4 - Interviews & Feelings

2182 Words
Down a very narrow street on Alexandras Avenue, Billee made her way to the six-story office building with garage at the bottom for her interview. The company owned the entire building and each floor handle the different aspect but the business. Upon entering the first floor she was greeted by a very beautiful dark featured female. “Good afternoon, we have been expecting you. If you follow me, I will give you the initial tour before placing you in the conference room on the third floor. “ She was quite beautiful and moved with the ease of the wind on a soft spring day. Her scent was lilac and honey and helped Billee feel a bit more at ease. While the outside of the building was very indicative of Greece and the age most building showed there, the interior was most modern and set up like most businesses back home in the states. Upon seeing the first 2 floors she was brought to the third floor and left waiting in a conference room with the table that seated about twenty. The room had a pleasant smell to it and was extremely clean. The black leather chairs were made of memory foam and the real wood table who is Oval deceit nearly twenty comfortably. There was a projection board pulled down from the ceiling and a small projector in the center of the table. She waited nearly 10 minutes before someone came through the door. The man that entered was definitely not what Billee was expecting. He was a gorgeous man to say the least. With dark eyes and dark features and by the look at the fit of his suit, his body was put together like that of a Grecian God. The scent that relayed on the breeze as he closed the door behind him, was musky, mixed with sandalwood and some other unknown spice that created a stir in her feminine soul. His chiseled jaw and masculine features created a man that many women could only dream about having.  The demeanor was professional but confident. Billee suddenly wanted to sit as close as possible to this man. Be professional Billee reminded herself internally. “I would like you to know we appreciate you coming so far for this interview Mrs. Creswell. We do hope that you find the place acceptable while you were here. My name is Angelos And I am one of the owners of this company. “His accent was thick but review in to listen more and more. Reaching out his hand she placed hers in it and smiled. His handshake was firm as was hers in return. There was the moment and they looked at one another hands in place, Billee couldn't help but feel something familiar. “Thank you so much for having me. It’s Miss by the way, not Mrs. I'm sure you won't be disappointed with my resume but I hope my hands-on experience in the way that I deal with all my clients will help you see that I'm a perfect fit for this job. “ Angelos couldn't lie to himself her face and body alone was enough to give her the job in his estimation. He tried not to chuckle out loud at the thought. She was beautiful, well-spoken and extremely intelligent. What more could a man want? Her lips on mine and my hands on her body that's what I could want that was more than what I have right now. Angelos thought to himself while raking his eyes over her once more. Why does she look so damn familiar to me? “I can tell you with the resumes we've received we are only interviewing three of you and you were definitely at the top of our list. So no one more than I, hopes this goes well. Let me start by asking you a few questions and getting a feel for who you are and how you like to conduct your business. While the questions were somewhat A boring an expected, she realized she was more focused on his accent and the way his lips moved when he talked then the actual words coming out of his mouth. She couldn't focus on the task at hand and he was entirely to blame. Getting about twenty basic questions out of the way, Angelos Asked if she had any questions for him at this time. Thinking quite hardly, she realized some of the questions in her mind were highly inappropriate and unprofessional. “You mentioned that you're one of the owners. Will I be meeting the other today as well?” Billee asked honestly. “Unfortunately no, at this time my brother is that his home in the states. But I assure you should you be chosen for the position you will meet him within a month. Any other questions?” She shook her head now and looked him over one more time before standing. Although she had only met this man once many years ago the realization of who he was came to light. He had been at the Drakos estate once and her eyes had raped his thoroughly the whole day. She suddenly remembered it like it were yesterday. He hadn’t noticed anyone or anything and barely gave attention to her. She had thought him an ass but intriguing all the same. “I should like to know where the ladies room is? “ She couldn't control it any longer she needed to go to the bathroom and take a breather his close proximity was causing her anxiety of the s****l kind. Raising his hand and pointing to the door at the right of the conference room, she proceeded through the door and locked it behind. Pulling out her cell phone from her back pocket she proceeded to text Rayne. “I need you to talk me up girl. This guy is hot as they come, smells amazing and I'm gonna blow this whole interview thinking about all the things I could do with my mouth to his body.” The text in response didn't come. She stood in the bathroom and stared in the mirror for a few minutes taking deep breaths and fluffing her hair. Mentioning who it was would have only caused Rayne more anxiety, so conveniently she left that part out. Seeing Dimitri made more sense now. Angelos must be on Crete. It was the only explanation Billee could surmise for Dimitri to be at the market the other day. Fluffing her hair once more she let out a long, slow sigh. She was going to get this job, live in Greece and find a man even half as gorgeous as the one interviewing