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It had been a week since the Great Teens event had occurred. Chris and Michael had been checking all the perimeters of Raldo Estate and Raldo Ville ever since they had seen Abel at the event a week ago. Abel's appearance caused a lot of commotion. They had school early that Monday morning. As they pulled up to the school compound in a convoy, it was no new thing as they never exactly left anyone of them behind unless they requested to be left alone. Someone would always stay back just for safety reasons. "Uh, the fresh air from school". Michael said sarcastically. He had been uninterested in school or the activities of the school. Judging from that, he missed an entire school year because he didn't feel like attending school for the year. Although that was what the school authorities and the students had thought, he did so because of Chris. Chris needed to miss school to address an important issue that occurred at the council, but if he did miss school, he would miss his chance of having a neat record, which could dent his chances of being an Alpha in his own Pack, The Lairs. Michael, being the kind person he had always been, decided to run the business for that year, missing school in return. Due to this act, Chris became more like a father to him than a cousin. He would fight and stand up for Michael wherever he heard his name. "Oh shut up. Anyone could hear the sarcasm in your voice". Ivy said to him. "I think I should just stay in the big house, in the secure room, watching and protecting your backs from there". Michael said, as he tried to catch up with the others, as they had left him behind. "That's why we've got security around the house. To protect the freaking house, Michael!!!". said an annoyed Julia, who was tired of the conversation. "Alright alright, I'll just be in school... Uh". Growled Michael, who got dragged away by Katie, going in the opposite direction, as they parted with the others. "Be good Michael. No trouble". Chris said, smirking. "Yes sir!!!". Michael screamed back. As soon as they got into their various classes for the morning, they settled down and began their studies. Julia had History, Chris had Psychology, Katie had science, Jayd had a computer class, Ivy had Fashion class and Michael had chemistry, his worst class. Ivy had always wanted to go into the Fashion Industry, Chris wanted to study the human way of life, Jayd, on the other hand, wanted to be a programmer and data analyst, Katie aspired to be a scientist as she was inquisitive, Julia wanted to be a Historian, and Michael just wanted stay at home, after all, he had money but he didn't exactly have interest in school. However, Michael had hidden skills when it came to baking. He had plans to go to baking school immediately after high school, just his best friends and family knew this. *Julia's POV* Meanwhile, Julia and Chris had a class together later that afternoon. Chris had left the classroom to check on Michael, as he sometimes left the class and headed to the rooftop. Julia sat alone at the corner of the class as a girl approached her surprisingly, they'd never really met before. "Hey". She said as she waved to Julia, trying to get her attention. "Yes, can I help you?" Julia answered in return, as she wasn't the social type. Especially in school, she didn't converse with the majority of the students in the school. "Not really. I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself". The girl said. "Well, I'm guessing you're a new student". Julia replied, uninterested. "Wow, that was quick. Was it obvious or what?". She asked in surprise. "All the students here are precisely old students, and already know there's no point in making conversation with me. I don't speak or socialize with them". Julia stated. "Well, that's too bad... And you're wrong. We are already having a conversation. Don't you see?" She continued. "and so far, it's great". Julia, who had already gotten exhausted, stopped to answer her sternly. "Well, until you learn the difference between someone conversing with you and just replying to you. Just stay away from me". She said as she picked up her pace, entering another hall. "So it's true after all. You don't talk. Well, that's gonna change. You see after they said and told me all the nonsense about you, I became more interested and want to be your friend. Not asking you, I'm telling you". She persisted, as she followed her out of the classroom. She wasn't going to give up, was she? Julia kept walking faster, trying to lose her. "Now you're walking fast. Don't trip". She told her. "OK fine... We'll meet in the free class. How about that? Now stop following me". Julia told her in frustration. "I always get what I want... Sure free class. Uhm, when's the free class?" she asked. "Truly, you're new. There's a class called 'free class'. Instead of