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"We are so gonna be late, is there a time we've ever arrived at an occasion or even school on time???", an already annoyed Katie asked Ivy, who was still dressing up for the Great Teens Club show. "Chill, would ya? Rather be late than early in a fashionable mess, Katie. Learn from the best, please. Would you mind passing me the eyeliner, It's closer to you than it is to me, miss early pants?" Ivy responded, egotistically. "Uhhhh, just be quick already, the others are gonna be thinking I'm responsible this time around like you always blame it on me!!!" replies a now frustrated Katie. Despite the whole situation, Ivy and Katie were so close and never left the other behind. Meanwhile, outside on the front lawn, "Yo, whaddup fellas? Are they out yet? Damn, are we gonna be late for this s**t again?" Michael seemed to be getting impatient as he threw rhetorical questions around. A few moments later, Katie stepped out, followed by a now-ready Ivy, who seemed to have been dressed as if it were an occasion meant for her. "You know we are all just going to a show, not your freaking birthday party? You look rather ravishing. I must add tho" compliments from Michael. "Oh sweet Micky, thank you, you've always been the kind one rather than thee who was in front of me. Seems to me you had all forgotten I'm a freaking co-host, so I need to dress gorgeously." Ivy refers to Katie, who hisses back at her. "OK, first things first, I'm mad and second things second, the wait was worth it, third things third, what the f**k kept y'all inside for so long??? It's just a little occasion, for crying out loud Ivy", says Julia, as she steps out of her car, handing the keys to Jayd. "As you said, the wait was worth it to answer that question. I was doing my make-up. As you see, I look delightfully gorgeous. Ivy has always been the dramatic one of the circle, Julia is the mom of the circle, Michael is the silly one, funny but most kind, with Ivy being the smartest and most intelligent of the group, and then Jayd is the Computer Psycho Web, as Katie would always call him, leaving Chris as the leader and head of the group. "So you mean to tell me, you wasted an entire hour painting your face with clues and s**t?" asked Jayd. "You don't seem to disappoint me, Ivy". "OK, no one appointed you mister psycho web, and it's not just painting, it is an exclusive Zara make-up collection, you nerd, and one out of 30 sets" replied Ivy proudly. "Since everyone is here, can we just go? I'm running late. Julia will be coming with me. Since Katie and Ivy can't drive because of violating rules, nice one, guys!" Says Chris, "Yeah sure, Jayd can drive with them in my car. Michael will come with us". Julia added. "Hell no, this psycho is driving with me in that car," said Katie. "Well, you can sit on top of the car then. You won't be inside or maybe you could trek. By the time you get to the gates, your precious make-up would have faded" replies Jayd, sarcastically. "Oh common, we are late for heaven's sake, let's just go, shall we? I wanna get a good picture from the photographers", Ivy Squirms as she speaks, walking into Julia's car. "I second that. Can't wait to get my pictures on their pretty cameras". Michael added, as he shows poses he'd make for the cameras. *An hour later* Two black Lamborghini SUVs are seen pulling up in front of the red carpet, at the entrance of the door. They've all been invited to the once-in-4 monthly show in the Great Teens Club, a time of the year secluded for all members to come together, ranging from past teen kings and queens to businessmen and women to make partnerships with other businessmen and women in the venue. it's always a show Ivy, never misses for anything, as she is an organizer and one of the many co-hosts. Chris steps out, and he holds out a hand for Julia to step out, while Michael runs to Julia's car to make the same gesture for Ivy, and Jayd does the same for Katie, who reluctantly takes it and steps out, making Jayd chuckle slightly. They all made their way into the mighty halls of the building, which had black, grey, and golden interior decorations all over the halls. As they make their way to identify their reservations and identities, Chris moves further behind the halls to meet up with other businessmen. Shortly after, he notices the presence of his father. Unknown to him, his father had made an entry minutes after he arrived. "Chris Pete Lair." said his father boldly from the corner. "Hello father, I am delighted and pleased to see you could make it" replied Chris." "Oh my dear son, you know I would never miss an opportunity to meet up with you, as we are always busy. Your mother sent her regards, she had to represent me at the Shadow Meeting, as I didn't want to miss this one". Mr. Pete said, looking behind Chris, as Julia made her way into a room down the other hall. "I see you never walk alone, do you?" he added, looking back at him. "Well, united we stand strong. You taught me that yourself, father" replied Chris with a small smile, which quickly disappeared. "True indeed, but you have to be careful." Mr. Pete said, brushing off Chris's shoulder. "I had recently contacted mother also. She made it clear to me that she wouldn't be coming because of the meetings she had to handle. She was the one who sent me this suit, as compensation for missing the event." replied Chris as he sipped his wine. "You know your mother cherishes you a lot, more than I can even think or talk of. The suit