Chapter Seventeen

1950 Words
FREYA’S POV The council, a dead brother and a plague, all of which I don’t understand where they are coming from. I arranged my prayer table, with flowers, red and white colored candles. An intercession with the ancestors should yield some type of answer to what is going on, I knelt down in front of the table and I closed my eyes as I dived into prayer. “The ones with us and the ones who came before us, I’m here to seek for your help. As we are faced with trials and tribulation, enemies that we conquered with your help are coming back to us. The attack from the west is coming near; a plague is already upon us. We seek divine guidance and intervention” I kept praying and everything seems like it was starting to move, I opened my eyes and everything became blurry. This loud screeching sound started echoing in my ear and I screamed in pain as I held my ears. “Please ancestors, if we have offended you please forgive us, forgive your people”  I continued to pray regardless and blood started to drop from my eyes. “I won’t leave until you answer me, you made me reagent and you promised to be here when I need you. Don’t turn your back on me now” I yelled in pain as the blood and screeching continued. The screeching stopped and I passed out. I opened my eyes and I met myself on the floor in a cemetery, I saw three people standing above me and I looked up. It’s the previous witch council before these ones; I got up swiftly and bowed slightly as a sign of respect. “You finally answered me” I let out a little smile. “Your persistence was quiet…..should I say impressive” One of them known as Tatiana said,  “I was hoping that it would get your attention, glad it did” I said “Hmmn, I can see why we chose you to be reagent, the care you show for the people is actually the number one quality a leader should have but let’s just say you didn’t quiet extend that care” Cordelia, the second member of the council added “And that is why your troubles come back” Father jean, the last council member finished “But I don’t understand, is that why you didn’t want to answer my prayers? I have done nothing wrong, I have done nothing other than to make taking care of these people my primary goal, even more than my own child. So where is my wrong?” “You don’t see the large hole you dug open, you are reagent and you should be able to fill the missing parts of the puzzle” Tatiana said and I moved slightly as another witch ghost passed by “i-I don’t know, please make it clear to me or rather help me. if I don’t find a solution to the plague that troubles the children in the coven, they will all die” I begged “We’ll help you with the plague but the rest is up to you to figure out by yourself, also we won’t be cruel enough to let you by yourself. We’ll give you clues but be smart to detect them” Father jean offered “Thank you, thank you so much” I muttered “For the plague, tell the mothers to bathe their children in water filled with basil, cinnamon and the devil’s leaf. Afterwards they should smear an animal’s blood on their doorpost to keep the plague from coming back” Tatiana ordered “Thank you ancestors” I bowed slightly, “we’ll be in touch” Cordelia blew a powder in my face and I blacked out. On opening my eyes back, I was now back in my prayer room and the candles were all off Let me share the remedy quickly, and try to figure out what I did to start all these in the first place.   FENRIS’S POV I kept cutting the leaves on the chopping board repeatedly as I stood in my mom’s kitchen, I’m sure people would be wondering why my parents live separately despite the love that used to go on between them but I’m sure they both had their difference and they thought living apart would help that. “Are you okay?” My mom asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder and I snapped from my thoughts, “um-yeah yes mother” I smiled nervously as I continued cutting the leaves She stood and kept staring at me, “why’d you ask?” I asked “Well for starters, you’ve been quiet since we started cooking but mainly because you’ve been cutting the same leaves repeatedly for like 30 minutes now” she shrugged “s**t” I cussed as I dropped the knife, I let out a heavy sigh “I’m just so concerned about our well being and the well being of the wolves” I started as I wiped my hands on a napkin and sat by the counter “And what exactly are you so worried about that you think could happen to us?” she leaned by the sink as she watched me run my hands in my hair. “I don’t even understand what’s going on mom, Nakia finally agreed to be queen and then somehow her dead brother appeared and is being a threat to the throne, apart from the dark lord. That is we have two people after the crown, and then the witches council is back. It’s like dead people are coming back to life now” I rolled my eyes She sighed and