A New Dilemma

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As we go back to the room, I heard an unexpected and creepy song. It is a song that I often heard when I was still living with Edward, those are the time when came late from work. I always hear this song, it must be Edward's doing. It is him, I know for certain. Joy wouldn't do such an embarrassing sound. That Edward, he started again, but actually hearing it again in the second round, makes me reminisce the past. Wait, is it the past or the future? Anyway this brings me back to that time. "Ahh!!!" Edward sang in a cringe way. Don't get it wrong, let me explain. As we entered the room, Edward quickly play a music entitled, Dilemma. It is annoying whenever he sang, "Ahh!!!" I want to slap his face, as how bad he is. Besides he only play this to attract Kyla, he do this mostly when he feels someone is flirting with Kyla. Today that might be me, but it doesn't matter because this already happened before, that was when Kyla first met me in the apartment, but afterwards we become good friends. Kyla is a good friend but a dumb and b***h girlfriend. If I could just lock these two in a room, I would love to. "Awww..... That's so touching Edward, you sang Dilemma for me." Kyla said. "How is that touching?" Joy asked. I patted Joy's head and said, "Let them be, because trying to understand them wouldn't put us in any advantage." "Aren't you being rude?" Joy said. "Look at them, they are dancing. We should not mind them, they have their own world." I said. I know all of these because I saw it for a thousand of times already. It annoys me, because I can't sleep well. There is this time when Kyla's father let a young man sleep in their house for a month. Was it Jimwell? He is truly a handsome man. I remember Edward become so jealous, he sang that Dilemma for a month to Kyla. Edward make sure that he sang that song at night before Kyla sleep via face time so that Kyla wouldn't try to do things to that Jimwell. But all the efforts is for nothing when we learned that Jimwell also play My Boo for Kyla every night after Edward. Kyla is a dump girl, she will surely let her panty down to someone who will sing for her. They were banging all night. Poor Edward, I wonder how this man can endure all those pain, all the betrayal. Even if Kyla is beautiful, I won't accept her back, even if she beg and cry, though we have a saying that "A sorry wouldn't be able to fix a crumbled bottle but a blow does." I still feel pity on him, I hope you find a better woman Edward. My grandma said to me one time that, "True Love is when you can able to accept the past and mistakes of your partner." But this is beyond mistakes, there is also a saying that said, "One is enough, two is too much, three is done." Wow! I didn't know that I know a lot of saying. Am I a philosopher? Like one of those T-S-u-P-A-A, T for Thales, S for Socrates, P for Plato, A for Aristotle, and another A for Alexander the Greater. U means nothing, it's a mnemonic I learned it when I was teaching in Metro Manila, I have a co-teacher who learned from a review center, was it from Carl E. Balita Review Center? I forgot! T-S-u-P-A-A is derived from a word "Tsupa". It is a street word in Metro Manila for blow job in. It is ironic because as Historian I often read and heard about teacher-student relationship of the said Philosopher, Thales is the only exemption as he has no relation with the others, though this mnemonic is made to let the student learn the sequence of the great philosophers. People really know how to make things interesting and complicated. Anyway, what should I do with this food? "Joy, help me bring all of these foods." I said. "Sure, but why bought these much?" Joy asked. "Kyla said it does not matter as long as she can taste everything" I said. "Sounds like her." Joy said. "Let's eat and start to drink, they will join us later." I said. We sat and enjoyed the feast, and somehow I feel happy though I feel something is off, maybe I miss my family and I wonder how this would look like if Edward dance that embarrassing dance in front of our children. Forgive me for thinking that, I change my mind, I don't want that to happen. "Hey Kersh, why not play the guitar?" Joy said. "Okay." I said. "You can play?" Edward asked. "Yeah, a little bit, why?" I said. "Cool! I have a guitar but I don't know how to play." Edward said. "I'll teach you sometime." I said. Edward is really suck at playing guitar but he is determined to learn, we actually played twice in a rock competition, and won a place. I think he already play the guitar for 4 years since I met him, then I teach him, but actually he was only able to play in a crowd after 2 years of learning from me, after that we play on lives. He is a total of a tone deaf and out of rhythm. It is a miracle when he finally was able to play on lives and rock competition. I guess determination beats geniuses like me. I once watched an anime, I forgot the title but a character said. "A child can be called a prodigy, in teens you will be called as genius, but once you are an adult, you're normal." It somehow change my views in life. My raw talent in music was beaten by Edward's determination. He continue to play while I slowly got bored from it. I guess when I came back I will try to play again, I have to keep my profile in check. "What will you play?" Kyla asked. "I'll sing Stigmatized." I said. A picked the guitar that Joy brought. It was a Davis Pick up Guitar. It's beautiful, looks sexy. It has a black neck, the tuner are silver, the body has the typical black, red, orange outline, the body shape is grand auditorium, the body is also slim, easy to carry, and the string has different colors. An amateur might think that this is an electric guitar but it is not. I slightly change the tuning, took a