her. The goal? To live out her days in happiness. Exiting the bathroom he was sitting there looking at her attentively. Those Hazel eyes bore into her soul and made her nether regions leap with need. “I apologize for the delay. Shall we continue?” Billee said brightly. The rest of the day consisted of meeting many of the higher ups in the office and walking through explaining how they ran their day-to-day business. They discussed the constant need for good healthcare in house so that the office could run more efficiently. Angelos explained if they knew for sure the people that needed to be home and the ones that could in fact not be lazy and stay at work, would help the productivity of the office. They had never had a doctor on staff but since many of the employees traveled from around the world to be there for internships, meetings and other items, having a staff doctor that could handle anything thrown at her seems like another good reason for an inhouse option. Not only was she to be the doctor in office, she was also supposed to be the doctor on call for those that lived in the vicinity. House calls was a must and not missing multiple days of work was requested. Billee thought long and hard as her day passed by. This definitely was something she could handle and a position she could only ever dream of, until now. Deciding it was a good time to break for lunch, Angelos asked if Billy would be so kind as to accompany him. She of course agreed. Angelos held one hand out in front of them showing the way but not before placing the other on the small of her back. They were within a foot of one another. A soft chill rolled down her spine as she swore, she could even hear his heartbeat. Being led by this man into a room where no one else stood cast your mind to go a direction of unprofessionalism. Entering his office, there was a decent lunch spread on the small side conference table. She looked from the lunch to Angelos, whose proximity was still close enough for her body to want him in ways she tried to deny and smiled. Pulling out her chair and looking directly in her eyes, Angelos suddenly wanted nothing more than to kiss this woman. His mind stopped all conscious though and created a scenario which involved shoving lunch to the floor and taking her right here on the table. He could almost hear her moans and feel her surrounding his c**k. Shifting uncomfortably, Angelos tried to regain his mindset. What the hell is wrong with you? Get your s**t together and do this interview. Angelos barked at himself in his own mind. As they sat in the at lunch Billee decided to break the silence with a very heavy question. “So far, I am finding everything to be in order as I hoped but the one thing we have never discussed or even mentioned is the pay rate. Are you waiting to see whom you like the best for the position and then assessing accordingly or is there a set salary? “ Of the Gods her lips are so full. They are taunting me, aren’t they? “The salary for this job, if you would like me to put it in American dollars is $175,000 a year to start. That is in addition to your paid place to live, company cell phone, vehicle and any other common expenses that the job might incur. You will of course be required to buy your own food, cell phone for personal use and clothing but other than that everything should be taken care of by the company. And you get three weeks paid vacation every year but we will ask you don’t take it all at once.” “I see. “Billee tried to withhold the expression of shock. How could this job be the one that called her? All expenses paid and still over $170,000 a year? She was going to have this job and at the moment feeling brave, she was going to have that man in her bed. Can you sleep with your boss? She thought to herself and tried not to snicker out loud as they finished lunch. The rest of the afternoon went by quickly with some hands-on Physician work for a few people in the office that needed a visit. Angelos checked on her several times before coming back at just after 5:30 PM.  Not hearing him walk in the room she turned and strode forward almost slamming into his chest. He was over her and their faces we're only inches apart. Her hand was on his chest to steady her stance from nearly knocking into him. Seemed for a moment that the world stopped and it was just the two of them looking at each other in the middle of the room. Her eyes could not stop looking at his and she was sure in that moment his head started to incline towards hers for a kiss. Instinctively she tilted her head back to accept the kiss. Her body was screaming in desire and unbeknownst to Billee, his pants were getting tighter in the front. The desire was there and in full force. Just as their lips were to touch and create the scenario, they had both been dreaming about all day. The whole moment was interrupted by it worker walking in the door knocking softly asking if she had a moment. Both breathless, they took a step back realizing what had almost just transpired. Angelos excused himself and told her he would wait outside. Billee proceed to examine the worker and write a script for a cream that would fix the allergic rash. Grabbing her purse she headed out the door and walked to Angelos who is waiting for her. “I feel you have had a very full day and believe we will push the second day of interviews and hands-on training to the day after tomorrow. Please enjoy tomorrow off and hopefully you can take in some of the sights of your possible future home. I apologize for the reschedule but there are some things I need to handle that just came up. “ Billee nodded, smiled in agreement and headed home to the Villa. She wanted to protest. She wanted to see him the next day but knowing this job was something she wanted, silence was paramount. Besides, if I get the job, I will see him daily. She thought to herself smugly. 
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