2 Sold to the evil alpha (2)

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  After dinner the pack house was quiet. Sky nervously listened at her door for any sign that there was still someone lingering around. Jeremiah liked to have his men walking around checking on things at night. She didn’t hear anyone out there. She walked to her bed and sat down. Was she really doing this? Sky asked herself. She was so terrified her hands were shaking. Fay, she cried her wolf’s name. She needed her strength right now. There was no way she could do this alone. “You’re not alone,” her wolf said. There was so much strength in her voice. Sky wished she was like her.  Her mind made up she got to her feet. She walked to the door and opened it slowly. She made sure there was no one out there, and then opened it wider. She took a deep breath and darted down the stairs and all the way to the front door without anyone seeing her. She was almost out. She reached for the front door handle and opened the door. It made a creaking noise she tried hard to suppress but it sounded loud in the silent house. She winced and shot out of the front door. She ran to the edge of the forest plunging into darkness the further she got from the house. She stopped and took off her clothes. She flung them into the darkness, hoping that her brother wolf would think she went in a different direction. She turned into her wolf and hoped that Fay would run far away. She darted into the darkness. She ran hard and fast. She ran for about ten minutes without her hearing any sound of approaching footsteps. Maybe this time she will get away. But then she heard it. The eerie stillness of the night, and the sense that someone was watching her. Fay came to a stop and looked around her. A howl ripped the night. And a chorus of them responded in the far distance. The sound of paws hitting the ground hard filled the silence. They were coming for her. Fay ran. She weaved around trees and darted back and forth trying to lose her brother’s men. But they were not giving up. She ran for hours until her legs couldn’t carry her anymore. “That’s enough,” Sky told her wolf. She was running her into the ground. She forced the change when she collapsed on the forest floor. She shivered in the night and watched the glowing eyes of the wolves as they got closer and closer. They came to a stop in front of her. Their growls of displeasure filled the night. Sky closed her eyes. She cringed as one of them closed his hand around her arm. He dragged her all the way back to the house. Rocks and twigs ripped into the soles of her feet. The night air turned her skin cold. She was shivering by the time he dropped her at the front door, where he brother stood in his robe. The light from inside hit him from behind, making it hard for Sky to see his face. She looked up at him silently begging that he be merciful. He leaned down until they were at eye level. “You a really testing my patience, Sky. Don’t think I won’t punish you even if Reagan said he didn’t want a scratch on you.” He did? Sky looked at him surprised. She didn’t think that Reagan cared about her. “I will find a way. I even if I have to lock you up somewhere until this deal is done,” he said with a snarl. “Lock her up in her room.” Jeremiah straightened and turned back into the house. Sky was dragged to her room, and thrown in. She turned around as she heard the resounding sound of the lock sliding into place. She walked to her bed and slumped down. God, why couldn’t he just let her go? She didn’t want this. Sky wiped at the tears that filled her eyes. She curled up on her bed. Her muscles ached, and she was so tired. She closed her eyes thinking of resting for just a few minutes. When she woke up it was already morning she sat up, and ran to the door. She twisted the handle to check if it was locked. She was praying that Jeremiah was only trying to scare her that he won’t keep her locked up as he threatened to do last night. The door didn’t budge as she tried to open it.  It was still locked. Maybe he will unlock it today, she told herself as she walked to the bathroom. She stopped and stared down at herself. She was dirty from walking in the forest on bare feet. She looked at her bed. The sheets were filthy. Damn, she should have tried to take a shower at least. She stripped the bed and dumped the sheets in her laundry hamper. She walked to the bathroom and had a shower. She lingered in the shower, letting the water wash away the aches and pains in her body. She stood under the spray until the water ran cold. She got out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around her waist. She dried herself and put on some fresh clothes. After she was done, she walked to the door and tried it again. It was still locked. She walked to the bed and sat down. He will come and unlock it, she said to herself. Time went by and the door remained locked. She wrapped her arms around her stomach as hunger gnawed at her stomach. She was so hungry.  By the end of the day she was starving and the door was still locked. Jeremiah kept her in there for two days. By the time he opened the door Sky could barely stand. She had a massive headache and her body was weak. She didn’t do well without food. “I am sure you are hungry,” he said with a smug smile. “I told you, didn’t I? I am sure now you will beg to go to Reagan.” Sky stared at him. She was going to run the first chance she got. He walked deeper into the room, and waved to someone outside. Zoey walked in carrying a tray with plate of food and water. The food smelled so delicious, Sky was literally salivating.  