listening to gossip, maybe you should find out more about your new school. Meet me in the free class 2 periods after the break. I'm going to have lunch with my best friends. Bye. New girl". Julia said and left immediately. She saw her grinning cheek to cheek as she turned to see if the girl was following her. She's kind of a pain in the a--. She thought to herself. *While at lunch* "There was a new boy in one of my classes today. Guess the school is open for admission again". Michael said. "A new girl was pestering me around today. I didn't even care to ask her name. She's already a pain in my a--". Julia told them. "Did you get his name, Michael?" Chris asked. "No, I didn't". Michael responded. Like Julia, Michael doesn't converse with anyone else besides them. Katie, Ivy, and Jayd were more social than the rest of them. "Well, just get me their names and probably a picture. I'll do undercover work on them". Jayd said, stuffing his face with his burgers. "I'll do that. I'm meeting her in the free class after 2 periods from now". Julia said. "Ever since we saw Abel, weird things have been happening since then. Y'all noticing it or is it just my mind messing me up". Michael asked. "You saw Abel too??? I f--king thought I was hallucinating and I even forced myself to think so". Ivy said in shock. "I guess he did want us to know he was here". Julia said as she started recalling his words that evening. "I'm not meant to be seen" he had told her that very day. If he wasn't meant to be seen, why show himself publicly to everyone? Why even lie? He even made her lie to her father. She wondered. Seems like she needs to get to the bottom of whatever the hell was going on. This time, she wasn't calling her father. She'd do it herself. She was going into boss mode. "Pretty sure he did. He slipped a paper into my purse when he brushed past me, he only turned back and smirked. I forgot to bring it out as we got together later that evening". Ivy added. They all turned to her in shock. "He did what?" Chris asked in anger. "Let me have the paper". Chris said, gesturing at it. "Here you go". She handed a paper to him. "Hold on, let me look at that paper". Jayd requested it, curiously. "This is no ordinary thing. There's a hidden message in it. Look carefully". He said, pointing to the words. "They look like mere words in the ordinary eyes, but when you slant them and translate them. It read a different message. It's true guys. It's a hidden message in the form of nothing". Jayd said. They all went into shock. "Well, can we translate it?" Julia asked. "Yeah, let me get my phone and do it". Jayd reached into his pocket and began translating the wordings that were in Arabic, 'لا تسرع في نسياني. سأعود وأخذ ما هو حق لي' "Don't be quick to forget about me. I shall return and take what's rightfully mine" A. They glanced at each other as they read it out. "What is this all about?" Chris asked, angered. "Don't worry bro, we'll get to the bottom of it. Mostly we will all be careful from now on. No one leaves without anyone's concept". Michael stated and they nodded in affirmation. Immediately after the break was over, they all returned to their various classes. Michael had gone into deep thought while classes were on. He just couldn't pinpoint the whole situation, it all seemed weird and confusing. Not like he ever paid attention in class, but this time around, it was different because of the whole Abel issue. Meanwhile, Julia was not just in shock like the rest of them. She was completely lost. She kept asking herself unanswerable questions. Why did Abel show up unexpectedly? Why the message? Not to mention, two new students are now on the school premises, and the school isn't open for admission yet. She couldn't understand if the message was a warning or a threat. 'Don't be quick to forget me. I shall return and take what's rightfully mine'. Those words kept reoccurring in her head. What did it mean? What was his? And to top it all, where was Abel standing? Who has Abel's loyalty? Her father? Or some other person they didn't know of? She wanted to inform her father about the recent occurrences but he could confront Abel, making things look ugly for everyone involved in this, she thought. With all these questions and no single answer, she kept thinking to herself and decided she would run the matter on her terms. After a while of thinking, she took out her phone and texted the group chat. "Anyone else finding it hard to concentrate?" Julia texted. "I'd be a freaking liar if I understood the f--k this man's been teaching here. I can't seem to get that letter out of my head. The words keep repeating in my head". Jayd replied. "You guys!!! I was the one who got handed the letter. I am freaked out the most". Ivy texted. "Oh Sh-t, that's true". Katie said. "Did you even have a personal history with him?" Michael asked her. "No. I never had anything