You know the truth and the truth knows you.

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Lisa suddenly stopped dancing focusing her eyes at the end of the club. Diana noticed and wanted to know what it is. "What's wrong?" She questioned. Well Lisa didn't need to answer that when she saw exactly what was happening. "He's such a bitch." Said Diana. Brian standing with some lady , not only they were standing but kissing. Definitely having fun. "Well this one might end exactly where it started." Lisa glared at them. Brian noticed and guilt started spreading across his face. Lisa waved at him with a little smile before looking away. "If you want , we can leave." "I'm not going anywhere. We came here to have fun. Just because my husband is cheating on me that doesn't mean the rest of my night must be ruined." " If you say so." Diana glanced at them one more time. Lisa in the meantime continued dancing with no care in the world. For reason that definitely didn't hurt , not as much as the weird things she didn't know nor understand were hurting her. The pain brought to her by Brian couldn't be compared to her random chest pains. As she danced someone dragged her from the back. Only to find out it's Brian. "What do you want?" Brian dragged her away from everyone , to a place more quiet. "Look I'm really sorry you had to see that." " Look Brian I certainly don't care what you do in your own spare time , not anymore. What's not meant to be shall never be. And me and you we are not going to work I'm telling you." " Please don't speak like that." "I certainly don't what kind of spell made me fall for you but I think it's just not working anymore." " Why are you talking about spells? But we love each other." " No we don't. Quite frankly I don't even know right now why I married you. Maybe I was blinded I don't know. And I might sound crazy right now but I hope someday I make sense." Lisa then left not waiting for what he has to say. After all she didn't really care. Lisa and her friend partied the whole night having the time of their lives. ** ** ** After their divorce Lisa is now staying alone in her house. It's been a month since Lisa and Brian separated. It's been a month too since she had those strange feelings. She was no longer ready to get herself a man. After all it felt like in this world nor Man was good enough for her. No man could keep up with her. Maybe she was destined to be single. Lisa sits on her bed examining the ring in hand. A diamond ring , really looking beautiful and expensive. She still wonders where she got it since her family was not this rich. She remembers when she was just a teenager turning 17 and when she came back from school she found a box already waiting for her in the door step. She took and saw her name was written on it. She was very happy that someone from her family git her a birthday present. That day it was her birthday and was very happy she'll be spending it with her family and friends. Her mama promised to cook her , her favorite dish. Without opening she took it to her room. She prepared for her day and wore very nice clothes. Then she decided to open the box before going out. The present had only her name no massage even the name of whom who sent it. Then inside she finds a small box with a necklace inside , a star necklace and another small ring box that actually had a ring inside. She hasn't even worn them but they already meant a lot to her. She decided to wear them for her birthday present. The jewelry became more mysterious when none of the family members knew nothing about the box. Worse how expensive the jewelry were , she knew just then her family had no enough money to buy her such expensive presents , especially when they a have a family to look after. To this it still remains a mystery to her. Now they are just a part of her life. She wears them wherever she goes. She lays down on her bed mind drifting away. Eventually she fell asleep. ** ** Lisa walks on green field , covered with beautiful colorful blossoms . So peaceful so free the bright beaming happily from the blue skies. She twirls happily as butterflies surrounded her. She picks a few flowers smeling of the good fragrant. She closed her enjoying the peacefulness. The smell of fresh air reviving her soul. She was free from the world , she was was lost into the land of peacefulness. Now this is the true meaning of life. She opened her eyes and wished she had never opened them nor closed them. The beauty before her fading away. The sky that was once blue now bringing darkness into the land. The plants that bloomed happily were happy no more. "What's going on." She wanted to cry all brought pain into her heart. " Where there was once light , darkness shall rise." A heavy voice thundered all around her. "Who are?" She searching horrified. "Where there was once peace , terror shall rise." He continues. "Where there was good , evil shall consume." " What are talking about!?" She cried. " The fate of your people lies in your hands." The mysterious voice roared. " What people? What do you mean?" She was both terrified and confused. "You know the truth and the truth knows you." Then the voice disappeared. There was once again light upon the beautiful land. "Nghhh!!" Lisa wakes breathless from her sleep. The dream still rang in her head. "I know the truth and the truth knows me? What could that mean?"
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