Chp. Two

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Isabel hugged the straps of her bag pack having a firm grip on both sides. No matter now many times she walked down these hallways to her classes, the feeling was unbearable. If she could drop out she would have but her aunt would have something to say about that. She had one more year untill she graduated and after that she would disappear from this town once and for all. Isabel had always been getting the urge to kill since that night weeks ago. She had killed most of the perverts of the streets but a lot more walked the earth. The more she killed the more the media took interest in to hooded killer. Like the society we had, some praised her while other hated on every act she did even if it was for the good. Death was bad, murder was horrifying. Her white hair was tied up into a messy bun while her eyes where glue to the floor not wanting any attention. Her life at this college wasn’t at all much, she had a girl and one trusted best friend through the years she went here but that night. The same night weeks ago changed things for her, she lost Raven then pushed away her best friend. She did it to herself and she knew that but she didn’t want to harm Daisy, she and her aunt were the only precious people to her and what she had become scared her. She knew how far she could go and she would go that far, nothing was holding her back. Isabel walked up to the back of the classroom taking her seat at the very back and last desk, she sat waiting for the class to begin so it would end. The class filled slowly, noise came from the students as they caught up all Isabel did was look out the window. Watching different pass by others talking with friends some just enjoying the fresh breeze. A loud bang of the professor’s briefcase setting itself on the wooden table echoed through the class room. Isabel tore her eyes away for a bit looking over at the professor. “We should start our lesson today on prefect lighting.” He spoke rubbing his palms together. Unlike all lecture he didn’t have rumors going around of sexually assaulting students, which meant she didn’t want to kill him. Isabel took a four year program on photography which she was majoring in and football as an extra curricular activity. She only took that sport to keep her in shape but now she didn’t need to, it was no longer fun not useful she had boxing, self defense classes to keep her in top shape off campus. Mr. Golden began his lecture and all Isabel could do was looking out the window. This program was no longer fun, she was no longer the blue eyed happy girl who had been madly in love in her first year. She was now the grey eyed murder the police were looking for, no longer friendly nor innocent as she once was, she was covered in blood that wasn’t hers. She had completely changed to a cold and empty person with no purpose but to kill, a lonely isolated girl. Through out the whole class Isabel wandered out of her mind, the only place that gave her took away her loneliness for the shortest time. Minutes passed as Isabel sat in class but didn’t pay attention at all not to a single word he spoke. Then an hour had passed which meant this class was over with. Unlike all the rest Isabel didn’t rush out of the class in fact she had always been the last. She did that to make sure no lecture did any funny business. She walked gracefully down the steps gripping the straps of her bag, not trying to draw attention to herself she looked towards the door while she was actually watching him from the corner of her eyes. In the halls Isabel came in contact with a large coward of students lurking the halls. She walked down the hall observing each and everyone around her. That’s what she did best she observed then striked at night when no one was watching. Making her way to the next class just in time she went to the back again. The only reason she sat so far away was because she could see the whole class, everyone and what they did, she was an observer after all. The rest of the classes by just exactly how the first class went, she paid no attention at all. The whole day Isabel dragged walked down the halls observing as she went from one class to the next. At the end of each she gave the lectures glares. Currently Isabel was making her way out the building to a small dinner right across the street from campus. Her aunt was in town and wanted to see her for a bit before she left. “Is wait!” a too familiar voice called out to her choosing to ignore Isabel continued walking. Since that night she had sworn never to give her the light of day, she always ignored her and speed off. A tiny soft hand gripped her forearm stopping her from walking any further. With a sigh Isabel turned to face the girl she once poured her heart out to. “It’s Isabel to you, or rather just nothing.” she spoke with no hint of emotion in her voice, not even her eyes displayed any emotions, these days they never did. Raven shook her head understanding, “Okay. We need to talk.” she tried to carry on the conversation to a new topic but Isabel intervened. Getting a hold of her hand with two of her fingers she moved her hand away, freeing her arm. “We have nothing to talk about.” she stated out plainly with a rather cold tone. “Just hear me out will you.” Raven pleaded, this wasn’t her first attempt to talk with Isabel she had tried so many times over the weeks, Isabel herself lost count. “No!” she said trying to walk away but Raven blocked her way stopping her yet again. “How long will this game go on. Will you always run?” She shook her head with a wide grin. “From you yes.” she walked around the girl gaining her freedom she be walking away. “And Daisy?” Isabel was glued to the ground when she shouted her name. Raven took it as a chance to continue talking. “I know I screwed up but she doesn’t have to pay. She was your best friend why do you ignore her these days, I’m tired of seeing her sad over you—” Isabel cut her by vigorously shaking her head. She knew her friend was suffering she watched her everyday from afar making sure she would be okay, Daisy meant the world to her because of that she had to let her go. She was a danger to everyone even her aunt. Isabel looked to the ground not daring to face her, “She still is, I’m just not going to be me again. Sorry.” that last part she whispered for Daisy, she could only hope she would be forgiven one day. With those words said Isabel walked away from Raven, the girl she once gave her all to. This time Raven didn’t stop her just watched her walk away.
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