Weigh of Action

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This is my first step, I should make a good start. Now that I am in the house of Mary Ann, what are the things that I should be aware of? First her parents aren't here. We banged all day and night, then we did some stuff to refresh and make ourselves wasted. What else? Come on! Why can't I remember it?! But whatever may happen, I must end our relationship and start this Mission Impossible! Okay that is enough, I should knock. "Hello, is someone here, Mary Ann are you in there?!" I shouted. Seems no one is around? How did I entered this house again? Oh s**t I forgot, I was too high to remember! Well still, I can't help but to feel nostalgic to this house. Mary Ann and I is in long relationship, well not that long actually. We've been together for 3 years and I've been coming here a lot since then. Her parents are a busy person. They're rich, her parents are business minded people. I think in few years they will become millionaire. Who would have thought that the family who live in this 2 stories, 80's type, somehow broken house will become a family of a millionaire? And wait a minute?! They will become a millionaire?! Come on Kersh, you are not thinking of committing your life to Mary Ann, knowing that her family will become millionaire? But actually In 12 years, she is still single in her 30's. That is actually sad. Come on, why think like that?! You should have remarried instead if that is the case brother! Don't be like this kid, we have to man up! What the hell am I doing? Talking to myself. "Kersh, is that you?!" It is the voice of Mary Ann, I instantly remember it. It feels like yesterday. How could I forgot this lovely voice? We're always together so it is unlikely for me to forget this. The voice came from the window on the second floor of the house. I looked up and she is in there. Wow, amazing, she always looks pretty and innocent. Who would have thought that this innocent and small size except her bullet, would use some crazy stones, powered juices, and dry leaves with a guy like me? I really regret on corrupting her. I have to fix this. This was actually the day when we first use those stuffs and now that I don't have it then it means it will not happen. Anyway I just have to break her heart. I have to become a douchebag for the sake of Sarah! Just to be clear, two years from now, she is actually the one who cheated on me. I never thought that she would do it with Bryan. That bastard, I hate him but right now they still haven't done it. But still, I just can't forget it, they are the same person with no memories of it. I feel unease with this. This is so unfair! "Kersh, what are you doing?! Come inside now, the door is open. Feel free to come inside." She said. Those words! Those are the words why I'm always so excited to enter this house, how erotic. That girl despite her innocent face. I guess that is the reason why I can't resist her. She is truly like a succubus! Wait a minute?! Why am I excited? Shame on you Kersh! You have to end your relationship with her. Okay let's do this! If I remember correctly, we played hide and seek. I was so excited at that time that I slowly took off my clothes as I search for her. I am so ashamed of myself. How can I do such a vulgar thing! Today is different, I know where she is. She is in her room. How dumb I am that I didn't thought of it before. Well she left a note on her door saying, "find me Macho Man." That note made me confuse, so I wouldn't have thought that she is hiding inside of her room. But wait? Macho Man?! That is so out of date. I never imagine someone is calling me that and made me arouse. Shame Kersh! Shame! This door, I called it as the door of paradise whenever I entered it. Wait?! This is bad. This is a flag saying that this is bad. Remembering the good old days we spent together. It wasn't so really bad actually if it wasn't for Bryan! Well anyway, let's do this, Bang! I opened the door and said, "Hello Mary Ann I just wanted to say that we should, a-iya-iyay, your clothes is undone!" What a Mocha Uson is this?! Viva Hot Babe! Yes I remember this, she often wore this kind of erotic clothes to arouse me. I remember it clearly, she used this to seduce me. At that time when I saw her like this, I quickly jump on her and did the job well done. She always likes to dress up like this. I don't hate it, she knows her job very well. Wai?! Don't be like this man, remember your purpose! "Do you like a rabbit?" She said as she pose like a rabbit with her erotic voice. Calm down Soldier! Remember your mission, this is not the reason why we came here. We have to break up with her. But Sir we are in the P-A-S-T, the past. This doesn't count as cheating! And she is your current girlfriend! Private remember, we may be in current relationship but our heart is already sealed to one woman in our life which is locked through marriage! Which is why we must not failed to do this. I know this is hard but a man must have dignity and honor! Oh come on! Now there's a conversation in my head. I don't really know what to do. Going back in the past was actually a double edge! "What are you waiting for, Mr. Playboy?" Mary said with her erotic voice. I need back up! I can't do this anymore! