Chapter Five

713 Words
Chapter Five  'Hey, I have an idea, let's get all the girls around and have some girl gang time for a bit while the kids are at school'. I nodded, loving the idea. It had been sooo long since we had some quality friend time. 'Great, I'll call them!'.  'Ok, sure. Here or mine?' She shrugged. 'Ok, I'll go to mine'. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back as we continued down the street. 'So, are you still going to see Johnny tonight?' She nodded. 'Want me to pass a message on to Adam?' I thought about it but shock my head. 'You sure?'  'Yeah'.  'It's not too late to change your mind and come with me if you want? He really wants to see you, He misses you and I know you want to see him'. 'No, I'm good, I'll wait till he comes home. I don't want to see him there'. She looked confused. 'What? Why?' I shrugged. 'There is always people hanging around and to be honest, If I see him, I won't want to leave him'. She nodded understanding. 'I get it'. I sighed and wrapped my arm through hers as she text. 'I probably won't want to leave Johnny either' I smiled. I was glad I had Danni and the girls. Im not alone, but then again, even though they have to deal with the same thing. There significant other being away, but only me and Danni have kids to think about too. '.....Meg?!' She elbowed me. 'Huh? What?' 'Nothing. Away with the fairies again?' I smiled.  'Yep', She smiled. 'Any way, have you told Johnny you're taking Anna-Line with you tonight?'  'Yeah, actually, it was his idea. He wants to see her'. 'Aww, that's cute'. I stopped talking for a minute and looked at her, 'Hey Danni?'  'Yeah?'  'If you see him...'  'I'll tell him you're missing him'. I smiled sadly. 'Thanks.' We started walking again. 'Right, where are we meeting the girls?' I asked. She checked her phone. 'Well, Linds said she's at Star bucks with Amber waiting for Fall so...I guess we go there'. 'The one on the Pier?' She nodded. 'Ok'. We headed that way, but just as we turned onto Main street, Some one called us, Turning around we looked to see who it was. Luckily, It was Fallen.  Good timing! 'Hey babes!.' Danni called, she smiled as she approached. 'Hey Dan, Hey Megz. Hey, I heard from the grape vine you are going to see Johnny tonight?' She nodded. 'Mind If I tag along. I want to see my baby'.  'Sure, no problem.' 'I think Linds wants to see Lewis as well, So this might turn into a full blown outing'. 'Sure'. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and we headed into Star bucks. Linds jumped up and called us over, people looked up at us, Disproving of how loud she was, but they soon looked away again when Danni screamed if they had a problem. 'So, ladies, how are you?' I randomly asked as we sat down. They all smiled. 'What?' 'Megan, you will be very happy'. 'What?!?' 'The guys are coming home soon!' Amber yelled happily. 'Are you for real?' Danni asked before I had a chance.  'Yeah, Lewis called me this morning!'. Oh my gosh, That's amazing! The news had definitely brightened my day and I just KNOW Rory is going to be super happy about having her daddy back too!!  We all stayed, Drank coffee and talked for a bit. The girls all decided they were going to tag along with Danni to see their men, While I, On the other hand, kept to my excuse and said that I had to be home for when Rory got back this evening.  While we were talking, I got a text from Eddie. We had swapped numbers the day before so we could arrange times for the play date. He just asking If I wanted to go round to have a cup of coffee with him tonight before I took Rory home.  Well, I might as well. Texting him back saying ''Sure'', I put my phone away and sighed. Getting bored, we all decided to make a move and head back to mine and Adam's.
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