Chapter Ten

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MORGAN’S POV I brought out a long mirror and placed it in front of me, drawing the pentagon on it with a black chalk. I clothed myself in a black long cloak “Nihasa , The mother of Necromancy. Hearken to these words; hear my cry I call to you from the other side. I wish to speak to you here, help me fight my battles with the undead. Come to me, come to this mirror. I call you now Nihasa!” Thunder clapped and the mirror started swirling as it changed into a portal, a leg stepped out from it and followed by a complete body. “Nihasa” I smiled, the ancient demon in form of a lady, with red curly hair, a perfect figure and clothed with a small white skirt by her waist that looked really old and the same to her breasts. Her legs and hands adorned with gold ornaments, Nihasa the Egyptian queen of Necromancy. “you have summoned me” she said softly as she moved closer to me, “ye-yes” I stuttered “what do you want?” “Revenge” I said and she smiled as she swerved swiftly, looking around the cave. “On who?”                                               “The witches who banished me and sent me here to be forgotten with the dead” I cussed “The dead aren’t always forgotten, it’s the ones that didn’t get a chance at eternity that are lost forever.” She said “I will help you, but at a cost” she turned to face me “Name your price” I swallowed as I tried to seem as confident as possible “Eternity on this earth, when that barrier closes I don’t want to be drawn back. Do we have a deal?” she looked into my eyes and her red eyes pierced mine “Then it’s sealed” “What exactly do you need?” she asked “I want you to bring back the council, the three ancestors of witchcraft” “You want it to rain terror, so shall it be” she smirked.     NAKIA’ S POV “So you’re my dad’s sister?” I asked the lady I saved by the dumpster the other day, “yes, I can’t believe you’re alive. It’s a miracle” she smiled softly “About the portal, why did Maugrim force you to open it?” Fenris asked, “His daughter over heard about some ritual and the portal opening was supposed to be a distraction till he gets his hand on the crown” she explained “The crown” I muttered, “how do we close the portal?” “The heir to the crown needs to sit on the throne for balance to be restored” she answered, “thank you” she muttered as Meredith handed her a mug of coffee “so I just need to claim my dad throne and everything will be back to normal?” I asked and she nodded positively “and maybe your wolf would come back” she added “But first let’s handle the bakasura; you said you had a way to catch it. how?” Fenris turned to look at me “When the bakasura trapped me, I felt over powered. But after Meredith left I figured the bakasura feeds mostly on fear but as usual, even the strongest superheroes have weaknesses” “and what’s the bakasura weakness?” Meredith asked eagerly “itself” I said and they all looked at each other confusedly.                       “I know this doesn’t make any sense but the bakasura is ashamed of it’s own reflection” I explained further “how can one of the most dangerous ancients be ashamed of it’s appearance?” Fenris arched a brow. “she’s right” Marissa placed her mug on the table, “back when my mother was still with my father, she would let me attend witch school and there I studied demonology” “the bakasura used to be a pretty lady with a very nasty attitude, according to the books she was cursed by a powerful witch who gave her this grotesque look, therefore spoiling the beauty that gave her so much ego. But the witch wasn’t cruel enough to spoil her life completely; she gave her the power of sleep and named her bakasura” “This-this is sick but kind of amazing” fenris chuckled, “then since her fear is her appearance, she will definitely be scared of mirrors” Meredith added “exactly, we’ll trap the bakasura in a mirror but not just any kind of mirror. Hope we know that” I said “The mirror of torment, we’ll trap it there. Its an ancient Egyptian artifact, my mom keeps it with her dark objects. Apart from trapping the bakasura it’ll make her relive her worst moments and keep replaying images of herself” Meredith smirked “Now that is one heck of a torment, the bakasura would be a living corpse” Fenris scoffed, “well what are we waiting for? Let’s do this” “we can’t just expect the bakasura to come again willingly after failing, we’ll have to lure it here” I pushed a strand of my hair back “how?” “With the crown”   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FREYA’S POV I rummaged around in my attic looking for my mother’s Grimoire, I’m learning how to brew a particular potion. I’m good at casting spells but brewing potions in a cauldron isn’t my specialty. My mother wanted to teach me but she didn’t live long enough to do that, anyways that’s why I have her Grimoire for guidance and now I can’t find it. I paused and used my eyes to scan the attic before climbing the ladder back down to my passage, I walked into my study room and this heavy wind blew pass in my passage and I flinched as I turned sharply. “hello? Hello?” I called as I walked towards the door to check but there was no one there, I walked towards my desk to continue searching for the Grimoire. “Hello Sinclair” a voice called my surname and I swerved immediately, my eyes widened. I can’t believe this. It’s the one of the old witches in the council, they usually move in threes. “Shocked to see me?” One of them known as Celeste smiled as she leaned by the wall beside the door and two others walked in. I moved back slowly till my back hit the desk, “what a wonderful house, I love what you did with the place. So….calm” the other one known as Genevieve moved forward. My heart panting like it would jump out of my chest, how are they here? They died. I saw them buried. The council used to be one of the most brutal council of witches before our peace with the werewolves; they didn’t accept anything that wasn’t a witch. They ruled with iron fists or should I say hangers, they would hang anybody, hex anybody and without hesitation set fire to a werewolf and watch his furs burn to crisps or still burn him in human form. “Our ears were quickly filled when we got back” Genevieve stopped abruptly in the middle of the room, “an old birdie told us you bent the rules” Monique, the last council elder continued for Genevieve “Be-bent the rules, how?” I chuckled nervously, “stabbing your own kind in the back is an unforgivable punishment” Monique walked towards where Genevieve was standing “It’s an unforgivable offense, punishable by” “Death” the said simultaneously “De-death? I don’t understand. I didn’t betray anyone” I said, “That’s not what we heard” Celeste walked towards them. The three of them were now standing in the middle of the room. Three against one, “whatever you heard is not true and besides you’re back, we should welcome you properly” “Our appearance here isn’t for entertainment, the body has been dead for a while but the soul needs to revive. We’ll change some things around here” Monique fired “A new era of rules for witch craft is here” Genevieve smiled “We are the new era” Monique smirked “And we’ll reign with more terror” Celeste smirked as she walked forward towards me till we were almost touching noses “Things just got a lot worse for you Sinclair” she whispered before backing away and they vanished. This is bad. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAKIA’S POV “Are you sure this would work princess?” Artemis asked as he walked in with the crown in a small white box “yes it will, it just has to” “Coming in with the mirror” Meredith used her leg to close the door as she walked in with the mirror. “so the mirror is here and so is the crown, what’s the original plan princess?” Fenris asked,   “Meredith will cast a spell to put me to sleep while Marissa enters my consciousness, since the bakasura wants the crown we’ll lure it out. As it jumps out Fenris be ready to hold the mirror in place so it’s her reflection she’s seeing immediately she’s out and then Meredith will open the mirror and we’ll push her in. got it?” I explained “uh-yeah I got it!” Fenris nodded, “what do I do?” Artemis asked “well you’ll just be an extra in case things go wrong, Meredith are you ready?” I asked and she nodded “Let’s catch a demon then” I smiled softly before laying on my bed “Okay, you might start feeling drowsy a bit, don’t worry it’s the spell working” Meredith said   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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