was quiet for a while, “the witches council is the witches problem, remember wolves stay out of witches business and this crown you’re worried about is Nakia’s burden to carry not yours” she said as she moved towards the counter “No mom, you can’t say that. If Nakia isn’t competent enough to handle these threats on her own and either one of her competitors gets it then it’ll definitely affect us” I spat “You’re right but how can you help even if you wanted to?” “That’s the thing; I don’t know what to do. I want to help but then the solution isn’t coming to me. how am I supposed to figure out why dead people are coming back?” “If there’s one thing I love about your father, it’s that he asks for help when it’s beyond him” she sat beside me “Try to work hand in hand with the queen, rub minds together after all you are almost the same age. Young minds work better together, ask from people that know than you do, don’t be limited and at the same time don’t go getting In trouble” she ruffled my hair and I let out a little laugh “Thank you mom” I smiled, “I’m so proud of you, young and already showing leader traits. Determined just like your father” she said “And she’s not wrong” a manly voice said and I turned swiftly, “dad” I chuckled “Artemis” my mom called, “Valerie” my dad pulled her into a hug “Having a little mother and son time I see” he said, “actually it’s a little boosting confidence time” I corrected playfully “Even better then, I’m just heading from back Morgan’s” he sat by the counter and my mom placed a glass of water in front of him “And what was the outcome of the visit?” I asked eagerly, “in vain” he answered as he lifted the glass to his lips “I sighed, “but if I didn’t know any better, I wouldn’t be thinking that Morgan is hiding something” he added and I turned to face him “She’s hiding something!” “Yes and its bad”   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DAMON’S POV I was going through a bunch of files on my table; apparently people tend to get sick a lot in this hospital but not like normal sickness. I really don’t understand how people keep getting mad, I would understand if a common factor is depression but what else? I picked out of the various colored pens in my pocket and moved closer to my table to sign some papers when I noticed a female figure standing in front of my table. “what do you want this time Meredith?” I asked without looking up, with my gaze still focused on the papers. “Well it’s crazy back at the coven and I’m just looking for some get away time” she paced around the office “I don’t need to explain how a hospital isn’t the perfect getaway place for you” I huffed as I closed the file and pulled out my drawer in search for a stapler I closed the drawer and she was leaning very close to my face, almost touching noses. I moved back a bit and she chuckled before leaning off. “I don’t need you distracting me in my place of work” my words came out sharp, “I’m glad you see me attractive enough to be distracting” she flushed I sighed heavily, “Just leave before Nakia mistakenly comes in and thinks otherwise” “it’s funny how you’re so hell bent on someone who doesn’t even want to remember you, she doesn’t care about you Damon and me that I care you’re not looking in my direction” she fired and I got up “She doesn’t know me because she has a lot on her plate right now” I defended “Stop defending her, it’s pathetic! No matter how “busy” she might be if she really wants to remember you and get to know you, she’d create time for you but you’re not even in her schedule” she added  “How long do you want to play this game Meredith?” I rolled my eyes as I walked in front of my desk and leaned on it “What game?” she spat “Every time you see me, you try to make Nakia look bad. Make me look like a desperate fool for trying to get her to know me and then try to sell yourself to me afterwards” I blurted and smirked “I’m not selling myself to you! I’m just trying to show you what you’re missing. It’s not like I’m desperate for you anyways!” she shrugged “Oh really, then why are you here?” I chuckled softly; she remained silent and glared at me “I’m just trying to tell you not to waste your life waiting around for someone who doesn’t want you” “I rather waste my life than be with someone who is considered to be a trustworthy person but constantly stabbing her friend in the back” I smirked “Go to hell Damon” she cussed, “Ladies first” I smiled and the door opened “Doctor Damon i…” Nakia stopped as I leaned off the desk, Meredith had vanished “I’m sorry did I interrupt something?” she asked, “No not at all” I shook my head “Oh because it sounded like you were talking to someone” she came in fully and closed the door “No No, what brings you by?”   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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