to do with him". She replied. "Everyone be calm. We'll get to the bottom of this. We will surely". Chris chipped in. "Usually I don't pay attention in class. I either have headphones on or play with my phone, but I have no f--king headphones or games on and can't focus. I'm either getting bad at school or this is very bad". Michael texted. "Oh shut up". Katie responded. "Let's all call sick and head to the big house. We need time to figure out what is happening, and we haven't got time to lose. got it?" Michael suggested. " Yeah we should, but I need to meet up with this 'new girl'. Jayd needs a headstart in his work. I'll be meeting her in the free class shortly afterward". Jula messaged. "Yeah, you're correct". Jayd replied. "Alright then. Immediately, Julia's done meeting up with her, we gather at the park. Let's head home". Chris texted. "Sure". They all texted back. A few minutes after the 2nd period was over, Julia made her way out of the class, heading for the free class. As she by the lockers. She tripped but got caught in mid-air. She looked up to see her savior. The guy smirked and said, "Watch your steps, baby girl. I didn't think you were clumsy". "Hmm. Good guess, because you put out a leg for me. I am not dumb." she added, rather annoyed. "Oh really?" He answered, smirking harder. " Well catch you later, Miss Collins". He said, leaving. She stood still and watched as he left her clueless. Only her employees called her Miss Collins. Not even half the students in the school knew her surname, but the newcomer already did. Weirdly. She took herself from her thoughts and entered the free class. "Well, you are late. Not a good impression". The new girl said. "Don't you have a name? Or shall I give you one?" Julia asked her impatiently. "Oh please, chill. That's not how to begin, sweetie". She responded. "Oh sorry. Shall I host a party first?" Julia asked sarcastically. "For someone who doesn't socialize, she wants to throw a party? Do you think you can pull it off? A party inviting the whole school. Not just your friends?" She asked, mockingly. This girl is a pain in the a--. Julia thought to herself. "Whatever. I'm here now. Let's converse miss?" Julia said, rolling her eyes. "No need to go into boss mode on me, miss. I'm Merry". She said. "Merry?". Julia exclaimed. "Yeah, I'm quite the opposite of you. I'm merrier, jovial, and social than you are". Merry said, grinning. "And that's the first step to not-being-my-friend". Julia stated, rolling her eyes. "Oh common. Fine. I'm Merry and I moved here a few days ago. I come from Pesco. Ever heard of it? It's a small town in the highlands. I moved here, into Raldo hills. It's close to Raldo Estate". Merry stated. "I have an aunt who stayed in Pesco". Julia answered. "That's nice. Maybe when we become friends we can visit my town and your aunt together". Merry said joyfully. "That's where you're wrong. We are not warming up to each other and she's dead. I said STAYED. She died years ago". Julia stated, blankly. "So what else? Why have you decided to torment me?" Julia asked, sternly. "Well, the other girls kept saying sh-ts, which just interested me". Merry said, "I'm sorry for your loss, by the way". She added. "Plus, one reason why I want to be your friend is that you are quite boring and you see I am very cheerful on the other hand. It would be a fabulous perfect match. The boring friend and the cheerful friend". Merry said, making a rainbow sign in the air with her hands. "Really??? Perfect Match? What are you, cupid??? ". Julia said, making a hilarious face. "See! I made you smile". Merry said, doing a little jump. "Mere pass". Julia said, smiling. "Whatever. You smiled, so I won the first test". Merry stated. "What test???" Julia asked. 'The friendship test? I got to make you smile and make a funny face also. That's 2 in a row. Next is laughing". Merry said. "Well, make that 3 in a row then". Julia said, laughing a little. "We are a match". Merry stated happily. They discussed it for some more minutes but it seemed like an eternity. Even Ivy and Katie had not spent time with her like this. Immediately the bell rang, Julia got a text almost immediately from Chris, "Hey, let's head back". He texted. "On my way". She replied, looking up at Merry. "Well, I hate to admit it, but it was a little fun. I'm heading back now. That was my cue.". She added. "Same here. I still have classes. I hope to see you again". She said as they both stood up. "Well, keep dreaming. Merry girl". Julia said, smirking as she left the class. "Bye then... See you soon, Jullie". Merry said, heading in the other direction. Jullie??? Really? Well, this girl is unto something. She wasn't exactly as bad as she thought she'd be, but that didn't mean she'd be okay with her whole friendship vibe of a thing. It could have been any other student but she was, at this crucial time in their