Chapter 5: Leave This Blue Neighbourhood (2 of 2)

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Not that I’m the prime suspect for all the deaths because evidently, they’re all caused by freak accidents, but he questioned my involvement with everyone. “Desa and Jacob, why am I not surprised that you two are around the area?” Officer Bloom caught us before Jacob starts the engine. “Are you going to arrest us again Officer Bloom?” Jacob asked. “Why did you pay that truck driver to run over the victim?” Officer Bloom asked Jacob sarcastically. “Am I that bored to you Officer that I pay people to kill others for my entertainment?” Jacob responded mockingly. “Watch your tongue boy, I may used it against you to put you in jail.” “How will you put me in jail when you got no solid evidence against me?” Jacob smirks at the officer. “Officer Bloom.” I hold his arm resting on the car window. “That reporter, tell her not to host the live show this Saturday night, there will be an accident in the studio.” I just had a premonition when I saw the announcer reporting the news. “What are you two up to again huh?” frowning at me and Jacob. “Just listen to her, Officer Bloom, how many times do I have to tell you what Desa can do?! When are you going to believe that she can see how people die??” Jacob shouted. “Don’t raise your voice to me like that kid!” Officer Bloom shouted. “There’s no point talking to someone who can’t be open to possibilities.” Jacob drive away and leave the officer behind. “Should I tell to that reporter directly? I don’t think Officer Bloom will tell her what I said.” looking at Jacob who’s still annoyed. “What for? They just laugh at you anyway and some who believes you got to live for 37 days but they die in a horrible death.” he said. “But within that extended time, they got to do things that they haven’t done before and bid farewell to their love ones.” I replied. “Urgh! Desa! Why do you have to be so nice to everyone?! You don’t even know these people and they think of you as crazy, or witch for cursing them to death! You’re trying to save their lives but what do you get in exchange?! Mockery?? Stop being an i***t!” he shouted. “If treating people with kindness is idiocrasy, then it’s alright for me to be called an i***t but not from someone like you who only thinks of himself and his reputation.” I responded. “So, you’re saying I’m selfish?! I should be in the campus right now and sleeping on my desk until the class ended but I’m here driving you to wherever you need to go and experience the same sh*t almost everyday because of your so-called kindness.” yelling at me. “Stop the car. I’m getting off.” I scowl at him. “What am I your driver? I’ll stop the car if I want to, you don’t tell me what to do. I’m not taking orders from you.” he continue driving. When the car stopped at the red light, even if we’re in the middle of the road, I got off from his car and walked home on my own. I could’ve ridden a cab or bus but I chose to walk to cool down rather than I take home my anger at Jacob. “I’m home.” I sit on the couch as soon as I entered the living room. “Jacob didn’t take you home?” Hyde coming out from the kitchen. “Don’t mention that name to me.” glancing at him. “What are you doing here, wearing that apron??” “Hyde is helping me to make pastries.” Mom replied as she come to the living room too. “What happened to you? You look like a mess.” “Just let me rest here for now. I walked thousands of steps to get home. I got no energy left to do anything.” lying down on the sofa. “Uh-huh! How dare you open your legs like that when Hyde is here?!” “Mom, Hyde and I are friends, this won’t matter to him.” I said. “In case you forgot.” Hyde lift my feet up on the armchair. “I’m still a man, and it doesn’t change whether we’re friends or not.” “Such a gentleman.” Mom praised Hyde. “Sorry about my daughter.” “It’s alright, auntie, I’m used to her. Shall we continue baking?” Hyde smiled at me before he turns to my Mom. “Sure, let’s leave that girl alone.” Mom replied. “Gosh, I’m so tired.” hugging one of the pillows from my side. I fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up, Hyde is sitting on the floor next to me while playing chess with my Dad. “You’re still here?” I noticed the time on the clock and it’s already 9pm. “Aren’t you overstaying?” “Desa! Is that the right way to treat a guest?!” Dad scolded me. “Chemistry report.” Hyde look back at me. “Ah right!” I sit up immediately. “Sorry, I almost forgot.” scratching my head. “I’ll just take a quick shower and we’ll start doing the report.” stand up and climb upstairs. Of course, I’m a still a student who needs to do student stuffs, fortunately I got Hyde to pull me back to reality. It supposed to be us 3 including Jacob to the report but we just assigned him to do the presentation instead as his contribution since he’s good in public speaking anyway. “It’s past midnight. Do you