8 and when I turned 16, I see how people die … but I failed to see how my friends will die that day.” tears start to fall from my eyes. “I could’ve extended their lives for a month and a week but I didn’t see death coming to them, my ability didn’t work when I needed it the most.” I thought I’m done crying but every time I think about my friends, I couldn’t stop but to be depress over and over again. I just cried all night until I fell asleep and if not for the landlady who checked up on me in the morning, I’ll forgot that it’s Monday. First day of school and I’m late on my 1st class, aside from I woken up late, I got lost in the campus before I find my classroom. “Sorry, Professor, I’m late may I come in?” I realized I talked in English because I’m in a rush. “You must be Ms. Desa Ha, the ballet student who graduated from Vancouver, Canada.” the professor leans on his table as he stares at me. “Well, I’ll let you slipped this once since it’s your first day, go ahead and take a seat.” “Thank you, Professor.” I talked to him in Korean. “You still have a Canadian accent when you speak in Korean, huh?” The whole class laughs at me although I don’t intend to be the class clown but it’s not like that this is the first time that people laugh at me, I just expected that college would be different. “So, you’re Desa.” the girl beside me talked to me first. “Hi, I’m Ari.” “I’m Ana.” the girl behind me taps my shoulder. “Are you …?” “Sorry, but I’m not here to make friends. I come here to study and not to deal with trivial matters.” cutting her off before we have an on-going conversation. I know that I’m being a b*tch right now but this is how I can distance myself from everyone around me. When my last class ended, I went out immediately since I know that people will talk behind me for my rude behaviour. I was walking down the street when I saw an Italian restaurant with a signage hanging on the glass wall hiring part-time worker. “Uhm … excuse me. I saw the signage outside, is the job still available?” talking to the receptionist. “Do you have your résumé with you?” the lady politely asked. “Yes, here.” taking out the résumé from my bag. The only working experience I had was in the movie theatre for almost 2 years when Dad got trapped in the other dimension and I had to helped Mom for our daily living. “Please, wait here for a few minutes. I’ll just give your résumé to our manager.” the receptionist left her post for a while. “You’re my replacement?” tall and brown girl entered the restaurant. “Replacement??” confused of what she’s talking about. “Are you here for the part-time job? Or are you a customer? No offense, most of the customers we got here are middle-aged.” “Ah, I’m here for the part-time job.” rubbing my nape. “Middle-aged? Does this restaurant cater a specific age for customers?” “Not really. But aside from my college friends, most of our regular customers here are in their 30’s 40’s … I don’t know really how old they are but they do business transactions here.” she replied. “I see. So, it’s not about the age but the social status. Well, I get it this a fancy restaurant for ordinary people like me. I’m pretty sure that the costs of every meal here is worth a fortune.” I uttered. “Well the price of the meal here is just right for the costs of the ingredients used in a dish and also the labour of the people behind the food that is being served to customers, including the ambiance.” “Yeah I get it. Do you think I can get the part-time job?” asking her. “Do you want to work here?” she answered me with a question too, “Yes, I need this job. There’s no scholarship offering for ballet in SNU, and that’s the only thing I know I’m good at.” I uttered. “Oh, you’re from SNU too, huh? Let me guess you’re a medical student?” circling her fingers as she points at me. “Freshman nursing student.” I responded. “Really?!” she smiles enthusiastically at me. “You’re my hoobae. Hi, I’m Alessia Caracciolo, sophomore nursing student at SNU.” “Nice meeting you sunbae.” bowing my head slightly to her. “Wait, Caracciolo? You mean …” pointing at the name of the restaurant. “My parents established this restaurant for almost 3 years now. It’ll be on our 3rd anniversary this 11th of July.” she responded. “Ms. Ha.” the receptionist called me. “You may proceed to the manager’s office now at the 2nd floor. Good afternoon, Miss Alessia.” “Good afternoon, Edna.” Alessia replied to her with a smile. “Come on, I’ll bring you to the Manager’s office.” she grabs me by the arm. Alessia reminded me of Alexa when we first met, she’s this friendly to me too, but no, what