Chapter Eight

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MORGAN’S POV  I got up after performing prayers to Hecate, I blew off the candles on the table and reached into a chest I kept under the table. In this box, contains many of my dark objects. each one of them possessing as much dangerous power as possible. That’s why this chest can only be opened by me, I brought out a small statue of a hand holding three red candles. I placed the hand on the table, drawing a pentagon on the floor with each sides representing the earth’s elements. I lit the candles, with my eyes closed and my hands in the air “Hearken to these words; hear my cry I call to you from the other side. I wish to speak to you here, come to me Daphne le fay!” I finished chanting and I felt the energy in the air shift, I opened my eyes and my sister was in the circle. “Daphne” I called as I moved towards the circle, “sister, you hardly summon anymore. Tired of hearing my voice?” she smirked “No no, I missed you Daphne.” I smiled softly, “and you still will, when that candle burns out and I’m gone again” she replied “How have you been? The ancestors, do they treat you right?” I asked, “The ancestors knew I did nothing wrong so yes they’ve been on my side just like the way they’ve been on yours” “that’s great, I’ve been trying to get freya to take me back” I sighed “Nonsense!  a 70 year old witch seeking mercy from an amateur? Impossible! Freya should be the one at your mercy, begging for you to come back to the coven. The ancestors aren’t quite done with Freya and her little coven of disappointments. Witches are supposed to have each other’s back but she stabbed us right in it, banished me from the coven and letting me wander the forest with my only son that later fell prey to rogues. Get your revenge on Freya and the coven!” she yelled in anger “but she was only judging according to the old rules of those who practiced witchcraft” I defended “if the king had judged by the rules according to the enmity between the witches and werewolf, you would all be hanged by now and ravens would be feeding on your bodies..”she stopped and her gaze went to one of the candles that had burnt down “you have two candles left, will you get revenge or not?” I exhaled, I was only trying to help the coven but Freya saw me as a traitor and banished me and left me to be forgotten “Do you want to be remembered as the old hag that lived within the caves of an old cemetery, wining and dining with the dead?  Don’t think because you don’t age you still won’t know within yourself that you’re more into witchcraft than her. Make your decisions now and let the ancestors grant you the power you need to wreak havoc” she continued in a very persuasive tone Another candle burnt down leaving me down to only one, “yes, I’ll get revenge” I answered sharply “Well decided sister, show Freya that she can’t teach the rules more than the ones who made it. Summon the old witches” she said “How will I do that?” I asked “oh please don’t tell me mom didn’t teach you necromancy? And if you can’t, since the barrier is open summon Nihasa to do it for you and….” The last candle burnt down and she vanished Time to summon one of the most deadly ancients of time “The Necromancer”   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAKIA’S POV I left work late, stopped to get a few groceries. I was about opening the door to my apartment when I saw a body lying beside my dumpster. I know I promised myself I would mind my business. I took out my house keys, “go checks, what if whoever it is hurt?” the voice in my head said “well the last time I helped a stranger we all know how that ended “ I muttered, “just check, if they die you’ll be guilty because you didn’t bother to help” the voice pressed further “fine!” I groaned and slowly walked towards the dumpster, “he-hey, hello um..” I used my leg to shake the body but it didn’t move or flinch “um—hey it’s kind of cold and dangerous out here” I continued using my leg to shake the body, the hair on the person’s face fell to the other side and I discovered it’s a lady with multiple bruises on her face. I can’t believe I’m about to do this again, I opened my apartment door and dropped my groceries by the stairs before going back to carry the lady. Grunting as I carried her up the stairs and placing her on my couch, I rushed to the kitchen to boil water and grab my first aid kit. I took strands of hair off her face, the bruises and cuts are pretty deep. I proceeded to apply a balm on the swollen parts of her face, I wanted to unbutton her shirt to check for more bruises then I saw her wrists were really purple and swollen. Whoever did this to her does not have even the slightest of compassion, the kettle started to whistle and I rushed to pour the water into a bowl, accompanied with a rag. I started to massage her head and her face with the hot rag, even her chest. I massaged her hands and used the balm to rub them. It’s a medicated balm so by tomorrow the swelling should have decreased, I placed a glass of water on the table along with two slices of bread and jam in case she needed to eat. It’s the weekend tomorrow so I’m definitely going to sleep in.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My eyes fluttered open and I got up from the tiles in my kitchen, I thought I slept in my bed how come I’m on the floor and where’s the lady I helped yesterday? I walked into the passage and I saw the bakasura standing on the other end, cackling as it ran into my room. I tried to run out but there was no door handle, I’m completely trapped. I heard it cackling and I started pacing around in confusion as I didn’t know where to pass through again. “Princess” it called and I quickly grabbed a knife from my kitchen, I walked back into the passage “Frail, naïve and incompetent” bakasura said and I swerved swiftly, it was standing on the edge of my chair “What do you want from me?” I growled, “The only important thing” it started walking towards me and I moved back gently “The crown” “I can’t give it to you, now get away from me” I spat “you’re not capable child, you’re not even worthy. A princess that can’t claim her responsibilities because she can’t remember anything, not even her identity. A weakling!” it yelled and I flinched as I swallowed a lot of saliva “I am not a weakling and I won’t let you get into my head no matter what you say” my words came out sharp “it doesn’t matter what you say, it’s what you feel.” It smiled as it brought out it’s lizard like tongue. “Your parents knew you were a disappointment right from the beginning, they were sad about having a girl child. A weak heir, of no importance.” It continued and I shook my head in disagreement “No, no my parents loved me! my mom loved me and she told me everyday” I fired back, “why don’t you hear it yourself” it smiled as it pointed towards the end of the passage and I slowly turned  I saw my parents walking towards me and I lowered the knife, “Nakia” my mom called softly and I ran into her arms “I’ve missed you so much mom” tears dropped from my eyes, “easy for you to say, we’ve been watching as your incompetence from failure to accept the crown has wreaked havoc” she spat and I came out of the hug I looked at her and all I saw was anger in her eyes, burning like flames. “you were never meant to be heir Nakia” my dad said and I turned to look at him  “you were given to us as a curse from the ancestors for the atrocities of our forefathers, we wanted a male heir and they gave us this embarrassment “he emphasized and water dropped from my eyes “you see, they hate you!” the bakasura words echoed as my head started going into a frenzy, I don’t want to give in “No no dad, you love me. Remember? You and mom always said that” I said “Parents say a lot of things which they don’t mean. You just want to be loved Nakia, everybody wants to. Even a bastard seeks affection” my mom continued Why are they saying these to me? They love me. They told me and they showed it. Why did they suddenly change towards me, “mom, if this is about the crown I’ll take it just stop saying all these please” I begged and the knife dropped from my hand “It’s too late, you already showed that you’re unfit to wear the crown, hand it over to the dark lord. Hand it over” my dad said and I exhaled “Dad let me prove to you that I can do this, I can wear this crown. I’m fit” I begged with more tears rolling down from my eyes “Give him the crown” “yes Father”   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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