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CLOVE’S P.O.V “Dog.” I said quietly making my dog come to a hult next to me. I raised my gun ready to shoot whatever comes out at me. I turned my head and saw metal pans which would be accurate since I’m in the culinary isle. I put my gun back into my belt and picked up the pans and thought about if what I was about to do was smart or not. “Wanna play go hide?” I said to my dog. He started to wag his tail then ran to go hide. I looked at the pans for a second then started hitting them together as hard as I possibly could. I dropped the pans to the floor and pulled out my gun as I saw biters come around the corner. I raised my pistol and pointed it at the first dead one I saw. I shot it and it fell to the floor. I ran up to it and lined it from one shelve from another so the next biters that come through will trip and fall and make my job easier, And it worked. And instead of wasting my ammo I decided to use my machete. “DOG” I yelled so he would come to help me. He came rushing to my side and barking like a maniac. He jumped on something behind me but didn’t kill it. I continued to kill the biters in front of me as Dog growled at the thing behind me. I got the urge to turn around to see what Dog was paying all his attention to. “What the hell!” I said to myself in shock as I stared at the person in front of me. “Jacks- WOAH” I yelled falling to the floor.  “f**k!” Jackson yelled looking at me. “Get your dog off me so I can help.” “Get this fucker off of me Dog.” I yelled. Dog jumped off Jackson and jumped on the biter that was grabbing at my foot. Jackson got up and helped me from the ground and handed me my machete that slid away from me when I fell. “I thought you were dead.” he said loading his gun. “I thought everyone was dead.” I said while shoving my machete into the last biter that was coming at us. “So. Who’d you end up with after everything?” I asked bending down and petting Dog. “Well, I was stuck with this one group. They called themselves the No Names and they were really good people.” he said looking at me. “What happened to them? If you don’t mind me asking.” I stood up and looked at Jackson confidently while crossing my arms. “Scavengers murdered them all, and even the children.” He said “What about you, who did you end up with?” “I ended up with As- no one. I ended up with no one” I turned around and started walking away so I could try and conceal my tears. I walked down a random isle looking around to find anything useful. I heard footsteps walk up behind me and felt someone's arms around me. “Who-” Jackson started to talk into my ear but I cut him off by shoving the barrel off my gun under his chin. When Dog saw this he started to growl and snap at Jackson. Jackson backed up and held up his hands in front of him trying to show his innocence. I put my gun away and gave Jackson a cold stare “Sorry. I just- I don’t like being touched or approached from behind.” I said “What were you gonna ask?” “I was gonna ask who you ended up with.” he said calmly “It’s hard to be alone in this world.” “I was with Asher.” I said. I looked down at the supplies I was planning on looting and continued. “We were together up until last month. We were separated in a herd. I was pushed towards the east and he was pushed west.” I looked back up to Jackson “I haven’t stopped looking for him and it would be nice to have help. What do you say?” “Yeah. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen someone from the past or been with someone else.” he said smiling “You sure your dog...Dog wouldn’t mind?” he looked down and I knew exactly what he was thinking. “I’m not gonna name him.” I said to him and he gave me a confused look “If I do then I’m just gonna get attached and I don’t want that.” I said and Dog whimpered at me and gave me the ‘Sad Eyes’ “Oh don’t look at me like that.” “How about Apollo?” said Jackson patting his head. Dog didn’t like that and growled at Jackson for him to take his hand away.  “Come on. We have to keep moving.” I said stuffing the rest of my stuff into my backpack and whistling for Dog to follow me out of the store.
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