Chapter 5: My Boyfriend

1145 Words
Have you ever felt like everything is going your way? That’s exactly what I am feeling. Kyle left an hour later after our heated and sweet arguments. He has to do some business for the construction of his club at our hotel. It still feels surreal that Kyle and I are officially together. “Excuse me, Miss Cassy?” My assistant called me from the intercom. “Yes, what is it?” I said. “Miss Margareth is here to see you.” She said. “Let her in.” I said. I stood up and waited for Marga to enter my office. After a few seconds, she did. I motioned for her to sit down. “So what is this good news that you are saying?” she asked me. “Don’t overreact, Okay? Kyle and I are together.” I said and I waited for her reaction. “Whaaaat? Oh my! You were crying to me because he’s married already and now you’re saying that you are together?” she said sounding so uneasy. “No, he isn’t married. The kid is his nephew and the lady is his sister in law.” I explained to her. “Is that so? Well, I’m happy for you. I really am.” She said. “Thank you. I’m so happy too. Can you imagine? We just met a few weeks back and now we are together officially.” I said.  “I still can’t believe this. Do you think this will work out” “Why not? I can see that he is really into you. I can tell just by the way he looked at you.” She said. “I hope so. I realy want this to work.” I said. “You just have to make it work.” She said. “So is he going to meet your parents yet?” “I don’t know. It’s still too early though. Maybe soon.” I said. “Yeah, you’re right. This is not yet the right time to introduce him to them. You should just focus on your relationship for now. Just the two of you.” She said. “Yeah. That’s what we will do.” I said. “Anyways, I have to go since I just dropped by. I have a class an hour from now.” She said. “Bye, Cass” “Bye, Marga. I’ll see you soon.” I said. I walked her out of my office and bid goodbye. I went back to my office and checked on my emails. There’s just a lot of work that needs to be done and yet here I am still day dreaming about what happened earlier. The things love can do. I smiled. I gathered myself together and started to some work when my phone rang. It’s my mother. “Hello mom?” I said. “Hey, Honey?” She said. “Are you busy tomorrow?” “I have work as usual. Why?” I asked her. “Well, you have to cancel your schedules for tomorrow afternoon. We will be attending a party of one of our business associates.” She said. “Do I really have to go?” I said. I am not really fond of social gatherings. “Yes, dear. We want you to meet some people.” She said. “Okay, mom.” I said. “Thank you. We’ll be sending you the details.” She said. “Okay mom, Bye” “Bye dear.” She said. I guess I’ll have to attend this one. I don’t want to disappoint them. I dialed Kyle’s number and waited for him to answer. “Helllo?” He greeted. “Hey, I have to attend a party tomorrow. My parents requested for me to be there.  I guess I might cancel our meeting tomorrow afternoon.” I said. “So shall we reschedule it? How about the day after tomorrow?” He said.   “Sounds nice.” I said. “Anyways, I’ve been thinking…” he said. “Thinking about what?” I said. “I’ve been thinking of what I shall call you since you know, you’re my girlfriend already.” He kinda laughed a little. “Whaaat?” I laughed with him as well. “Hmmm, how about honey? Sweetheart? No, I guess those are just too cheesy.” He said. This man is really something. He’s so adorable. Maybe he doesn’t know but he makes my heartbeat uneasy. “Call me whatever you want. I have no problem with that.” I said. “How about babe? I think that’s so overused but I like the sound of it.” He said. “Right, babe?” “Babe sounds okay to me.” I said. Oh please self, calm your nerves. I can’t help it. He really knows how to make me so happy and nervous at the same time. “Alright babe.” He said. “By the way, what time is the party tomorrow? Shall I drive you to the venue?” “It’s fine. I think I’ll go with my parents. There’s no need for you to take me there.” “Okay babe. I’ll see you soon. I love you.” He said. “I love you too.” I said. “Bye.” The day went by quickly and before I knew it it’s already time to go home. I prepared my things and got out of my office. I went straight to my car and drove home. I was halfway home when Kyle called me. “Hello?” I said. “Hey babe. Are you on for a short date?” He said. “A short date?” I said. “Yes. I want to bring you somewhere.” He said. “Somewhere sounds good.” I laughed. “Oh come on babe. It’ll be fun. I promise.” He said. It turned out that his somewhere thing was to bring me to a street full of street foods. He said that street foods are the best. I couldn’t agree since I really haven’t tried it. It’s not that I don’t like it, I just didn’t had the chance to try it. I never imagined that Kyle would be the one to let me experience this. “Have you tried this before?”He said. “To be honest? I haven’t. This will be my first time.” I said. “Try it then. It’s really delicious.” He said as he gave me a stick with I don’t know what food was. I tried it and true to his words, it’s really delicious. He made me try another after another. “It’s good. Right?” He said. “Yes, it is.” I said. “You super rich people really miss out on all the fun out here in the real world.” He said. “I am not super rich, my parents are.” I said. “Well, you are your parents daughter after all and that makes you rich.” He said. “Maybe. But I want to achieve things on my own. I don’t want to depend on my parents.” I said. “That is one thing that I admire about you. You are very hardworking.” He said. “No, I just don’t want to rely to them too much.” I said. We ate a lot of street foods and talked over a lot of things. We barely noticed the time. I wanted to stop the time when I’m with him. Every second together seems like an hour of happiness for me. “That’s what’s special about you, babe.” He said. “Everything about you is special.” I hugged him. I was touched by his words and I couldn’t help but hug him. It’s the first time that someone made me feel so loved. I couldn’t ask for more. “Thanks babe. I love you.” I told him. “I love you too babe.” He said. “Come on. It’s getting late already.”
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