Chapter 6: I Love You Babe

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I got up early today and decided to go to the office even if I’ll just work half day because I still have to prepare for the party. I called Kyle and informed him that I am on my way to the office. He said that he wants to give me something. I don’t know what it is since he said that it will be a surprise. I heard a knock on the door of my office and right after he came in. “Good morning babe.” He greeted me. “Good morning to you too babe.” I said as I gave him a hug. “I just came here to give you this.” He said as he gave me a small red box. “For you. Open it.” I opened the box and saw that it is a gold necklace. “This is so beautiful. Thank you.” I said. “You’re welcome. Here, let me put it on you.” He said. “Thank you.” I said. He put the necklace on me and I couldn’t help but smile. This guy spoils me too much. He walked in front of me after putting the necklace on and he kissed me. “I gave this to you so you will always remember me wherever you go.” He said. “You didn’t have to. You know I will always remember you wherever I go even without this necklace.” I said. “I just want to give you something. I hope you wear it every day.” He said. “Of course babe. I will be wearing it every day.” I said. “I know it’s not that expensive but I hope you like it and you won’t lose it.” He said. “It doesn’t matter if it’s not expensive. What matters is that it came from you and that’s what makes it so special.” I said. “Such a sweetie. That’s good to hear.” He said. “Anyways, as much as I would love to stay, I need to go. I have to talk to the architect about the plan of the club. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” “Yes. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said. He gave me one last kiss before he went out of my office. I still can’t move on from his sweet gesture. What a way to start my day. I hold the necklace she gave me. I will never lose this. I will forever treasure this one. Afternoon came so quickly and I had to go home to prepare for the event. I left the office at around three and decided to drop by my favorite coffee shop before heading home. I was in my room when one of our maids knocked on the door. “Miss Cassy, your mom wants to give you this.” She said. “Thank you. Just put it here.” I said as I motioned for her to put it on my bed. It is a champagne colored semi-backless long gown which I will be wearing for the party tonight. I decided to start preparing. I took a shower; blow dried my hair and did my make-up. I like keeping my look simple. I didn’t put on too much make up and I was satisfied with the result. “”Miss Cassy, your mother said that you’ll leave at exactly six pm.” One of our housemaids said. “Yes, I’ll be downstairs before six.” I said. I did some final touches and went downstairs. My parent were already there waiting for me. They look so dashing and elegant together. I’m so proud of this couple. “Hi Mom. Hi Dad. You look so dashing as always.” I said as I gave them a hug. “You look so beautiful too.” My mom said. “Yes, gorgeous as always my child.” My father said. “Where else will I get my looks? Of course from two amazing and good looking parents.” I said. We laughed together. We decided to go early because we might get stuck in the traffic and end up late in the event. We arrived at the party on time and there were some press surrounding the area. It was a very glamorous gathering of the city’s well renowned businessmen. No matter how I dislike being in the spotlight, I didn’t mind to be in here though. Parties such as this give you connections in whatever businesses there is. You can establish a good name for yourself by attending social gatherings. We were greeted by a staff and we followed her to our assigned seats. She led us to a table in the front corner of the stage. “This will be your table and assigned seats, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Villareal. Enjoy the party and if you need anything please don’t hesitate to call any of our staffs around.” She said politely. “Thank you.” My dad said. She left us and we settled at our seat just as the program is about to start. “This is a wonderful party.” My mom said. “Yes, indeed it is.” I said. “Many known successful business men are here.” “Oh look who we have here. It’s been so long Theresa and Albert.” A middle aged woman approached us together with what I think is her husband and a gentleman who I assume is their child. “Hi, Amanda and Brian. It’s good to see you here.” My mother said as we all stood up to greet them. We greeted each other. “By the way, this is my daughter, Cassandra.” My mom said. “Hi Cassandra. You’ve grown to be a very fine beautiful lady.” Tita Amanda said. “This is Luis, our