looks elegant and graceful on you. By the way, was that not... Julia? The one who is your queen for this year's theme?" asked Mr. Pete. "She has grown since I last saw her. That was about 2 years ago, right? She is looking rather luxuriously beautiful tonight than usual" he says as he looks at Chris, giving him the what's-going-on look. "Stop it, dad, she has always been beautiful and you know that, not like it is your first time to see us, and don't give me that look", Chris said, with a little cheeky laugh. "Hope I am not interrupting anything sir?" says Julia as she joins them. "No not at all, my dear, I just asked about you" replied Mr. Pete. "Oh then, good evening sir, hope your journey down here wasn't as stressful as I presumed? " asked Julia respectfully, giving a little bow as a sign of respect. "Thank you sweetheart for the concern, but you should know, I am already used to this. You look beautiful tonight my dear daughter, and congratulations on being the queen of the year" Mr. Pete says. "Well, thank you sir. You don't mind me borrowing your son for a little while. He is my king, and the other guests would love to meet him also". Julia says as she turns to Chris. "Well, I will see you soon, father. Let me go greet the others" said Chris as he hugged his father. "Make sure to meet me up in less than an hour. I will soon take my leave. As you know, I'm not meant to be seen for now. The Hounds are on the streets, you got to be vigilante son". "You got nothing to worry about, dad. I will be careful. I will see you soon". Chris walks out as he holds Julia's hands. As they go about together greeting guests, Julia cites an old ally of her father and makes her way to meet him, excusing Chris. "Miss Collins, is that you?" called out Abel, as he had seen her coming towards him. "Abel, what are you doing here? I never expected to see you again, after the last. It's been ages since we last met," replied Julia, who was in total awe. "I came for a job. Your father sent me. He's always talking about you. I hope you are doing well and have no issues?". Abel answered rather in a worried manner, as he was not meant to be spotted at the event. "So far, I am in good condition. The house is heavily guarded and I have my best friends around, so I am totally fine. Make sure to tell him. What is wrong? Is everything alright?" Julia asked, noticing his facial features change. She turns to look behind her and sees Chris staring daggers at Abel. "You know Chris?" she asked, looking at Abel... "Chris and I go way back. Well, I had better leave soon. You were not meant to see me. So tell your father nothing because he may ask". "You have my word". She replied as he stepped out almost immediately into a white range rover, which she had not noticed until now. "He's gone, So quick. Thought we could have a chat" said Chris. "You stared at him as if you knew him from somewhere, which he did mention. Do you know him?" asked Julia. "Abel and I go way back and that's all to worry about. Nothing more or less. Let's go find the others". He said as he tried not to make eye contact. Something was wrong and she could feel it... What could it be? Meanwhile, Michael and Jayd seemed to have come only for pictures and food, as they were seen taking pictures and posing for the camera. "Damn, I'm tired as f--k". Said Michael to Jayd, who was looking around the hall. "What's up? You seemed a little distracted there for a second." "It's cool bruh, just checking the area to see if I can see the others. Ohhh here comes Julia with Chris." "Yo, how's it been? It's been crazy since we got here. What about you guys?" asked Jayd. "We were just around. Plus, I met an unexpected old ally of mine" answered Julia to Jayd. "I was with my father. I'd go back to him sooner. Michael, how's the area so far?" Chris answered as he turned to Michael. "We are good bro, nothing to worry about," Michael answered. "Julia, have you spotted Ivy and Katie? Haven't seen them since we got here". Michael asked Julia, who seemed to have started looking around to check for any signs of them. "Ivy has been with the other co-host since we arrived. I haven't seen Katie since we divided". Julia answered. "I thought she was with you all along?" Jayd asked. "Uhm no, she isn't," Julia said. "Alright, Jayd just chills, she's around. You know Katie, always wandering". "I've got to say, this is the best show they've come up with in quite a long time. Did anyone taste the cake? They were made by De Panadero Jefe Ken. He was present guys. Did you taste all the dishes? They were so many I could not eat them all but I had a taste of it all." says Katie as she walked out of a room that seemed to be the kitchen towards them, licking her fingers. " You mean to tell me, you have been in that room with us all this while, eating???" asked Jayd, pointing to the room which Katie had stepped out from. "Uhmm... Yeah, someone's got to judge the food eventually, so I volunteered." She answered while passing the souvenirs which Ivy had handed to her earlier on. "These are exclusive, like top-notch kind of exclusive. They were made only for previous kings and queens". Said Julia as she took a look inside it. "That's what you get for having a co-host as a besty" replied Katie, clearly talking about Ivy. "See, you got worried while she was just a room away destroying food in her mouth," said Michael as he looked at Jayd, who had softened his tension. "Aww so cute, you cared," Katie said as she touched Jayd's cheeks, laughing. "OK