1698 Words
It was three weeks into the window period now, and I was so f*****g horny. The last time I had been without s*x for this long was about two years before my marriage. While I was in the university there was always a girl or two at my disposal, so my lust was taken care of. Don't get the impression that I was a s*x starved maniac, neither was I a s*x freak. Far from it. I just loved s*x like every other normal guy. The difference was I was somehow luckier with women. Where it took a guy a month of spending and wooing to get to first base, it took me twenty four hours max, and this was no exaggeration. It was like chemistry… our minds connected on a secret wavelength, and before you could say U.A.R., we were rolling in the hay. I thought of Sumayya, the only girl I knew I dated fleetingly without hitting the Vjay. She had been afraid of s*x before marriage, and we had to part for that reason. When my call up later came out I didn't even tell her, because I was so fed up with her. NYSC was a beautiful excuse for me to leave her, for even though she could not have s*x with me, she loved me more than anyone I knew at the time. She had begged me to understand her fears and position, but I wanted to satisfy my lust. Marriage? I thought, with a grimace. Who wanted to be tied down by that when I could have anyone I wanted at the lift of my finger? When I landed at the NYSC Orientation Camp in Yola, I got a message from her. She said she was heartbroken and disappointed. "How could you leave without even saying goodbye? Haba Marwan. All this because I refused to have s*x with you?". The main reason why I loved her was her straightforwardness and honesty, apart from her heavy breasts and cute behind of course. She said she would never be sorry for loving me, her regret was not giving me what I wanted. She was sorry for not allowing us to have s*x. She concluded with: "I wanted us to get married first, my love. And it's not because I don't trust you. I do. But what guarantee do I have that if we do it you will still marry me?" Thinking about what she said honestly, I knew she had a point. At that time of my life, I was just marking body counts. s*x was the most natural thing for me: something to enjoy. s*x to me was like food, to eat and enjoy when one was hungry and to allow when the hunger was not there. This morning, I had woken up with a mammoth erection that could karate kick the bathroom door open. Very unfortunate. Hanan was off limits, Muhibba was a no-go-area and jerking off would not give me the satisfaction I craved for. I wanted the warmth of a woman. As I drove to work, I mentally went through the possible girls that were stored in my brain data bank. Victoria, no. She wanted a phone. Jummai, no. She wanted money to pay her rent. Zainab… well, Zainab would be available, but she wasn't good in bed. Then I remembered Aisha and smiled. Now that was a possibility, considering how we parted the last time. Aisha was kind of like Muhibba in facts and figures, and we had met about four months ago. We had gone to a hotel to have fun, made considerable progress on the foreplay, removed our tops and bras, when she held my hands while I was about to peel off her pants. Imagine me, panting, with an erection pointing like an AK-47, leaning over her while she lay spread eagled on the bed, with her holding my hands on both sides of her waist. "What is it?" I asked with a frown. She just shook her head, looking at me with eyes half closed with passion. "What is it?" I asked again, with a trace of anger. "What do you want to do?", she asked in a whisper. Can you imagine that? When James Hadley Chase said "You Never Know With Women", he must have been talking to me. What the f**k! "What do I want to do?" I asked her back, "Nothing". I released her pants, and slid into my boxers. As if Mr P knew that kasala don burst, it gently went limp. I managed to kiss her on the cheek to mask my annoyance, then laid beside her. "Marwan…" she began. "Are you angry? Kayi fushi?" "Me? Angry? Why? Me yasa zanyi fushi?" I snapped back. "Are you sure you're not angry?" She asked. "Ba komai fa. It's nothing. You don't want, you don't want. Ba matsala", I said. Meanwhile I was boiling inside. Why the hell would she come this far with me if she knew she didn't wanna play ball? Wannan ai rashin mutunci ne. To say I was upset was an understatement, but I wasn't going to show it. "It's just that I wasn't ready. Amma kayi hakuri, am sorry", she said. "No problem", I said and stood up to put on my clothes. