Chapter 6

1351 Words
  My love is livid, my passion is wild, My heart is racing, my soul is crying, You're gone, you've left, Leaving me forever alone and merciless. Haze. Days were passing by and I was still trapped in the house which seemed more like a cage. Even though my every ounce was shouting to be set free my heart was enjoying being captivated. My feelings were confusing me, I am attracted towards him as much I despise him. Alice knocked the door breaking my train of thoughts. "Queen." She bowed and I kept my chocolate bar down, waiting for her to continue. "I just made some cookies, would you like some?" Her eyes twinkled while talking. I couldn't help but nod. She kept the plate in front of me. I took a bite and I moaned in pleasure. "I'll take that you liked the cookies." She said excitedly. "Undoubtedly." I grinned. "You know Que....." But I cut her off with a loud painful scream. And suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I screamed at the sudden shooting pain. Air was knocked out of my lung at another gush of pain. Within seconds King Hayden Black was near me, caressing my hairs softly. "Call the pack doctor." He ordered Alice but she was too shocked to react. "Now!" He snapped at her. I swear if I wouldn't have been in this immense pain I would have been shuddered with fear at his tone. I screamed again as the pain was increasing in my abdomen and in this process I jerked my shoulder, tearing the stitches apart and I cried in pain again. "Take deep breaths Crystal. Doctor must be on his way." He said softly as he kept my head on his lap and kept gently massaging it. "It's killing me, the pain is getting unbearable King Black." I struggled out with the pain. "It will be alright." He said rubbing my back. "King. Queen." The pack doctor, whose name I guess is Eli rushed inside the room and sat on the nearest chair. I screamed again as the pain got back with more force this time. King Black let out a growl and I flinched at the intensity of his growl. Dr. Eli touched my shoulder and sighed. He turned to King with a scared expression. "What is it?" King demanded as he walked closer to the doctor. "She is going under heat." King's eyes widened in realization and he looked at me with an emotion, I was too pained to realize. "And since the Queen is human and weaker, the pain is worsening. She tore the stitches as well. I fixed the shoulder pain but you need to do something for the heat, King." He said giving him a knowing look and with that he left the room and so did all of all of them, leaving me and King alone. I screamed in pain once again and a tear rolled down my cheek. King took no time to come on the bed and pressed my head against his chest. I pushed him away with my shaky hand as I panted for air. "W-what the h-hell is heat? And what is happening to me? Ahhhhh" I screamed in pain as soon as I sat up, away from him. He again pressed me against his chest and tried to push him away from me but his hold was firm. As he rubbed my back soothingly. As much as I denied, his touch reduced the pain or being held by him made me believe it, I don't know why but it felt good but it was undeniably wrong. I tried to push him away, I don't need him. But the keyword was tried, he being the beast didn't even budge. "Push me away and the pain will return again with more force." He snapped at me with anger as I tried to get out of his hold. "Stop snapping at me and scolding me. I am already in enough pain." I said with a teary voice. The pain was getting me on my edge, I was on the verge of sobbing, breaking. He sighed as he held me against his chest. I have never seen him this gentle and kind with me, not even when he saved my life from rouges. "What is happening to me?" I asked as I felt dizzy. "You are going under heat." He stated with a sigh. I had no clue what this 'heat' meant, but the pain I was in gave me the idea I wouldn't like it. "When a werewolf finds his mate, he has to mark her and mate with her within two weeks. And if they fail to mate then the she-wolf or the human-mate undergoes heat, which you are undergoing now." I gasped at his words, I knew what marking or mating was. I pushed him away as I glared at him, I am in pain cause I am his mate, good way to punish me Lord. But again, fate decided us to be mates and I can't really blame him for my pain. After all......... My thoughts were cut off with another scream as the pain returned with more force now and I rolled off, ending up falling from the bed but before I could have touched the floor a strong hand brought me up. King again pressed me against his chest and this time I actually obeyed his actions, I was too tired to revolt and too scared to feel the pain again. "How can I reduce the pain?" I asked as a tear slipped down my eyes which he wiped with his thumb. I looked at the King Hayden Black, I never met. The person I was living with was cold, vicious but this living being was helping me, was being gentle and caring with me. He had two different personalities. "After I mate with you." He said after a long silence and I lost it, I lost my calm. I won't lose my virginity to a person I don't love, no matter how hard the situation his. I tried to push him away from me, I tried to get out of his hold vigorously. But I stopped as he firmly tugged me to look at him. "Stop this Crystal." He said as if my actions were hurting him, as if he could sense my pain. "You'll hurt yourself more than you already are. And you don't have to worry about the mating process. I won't touch you unless you permit me." He said laying down on the bed and kept me on his side. Somehow his words melted a deep part of me, in a good way. My respect for the person laying beside me has increased. I shouldn't be feeling this way but I can't help my feelings. Maybe he isn't the worst. I rested my head against his chest trying to get my breathings normal. "How long will the heat last?" I asked him as I closed my eyes to let the pain go. Even though the pain was not crashing me with immense force but mild pain was still there in my abdomen. He kept silent, maybe debating whether he should answer me or not and somewhere I knew the answer won't be in my favour. "King Black?" I asked in shaky voice and a growl escaped from his throat and I flinched from him and he calmed down instantly. "Whole night, you'll feel the pain whole night." He said hugging me closer as more tears streamed down my face. Pain won't go until sun rises and night has just started. "Shh..... I won't let the pain to get more worse. Just try to sleep." He said softly placing a lingering kiss on my temple as my head was pressed firmly to his chest. And it didn't took much effort to get drifted into darkness since I was too tired and exhausted to argue with him. Hoping the morning won't take too long to come, ending the night and so the torture. 
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