Chapter 51: Finding The Killing Weird

1419 Words

-Helena- I wasn’t sure what Wylder had planned for our date, but I didn’t see him much of the day, and I didn’t really know what else to do with my time. Wylder’s house was much quieter. I saw a few fighters here and there, some relaxing, some just walking past me, but not many pack members who weren’t there to protect their alpha. I wondered why Wylder’s house was quieter. He hadn’t really given me an explanation other than he liked his privacy. I wondered if maybe he was a bit like me. Guarded. He liked to keep people at a distance, and maybe the pack sensed their alpha liking his space and not wanting to intrude, but wasn’t that damaging for the pack bond? Killian had made it clear a pack just eating together was good for the bond. Spending time seemed very important to make it all wor

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