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Ban gane ba. What does it look like I'm doing? Getting dressed, I suggest you get dressed too. We are leaving", I replied. "Leaving? But we've not even spent an hour here. I thought we will be here the whole day", she protested. "I have an appointment, and I don't want to be late", I said. I went to the table to pick my car keys. She then got off the bed and came over to hold my hand. "It's okay Marwan, you don't have to go. Come and do it…" If anything, that statement got me pissed off to boiling point. If there was anything I hated more than another, it was being manipulated. I looked at her smiling face, and I was not amused at all. "I should come and do what?" I asked. "What you wanted to do mana… I'm sorry for the other time. Come and do it now, don't be angry", she said. "Come and do what wai? Ni ban gane ba. I want you to tell me gwari-gwari", I said. She looked at me in surprise, while I stared back, with a deadpan expression. "Say it" I demanded again. "Kai Marwan! Wallahi rigimamme ne kai. Your wahala is too much". She went back to the bed and undressed while she stared back into my eyes. She removed her bra again, then laid on the bed. She removed her pants slowly, seductively, all the while staring at me. "Come…" as she threw away the pants. "And…" as she covered her breasts. "Get it…" as she opened her legs wide. I just looked on, shocked at the brazen and shameless display of wantonness. Just for the hell of it, I told her I'm not in the mood. "Get dressed and let's go please", I said and walked towards the door. "Marwan, don't go. . . come to me." She leaned back on her elbows, her knees wide apart: raw naked desire in her eyes that hammered at my determination to refuse her. I turned my eyes away from her wicked temptation. I was determined to teach her a lesson for toying with my emotions. After that fiasco, I never thought I'll hear from her again. I mean, I had scorned her by blatantly refusing her offer. But two days later, she sent me a message on my Undercover Phone. "Angry guy" "Joking babe", I replied. "Kai banza ne. You're such a bad guy. But anytime you're ready to have me, just call", she typed. "Sure… I will do just that", I replied. Today was the day! I thought about it and brought out my Undercover Phone. By then I had reached the KPI Solutions office complex at Hadejia Road, Kano. The security man pulled open the enormous gate and waved me through. "Good morning Oga!", he said in a greeting. "Morning Mr Patrick. How are you?" I answered and asked back. "I'm fine Sir!" "How is your family?" I enquired. "We thank God Sir", he replied excitedly. I always made sure that I was extra nice to the underlings. Security guards, cleaners, messengers and drivers. It paid in the long run to be very chummy with them. It didn't cost anything extra and it paid great dividends. "Has Morris come in yet?" I asked. "Sir, it's not yet 8AM oh, you know he doesn't come until then". "Oh yes… I forgot", I said. Morris was our major domo in the office. He was the Mr anything-you-want-i'll-get. He was also the guy with his ear to the ground. If you want any information about the politics that went on at KPI Solutions, talk to Morris. I went into the office I shared with my colleagues. My work station was on the extreme left, and once I had settled down, I used my fingerprint to open the Undercover Phone. As expected, my w******p had over 200 messages. Some were from Muhibba, while others were from other random babes I had met at one point or the other. Muhibba had tried to find out how things went between me and Hanan. I had told her last week that everything was under control. She had asked for a meeting, which I declined. I was still not ready then. Now I was. But not with Muhibba. I was too horny to bite a familiar apple again, I wanted something new. Something fresh. I scrolled to Aisha's number and dialled. She answered on the second ring. "Hello babe", I said "Hello baby. Mara mutunci, I was beginning to think you've forgotten about me", she said. "Haba! How can I ever forget you?" I asked. "How are you and school?" "I'm fine. School is fine", she said. "How far… are you free today?", I asked. "Oh, so now you wanna get it?", she teased. "Yeahhhhhhhhh… now I wanna get it", I said. "Alright baby. When?" She asked "Can you make it by 3PM?" I asked "Sure, why not… Same place?" "Yes, same place. I'll text the room number to you", I said. "Alright baby, can't wait", she said "Me too. Sai kin zo", I said. I hung up and opened the file I wanted to work on. The time was 07:58AM.
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