Chapter 15 : Why Can't You Just Listen?

2006 Words

*Soren* I waited for Mila to go into her room and shut the door. I stayed there a few moments longer and waited to see if she'd try to run right away. Going to her door, I listened in until I heard the shower turn on. Nodding to myself, I headed to my own room. I shut the door and it immediately opened again. Payne came in and slouched down in a nearby armchair. “I caught up with her attacker. It took a while, but I got answers out of him," he reported with a heavy sigh. “What did you learn?" I questioned. “The people after Mila tonight were related to Norwind. They aren't just sending their own tracking parties after her. It seems like Norwind has reached out to a lot of bounty hunters, the underground kind, to hunt her," he explained. “And I guess the unsavory people she met

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