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LUKE She was a child. I had been sent to fetch a tantrum throwing, giggly-voiced, teenish-sulking child who was harder to convince than it was to pull wisdom teeth. Why the lunar gods had sent me this as a Luna mate was unknown to me but this wild goose chase of an errand to bring her home to the palace had become more complicated than it should’ve been. Almost immediately after getting back I had instructed staff to mover her relevant items to the vehicles, of which I had brought several in preparation. She had naturally fled upstairs to her private quarters to no doubt sulk for another hour till I had to convince her father to say his goodbyes and bring her downstairs in preparation for departure. Now I watched her quietly as she flashed me a disgusted look, her big blue eyes narrowing at me once she had made the rounds saying goodbyes to those that mattered. If only she was old enough to understand the seriousness of the matter perhaps she’d have a more mature outlook on the scheme of things. I knew I had underestimated her before, failing to pre-empt she’d launch a half-successful escape plan but she’d underestimated met too and in that regard at least we were well matched. I noticed the way her eyes had trailed away, resting on the window sill as though thinking the same thing as me. I wondered if she’d try again if she could if she was brave enough to try and make another break for it knowing full well the consequences. Still, to make sure I thought it best I introduced her to me for real. “I know how tempting it can be, it is a fine night after all and who’d even notice? The party’s still swinging downstairs all my men are too busy packing up your stuff to really pay attention and I’m just dumb as rocks, really.” I stood beside her calmly, feeling her stiffen as we both gazed out at the view. “But what you need to know is that whilst I may not have thrown a fit over that first escape stunt you pulled earlier, I must say my friend inside is not as patient. I’ll explain, Luke will take his time to interrogate people to find out where you are, he will not. Luke will make sure you get home as safely and gently as possible, he will not. Luke isn’t one for drama or overexpression but he definitely is.” I explained and I could see her swallow hard. “So you see, what I’m saying is if you make your window fantasies reality again, it won’t be me chasing after you, I’ll have to let that beast take over because he’s getting very impatient, you know, long night for everybody. And if that happens well…” I took a drink from a waiter and gulped the whole thing down like before. “Is this supposed to be a threat?” She asked, turning angrily to face me. “Hmm, threat…warning it doesn’t really matter.” I explained, “Because if he takes over,” I paused, thinking. “then may the Luna gods have mercy on the both of us.” I finished trying to shake some mental images out of my head. “There you are honey; Sophie are you alright?” Her father asked coming up to us. “She’s fine.” I smiled, “My mate is just a bit shaken from our little conversation, I don’t think she realised how different the weather in my territory is.” I feigned a laugh. He made small conversation as they both repeated goodbyes until I made it clear it was time to go as the cars outside were waiting. Surprisingly, she let me lead her to the car, open the door and ensure she was comfortable before I jumped into the other side myself. As we left, I thought she’d wave at the staff and friends that waited to say goodbye but her head was pressed against the window as we drove down the driveway, saying nothing. After a while, I imagined she’d fallen asleep when she began talking. “How old are you?” She said quietly. “Just turned twenty-four. You?” “That’s ridiculously young. Nineteen. Twenty at the end of the year.” “I know, my father passed away last year. I inherited the throne decades too early.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” “It’s okay.” The silence began to stretch. “What’s your favourite colour?” Never in my life had I ever had to resort to small talk with a woman especially not favourite colours or anything but I imagined interest and attention was the sort of thing that made her open. “Ruby-red, like blood.” She smiled, turning towards me slightly. “You?” “I don’t have a favourite colour” I laughed. “But you have too.” She said gasping as though it was the most blasphemous thing she’d ever heard. “I really don’t.” I shrugged. “I won’t stop nagging until you choose one. Is it red? Or blue?” “No.” “Turquoise, green, aqua-” “Honey-gold. A ripe yellow.” I said before I could stop myself. “Wow. Why that?” She asked, slightly intrigued. “It’s the colour of your hair,” I said, glad it was too dark in the car to see my cheeks warm uncharacteristically, which never happened because I was never embarrassed. “I see.” she responded, quietly. Silence now settled over us like a blanket as trees whipped past and we drove across the country, each settling into the long journey overnight. “Luke?” Her small voice called after a while. “Yes?” I responded, becoming amused by the back and forth. “If you're twenty-four, doesn’t that make you-” “The youngest Alpha King in their history, yes it does.” I interrupted knowing the question was always incoming as soon as I disclosed my age. “Oh.” She processed. “But don’t the legends say- I mean doesn’t that mean-” “That I’m going to have a potentially turbulent reign? Yes, yes it does.”
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