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! And she slowly walk in front of me. How sexy. Her ways of seducing me surely is effective, most of the time I would surrender with that cute and innocent looking face. Whenever she pout like that and stare at me, I can't help but to make love with her! This is not a good thing, maybe we should think of something else? Yes right! I'm 32 years old in mind and she is currently 18 years old so this means like I'm doing it to a girl in half of my age or something! Oh s**t I'm gross, too gross and so creepy! With this I can stop it, remember that you're an old dude so you can't make a move. I stood and make myself ready, then I walked towards her, holds her shoulder, stares in her eyes. But wait?! If I met Sarah today which means she's also only 18 then it means I can't make love with her?! And we can only love a woman with the same age? This is crazy?! I'm so confuse! "What are you doing by just standing and holding my shoulder? Your bird wouldn't be able to land on my nest if you keep doing that." She said. Kersh, calm down, just calm down! I look at her face to finally say it but she grab my head and then pull me to her face and we kissed. This is not our first kiss but what is this feeling? My memories of her is flashing through my head and I can't stop myself right now. I have to stop but I can't. And I failed, we keep on kissing and she pulled me in her bed. This is the paradise that I lost before, and now I return. Our kiss continues as she attempts to take my pants off, she took off my boxer, and when she finally grab my p***s and about to sucked in, I suddenly remember my wife's face. I remember Sarah, I remember our children, Nicolas and Knyah. I can't do this. I gently pushed Mary Ann away and said, "I'm sorry Mary Ann but I can't do this. I can't do this to you. I hope you understand." Of course she wouldn't, she is mad, I know if she's mad, whenever she make her cheek looks like a cheek of a fat baby and have an angry eyes means she is offended or mad. "Sorry, but I don't understand?! Am I not pretty? Don't you love me anymore?!" She asked. "I'm sorry if you can't understand and yes you are so pretty but I'm sorry." I said to her. "Sorry for what Kersh?!" She asked. "We usually kiss but earlier seems different, I saw some flash of the good memories we spent. Nostalgic however Mary Ann, I don't have any more feelings towards you or if there is, only this guy down here have feelings for you but not me, I don't have it anymore." I said. Tears came down from her eyes, she's mad. What I said offended her and broke her heart and then she slapped me. The pain she has is incomparable to what I can feel in my face, however this is for the right thing. After she didn't say anything, she just sit on the corner of her bed. She often do that when she feel so hurt. It will take time for her to heal her wounds. I just left without saying any word. I just don't know what to say nor know if what I did is correct. The theories that JR said to me has no actual proof so this might mean that now that I break up with her there's a possibility that I wouldn't be able to meet Sarah. I left the house when a girl attempted to cover my eyes. I know that it is woman because of that bouncy feeling behind me. "Hey so you're done?!" A familiar voice of a woman said. It is JR. "Why are you here?!" I asked. "Well actually I'm so curious of what you said, and I have a hypothesis." She said. "Hypothesis?!" I muttered. "Well you asked about time traveling then when I explain things to you, your face shows some realization, like there is a beam in your face." She said. "What does it mean?" I asked. "Well I suspect that you Kersh is someone from the future." She said. "How did you know?! Am I too obvious?!" I said. "Nope, I just actually gamble if you really are or not and if you say no then I will just end it with a laugh like, Just kidding, don't be too serious about it. And actually, I suspected you when you said that Bryan said that I like time traveling and stuff when we just actually met earlier so how did you learned that when it was the first time I talked with Bryan, I just conclude from there, just something like that. Is that enough?" She said. "I was so dumb to be trick by an 18 year old girl like you." I said. "So how long did you leap?" She asked. "Time leap? 12 years from now "I answered. "Wow?! And how old are you right now? I mean your current age of this time." She asked. "I'm 20." I answered. "So you leap for 12 years? That is unexpected and amazing. What are your plans?" She asked. "Can we go somewhere?" I said. "Cool, we can go to our house and talk to my room." She said. Another girl's house?! Come on Kersh! You just went out from a girl's house. But actually going back to my house with my father waiting and going to her house seems much better. But I don't want Mary Ann to think of something, if some people see us together and saw me entered JR's house tonight and then leave tomorrow, they will probably say that I'm cheating on Mary Ann or she's the new girl I love. That kind of talk of the town. That actually may work because Mary Ann will surely won't try to take me back and do some stuffs if she learned that I have a new girlfriend. I'll let the rumors that would work. After thinking I finally agree. "Okay cool." I said. We went to her house and it is actually a small simple house, not the one I expected. I thought that it is a big house because she came from Japan so I expect that she should be rich. "Where are your parents?" I asked. "They're in Japan, I'm just only here with my grandfather, who is the Local Barangay Captain." She said. "So now that we are in your room, where should we start then?" I said. "From the top? What happened to you before coming back to the past, how did you came back? What do you know about how you leap on time and what are your plans." She said. "Easy Tiger." I said with sarcasm. I think that this is good, that there is someone who can help and understand me. And so I explained it to her, and we talked about it. We spent the night together without sleeping and just keep on discussing my case to her.
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