the hell am I thinking about?! I came here for work and not to befriend the daughter of the owners, but I can’t be rude to her like what I did in classroom if I want to get this part-time job, so I let her hold me for a while. “Mama!” Alessia opened the door at the manager’s office. “Please hire my hoobae as my replacement. I like her.” “You’ll be her mentor?” the manager asked with her raised eyebrow. “Sure, no problem. I think she’s a fast learner anyway.” Alessia smiles at me as she embraces me in her arm. “You’re mine now.” “Don’t scare your replacement, Alessia.” manager smiles at us. “We won’t need a part-timer if this daughter of mine maintained her grades. She needs to focus with her studies more than helping out in the restaurant. Ah by the way, are you sure you’re going to take this job? You’re a nursing student too.” looking at my résumé. “I’m positive, Manager. I can manage to work while studying, I need to be flexible in order to earn money and help my parents with the finances. I’m making use of my spare time at home doing nothing.” “If that’s the case, you’re hired Ms. Ha, you may start by tomorrow.” “But since you’re here anyway, let me show you around.” Alessia glance at me. “I can take her now, right?” asking her mother. “Don’t terrorize her, alright?” Manager points at Alessia. “Why would I do that??!” Alessia chuckles. “Let’s go.” taking me by the arm again as we take our leave from the office. “Congrats!” “Thank you.” smiling a bit at her. “What time am I going to report for work tomorrow? Also, what exactly am I going to do here?” “For the time, I need to know your class schedule first so we can have a proper time management.” she replied. “As for your job description, technically you’re the assistant of every staff. You need to be observant who needs your help the most. Since you only have one body and you can’t help everyone even if you wanted to.” Alessia showed me around the kitchen and introduced me to the staffs before we went to the dining area and told me the table numbers and the setting on each tables and chairs then we climbed upstairs again to show me the 2nd floor where the manager’s office is located as well as the VIP rooms. “Lastly, here on the rooftop. It’s for small events but most of the time my friends and I reserved this space when we’re having a meeting or simple gathering.” showing me around the area. “It’s beautiful here.” looking at every corner and the city view. “I know that’s why this is my favourite hang-out spot. From 8am until sunset we put the umbrellas on the table to protect the customers from direct sunlight and of course in case it rains.” pointing at the umbrellas on the side. “But don’t put out the umbrellas when there’s a customer dining in, unless the said customer requested.” “Got it. Here’s my class schedule by the way.” handing her my registration form where my class schedule can be seen. “MWF you’re 8am to 1pm. TThS 10am to 3pm.” she looks at my schedule thoroughly. “Hmm … let’s put you to night shift, is 4pm to 10pm from M to S good to you? Dinner time is busier than lunch.” “I can work for Sundays too; I’ve got nothing to do at home anyway.” “Sunday is your day off; believe me you need a break once a week. I’ve been there done that. What’s your first name again?” she asked. “Desa. I’m Desa Ha.” introducing my name in my typical way. “You’re not a local, are you? Based from your accent, you’re a foreigner. Am I right?” smirking at me. “Well I’m pure Korean, I was born in this country and lived here until my 1st grade. My family migrated to Vancouver where I got to advanced on the 2nd grader class in a private school through scholarship by dancing ballet. I lived there for 11 years.” I said. “If my calculations are right, you graduated there in high school.” “Yes. My family came back here by the end of June last year, few days after my graduation.” trying to keep my poker face. “I see. I was born and raised in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Before you get confused of my nationality, my father was born in Canada to Italian parents, and my mother is an Italian immigrant.” she uttered. “Just like your family, we migrated here in Korea 3 years ago to do business, this restaurant. My father received an offer from his Korean friend to make a living here in Korea, so here we are now. We’re actually poor in Canada but our lives improved here in a foreign place so we got naturalized. I think we’ll be staying here for long, how about you? Do you like to go back in Canada??” she asked.    -End of Chapter 6-
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