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Well, the day goes on, we ate, we talk about stuff, about school, about my plans and if I am alright after all these years... Just some usual and normal talks that a normal family are having. It's been 8 hours since they arrived here. They ask me about college, and I don't have an answer for that. I am not really focus about college right now, because there are still more important things that I have to take care of before my education or academics. In fact, I don't even know if I wanted to be in college. I wanted to become a writer or an actor, that's what I wanted to since I was a kid. Why? Well because I can express my imaginations and my emotion without worrying. If I am sad and my scene is sad, they're not going to think that I am really sad. You know? I express my feelings or emotion while hiding it. I mean did you get it? I wanted to express my emotion but I don't want for people to know about it. Well, to be honest, that is the stupidest reason why I wanted to become an actor. I wanted to become an actor because I wanted to, because I am born to. If you want something, you don't need to explain it. If you want that career, you don't there's no need explaining why. Because explaining it doesn't mean that is the reason, in fact when you explain it, you're only doing it to have an excuse on why. But... I am not sure anymore if I can be an actor... I killed someone, and that body is hiding inside my house, where my uncles and cousins are staying... Who's an actor do you know that when he or she killed someone, his name or image is still clear? SO maybe, I needed to take university at all. But where... "I heard there is a missing boy in this town.." Joseph interrupted while we are eating dinner. I stop chewing my food and look at him. I felt the coldness locking in, inside my heart while the warm of my pressure is locking me in, in my skin. I felt the sweat dripping down my forehead, my legs are shaking even my hands. "Are you alright Jackson?" My Aunt asks. I look at them and threw up the food on my plate. "Is there a shrimp in the noodles?" I ask them. "Yes. That is your mom's favorite when we're still teenagers. We go out to a seafood restaurant just for her to eat seafood specially a shrimp. Why?" My Aunt Brenda said. "I am allergic to it." I said and went to the kitchen. I felt my heart beating so fast that I can hear my own heart. My sight are getting blurry while my body is burning up. I went on the sink and threw up as much as I can. It wasn't just the allergy whose attacking me, but the fear and the panicked. I can hear the crack of Chase bone and the sound of the gunshot, and the bang from the car. I can recall everything, everything that had happened to me that night... The night I killed Chase. I can recall how I push his car to the edge of the cliff, and can recall the events from yesterday... "Jackson?" I heard someone calling my name, but I couldn't figure who is it. Everything is echoing, everything is banging in my head. Why am I feeling this? This is not the kind reaction of my allergy. This is.. Something... Something terrific. I felt like I am dying. And that's when I realize that I collapsed on the floor and the drinking glass shattered on the floor. I couldn't breath, I couldn't speak, I felt like I loss my own voice. I can hear them calling my name. But everything is unclear, the voice the sight, everything. Until everything went dark. But when it becomes dark, everything went into peace. No echoing sound inside my head, not even choking, II am feeling normal. Everything is at it's peace. SO I have no other choice but to wake up. Nothing. I see nothing. Everything is dark. I heard dripping sound, I can feel the water on my feet, but the water is not cold, it is hot, but it is not the opposite of the temperature of the wind, it is so cold. I couldn't understand how a hot water managed to be hot after a long time if the temperature of the wind is so cold. I look around but I see no one, not even a single things. "Jack..." I heard someone calling my name... And that voice... That voice belongs to someone who I really miss. My mom. I turn around and saw my mom wearing a white pretty dress. Her dress is waving like an air is crossing around her dress. She smiled at me, but a tears falls right into her cheeks from her eyes... Until that tears turns into blood. I was so shock when someone slit her throat. "MOM!" I yelled as her body drop to the water and disappear. I run towards her but the distance is not changing. I felt like I am running, but not going anywhere. Until I look up to see the person behind that, and it was my father. "Everything I do, is for you." He said and he slit his own throat. I was stunned and scared at the same time. I couldn't move, I felt like both of my legs are not functioning. "Poor baby. Everyone who loves you and you loves, are dead." I turned my head around when someone whispered it in my ear. "Are you a curse? Or you're just unlucky." I look to my right and that's where Henry is standing. He was holding a gun and his shirt is full of blood. "I didn't mean it. I only did it because of you." He said and he slowly point the gun to me. "But in the end, I went looking for your help." He said and he pulled the trigger. I close my eyes when the sound of a gun shot echoed everywhere. I slowly opened my eyes but Henry is gone, but Chase is here in front of me, bleeding. "You shot me." HE said. "No! I did not!" I said but I was shocked when I saw my hand holding a gun and pointing it to Chase. "You're not getting away from my murder." He said and he disappear like a smoke. I drop the gun and a gun shot echoed again. "Help me... Jackson." I heard a dying whisper behind my back so I look back and saw Austin dying while a knife was buried to his chest. And I look to the person who did it, and it was Sarah. "He raped, like how he raped you. That's why I have to do it." She said. "We had a baby, like you are going to have..." She said and she kneeled down in front of Austin. "You raped me, and you killed your own." She said and she stabbed Austin multiple times. "No one is in your side." I turned around and saw myself standing in front of me. My other self is wearing an orange outfit, an outfit of a prisoner. "Because everyone is dead, because of you." He said and he slowly point his finger behind me, so when I lok back I saw everyone is dead, even my cousins and my Aunt Brenda and Uncle. "Trust no one, even yourself." My other said self. Until I felt like the water is raising up but when I tried to run I am inside a box. And the water is keep rising until it drowned me to live. I opened my eyes as fast as I could and everyone look at me. A white light stabbed my eyes so I close my eyes to adjust from light. "Jack are you alright" I heard my Uncle's voice so I look at him after I opened my eyes. "What happened?" I ask them. My cousins are all here. "You passed out for one whole day." My Aunt said and I could see that she is crying. "why?" I ask them. "You were poisoned Jackson." Reynaldo said. And from that moment, I know someone want me dead. And that is the reason why everything happened, what happened last year. 2 years after my Cousin Reynaldo said I was poisoned.
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