Chapter 54: A Small Alpha Once

1381 Words

-Wylder- A secret… She wanted to know a secret of mine, but I was not sure what to say. I wasn’t a person who shared much. Really, I had had very few people to share anything with. Even as a child, I had been a bit of a loner. I was just not that good at making friends. Zeke had never really let my cold behavior change anything. Maybe I would have turned out differently hadn’t my parents been killed, but I also knew even when they were alive I had been quite quiet. It had changed as I got older and my uncle taught me not to be so scared to speak, but I had been. It had scared me to speak. “The first few years of my life, everyone thought I was mute.” Helena looked at me shocked and sat up, coming closer to me. “What?” “Yeah, I didn’t speak,” I told her. “Why?” “I am not sure. I jus

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