Chapter 3: Oh My God

1035 Words
Nickoli’s POV: The minute I stepped foot in school I knew I was going to be in hell. School just wastes my time. But knowing that I need an education to be successful in life, I might as well come. I barely do any work, but when I do, I'm satisfied with the grade I get. As I walked down the hall, there were some kids that were roaming around. I knew I was late and I didn't care. There are better things that I could be doing.  A girl came out of her class. Not just any girl, but Jenny Webster. She is the queen b***h of this school and my girlfriend. On and off, that is. Sometimes I wonder why I go out with her.  "Well, if it isn't the macho man himself," She said, walking towards me.  "I'm not in the mood, Jenny." I said, walking past her.  "Aw, come on. I want to have a little fun. Maybe I can cheer you up." She said, walking in front of me. I shook my head.  "I thought we'd broken up?" I asked her, playing the innocent card. She giggled, walking closer to me.  "Oh, baby, you know I didn't mean what I said. I'm sorry." Jenny confessed, poking out her chest even more to distract me. I chuckled inwardly. I walked up to her, making her back up against the lockers. Putting my hand on each side of her head on the locker, I spoke low and clear.  "Are you really?" I asked, leaning closer to her. She moaned and I smirked.  "Please," She begged. I laughed softly.  "No." I said and walked away from her. "You can't stay away from me forever." I heard her say. I turned around and watched her lean off of the lockers.  "Watch me." And with that I walked away again, going to my class. Finally reaching my first period class, which is Calculus, I sighed and opened the door. I was very late, seeing that I came to school late and Jenny held me back. "Ah, it's nice of you to join us, O'Connell." Mr. Ford said. If he wasn't in my pack- my father's I mean, I would have ripped his throat out for disrespecting me. Pack, you may ask. I'm a werewolf, soon to be Alpha, once my father steps down. "Are you sure you want to disrespect me?" I asked, using the mind-link. I know there are people in here who belong to my pack and could hear what I'm saying, but I didn't care. They knew not to cross the line with me and if they ever did, they would have to deal with the consequences.  "No, sir. You can't be late to class even if you're going to be Alpha or not. You need your education." He said. I growled at him, getting frustrated. He's testing my patience and that's something you should never do.  "You can't tell me what I should and shouldn't do. Who the hell do you think you are!?" I said.  "Calm down. I didn't mean anything by it." Mr. Ford said shakily. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down even though I was still angry.  "You better watch what you say to me. You hear me?" I said.  "Yes, sir." "I know he's hot, right? But don't fall for it. He has girls wrapped around his finger." I heard someone say from the back of the classroom.  Being a werewolf has its perks. I can hear, see and smell things from far away. I knew that voice, though. Jessica O'Connell. She's probably talking to some girl about me. My dear sister doesn't like to be seen with me outside of the packhouse. In school, she doesn't want anyone to know that we're related. I don't know why though. I'm sexy. But telling people bad things about me seems to be her comfort.  "Quick question, he's not from here, right? I mean he looks different from everyone else. I hope that didn't sound mean." A soft voice said. It sent shivers through my body. A look of confusion came across my face. But I didn't think too much of it. This conversation my sister seemed to be having was quite interesting.  "Oh, no, it's fine. A lot of guys wish they were him, seeing that all the girls drool over him. He moved here a few years ago with his family. People say that he has other people living with him and his parents but they all go to different schools." My sister said. I wanted to laugh but held it in. It's funny how her mind works.  "Dude, why are you still standing there? Sit down." I heard Luke say to me through mind-link. He's my best friend and will be my Beta when I become Alpha. I looked around and spotted Luke giving me a weird look. He is probably the only person who could talk to me like that. I've known him since we were in diapers and I would be a hypocrite if I treated him differently because of my soon to be title.  "You may go and take your seat now." Mr. Ford said.  Walking down the aisle of desks, I spotted my sister. She had that 'Please don't say anything' look on her face. I sat down next to an unfamiliar girl who was sitting next to my sister. This must be who Jessica was telling all these lies to. The girl looked at me and I stiffened.  The only thing that mattered in this room was her. If the class was quiet before, it is certainly silent now. This girl is the one who would make me do anything just to see her with a smile on her face every day. I would die before anything or anyone harms her in any way. She is my everything. I looked at my sister who was doing her work. A smirk made its way to my face.  My little mate is probably friends with her. But something looks very familiar about this girl. Oh, f**k. I was with her in the woods.
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