A Solstice Luna Ceremony: Chapter 1

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-Cassandra POV- I could feel the urgency in the air as Thomas burst through the hospital doors, leading the way. His voice echoed down the sterile corridors, "Where's doc? We've got an emergency!" The receptionist quickly directed him to a room in the back, mentioning I'd be there soon. As I rushed to the room, I crossed paths with Thomas. "It's Alpha William." He seemed worried. "He's an Alpha. It should be OK, Thomas." I replied, trying to reassure him. Thomas had spent some time at the Blood Moon Pack, and I could see he grew close to this Alpha. "I would usually agree, Doc, but I've never seen injuries of this extent… Lila gave him a good blow." He rubbed the back of his neck. "You better check on him." Wow, how could Lila have managed to hurt a big bad Alpha? Izzy, my wolf, asked snorting. Let's go check out the damage my niece was able to do. I replied, curious to see what happened. I entered the room. My heart was racing. The man on the bed, or should I say the kid on the bed, was drenched in his blood. The room was heavy with the scent of iron and blood, starkly contrasting the usual sterile smell of the hospital. Suddenly, a different aroma hit me - honeydew, strong and sweet, unmistakable. It was him. He struggled to sit up, pain etched on his face. Our eyes met, and the world seemed to pause. "Mate," we both whispered, an unseen bond snapping into place. I fought against the magnetic pull, focusing on my duty. "I need help here, now!" I called out, glancing at the nurses with a sense of urgency. William tried to speak, but I cut him off, "Not now. I need to assess you first." What's Mate gone and done to himself? Izzy whimpered. Not now, Izzy. Let's make sure he's OK. I quipped at her. I could sense the pack's anxiety outside the room. Lila was probably blaming herself, but Gabriel and Eliza were there. They would offer comfort and wisdom. I needed to focus on my mate. Mate. Lizzy repeated. William lay in pain. I didn't know what to do. I seemed to have lost all my training. I moved closer to him. Touching his forehead gently, I tried to offer some solace. "William, focus on your breaths, deep and even." He slowly blinked his eyes. "I want some privacy, but not until your heart stops racing. Breathe through the pain for me, will you?" Our eyes met. "I can't... It's too much," William said, his voice strained. "Dr. Cassandra, the injuries are substantial, even for an Alpha wolf." A nurse interrupted us. I had requested X-rays, and she could see multiple fractures. Looking back at William in such pain, Doc felt helpless. "I have an idea that might help," I replied, trying to steady my voice. "But you may not like it. I'm not even sure I like it. The mate bond is a powerful force, but it's also something we can work with." William nodded. "First, concentrate on your breathing. Fight the pain for me, William." As I instructed him to focus on his breathing, I felt a shift in the atmosphere. The steady beeps of the monitor began to slow, mirroring his calming heart rate. "OK?" I asked, seeking confirmation. His response was weak but determined. "Not in the least. So, what's that plan of yours?" I couldn't help but smile, even amid the crisis. "Everyone out," I ordered. You naughty girl. Izzy bounced around in my head. I think Raven knows what you intend to propose. He seems naughty. Izzy, will you calm down? We need to help our mate through this pain before you jump on him. I sighed with irritation. "I recognize you as my mate, William." I brushed the back of my hand gently on his cheek. He's the most beautiful man I've ever seen. I whispered to Izzy. He nodded. "I'm a pure-blood descendant, William. I never chose the Alpha path, but it's in my blood." "OK." He grimaced at the pain. I picked at a loose thread from my white coat. How can I say this to him… he's a kid on a hospital bed. What is wrong with me? I asked Izzy. Doc, seriously, just a kid? Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit? Izzy chimed in. I think he's sexy. If wolves could purr, she would have purred at that moment. Mark mate. Save mate from the pain. "William, you'll survive these impressive injuries. Your wolf is fighting hard for you, but the multiple fractures will take some time for him to deal with. The healing process will be painful." I winced at those words. I couldn't let him suffer. "Still waiting for the plan, Doc." He said in between shallow breaths. Mate is impatient. Izzy laughed. He will keep you on your toes. I rolled my eyes at her. "We need to mark each other, William." I paused to assess his reaction. His eyes went wide. His breathing increased. "Breath for me, William. It's