Chapter Sixteen

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ARTEMIS’S POV I walked into the Cemetery hoping that Morgan will have a reasonable explanation to the issue on ground or at least a solution I stood in her cave and it was empty, “hello, Morgan?” I called but instead my voice echoed I guess she’s not in; this is actually the first time Morgan is leaving the Cemetery since the coven abandoned her. Or maybe she’s been leaving before and nobody knows. I turned to leave and she walked in, “what’s the cause of your unexpected visit? If I didn’t know you any better I would have froze you for trespassing” she walked towards her ritual or prayer table and lighted all the candles on it “I-um” I cleared my throat, “well? Out with it!” she blew off the lighted match on her hand “We think dead people are coming back to life” I blurted, she paused before busting into a mocking laughter “Is old age really bothering you that much?” she teased, “No but it’s true, Nakia’s brother is alive” I said and she paused “But he died” she said, “and he’s back, somehow. But we don’t know how and that’s why I’m here for answers” I added “You know I’m not a psychic, I can’t read palms and neither can I just magically know whatever is happening” she folded her hands “But you’ve lived longer and you’re familiar with stuffs like this, what if it’s another ancient?” I suggested and her countenance changed “an ancient? No that can’t be” she quickly discarded the idea, “I’ll consult the ancestors and when they give me answers I’ll get back to you” she added I nodded positively, “alright then, please we are in need of an explanation and fast” I begged “Just go, I’ll keep to my word” she turned towards the table and knelt down.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FREYA’S POV I sat by my desk in my personal library as I scribbled down in my journal, I decided to write the day to day dealings of my life in a book so that one day when I’m gone and when my daughter is leader she’ll be able to look back on all the things I’ve done and if she found any situation difficult she could read and see how I handled things. But apparently my daughter seems to think that I can’t handle the current situation on ground even though I can’t, she expects me to ask for help from the community. The community that looks up to me, should they be the same people that I would crawl back to and say that I can’t help them? I’ve been leading the coven for so long and suddenly I can’t help them? Shouldn’t I at least have a sense of dignity because what if they lose respect for me I was drawn out of my deep thoughts by screams outside my house, I rushed out the library and almost collided with Meredith at the passage I opened the door and some of the women from the coven were outside with fear plastered all over their faces “women, women what is with your screams this morning? What is causing you to freight?” I asked “A plague has befallen us reagent, our children are sick and unable to move” A women spoke up from the front of me “What kind of plague?” I asked as I glanced at Meredith who seemed to be confused with the same show I’m seeing right now “All the children in the coven are suddenly bedridden, they can’t speak or eat. Please help us, who is doing this to us?” the woman cried “it must be the council” someone yelled from the back, “if nothing is done our kids will starve to death” another woman cried out “Does this mean that nobody here can cast a spell to try and help their kids?” I looked around “we’ve tried spells, potions and even baths but nothing is working, it’s like the ancestors has dampened our powers. Help us talk to them, we didn’t offend them. Why are they letting the council plague our children?” the woman in front continued and the rest started to murmur and complain amongst themselves “Enough!” I yelled and they stopped “We can’t just conclude that this was the work of the council” I said “but they threatened to make us pay for what we did to them” the woman said “And they killed one of our own so it’s definitely them!” someone at the back yelled and the rest shouted in agreement “it’s okay, by noon we’ll all go the grave and make intercessions for answers from the ancestors, please don’t panic I’ll get to the bottom of this” I tried to sound as persuasive as possible They seemed to calm down and they started to leave one by one, “Mom what do you think is going on?” Meredith asked “I don’t know but we’re in a lot of trouble”   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAUGRIM’S POV I was scribbling down notes in my journal as I sat down in my study, I figured maybe soon enough I should get someone to help me with my memoir. Since this challenge will be so sweet to pen down and my victory will be sweeter. I looked up swiftly as a wind blew my curtains swiftly, I smirked. “Here to talk about our plan?” I asked as I figured it was Monique, who was now standing opposite me “Actually we might have a bit of a problem” She let out an exasperated sigh. I dropped my feathered pen “And what do I presume is the obstacle this time? I thought this plan was between us” I crossed my legs “If you know me well, you’d have known better than to think a plan like this would be between us” her eyes scoured my study as her hands traced the books on the shelves “How could I forget? Your wonderful trio, the bond can never be broken. But what is the problem?” I shrugged “Celeste isn’t really on board with the plan and to top that, we’re been bossed around” she rolled her eyes “We don’t need Celeste’s vote on this plan that will benefit us all, as long as Genevieve is in on the plan. Majority carries the vote as they say, and I refuse to believe the dangerous trios would be tossed around so if I may ask what loop hole did you leave unclosed?” I dropped my legs as I sprang up, “actually it’s a big loop hole, the ancestors didn’t bring us back from the dead, it was a witch. Morgan” she said “Morgan le fay” I muttered, “with the help of an ancient” she added “Only one ancient is connected with the dead, The Necromancer, Nihasa. Very brilliant if I must commend, of her to think to the extent of summoning her” I leaned on my desk as I watched Monique pace around “It’s not brilliant, it’s a problem. Now that our lives is the hand of that witch associating herself with the Necromancer then we can’t just act a fool or willingly either” she spat “Have you forgotten one thing?” I asked and she paused, “what?” “The Necromancer doesn’t just partner with anyone unless it benefits her, you’ve lived long enough you should know how the ancients are by now” “so you’re trying to say Morgan struck a bargain with Nihasa?” “Sometimes we act based on reflex action, we always want to retaliate and find a way to eliminate the problem. But why don’t we untangle the ropes patiently, the patient dog eats the fattest bone doesn’t it? Think! Why think of a way to remove the problem when we can tweak it to work in our favor?” I smirked “You’ve always been so sneaky” she chuckled softly “Whatever prey tell that Morgan may have promised Nihasa, that is so tangible for Nihasa to be helping her, why don’t we struck our own bargain? Offer something better” “Like what?” “A man”  
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