then, let's get Ivy and head..." I'm here. No need to finish up the statement" said Ivy, cutting Julia. "Ok. Let's head out", Jayd said as he led them out. "Oh, y'all go ahead, I gotta meet up with my father. I'll come back later". Chris said as he made his way toward the back of the building. "Don't worry, take my car and his. I'll wait for him," said Julia, handing Micky and Jayd the car keys. "Well, you heard the lady. Let's head back" said Ivy. "You three go ahead, I'll wait in Julia's car". He said as he gave Jayd the other key. "Hit me up if sh-t goes down, ait?" said Jayd, who was already in the car. "Sure thing bruh. Be safe", Michael answered. Chris keeps walking, not knowing that Julia was behind him. As he walks into a room and locks it behind him. "I saw you leaving and thought you had forgotten," said Mr. Pete as he poured a drink for both of them. "Cheers to us" he said, making a toast. "Cheers to us indeed, father. I saw Abel earlier on, with Julia. They seem to know each other well. She hardly talks to strangers or people at all. She also mentioned something about him being an old ally of hers". Chris told his father, who quickly looked up, confused. "Son of a b--ch, what has he come to do and how does he know her," he asked, thinking out loud. "Well, I'll do undercover work and find out soon. The visit was unexpected, even for Julia." Chris responded, pouring himself another drink. They discussed for the next 30mins to 45mins, while Julia was just in the corner, outside of the room, waiting for Chris patiently. Although Chris did have an idea that Julia was likely to follow him, he didn't think too deeply about it. As she keeps on waiting, her phone rings, "Michael?" she called out. "What's keeping you guys? Are you all alright?" Michael asked. "Yeah, he's almost done... Oh he's here, we'll be out soon" she says as she ends the call and walks toward Chris. As they walked in silence, Julia couldn't help but ask, "Is everything alright?" she asked, rather worried. "Yh, I knew you'd follow me but I doubted it. Just usual business and stuff. Let's head back home." Chris said as he gently held her hand. *At Car* "Did anyone else site Abel earlier on or was it just me that was hallucinating?" Michael said, breaking the silence. "Uhm..." Julia stuttered as she looked at Chris, whose facial features tightened as Michael asked. "I wonder what the hell brought him back here after all these years. Seems like someone missed us already". Chris said as he smirked, looking at the rear mirror revealing Michael's face. "Well, he was here on an errand, according to him. I spoke to him for a while before he disappeared". Julia mentioned, looking lost in thoughts. "Did he mention who he was on an errand for?" Michael asked. "No. He didn't. I did ask him but it seemed to be a secret, according to him". Julia stated. Another silence fell in as they drove on, but this time the silence was deafening, as each one pondered on why Abel had attended the event. He was not a member, meaning he was not invited. He had appeared unexpectedly and caught them off guard. Not to mention, Julia, who had just lied to her best friends, had started feeling guilty, not like she could say anything else, but she too had no idea exactly what was going on. She needed to speak with her father. As soon as she arrived at the gates, she hurriedly left for her house. "What's up with her?" Michael asked in shock. "I have no single idea, but whatever it is, I guess it was urgent". Chris said, looking at Julia who had just left. *Julia POV* She quickly got into the house, rushing off to her chamber and shutting the doors. She picks up her phone and quickly dials her father's line. "Dad?" she called as soon as he had picked up. "Hey sweetie pie, How have you been?" He asked as he had her voice. "Dad, What is going on?" She asked, not trying to sound suspicious. "Sweetie, there's nothing, absolutely nothing to worry about. You're safe". He assured her. "Dad, I'm not referring to my safety". She said, sounding more serious. Then the realization hit him and he quickly ended the call. "He ended the f*****g call!!!" She screamed out in anger. *Mr. Collins POV* Mr. Collins, Julia's father, ended the call abruptly. Immediately he thought about it. Abel might have been spotted, and he had not called him since after the event. He quickly phoned Abel. "What have you done??? I told you to stay hidden. The instructions were as clear as a crystal or even a diamond." His voice thundered over the phone line. "Sir, I did stay hidden sir, I promise I did. Sir, I swear I did". Abel said, feeling betrayed by Julia. "You may have been spotted by someone". He stated back. "Sir, I assure you, no one... I saw Mr. Lair." Abel mentioned as he changed the topic. "I guess he spotted you or someone else did. Tell me, did you see my daughter?" He asked. "Yes Sir, I saw her alongside Mr. Lair's Son, Chris. They were all together with his father". He answered. "Abel, be careful. You must not be seen. I presume Julia did not see you, but she knows something is going on as she phoned me not too long ago". Mr. Collins added "Sir, reassure her, everything is fine sir. She does not need to know as you instructed me". He said, feeling re-assured that Julia had not sold him out. He would have been dead meat if she had done so. "Alright, Abel, be careful and keep me posted with info". Mr. Collins said and ended the call feeling relieved. Abel was Mr. Collins's friend, dating from Alfaro Town. He was the driver who carried