My Mess

1699 Words
Cradling the unconscious Jace, Jason looked toward where the scream came from. Over by where Aurora was, they could see the naked, bloodied young woman screaming as she tried to fight off her parent. The sedative forced her to shift to her human form, and slowly she was losing strength and consciousness, but it didn't stop her from fighting to get free. A roaring sound rumbled from her throat. It was a mixture of a roar and a scream. Anderson kept his arms firmly wrapped around her torso. Aiden let go of Renee while before pushing his mother backward. 'Keep her here.' Aiden's mind is linked to his mate. Cherise nodded and wrapped her arms around Renee, pulling the distraught woman backward even more. Stepping up, he grabbed Aurora's flailing arms. 'Sedatives!' Anderson's mind linked to Vince, who quickly stepped up and gave Aurora another sedative. With this sedative, Aurora barely had the strength to move, let alone fight. She somewhat gained a bit of clarity. She could finally notice the smell of her father and brother, who were holding her steady. "Da... Daddy..." Aurora croaked softly before going limp in Anderson's arms. Aiden saw she was fully sedative, so he let go and stepped back to allow his father to turn Aurora. Anderson fixed her body, so he could hold her in a princess carry. As she was safely fixed in his arms, Anderson walked towards Cherise and Renee. Choked on her cries after fully seeing the state her daughter was in. Vince, who was standing at the side, couldn't bare it any longer, so he retrieved a blanket from a warrior nearby and brought it toward the family. Renee received the blanket and carefully covered her daughter's naked form in the blanket. Although, nudity was a part of their society and there was nothing wrong with it. She didn't want anyone to look at the state her child was in. She wanted nothing but to take away her daughter, To bring her to the safety of their home. But looking at the state she was in, even if self-healing was great among werewolves, a pack doctor would still need to tend to these injuries. "The pack doctor?" Renee turned and asked Vince, who was standing at a safe distance away. Anderson pulled back much of his aura, but it was suffocating being near such a powerful alpha who wasn't his alpha. "They're on their way." Vince answered curtly and slightly bowed his head before making his way further away from the family. Aiden might not be as powerful as his father, but that boy gave him a look he didn't like. The parking lot was silent, only whispers and shuffling of feet were heard. The teens who were kept in the school building were finally allowed out, so many of them abandoned the thought of getting to their cars and took the option of shifting and running home. Everything that happened in the parking lot was a total mystery to them. Everything happened so fast, they could only run to the school because of the auras let out by Jace and Aurora. They might not know why this happened, but the parents of Alaric, Aurora, and Jace knew very well what happened here. None were willing to speak, especially Jason, who cradled his son's body to his as he waited for a pack doctor to come. He barely heard anything going on around him. All Jason could hear were the mournful cries of his mate, who was rushing from the other side of the pack to get here with the two pack doctors and the luna. "Dad!" Jason looked up, and his youngest son came sprinting towards him. Jason forgot that it was his first day of high school. Henry rushed up to his father, he actually wanted to be out of the school building a long time ago since he found out it was his brother going on a rampage. But as he was stopped by the teachers, things escalated to the point of no control, so he could only watch in despair from the school building. When Henry caught sight of the mangled mess his older brother was in, he dropped to his knees. Bits of his leg was torn, claw marks dug so deep it exposed bone. If Henry didn't see the rise and fall of Jace's chest, he would think his brother was dead. He wanted to touch him, but didn't know how. So, he could only kneel there crying over him. His wolf was howling, the pain of seeing his brother, his blood in this mess, but also the wolf could feel the pain radiating from Jut and Jace's souls. Kent couldn't say anything to his beta and his son. He was fully aware he couldn't approach Anderson's family. That alpha wolf would take it as a threat and attack him, especially now when he was letting his aura out, disregarding their agreement. Kent could only pursed his lips in annoyance before looking around to find his son. Alaric was sitting at the edge of the parking lot with a blanket over his