Planning For The Future

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It's been a week since JR and I talked about how I traveled through time and then we decided to continue to talk about it after a week. She's coming over tonight so we can plan for the future. "Mother, I have a friend who will come today, her name is JR, and we will talk about our future plans." I said to my mother. "Future plan? I don't get what you're saying but okay, just don't be noisy, your father is sleeping." My Mother said. "Okay, I understand.' I replied. I've been checking my phone and I noticed that today is Friday. I looked at the window and watched the rain. The rain these days is so annoying. Hasn't been 2 weeks since the rain keeps on going? Hold on, the rain keeps on going?! I see, so today is that day. I better read news on the internet while JR is still not here. An hour has passed since I've been reading news on the internet when someone knocked on the door. My mother called my name and said that there is a beautiful Japanese looking girl outside, "It must be JR." I said to my mother. My mother was quite a bit confused because she didn't thought that JR is a girl. My sister texted me saying, "Who is that girl and what happened between you and Mary Ann?!" Scary! How did my sister have my number? She never texted me before in my real timeline. "Looks like you are the woman of the day today JR." I said. "Why? Did I do something wrong?" She asked. I explained to her that I didn't tell to my mother that the friend that I'm talking about and will come over tonight is a woman, and not a man. We both laughed afterwards. "And before we start on planning the future let me tell you what I did in this past week." I said to JR. "I gathered data and information about the current situation. I have no accurate recollection on what happened during this time. Specifically because it is more than 10 years from my present time. Not everyone can remember exactly what happened to their past. Like what color they wore and such. However I do remember some events, for example, today there is a mudslide that will happen in Saint Bernard, Southern Leyte. I remember this because, more than a thousand had died in the incident. This gave me a conclusion that changing my actions and behavior won't give much conflict in time mostly in big events and natural disaster. I guess because this is the present and no one knows on what will happen to the future. Millions of possibilities that can happen in an instant and I can say that me going back is one of it. This is actually out of my field. There's a lot of stories about time travel which even some ancient gods change some of events and few things in the past for the sake of humanity. So basically I must not give too much worry about this." I explained this to her. She have questions about what I said. We started on reading some books that may help us. She even printed out some documents about time travel, though some of it are conspiracies. But this give us some ideas about what we should do. "Look at this article, it state that there's a possibility that you didn't went back in time but rather you saw your future." She said. I read the article she mentioned and I don' think that I have the same case with it. We started to discuss my situation for the second time and it actually feels like I am the protagonist in a mystery movie. After we discussed, JR listed some objectives and priorities, I must keep on track. First is to search for Sarah. She's the sole reason why I came back to the past. However things may be different. Sarah doesn't talked about her past to me. She's a mysterious woman and I didn't bother to ask. Being with her is what I wanted the most. Randomly searching for her is a dumb thing to do which is why JR suggest to have either meet Sarah on the exact date and place where we met or I could try to visit her home right away but the risk of a chance that she wouldn't love me back the way she supposed to love me before may occur. Then if Sarah and I was able to get married again. I must be able to have my children back, Nicolas and Knyah. There's a possibility of them not being able to get born in this timeline. I must be carefully or my family will never exist. And if by chance, I must be able to find that Strange Man who's responsible on sending me back in the past. There's still a lot of mystery about it. This journey is difficult as it seem. JR said that I might already change some events that I shouldn't. "Our actions has chain reaction to our surroundings, like an invisible numbers." she quoted. I mentioned to JR that there are some events that is happening today and didn't happen before. Like meeting her and this whole conversation which is why I've been watching some news for the past week. So far, nothing happened. But actually, I'm watching the news and I haven't been hanging out with Bryan and the gang which is already a change of event. Same with Mary Ann. Supposed to be, I should be in her house for more than a month, and spending time with her. In addition, because I'm in the house, my father wasn't able to have his little charades with his bitches. I don't know why such a man exist. How a man can brought some women every single day? Because of my action, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a news that didn't really happened before or should I say in my original timeline. But actually, my biggest concern is Mary Ann, no matter what I say, she was my girlfriend, and I have a happy memories with her. And rejecting her already change the time. It is unfair for her if she learned about this. I mean, I have those memories but she didn't have it. I'm such a jerk. I hope she can forgive me. I talked to JR about this things that concerns me. I am really glad that there is someone I can talk with something like this. Someone who can understand me. If things didn't work and I return to my original timeline, I will be friends with her. After explaining things to her, she said, "Why not just reenact everything until the day when your family died. I mean if there is a typhoon during that period, let them stay in her family side in Quezon City." "If that is the case then why return in this year not a week or month before it happened? That is one of my questions. Why at this time? Is it about something else? Everything happens for a reason. Same