Searching for my destined

867 Words
6 months have passed since I have taken the throne of Brim. Every colony of Dragons was now united and under my command. I no longer wanted war among our own kind fighting over beliefs and territory. I was willing to make the sacrifices needed in the corrupt political system we had in place to save our peoples lives. A week after I accepted the Fire Stone, I took my army through the lands and made visits to each colony. I spoke to each leader and provided them an offer. They either step down and pass the fire of their people to me or I take it by force. My forces knew that they were not to harm a single female or hatchling, but were welcome to kill any man who tried to harm me or them. In the end, they were not needed and each colony leader submitted to me as the true Queen of Dragons. The knew the power my father once had and being his daughter, it was only natural I be just as strong if not stronger than he was. Their people submitted to me and my laws with little resistance. Most out of respect, but some out of fear. The hatchlings were unaffected and the Dragons who have not met their destined ones due to territories were surprisingly met with their fates and were happy couples. I on the other hand did achieve my goal of forming peace among Dragons, but failed at my personal goal. I never found my destined one even though I made sure to meet every male possible. I know I told Clement that I didn't care, but I really do. I can't stand not having a someone meant for me who is my equal. I stare out the large window in my office towards the front gate. I see Dragons walking freely in and our of the downtown shopping center. I see Dragons from all the old clans flowing freely through the kingdom that used to be off limits. They seem to be enjoying their new freedom. I frown at the sight of so many families and couples walking the streets and gliding through the air. I could accept being alone and select a company out of those who have lost their destined, but it wouldn't fill the hole in my heart that has started to grow in my heart since I became of age. Most Dragons find their destined within weeks of their 18th birthday. If they don't find them, loneliness sets in and begins to take over. Many have ended their lives due to the growing darkness. "Why am I going to do? I'm not strong enough to fend if the darkness forever and with no heir... I can't leave my people unprotected and without leadership. Especially during this time of change." I decided to finally follow up on my fathers secret project in the south east labs. He believed that their were other worlds hidden out their that our ancestors hid from us.I thought he was going mad, but now I think he might have been right. I open my office window, extend my wings behind me and jump out. I allow myself to fall for a few seconds before extending my wings to either side and allowing the air to catch me. I glide through the sky and was met with several head bows as I passed others enjoy a flight. I haven't flown freely in what felt like forever. I thrust my wings downward to allow myself to rise higher into the clouds. The cool air felt great against my skin and sent chills over my body. I flew higher and higher into the sky until I could no longer see any others around. I decided to let my Dragon take over and fully shift. I took a deep breath as I felt my body stretch and bend in ways that you could never imagine. My face became long and large fangs began to grow, my arms and legs got longer and much more animal like in shape, large razor sharp claws grow out the tip of my fingers that are slowly morphing into lizard like hands, scales burst through my skin one at a time until I am fully covered in onix gems glistening in the light. I looked like a Dragon from the old stories our people tell from when humans used to exist and think they could best us in battle. Foolish humans. I close my eyes and let the winds carry me to an island in the south east. Normally this fly would have only taken me a half hour, but I decided to play in the clouds and sunbath my scales for awhile and didn't arrive until well after sundown. Oh well. I shift back into my normal self a glide down to a large boulder in the middle of the island. I extend a single claw and insert it into a small c***k in the base until I here a click. The boulder begins to move back and a small stair case appears. I take a deep breath and make my way into the dark hole. 
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