She placed it on the bed. She looked at Sky, and then quickly looked away. Sky could see the sympathy in her eyes. “Eat. Don’t say your brother is not merciful,” Jeremiah said and walked to the door. He brandished the key at her. “To show my kindness I am even going to leave the door open.” He walked out closing the door. Zoey stared at her. “What?” Sky asked. Her throat scratched. She reached for the glass of and drank it down. “Would being mated to the alpha be so bad?” she asked. “Yes.” “Worse than what your brother is doing to you? I heard him say that he has something very bad planned for you if you run away again. You know that he’s crazy. And you know he will do what he says. Please don’t run away again, please.” Zoey begged. Sky didn’t say anything. She reached for the fork and plate. And started to eat. “Please Sky,” she begged again. But Sky ignored her. Zoey walked out. Sky paused as she closed the door behind her. There was no clicking sound of the lock. Jeremiah was indeed not going to lock the door. Sky stared at it. And then she remembered what Zoey. What could her brother do that he hasn’t already done? He was short of killing her, which will work in sky’s favour anyway. If she was dead, he couldn’t sell her to anyone. She ate her food fast. She placed the plate back on the tray and walked to the door. She was running again. Hopefully this time Jeremiah will go crazy and kill her. She walked out of her room and made it all the way to the front door. No one stopped her. She walked out of the front door and stopped when she found Jeremiah waiting for her. He looked at her with that smug smile on his face. “There is something about you, Sky. You never give up. There is so much fire in you. It’s a shame you decided to use it in the wrong place. You will become Reagan’s mate whether you like it or not. But since I can’t watch over you all the time, I have found you some other accommodation for you. I bet after spending a day there you will rethink your decision. But there is no rush. Reagan is still finalising our business and I would rather not lose you until then. Come,” Jeremiah said walking to the waiting car. And opened the back door. Sky stared at it. “Let’s go, we don’t have all day.” Jeremiah clapped his hands impatiently. Sky looked around her. His men stood around them as if they were anticipating her escape. He tricked her earlier, he knew she will try to escape again. Now, he was taking her God know where. “I am sorry, Jeremiah. I promise I won’t try to escape again. I swear,” she said walking towards him. “It’s too late. You can’t be trusted,” he said pointing to the interior of the car. “Go on. I have somewhere else to be.” He shoved her inside. And got in after her. The car was in motion before she could even sit upright. She reached for the door handle, the locks of the car engaged. “It’s no use. You were better off accepting the situation. Now you have forced my hand.” “Where are you taking me?” “You will see. I want it to be a surprise,” he said laughing. He looked out the window. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………   In a coven not far away. Sitting in a small dark room was a man chained to the wall. The chains were heavy pulling on his muscles. He strained as he tried to get close to the damn demon. He was taunting him again. William closed his eyes. He wasn’t going to give into his taunting this time. He knew what it will lead to. That bastard will feed from his grief. He knew his brother was dead. He should not have hope that he was still alive. But he couldn’t help himself. William closed his eyes as tears filled them and spilled over. He’s relieved that day his parents and twin brother died so many times, you would think he wouldn’t have any tears left. But he cried as if it happened only yesterday. “That’s it,” the demon said with a smile on his face. He was feeding from him. His muscles rippled. His name was Gol. He was an Algea. As far as supernatural beings went, they were the most evil. The Algea were demons that feed off misery, grief and pain. Gol was known to kill entire packs and leaving one survivor so that he could feed off his grief. His entire livelihood depended on others. And he did anything to survive. He roamed the states causing misery wherever he went. Years ago, he came upon the Morning Star pack. It was a thriving pack with a very strong alpha and Luna, who were loved by their pack. He knew if he killed them their pack will mourn for years. And so he killed them. But he never imagined that the one who would feed him very well was a small yet very strong werewolf…their son. Gol took him with him as he moved on from the area. And the boy’s grief deepened as he not only mourned for his parents, but for his twin brother…Marcus. He was still grieving even now, William wiped at his eyes as the pain sprung anew in his heart. It was like his very soul was begging for Marcus to be alive…it was calling out to him. He could feel his wolf going a little crazy when the link between them vibrated with life, but all that met him a well of darkness. He it felt like he was neither dead or alive. William imagined that was what made him go a little crazy and continue to grieve. It was the fact that their link was still alive. He just didn’t feel him. It was strange and it was driving him crazy. He clutched his head, and screamed.   “You are going to bring the house down,” Gol said walking up the stairs that led to another room up there. He kept him in the ground, the bastard. “You know you have to keep it down. We are hiding, remember?” Yeah, William remembered. Gol moved them into some witch coven. He even managed to become the leader of the coven somehow. He wondered how he managed to fool the witches. Couldn’t they smell the demon in him? Maybe not, William thought to himself. He dragged the chains and sat down in the corner of the room. He was tired. Gol’s feeding always made him tired even though he’s feed on him for years. Ever since he was a boy. Gol practically raised him. He knew nothing else but him. He barely remembered the joy of living in a pack or having someone to hold him. He has been stuck in dark dungeons everywhere they went. William tried to escape once, but Gol found him, and he did something to him with his demon magic. Whenever he thought of leaving he felt a gut wrenching pain that brought him to his knees. If he was to leave here, Gol had to let him go himself. But that wasn’t going to happen. He was his only source of food. Now he wanted his brother too. He was convinced that Marcus was somewhere nearby. He lied his way into the coven so that he could be close to him. William didn’t believe him. If Marcus was alive he would feel it. He was his twin. They shared a link. No. This was another trick Gol was using to get him to feed him more. William closed his eyes and tried to rest. He will want to feed again soon. He heard the door open and close as Gol walked out. He left the light on. William stared up at it wondering what was up with that. He always plunged him in darkness whenever he left. He must have forgotten it, William thought but before he could finish that thought the door opened again. William looked up and that’s when her scent hit him. He sat up as the word he never thought he would hear exploded in his mind. Mate!    
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