want to sleepover?” worried about Hyde’s safety and the fact that I’m the reason we finished late. “In your room?” Hyde teasing me. “Geez, you act like a gentleman when my parents are around but you’re this flirty if it’s just us two.” tidying up the table. “That’s a given I want your parents to have a good impression at me.” “Because you like me. Hahaha. I might believe you if I don’t see you being surrounded by girls at school and you’re not flirting back at them but you can’t fool me, Hyde. So, save those lines to your girls.” “But I do really like you, it’s just you who don’t take me seriously.” “Yeah right.” I stand up and carry my books and notes. “Let’s just go to bed, we need to be ready for class later.” “Is that an invitation to sleep with you?” smiling at me. “In your wildest dreams. Good night, Hyde.” walked past by him. “Hahaha. You’ll like me too eventually.” Hyde following me upstairs. “Yeah maybe after a million year. There’s no way that I’ll like a playboy in this lifetime.” going in to my bedroom. “By the way, just in case that Jacob doesn’t do the presentation, will you take over?” “He’ll do it. He’s not irresponsible. He always does his part.” Hyde said. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine later.” going to the guestroom at the right where he used to stay before. Hyde left my place early morning since he doesn’t have spare clothes to change, we met up in the classroom after an hour. “Did Jacob?” Hyde asking if Jacob picked me up from home. “No, it’s not like he’s my driver.” I glance at Jacob’s side. “My Dad dropped me off before he went to the hospital.” “So, you two are still at it huh?” Hyde smirks at me as he looks at Jacob. “Hey Jacob, you’re on the presentation, since Desa and I basically did everything, so you do the talking in front.” “Yeah sure.” Jacob nodded at Hyde as he glances at me. Well, Jacob is dependable and because of him our report got the highest grade among other groups in the class. Weekend past, start of another week at school but Jacob and I weren’t still talking to each other like we’re complete strangers. Until he came to my place on Saturday evening when I’m having dinner with my Mom, and apparently, he brought a movie film. “Popcorn and soda, check. You may start playing it now.” sitting on the mat beside him since we’re watching the film at the backyard. “Yes, ma’am.” Jacob pressed the start button of the projector. It’s a comedy movie so we’ve been laughing out loud in the middle of the night when my Dad came home from work. “What are you kids watching? I could hear you both laughing from the front lawn.” Dad smiling at me and Jacob. “Happy Little Pill, hahaha!” I can’t stop laughing while watching the hilarious scene on the white wall of our house. “I know you two are having fun, but please tone it down, it’s already 10pm and we’re not the only people in this neighbourhood.” Dad said. “Yes, Dad. The movie’s about to end soon anyway.” I noticed the short film left in the projector. “Alright. Jacob, nice to see you again.” Dad smiles at Jacob. “You too, uncle.” Jacob replied to my Dad. “Pfft! Hahaha!” “Hahaha! He’s really funny, gosh!” laughing with him. We didn’t apologize to each other but I can say we’re good even though we didn’t talk, and we both had fun that night with the movie. 8 weeks later and it’s mid-June, a week before the finals on the last week of the month and start of summer vacation. We got these 3 days and 2 nights camping in a recreational forest, the school want us to chill out first before the stressful exam week. “As far as I know Alexa it’s a camping and we’re not moving in to the forest. What’s with this huge box?!” helping her to carry the box. “Survival stuffs, it’s a forest and you’ll never know what’s waiting for us in there.” Alexa carrying the other end of the box. “Need help ladies?” Jacob walked towards us. “What’s in that box?” “Alexa’s treasure.” I humoured him. “But it’s fine we can manage.” “But I do mind seeing you struggling carrying this box.” Hyde appeared. “Go inside the bus, Jacob and I will take care of this.” “Thanks, Hyde.” Alexa dropped the box right away. “Come on, Desa.” “Thank you.” I uttered when I look at Hyde and Jacob before I go with Alexa. “What’s with that smile, Alexa??” “Nothing. I just envy your long hair, Rapunzel.” grabbing my hair gently. “You got Jacob Bixen and Hyde Mele as your lackeys.” “Hey, they’re not my lackeys. They’re my friends, if other girls hear you that you’re calling those two names you’ll be in trouble.” I said. “Hahaha, right. Those two got a lot of crazy fan girls around.” she said as we get in the bus. “Who are you sitting with J or H?” “I’m sitting with you, of course.” following her from behind. “That’s why I love you girl, you choose friends over guys.” pouting her lips to me as she looks back. Alexa took the window seat at the second row from the back and I’m on the aisle. When Hyde and Jacob came