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 4 years ago “Clove, Where is Minerva? Aren’t you guys partners?” Mr. Fern asked walking over. “You know this project is 30% of your grade right?” “Yes I know Mr. Fern.” I said continuing to write on my paper. “I think she may be sick or stuck in traffic. It’s alright though, I’m almost finished.” “Sorry I’m late Mr. Fern.  This crazy homeless dude attacked me and my dad and bit me.” I heard Minerva say walking in the classroom. “The police had to get involved and they said that he must be on drugs cause he was growling and biting them as well.” ”Well as long as you’re safe.” Mr. Fern said “Go and continue working, the projects due in a few minutes” ”So this crazy man.” a guy said from behind “Was he, oh I don’t know, a zombie.” he said then started laughing and high fiving his friends ”Shut up Asher.” I said “She’s probably not lying since her arm is bloody, and what would you do if it was...survive? Not a chance.” I looked him up and down then went back to work. A few minutes later I heard groaning from beside me and saw Minerva looking at her arm, “You think it’s infected?” Asher said into my ear with a whisper “If you don’t kill her now, or she’ll kill you first.” ”I don’t and even if she did turn into a zombie I would push her onto you so I wouldn’t have to deal with you anymore.” I responded pushing him back into his seat. I turned towards Minerva “You okay? You look sick, maybe you should go home.” I said putting the back of my hand on her forehead to check her temperature. “I’m fine.” she said wincing. I looked back at Asher and he gave me ‘The Look’  like he was gonna end up proving it to me. The only thing I could do to retaliate was give him the ‘Your crazy’ look. “Thanks for defending me, but you really don’t have to” “You're like a sister to me so of course I’m gonna take care of you” I said smiling. “You should lay your head down and take a short nap” I turned back to my work and continued.  I was about to finish it when I felt a grip on my arm. I turned face to face with Minerva growling and drooling towards me. “What the hell.” I heard someone say “Minerva? Are you o---aghh” I said but was pushed onto the ground by her. “Get off of me.” I screamed but she didn’t listen. I looked over and saw Asher looking at us. “Don’t just sit there. Help Me!” I yelled to him He jumped to his feet and ran to the other side of the room and dug through the drawers “Where ar- HERE!” he yelled grabbing a pair of scissors. He slid them over to me as I struggled to get out of Minerva’s grasp  “What the hell am I gonna do with those'' I asked continuing to struggle.  “Stab her.” he said looking at me intensely.  I grabbed the scissors and muttered one last thing to Minerva before sinking the scissors deep into her head. Her body fell on top of mine as I layed there in shock. I pulled out the scissors and blood oozed out and fell onto my face.  ‘I can’t believe I just killed her.’ I thought. Next thing I know Minerva’s cold body was being pushed off of me and I felt arms wrap around my body. I looked at who it was and I saw Asher’s face. “I’m sorry you had to do that.” he said “I didn’t think she was actually gonna turn into a zombie.” “Someone turn on the News” a kid yelled from the back. Asher saw my phone laying on the ground and turned it onto the news. ~ “Breakout All throughout the United States. People who get bit or scratched may be exposed to the disease and will die but eventually come back.”~ The news lady said ~ “The only way to stop these monsters ar-” She was suddenly cut off by screaming and the camera cutting. The lights in the school shut off and no one knew what to do. Then Asher stood up with me still in his arms “Okay, here’s what we do. We keep moving. We can’t stay in school. There are too many people here with no weapons and limited food.” “I agree.” I said “I might not have seen any show or movie involving these...things but I know a thing or two about survival.” Present Time I woke up in the car I’ve been staying in for the past 2 nights and decided it would be best if I moved on from there. I was still on the mission, The mission to find Asher. We got split up a few months ago and I haven’t stopped looking for him.  “Come on Ash. Where are you?”
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