lives. She made her way out of the school building and into the park, to meet up with the others. "Hey, fellas". She greeted them as she approached them. "Well, seems it went well since you lost track of time". Chris said, smirking. "Yeah, it did. Though I'm not convinced about her vibe being positive and all. It could be a fake. We all need to be on guard". Julia said. "True. Let's head back". Ivy added. Julia had just given Jayd all the info about her at the big house. From her name to her hometown and current location. Jayd got to work on his system. Meanwhile, Chris and Michael had left to meet up with some of the fellas at The Lair's downtown. "So we need to do a background check on these following students. Jayd is doing some work on his system already. I need you guys to go and find out also and report back. We need to know their every movement". Chris said, directing the gang on how to do the job. "Yeah, and don't forget to go to Pesco town and make inquiries. Let's know the truth". Michael added. "Boss, what about Abel?" A guy amidst them asked. "Leave Abel to Jace. Jace would take care of that. Or you both get on it". Chris said. "Boss, I've got some info on Abel. You're gonna like it". Jace added. Jace has been a member of the Lairs since he was young. "Spill it". Chris said immediately. "We went lurking around the Hills on Wednesday night and we found him close to this building". He said, dropping some pictures on the table. The pictures showed Abel entering a building. "This building. Bull, check it out immediately. Go to the house later tonight and make inquiries. Don't be suspected, and don't mess up". Chris said, plainly. "Never to be caught off guard, boss". Bull, another member of the gang answered. "Any more?" Chris asked, referring to Jace. "Yes, boss. A young boy was seen a while later after Abel left the house. Seems he lives there. We did some digging and it happened to be that he lives with his sister and they recently moved". Jace added. "What age are they? Did you find out?" Chris asked. "They were about your age, sir. The boy is red-haired, 6'1, and not as muscular as you sir, and the girl is a brunette". Jace said, further. "Red-haired say you?". Michael asked. "Yes sir". Jace replied. "The new boy in one of my classes. He's red-haired and had mentioned he has a sister whom he lives with. Bull, Jace, and Cot, move now and find out what's going on there". Michael instructed. "Yes, boss. We'll be back". They said, leaving. "Chris" Michael called out, as Chris turned in awe. "What's going on?". He asked, almost in fear. "Don't be phased Lil bro, we got this. Nothing's wrong". Chris reassured him. Back at the big house, Jayd had done some digging himself and found out they had been having an on-and-off call with a phone line that couldn't be traced. "They keep contacting this number". Jayd said, showing it to Julia. "I'll have my men track it. Leave it to me". Julia answered. "If Chris returns, tell him I'm gone". Julia added as she stood up. "Uhm, Julia?". Jayd called out. "Yes". She responded. "You know it's obvious. You and Chris". He said. "What do you mean?" She asked. "You both are emotionless motherf--kers but you care deeply for one another. Give him a try or maybe open up". Jayd stated. "Jayd, maybe you should close the laptop and sleep". She said, leaving the room. "OK... But it won't hide for long". He said. "And it won't last either". She said immediately, closing the door to avoid further talking. "Don't worry, they'll both come around. I believe that". Ivy said as she walked in. "I knew I wasn't the only one who noticed". Katie said. "Noticed what?" Chris asked as he entered the room. "And where's Julia?" "She just left". Jayd responded. "Oh". Chris said. "She went to track a number we noticed. Those new students have been in contact with a particular number for the last few days. Julia went to meet one of her men to track it. She said she'd be back tomorrow at noon". Jayd told him. "Alright then. Well, we found out Abel has been in contact with some young teens and we are suspecting these same students. The boy is red-haired and the girl's a brunette". He said as he dropped the photos on the desk for them all to see. "Well... I'm gonna bake something to eat. All this CIA mission is making me hungry. Who's in?" Michael asked, moving to the kitchen. "Of course, we are all in". Katie said. "Keep some for Julia. I'll take it to her later". Chris said, moving to his room, as he turned back down, he saw them all smirking. "What? Something on my face?" He asked. "Nothing at all... Keep moving". Ivy said, winking at Jayd, who was smiling. "Y'all jerks". Chris said, leaving. Later that night, after a series of tracking and researching, the numbers matched, but it didn't lead to Abel. It led her to a landline in Raldo Hills. One of her men had reported to her earlier that evening. She