in, Jacob sits behind me while Hyde on the take the seat near me with only the aisle apart us. We left the school ground after a few minutes and because I woke up too early not to be late, I kinda feel sleepy after an hour. “Hey, Jacob I’m reclining my seat, alright?” I’m thinking about his long legs behind me so I need to check on him first. “Oh, alright, I’ll make room for you.” Jacob opened his legs wide and helped me recline my seat afterwards. Jacob is 5’11 and he’ll probably be 6-footer soon, so reclining my seat would take a lot of space from him but still he let me reclined. “Better?” he lay his head down on top of my seat. “Go ahead and sleep. I’ll sleep like this too.” I feel asleep after a while and when I woke up, Jacob’s right arm was embracing me and I literally slept on his muscular biceps. “And you said, you two are just friends, huh?” Alexa smiling at me. “Get your hand off me!” I immediately pushed Jacob’s arm away from me that wakes him up from his sleep. “Huh? Are we here already?” Jacob still half asleep as he looks around the area. “Hey, Desa will you straight up your seat?” “Tch.” I put my seat back up. “When did we arrived?” I asked Alexa. “15 minutes ago.” Alexa lean over to me. “Hyde was upset when he got off the bus earlier, because you two are lovey-dovey.” “Geez. Let’s get off the bus too. You should’ve woken me up earlier.” “How can I ruin your moment? Also, I captured it with my camera.” “Alexa!” frowning at her. “You’re so mean!” “I’m just testing my camera.” Alexa smirking at me. We’re the last 3 who got off the bus, I carried Jacob’s bag for him while Jacob carried Alexa’s box on his shoulder that made every girl drooled for him more because of his strong muscles. “Gosh, I want to be that box.” Alexa is no different with other girls. “You should be the one carrying his bag and not me.” I sneer at her. “He gave it to you and not on me.” Alexa smiles at me. “Besides I’m carrying your luggage for you.” “You’re not carrying it; you’re just pulling it on the ground.” I said. “Still I’m the one who’s holding your luggage for you.” she uttered. “Jacob!” Smith walked towards us. “I made the groupings, you two are in our group.” pointing at me and Alexa. “Thanks man!” Jacob smiles at Smith. “Belle wants us 8 to be in the same group so I made it possible.” Smith looking at the box on Jacob’s shoulder. “What’s in there?” “Treasure?” Jacob humoured him. “Where’s our spot Smith?” “Haha, follow me.” Smith led us the way to our camping spot. When we arrived at our group camping ground, Belle and Chanel took me and Alexa for a stroll and let the boys set up the tents for us. I understand that those two are in a relationship with Smith and Craig but I don’t think it’s fair for Jacob and Hyde to do all the labour for us when it should be teamwork and not boys’ work only. After a stroll around the area where we found the lake and the villa where the teachers stay while us students sleep on tents, we came back to the camping ground and everything’s all set for us. “See, I told you they can do it without our help.” Belle uttered. “It’s our turn now, we’ll do the cooking.” “Let’s get ready to work, girls!” Chanel said enthusiastically. Well it’s a typical camping trip with friends for 3 days and 2 nights in the forest and we really had a lot of fun together. We went back to the campus on Saturday before sunset and had the weekend to rest and study at home. The last week of June is exam week but after the hardship it’s finally summer vacation, everyone went abroad while Alexa went out of town to visit her relatives, as for me my Mom brought me to the mountain to meditate, well it somehow made my ability in control. After 2 months, it’s the start of our senior year in high school, just 10 months away from graduation. Actually, I’m well aware about Jacob and Hyde feelings for me but I just don’t feel the same way they do. Hyde confessed to me already but I just brushed it off because I want to stay friends with him and nothing more. As for Jacob, he shows his feelings through his actions and never words so as long as he didn’t talk about it, I’ll just feign innocence. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year had passed and its already February. The senior prom was held on the same day as Valentines Day, since it happened to on Friday. I don’t have a partner actually because I don’t want to choose between Jacob and Hyde but I danced with Hyde first and Jacob’s my last dance for the night but mostly I danced with everyone. Next thing I know, it’s already June and we’re finally graduating from high school. Our graduation day was held on the last Tuesday of the month which is a bit earlier than we expected because of school’s reasons. So, the very next day, my friends and I decided to watch a football match in a stadium that made me leave this blue neighbourhood. -End of Chapter 5-
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