Chapter 1

1030 Words
Athena’s POV: The door to my bedroom bursts open and two seconds later my brother Ezra strides in like he owns the place. Time to get up, you worthless piece of s**t it's time for you to do your duty! He says! Attempting to bring myself up to a sitting position as rapidly as possible, but the night before is catching up with me because of only getting maybe three hours of sleep because of all the activity I had to do yesterday plus not being able to eat at all is taking a toll on my body. I should be used to this by now, but I’m not. Ezra sees me struggling and since I’m not going fast enough, he takes effective steps to the side of my bed and pulls me up by my hair, dragging me out of my little cheerful place, causing me trip and fall over his feet. You little s**t you can’t do anything right he screams at me, bringing attention to us making him even more angry. I struggle to get off the floor, but Ezra has other ideas as he kicks my sides, legs, arms, face, forcing me to squeal out in pain. He continues his assault on me while I try covering my face, squinting I see a crowd forming but no one try’s helping me. Then we here Ezra that’s enough you taught her lesson she still has to walk to do chores. That, my friends, is our father no other than King Royce, the emperor of Zariya one of the most feared men in the country. Hearing him, the crowd breaks away and scatters in all different directions, leaving Ezra, our dad and me alone in the corridor. Father she wouldn’t get out of bed she was being lazy like she is always, so I had to drag her out then she thought she had the right to trip over my shoes Ezra try’s explaining. It’s okay, my son, you taught her a lesson she will not do it. Hearing that makes me huff out in annoyance, which was a horrible idea when my father turns to me and slap me across my already bruised face, making me go down again. Get to work, you worthless slave our breakfast better be ready within the hour he spits out then he and Ezra walk away down the corridor to the kitchen. When I know they’re unattainable, I scoot up against the wall and let the tears fall that I’ve tried to hold at bay. While sitting there crying my eyes out as quietly as I can, so I don’t draw attention to myself. I hear a quiet whisper hey Athena pst pst. Are you okay of course not stupid question I’m so sorry! Looking up, I see my best friend Nikolaus and crack a small smile at his dorkiness. He comes over to sit next to me after checking to make sure the hall was clear and wraps an arm around me for a comforting side hug. I’m okay Nikolaus I’m okay, I tell him in a whisper trying not to winch from the pain my brother just handed me. No, you're not Athena, you have bruises all over your face and body I wish I could take you out of here, I really do. Nikolaus you're sweet, but I understand don’t go getting yourself into trouble now over me. Well, I better leave before we both get into trouble love you Nikolaus I love you more Athena never forget. Nikolaus is my best friend he’s part of the kingdom's knights, stands about 6’3 with sandy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes he’s a heart stopper and my only friend. If the royals ever found out, we would both be dead and no, I’m not just saying that the King and Queen have banned everyone and anyone from helping me and even talking to me. It would be pretty lonely if it wasn’t for Nikolaus being here with me when he can. He is my savior in this cruel world, and he don’t even know it. Standing up with Nikolaus help, we say our goodbyes and go separate ways so no one sees him with me. Pushing the big double doors to the gorgeous kitchen open, I rummage through the cabinets to set up breakfast. Placing eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, biscuits and juice on the counter top, I prepare my family’s breakfast. When everything is done, I ring the kitchen bell signaling the King, Queen and my siblings that their feast is ready one by one they come in and take their seats. Setting everyone’s meal down in front of them, they dig in. I turn around to head back into the kitchen when Ezra stops me to bring him more orange juice, why don’t you. Not wanting to displease him more than I already did this morning, I rush into the gallery to grab the juice pitcher. Rushing back to the dining area where Ezra is waiting, he yells my name. Athena, hurry the hell up before I die of thirst, you b***h! At least you get to eat and drink when you want to, I whisper to myself so no one hears me. Returning with the pitcher, I pour him another glass with shaky hands and end up spilling a tad bit on him, making my face go pale as a ghost. Ezra stands up so fast the chair falls down I don’t have time to move causing me to fall on the floor too he screams you stupid little b***h and the next thing I know he’s dragging me out of the dining room up the spiral staircase by my hair. I struggle, but it’s of no use. He is too strong and seems even stronger when he’s furious. 
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