unconventional, I know." The words couldn't come out quickly enough. "But because I'm of pure Alpha descent, our marking and accepting each other will speed your healing process." I could see the hesitation in his eyes. What if he says no, Izzy? I never thought it would be a possibility. But… -William POV- Everything happened so quickly. I challenged Lila, and she didn't disappoint. What a blow. I've never felt pain like this. I complained to Raven. The warriors were quick to bring me to the hospital. While waiting for a doctor, I smelled the sweetest scent of Lilac. I looked up and saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her brown hair was pulled up in a messy bun. By her white coat, I guessed she was the doctor. The earth stopped spinning. I wanted to leave this bed and take her in my arms. I tried lifting myself, but there was no way. "Mate," I whispered. She quickly came to me and helped me control my breathing. Mate is pretty. Kiss her. Kiss her. Raven was jumping up and down. He'd not appreciate all my fooling around. Damn. What will she think of my past? I asked Raven. I hope she punishes you. Raven replied, a glimmer of hope in his eye. Quickly enough, we were alone. I tried to listen, but Cassandra's beautiful eyes and lips distracted me. What did she just say? I asked Raven. Listen, i***t. She wants you to mark each other. He rolled his eyes at me. What should I say? I asked him. Are you kidding me? "I trust you, mate," I finally said. She breathed a sigh of relief. Had she been waiting long for my reply? "You want to mark me here and now? We have shared no pleasantries, not a kiss, nothing… but you want to mark me? Damn woman… I don't even know your name." Doc pinched the bridge of her nose and settled beside me, her fingers gently combing through my hair. "Cassandra." She whispered. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked, and she smelled absolutely divine. This was nothing like I had imagined meeting my mate would be. "Cassandra," I started, feeling a knot in my throat, "markings usually make mates stronger, but you're saying it will help me heal faster?" I watched her. Inside, I felt Raven stir, urging me on. Hey dude, this is our mate. Let's mark her before she learns about your past.I sighed, the weight of my past heavy on my shoulders. "I'll need words and sentences. I can't read your mind yet." Cassandra said, her voice pulling me back to the moment. Looking into her eyes, something inside me clicked. "I trust you, mate," I said, the words feeling more right than anything. "I trust us. If this is what it takes to heal me, I will take that leap." Her smile was like a balm to my soul. "I'm glad to hear that, William. Our strength, energy, and unity as a pair will be strengthened by marking each other," she said, and I believed her. She raised the bed, bringing me to a sitting position, and then she did something that took my breath away. She removed her white coat and pushed her shirt aside, exposing the delicate crook of her neck, where our bond would be sealed. She helped me uncover my neck, too, preparing for the mark. "Cassandra," I began, my voice barely a whisper, "Are you sure? I wouldn't want you to regret this when you learn about me and my past." She cut me off with a kiss, tender and reassuring. "Who you were doesn't matter, William. It's who you are with me from now on." She paused, biting her lower lip. "Does my past bother you? Does my age bother you?" she continued, now playing with the hem of her white coat. Her questions took me aback. I kissed her, surprised by the intensity of my feelings. Our arms wrapped around each other, instinct taking over, drawing us closer. After a moment, she pulled back, looking into my eyes. "Are you sure you're OK with this?" Each breath was a struggle against the pain, but I knew what I wanted. "I, Alpha William of the Blood Moon Pack, recognize and accept you, Cassandra of the Moondance Pack, as my mate." She kissed me softly, like I'd never been kissed before. This one has experience, kid. Raven said mockingly. She kissed my neck. Her kisses on my neck quickly became more, marking me and sealing our bond. I followed suit, lost in the connection we were creating. She was my mate, the woman who completed me. Warm energy flowed through us, a tangible sign of our strengthening bond. Raven's voice echoed in my head. It's working. You're getting. As we marked each other, I felt our strengths amplify. For the first time in my life, I felt genuinely complete, anchored not just to a person but to a destiny that was ours to shape. You'll have to thank Lila for kicking your ass right into your mate's arms. Raven chuckled.
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