shoulders and his head down. Kent walked towards his son and when he arrived, he said nothing. Only waving away the lingering warriors. Alaric and Kent didn't talk, What could be said? This mess started with Alaric in the first place. Was Kent disappointed in his heir? Yes he was, but another the other hand Alaric was his son, his pup. This blunder can be fixed, the child will never be born. Though it cannot ever mend the broken relationships here, it will be a start. Which was better than getting the council involved in this mess and publicizing this scandal to the entire werewolf community. They said nothing to each other, only silently watching as two pack doctors rush to deal with the injured. Alaric felt the aura of his mom before he smelt her. Lily, Alaric's mother, and luna of the lunar pack, came together with Hailey and the two doctors Ben and Gemma. Her mate barely explained what happened here, only requested that she rush her with the pack doctors as they were going to be many injured. Never would Lily think the cause of this mess all began with Alaric. Lily frowned at her mate who was standing there doing nothing as helplessness and sadness flowed out of their son. "What exactly are you doing, Kent?" Lily asked as she came to a stop in front of Kent, "Our son is in pain." Lily glared at Kent before squatting in front of her son. "Alaric?" Lily tentatively touched Alaric's shoulder, but he immediately flinched back. She felt hurt and glared at her mate. 'You, should I tell you How this happened? Or do you prefer him to tell you?' Kent mindlinked his mate. 'What do you mean?' Lily asked, confused through the mind link. "Did you rush towards us before even taking a look around?" Kent asked out loud. Lily blushed in shame because that's what she did. She didn't even wait for the car to come to a complete stop before rushing out toward them. Lily stood up and turned, taking a good look around. Her eyes landed on the Maddox family. James was hugging his sobbing wife while their youngest son stood next to his parents with his fist clenched as the pack doctor Ben was working on the mangled Jace. Seeing the boy in that messy state almost knocked Lily over. Kent didn't want to remind his mate about the surrounding happenings. She was like a bullet, she always focused on one thing at a time. Her overlooking this situation wasn't her being selfish or her not caring, It was her thinking of him and Alaric, and that's why she rushed toward them and ignored everything else. But as she saw Jace her hands shot to her mouth, forcing herself not to scream. Lily had so many questions. She only knew what Kent told her and nothing more. Kent didn't explain anything, he only said to come here with Ben, Gemma and Hailey because a fight broke out between Jace and Alaric and two other girls. Of course, she noticed Hailey crying on the way over here, but no matter how much she asked Hailey didn't reply, so she could only leave it as is. Forcing her eyes away from Jace's side, she found the Dale family. The way that the family just stood there watching Gemma tend to Aurora's injuries made Lily feel pain. Her eyes traveled from Aiden and Cherise to Renee and Anderson. Cherise was doing her best from holding back Aiden from charging at any warriors passing too close and Anderson was holding his mate in his arms trying to soothe the pregnant she-wolf. "Kent, what exactly am I looking at." Lily shakily asked, her eyes shifting from both families. "What have you kept from me!" "My f**k up, mom." Alaric answered before his father could. Lily was shocked and turned to face them. But as she got a look at Alaric, she gasped. Bruises and cuts covered his face, his nose bent and bloody. Alaric stood up, letting the blanket fall, exposing his various wounds to his mother. Lily almost felt like fainting at the sight of the wounds. He wasn't heavily injured, but he was injured enough to be concerned. "You're looking at a massive f**k up, today I ruined four lives. Including mine." Alaric laughed, His teeth covered in his blood, only making his sentence drip with the madness that seemed to swirl around in his rising aura. Lily took a step back in alarm, and Kent immediately saw what was happening. Alaric wasn't just sitting there, he was silently fighting back his wolf. A fight he lost, as his wolfish grin told Kent something. Kent moved behind Alaric and chopped him behind his neck, knocking him out quickly before his wolf could fully take over, before stretching his arm out to catch Alaric's falling body. This movement didn't go unnoticed. Everyone's eyes were trained on the family. Some are understandably more aggressive than others.
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