with this, why would I return in year 2006?" I said. JR said that maybe there's something happened in this time that I must face but I failed to do. Which is why JR and I decided to investigate things. But what are those things? Was is about my mother, my sister, or was it about that bastard father? I'm not sure. However JR suggested that I must observe first, and I must talk to Mary Ann and try to do something about our relationship. After JR and I discuss, we went out to eat for dinner however I didn't expect that my father is awake and eating with my family. "So this is your new girlfriend." My father said. He observed JR, then he looked at me and said. "She's beautiful, but there are things that you must not rush, however we can't help if you have a baby, being a father is not easy, Kersh." He added. What is this guy talking about?! Jyna came to me and she hold my hands and said, "Kersh, mom said to father that JR came here because you will discuss with her about your plan for the future. I didn't expect that this is the reason why you broke up with Mary Ann, is it because you make JR pregnant, and you have to become responsible for this?" Jyna said. Jyna and Mary Ann are actually pretty close. She's been texting Mary Ann since we became a couple. JR laughed after listening to what she heard, and then she said. "I'm looking forward to become part of this family." Wait what?! She should stop this kind of joke. Look at my mother, she cried as she hugged me, and then she said. "My baby boy is now a father!" I really don't like how my mother cry. As if she lost a limb or something. What the hell is wrong with this family?! JR just smiled and gently laughed. This girl truly know how to fool someone. I must be careful around her. This is a mess however I don't mind. I know my father, he might try to do something about JR if he learned that nothing really happened between us. But I guess after I told my story about my relationship with my father, there will be no way to see my father attractive. If she does then JR is a fool. After that we start eating. Jyna turned on the television to watch for the news. She's worried because of the weather. I started a conversation, "We're planning on moving to Metro Manila, mother." I said. My whole family was shocked about what I said. They couldn't believe about it. They just looked at me. "Let's eat." I said. "But aren't you too young to go in Metro Manila to live in there? Just by yourselves." My mother said. "Let them be, they discussed about it and they make a plan. They're not kid so let them be." My father said. "When will you go to Metro Manila and where in Metro Manila?" Jyna asked. "If not in Quezon City, maybe in Pasig City or within Manila. There are a lot of new opportunities in there. I'm planning to work in a private school both for our expenses and for my master's degree. JR would also transfer in Metro Manila, we will discuss this with her parents." I explained. "Working in Metro Manila as College Professor? You don't have experience, how will you be able to work in there? The standard in the capital is different from the province." My father said. "Well actually won't go in Metro Manila right away. First we have to ask her parents then second, I plan to work in Divine Word University, I bet you could do something about that. You were able to change my grades so letting me work there is not hard right? You can talk about this to the Principal, right? I don't mind if I become an assistant professor or assistant of the dean. It is up to you." I said. "Make a resume and send it to me after we finish our dinner." My Father said. "Understood." I replied. My mother and Jyna seems at lost with my conversation with father. They didn't expect me to talk to him. I'm actually 32 years old in mind so talking to a 48 year old man, means nothing to me. Though I still hate him. JR pinched my side and then she made an ok sign while hiding her arm under the table. Everyone is eating and watching the news when I noticed something that happened which is not supposed to happen. February 17, on the town of Saint Bernard in Southern Leyte. A mudslide occurred that killed more than a thousand of people. However Mary Ann's parents are not supposed to be on the list of people who died from the mudslide. They supposed to be in Panaon Island. "What happened?" I said as I stand up and went near to the television. My family is confused and disturbed with my reaction on the news. "Are you alright, my son?" My mother said. JR seems to know why I reacted that way. I quickly asked JR to come with me. "Where are you going brother?! It's raining outside." Jyna said but I ignored her and left the house with JR. While we're on outside, I said to JR that we must run and go to Mary Ann's house but she grabbed my hand and made my stop before I attempt to run. "Before you act, you must think." She said. "Mary Ann's parents wasn't supposed to die on that mudslide. I didn't tell this to you because it seems to be not important. Her family was supposed to become a millionaire in five years." I said. "Still that being said but what will you do?!" JR said. "I must comfort her! And.... And..... I don't know but I must be at her side. I'm the only one she can lean on today." I said. "Remember Kersh, your goals. If by chance that because of this, your relationship with Mary Ann grows stronger, your family will never to exist!" JR said. "I know but this is my fault! Maybe because of me ending our relationship with her, changed something! Like her getting sick which is why her parents have to go back or something bad happened!" I said. "But you already change the past! Fixing this means nothing! They died and what can you do about that?!" JR said. I don't know what to do, I feel no strength, my heart beats faster, and I'm just confused and keep on walking around. I don't know what to do. "I will still go to her house. Being there for her is the only thing I can offer for her." I said. After that I run to go to Mary Ann's house. "Do whatever you want Kersh! You've already changed the past! This is a consequence that you must carry! Remember everything that happen which must not happen is your fault!" JR said. I have to face my audacity. If Adam and Eve sinned for eating the forbidden fruit then I sinned for leaping through time.
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