capo, I tested the sound, and it is perfect. "Wow, you're amazing." Edward said. "I just tuned the guitar." I said. Edward was actually my one and only big fan, I don't know how this man fell in love with my music. He always want me to play, and he try to imitate my play style. He's like a kid, I never saw a man like him. How simple he is, you can make him happy by just playing few notes in guitar. Maybe that's what I like about him. I stared playing the song in the key of F. The challenge in this song is that there is a lot of bar chords to use, and then the timing of shifting. Edward wouldn't be able to play that. I started to feel the music. I sang this song because I remember Joy singing this song in the campus when I was just sitting around the corner, she was with her friends. I don't know why I remember it but it was a sight to see. "Wow, you're amazing!" Edward said. "You already said that earlier." I said. "If you visit on Quezon City, tell it to me, I'll let you stay in my house or maybe once I found an apartment to stay, I'll let you stay." Edward said. "I plan to work in Quezon City, actually. So maybe I'll pay the other half of the rent." I said. "Cool." Edward said. Our friendship started to move forward again. I wonder what will happen to us. "Let's start to drink?" I said. "Correct! We have to win the game!" Kyla said. "Let's drink!" We all shouted. After I ate, I store some of it before calling some other guest. I'm actually greedy and glutton when it comes to food. 10 guest joined us. They were, Willy, Genesis, John Press, Jayvie, Joshua, Alliah, Jessa, Jeanelle, and Abigail. When everyone is tipsy, I explained to them the game that we planned to play. I asked them to join. I actually didn't see myself doing this upfront thing. I was a shy person when I was in 20, adulthood is scary, and it makes people change! Everyone join the game so we divided it in to two groups. 6 members each, but we move to different place, in the basketball court of the resort. We rent the light and the court for 2 hours. We started playing, it was so fun! I always fell to the ground, and because we still drink, we're getting drunk. We always forgot what score we are so the game continue longer than expected. My world is rotating up-side-down. I want to feel young again! You never feel this happiness. Everything is perfect but when I excused myself to take a pee. I didn't know that Kyla followed me. I peed outside the court in a dark area, after I pee, Kyla pulled me to the dark, I was so drunk, and I couldn't fight back. She carry me, this girl is so strong, and then she show her true face. I warned you or should I say, I should warn myself, that Kyla is a maniac. Edward knows this side of Kyla, and because of this side, he can't leave her. Edward thought that no one would love her and accept her in this world. People will thought that this girl is crazy, and you are right. Kyla actually has a dark story, when she was 9, she often saw her mother having s*x with other guy, and at the age of 13, she had her first experience from a 21 year old guy. Edward and Kyla was actually neighbors, childhood friends, which is why she became like this. But as a man, I must stopped her. Though she's strong, she's like a beast. I can't scream, if someone saw us, they might think Kyla is a freak. I must protect her as how Edward protect her. I let her do thing for a while as I gather some strength, and when I do I change our position. "What are you doing Kyla?!" I said. "Why? Do you like to do it on top?" Kyla said. I slapped her, after hearing those words. She was knocked out. I fixed her clothes, but when I stood up, an unexpected person was on the other side. I never thought of seeing her in this place. Out of all the places in the Philippines, why here in Leyte? Why of all time, I saw her in this timing? Is this a curse?! It was Sarah! She saw me fixing Kyla's clothes but for how long? Did she saw the whole thing? Did she just came? I guess she didn't saw the whole thing, because if so, she should help me. "I saw the whole thing." Sarah said. Did she read my mind? Though she's always like that, always seems to know what's on my mind. "Really? Then why didn't you helped me?" I asked. "Because like you, I also experience raped, right before you." Sarah said. What?! She was raped? I know that she's not virgin, when we first did it but she never told me this. What should I say? What should I do? Should I hug her? Should I say to not worry? What is the right word in this moment? "Should we eat some barbecue?" I said. Why did I say those word?! "I agree with you but before that, take that woman to the guy behind you." Sarah said. "Behind me?" I muttered. It's Edward. "Did you see all of it?" I asked. "Yes." Edward said. "But why didn't you stopped her?" I asked. "I'm afraid, that I might hurt her. The last time I did, when we were in high school, I accidentally push her in a nearby stone. She was taken then in the hospital." Edward explained. I can fully see now why he can't leave her. I guess when they finally broke up on my first round, Kyla was mentally stable at that time, and she was not a maniac like this. It was all thanks to this man, he save a person. I salute to you, Edward. "Maybe all of us should eat some barbecue." I said. "Thank you, Kersh!" Edward said. "Your treat, right?" Sarah said. "Yes, my treat. As you heard, I am Kersh, this guy is Edward, and that's his girlfriend, Kyla. How about you?" I said. "My name is Sarah." Sarah said. "A potato fries might be also good combination for the barbecue." I said. Sarah and Edward laughs. I sober from what happen. How this event will move forward, now that all of the main characters are here together. Shall I smile like the bright crescent moon in the sky?
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