Mrs. Roxanne and Makly in the vehicle. He survived with an injury to the left hand. He had been lucky. *Julia POV* She kept pacing the room trying to figure out what had occurred in the last 1hr. Suddenly, she got a knock on her door drawing her out of her unconsciousness. "Cream, are you in there?". Chris called out. "Come in". She answered. "Hey, we thought we planned to have an after-party at the big house?" Chris asked, sounding disappointed. "I'm sorry, I chickened out like that. I had to get across to my father. It was an emergency". She said, heading into her walk-in closet. "Hope all is well?" he asked worriedly. "Yeah, we are fine. I'm alright. Thanks for coming by". She answered as she stepped out, already dressed in a white tank top, denim jeans, and converse shoes. "Cream, I'm just looking out for you, like I always will do. Can I ask you something real quick?" he stated. "Sure". She said. "I have never met your father. He seems too busy to even come to any of the shows we host or get invited to." He asked her. "Well, one day, he is gonna come down to town and I will be sure to invite you over". She said, smiling. "I can't wait to meet him". Chris said, grinning. "Common, let's head to the big house. I think I have an apology to make to the others for ditching". Julia said, walking out of the room. Chris stood up, following her as something caught his eye from the corner of the room. On the wall, she had recently hung up a picture of a young boy who seemed to be in his teens. He recalled that the boy might have been her brother, whom she had never spoken of or talked about apart from the one time he found her singing birthday wishes on his birthday. He stepped closer to the picture and took a very long look at it, and left. Julia's father wasn't like Chris's father, who appeared every once in a while to say hello to them. He never really did visit Raldo Town. Julia was the one who always traveled to Sylvia Villa, where he now resided. Sylvia Villa was the estate he had constructed after the horrible death of his wife and son. He named the place after his wife and son's middle name, Mrs. Roxanne Sylvia Collins and Makly Sylvester Collins. The villa was quite hidden from the outside world. You would never guess such a place existed. He wanted a safe haven for his daughter and himself, followed by those who worked for him. Apart from losing his family in that accident, he lost a lot of men too. He wanted those around him to be safe, so he built the villa only for his family, his men and workers included. It was Abel's decision to take Julia to Raldo city, instead of just hiding her away from the world. After all, it was a 25-minute drive from Sylvia Villa to Raldo Town. Easy access to meet her father when she wanted. *At the Big House* "Hey Everyone, sorry I ditched". Julia apologized as she walked in. "Julia, it's fine. We're always here for you. Regardless of how stupid you behave". Katie answered, ushering her a hug. "Katieee!!!" Ivy eyed her. "Don't worry Buttercup, It's alright." She added. "Thanks, girls". Julia said. "Baby girl, as long as you are good, we are good". Jayd said, patting her softly. "Yeah, you got nothing to worry about". Michael added. She did have nice friends around her and she was grateful for it. Later that night in Julia's home. She couldn't bring herself to sleep, as she kept wondering what occurred earlier. She kept trying to understand why Abel had come to the show, uninvited and unexpected, why her father sounded suspicious over the phone, why Chris and Abel had a stare down. A lot had her worried badly. Not being able to sleep, she went down stairs to make something to eat. "Ma'am, is everything alright? You looked stressed". Madam Bunny, the most loyal chef in the family of Collins. She had been around way before Julia was even born. "Don't worry mammy, just needed some edibles". Julia told her. She had always reffered to her as mammy ever since. "Don't worry honey, I'll wipe you something real quick to eat "Thanks Mammy. I don't know what I'd be without your love and assistance, ever since mom and Makly died". Julia said, feeling overwhelmed already. She's had too much to deal with and lately, she was loosing it. "Honey, it's alright to feel down at times. It makes us human after all. Just know that I am here for ever for you. Everyone is here for you". Madam Bunny assured her giving her the biggest hug she could, wiping her tears. "Mammy, do you mind watching me while I sleep. I don't think I wanna be alone tonight". Julia said as she finished off her edibles. "Yes honey, I will. Just go up to your room. Let me finish off and I'll be with you shortly." Madam Bunny said. "Don't worry... I'll go with her". Chris said as he stepped into the room, taking them by surprise. "Oh dear son, you sure about that?" Madam Bunny asked. "Don't worry mammy, let him do it". Julia answered, smiling weakly. "OK, you children. Goodnight then". Madam Bunny told them, as they went upstairs to Julia's room. "I didn't think you'd be here again. We all had a stressful day". Julia said in surprise. "I want to be here for you, like I said I would be. I felt your sadness". Chris said, as he hugged her. "I'm sorry for stressing you. I'm just overwhelmed". Julia stated. "Nothing like that, cream. Go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up". Chris re-assured her as she climbed into bed. She layed down while he pats her back, making her drift to sleep quickly.
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