goes into her room and tries to cool off when Chris walks in with a freshly baked pie and pastries for her. "Ohhh are they for me?" She asked happily. "Yeah, Michael made 'em". He replied, handing them over to her. "Thanks for bringing me some". She said, munching on them joyfully... He watched her eat the entire time. "Come join me, you sicko". She gestured to the space on the bed next to her. "Thought you wouldn't call me". He said, smiling. They both ate, discussed, and giggled throughout. Later that night, after spending time with Julia, Chris headed out to meet up with Michael, who had already left for downtown. Bull, Jace, and Cot were back already. It was past midnight then. "Boss, we've got confirmation that the boy and the girl living in that building are the same new students in your school. The boy, Pax Mayfair, and the girl, Bell Clarence. She bears Merry as an undercover name working for a society yet to be known. We're working on finding out the people behind this society. They are not related in any form, just working for the same agency. Although she is indeed from Pesco, her parents are dead and no living relatives are known for now. They are still working on it. As for the boy, Pax Mayfair, he's the son of the late Mr. Robinson, Abel's father's brother. The boy is Abel's cousin. The reason for hiring him is yet to be known. This is all for now sir". Jace told Chris, who was now in awe. "Damn... That's a load of info". Michael stated. "We are currently checking on the girl's background for any families. She might be the only surviving one left. Pax does have a sister but she's far away from here. She stays in Alfaro Town. Our sources have it that he's never set his eyes on his sister in 7 years now". Bull added. "And boss, check these pictures out". Cot drops some pictures on the desk for him. In the picture was Abel and what seemed to be Mr. Robinson and Abel's father signed a contract. Another picture had Pax and his sister before they separated. Another picture had Bell's parents when they were alive. Then there was this picture. He recognized the boy from Julia's room. It was her brother, but the other person wasn't clear enough. He picked up that particular one and asked, "What relationship does this picture have to do with the others?" "We found it in Pax's office. Seems they were buddies. The boy is said to be dead". Cot answered. "Dead?" Chris asked. "Yes, he died with a woman who appeared to be his mom. Abel was the driver of the woman. He survived the accident which left him with a scar". Bull said. Is that why Julia never spoke of her brother? He was dead... Chris thought of it as a feeling of pity and sadness. "This is some powerful information. Now we know what we are dealing with". Michael said, nodding his head. "Here's your payment. You all did a good job. I'm very happy". Chris said as he dropped two bags on the floor containing a bundle of $100 Bill notes. "Thanks, boss. It's a pleasure working with you. We'll get more information for you, sir". Jace added picking up the bags and leaving the bunk. "You looked like you recognized the dead boy who stood with Pax. Did you?" Michael asked. "He's Julia's brother". He answered sadly. "What the f--k? How? No wonder she never speaks of her family. They're dead". Michael said in a sad tone. "She doesn't need to know about this picture". Chris said, picking up her brother's picture. "Let's head back to the big house. Call Julia on the phone for me, and the rest". Chris added. "On it". Michael said. At the big house, Chris shared the information which he had just received from his men. Julia dropped her information so far, likewise. "This is a whole lot of information". Ivy said as she stood in awe, looking at all the pictures. "Talk about being fake and all". Julia responded. "All this is just a big cover-up for the main thing here". Chris noted "Yeah, we still gotta find who or what this society is all about". Jayd said. "Well, let's focus on this Pax. Michael, you have got to do this one. You need to friend him like Bell or should I say, Merry, is trying to be to Julia. She's probably doing all this just to get information". Katie stated. "Absolutely. She's correct". Julia said. "No issues. I can handle being or having just one friend. After all, it's for business". Michael said nervously. "Well, Julia, you keep tracking the numbers and following up. Michael, you befriend this Pax boy. Ivy and Katie distract this Merry girl. While I would get my men to keep following their everyday movements outside of the school. Also, Julia will be closer to her, introduce Ivy and Katie to her, and let's see how this plays out. Jayd, make sure you cover this all up as usual". Chris said as everyone nodded in affirmation. It was going to be a long week ahead of them. No one messes with any of them.
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