son. Luis, this is Cassandra.” Tito Brian said. “It’s nice to meet you, Cassandra.” He said. “It’s nice to meet you too, Luis.” I said. Our kids seem to be of the same age.” Tito Brian said. “Yes, I guess they are.” dad said. “They actually look good together.” Tita Amanda said. “Yes, not bad at all.” Mom said. I can’t help but be uncomfortable at the current situation. They are pairing us up. Luis is a good looking fine gentleman but he isn’t my type and besides I am deeply in love my boyfriend. “Anyways, we’ll leave you two to talk and get to know each other better. Shall we?” Tita Amanda said. “We shall. Let’s talk more about your business.” Dad said as they walked away from us. “So I guess your parents like me and my parents like you too. What do you say?” Luis said when we were left alone. “What do you mean?” I said. “What I mean is that I think they want us to be together, a possible merge for companies through marriage.” He said as if it means nothing to him. “That will never happen. I don’t do marriage just for business. I am not up for that.” I said. “Well, we can always try to date each other and work things out.” he said. Is this guy for real? He’s so full of himself. We just met and he’s talking to me about a possible marriage. He is insane. “Not happening. You see, I have a boyfriend and I very much like to keep it that way.” I said. “Is your boyfriend here? I don’t see any boyfriend around.” He said mocking me. “It’s because he’s not here and will you please mind your own business?” I told him fiercely. “He’s not here because he’s not allowed or he’s not here because he’s a super busy rich businessman?” he said. “It’s none of your business. Excuse me.” I said. “You know you can’t marry someone that’s not as rich as you are, right?” he said. “I can and I will marry whoever I want. I will not marry you or anyone just for the sake of our business.” I said. “You know you can’t. You and I are what our parents want to see and I don’t want to disappoint my parents.” He said as he held my wrist so firmly that it hurts. “Let go of me. Will you?” I said. “We have different priorities in life. I am not here to please your parents.” “Sooner or later you are gonna marry me anyway.” He said. I can feel his grip getting firmer every second that passes. “I don’t think that will ever happen.” Someone from behind me said. I couldn’t hide my surprise. Kyle was standing behind me. “Let go of her.” He demanded. “Kyle!” “Who are you?” Luis and I said at the same time. “I’m her boyfriend and I’m telling you to let go of her hand. I don’t want anyone touching what’s mine.” Kyle said. “Alright. Calm down man. We were just having a talk.” Luis said as he let go of my hand. “That’s not what I saw. Next time, know your place. If I ever see you touching or bothering her again I won’t be very forgiving.” Kyle said. “Let’s go babe.” Kyle pulled me closer to him and together we walked to the dance floor. “You are so gorgeous that some men can’t control themselves around you babe.” He said as we started to dance. “Is that a bad thing?” I said. “No, it’s not. I’m actually proud that my girlfriend is the hottest and most gorgeous in this party.” He said. “Not to mention that she is the kindest as well.” “You are bluffing. I know I’m not the hottest nor the most gorgeous either.” I said and laughed a little. “You are to me. I cannot see someone other than you babe.” He said. “Thanks babe. I love you.” I said as I kissed him. “I love you too.” He said. “Anyway, why are you here? You didn’t tell me you are coming.” I said. “I wanted to surprise you. You see, my parents were invited here but they couldn’t make it so I had to be here in their behalf.” He said. “So your parents are businessmen as well?” I said. “Yes. You could say that they are.” He said. “I don’t really get into our family business but they requested for me to be here tonight so I said yes. Besides, I knew you’ll be here.” “It’s good that you’re here. I won’t bore myself to death.” I said laughing at him. “I’m glad I came too. Some asshole just won’t stop hitting on my girl.” He said sounding so annoyed. I gave him a soft and sweet kiss. “You’re the only guy that I want to hit on me babe.” “You’re such a tease babe.” He said. He kissed me. And this time, it wasn’t soft. It was a real kiss. “You’re lucky we’re in a public place because if not I’ll be showing you how bad it is when you tease me.” He said. “Oh, I’m so scared babe.” I said. “You should be.” And he winked at me. We both laughed. “Come on. Since you’re here already, I want you to meet my parents.” I said. “Do you think they’ll like me?” he asked. “Of course they will. Who doesn’t like you anyway?” I said. We walked to our table so we could find my parents.  S
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