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"I knew you had to be good, but I never imagined it'll be this wonderful", Aisha said to me in a tired voice. I was also very tired. I lay on the double bed, staring up at the white ceiling. In the past, I have had countless encounters with women, but, apart from Hajia Rahila whom I still remembered with awe, I couldn’t recall any other woman being so erotically expert and as satisfying as Aisha. She was, in fact, too good to be true. She knew all the right moves, when to moan, when to scream, when to gasp, when to groan and when to talk dirty. And then… I made it sexier for her. And then I gripped on her ass. And then I stared into her sexy eyes. And then I got her moaning out my name. And then I made her scream "Harder!" Anyway, at last my lust had been satisfied and I just wanted to leave the hotel room. I stood up and went into the bathroom to take a warm shower. "You better come and also take a bath oh, Aisha. We are leaving", I said, raising my voice above the noise of the water. "I'm not leaving yet Marwan… I need to sleep off this f**k. I want to spend the night here. Tomorrow I'll go back to the hostel", she replied. I shrugged and finished from the bathroom. After towelling myself dry, I slipped into my clothes and was ready to move. "Do you need some money?", I asked "What do you mean? Of course I need money, or don't you know students always need money?", she asked "Okay. Like how much?" I asked "Why are you talking to me like I'm a prostitute? Abeg don't annoy me. Just give me anything you feel is okay with you". I dipped my hand into my wallet and counted out ten thousand naira, then dropped the money on the bed. "Thank you dear", she purred, "Will you please come tomorrow morning for another round before I check out? I want to feel you inside me again". I felt violently moved by what she said, and I nodded in the affirmative. "I'll come again baby, I promise", I said and left the room. As I drove out of the hotel, Hanan called. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her name on the Caller ID. What the f**k! Anyway, I had to answer so I answered. "Hello My Em. How is the office?" "Fine… What's up?" I asked "It's that girl Ladi, that imbecile at Malam Sani's house that was raped", she said. "What! Raped by who?" I asked. "Some guys within the area. Anyway, they have all been taken to the police station. I thought maybe you have time to go and help sort it out. The mother is very distraught", she said. "Okay, ba matsala. I'll sort it out". It was a little before 5PM, so I drove straight to the police station. When I got there, I went straight to the counter and asked to see the Divisional Police Officer, who was a friend of mine (Police is your friend, don't forget). After the usual pleasantries, I told him why I was there. I wanted to testify that Ladi was an imbecile, and anyone who dared to have any carnal knowledge of her was tantamount to being called a rapist. "I also noticed how incoherently she was when I interviewed her", he said. "Don't worry, all the guys involved are going to gaol". "Thank you boss", I acknowledged. "We can't allow such things to be happening in our communities and turn a blind eye". "Exactly!", the DPO said. While we were discussing other issues in general, his 2iC stepped in and announced that a guardian to one of the boys in the holding cells was here to see him. "Send him in", the DPO told him. "Also bring the girl along". "Yes sir!", the 2iC saluted and made a U-turn and left the office. "Marwan", the DPO said to me, "the level of immorality that is prevalent among our youths is very alarming. Wallahi, it's getting out of hand." "Toh yaya zamuyi?", I said. "We don't have any options than to be vigilant and pray". "Wallahi, that's the only option. Right now I've had eleven young boys in the cell since last night. They were arrested with a sixteen year old girl having s*x in one of their tricycles!", he told me indignantly. I was confused. Had I heard right, or was my hearing failing me? "I don't understand", I said. "Eleven of them? In a tricycle? How?" He scoffed. "Wait for them to come. Zaka sha mamaki". At that point, the 2iC ushered an elderly man and a very young looking girl clad in a red hijab into the office. "Good morning Sir", the elderly man said, while the girl just stood sullenly, staring at her feet. "Sit down please", the DPO said to the man. "Who among the boys is your son?" "It's Usman", the man said dejectedly. "Go and get Usman from the cell", the DPO ordered his 2iC. "This is the girl", the DPO told me. "Young girl, what's your name?" She shuffled her feet and mumbled. "Hey!, he barked at her. "Bana son iskanci fa! What's your name?!" "Asma'u", she said. "Okay. What did they catch you doing yesterday night with those boys?" he asked her. "They caught us together," she said. "Doing what?", he asked again. "They were having s*x with me", she mumbled again. Usman's father, the elderly man, clapped his hands together in shock and amazement. At that moment, the 2iC ushered Usman in. "What were you doing to the girl when my men arrested you?" the DPO asked Usman. The young boy was shamefaced and couldn't look at his father. "Sir, they were having s*x with her" young Usman said. "They were? What about you? What were you doing there?" asked the DPO. "Sir, I was just there. But nothing happened", he said. "He is lying", the girl, Asma'u suddenly spoke up. "He was among them and they all agreed to pay me a thousand naira each to sleep with me". "Inna lillahi!", Usman's father shouted. I was also shocked. "How many of them wanted to pay you a thousand each to sleep with you?" I had to know. "Eleven of them", she said. The DPO looked at me, his eyes giving me the "What did I tell you look". "Eleven of them!" Usman's father shouted. "Anyway, from our investigations, we found out that she is one of the many girls that engage in such acts of prostitution in this town. They go out in the evenings and offer themselves to randy boys that will pay them for a quick round of s*x", explained the DPO. "But how do they get the customers? How do they connect?" I asked in bewilderment. The DPO directed the question at Asma'u. "I usually wait until I see a well dressed guy, before boarding his Keke Napep. Once I'm inside I'll ask if he has any woke friends. If he is a prospect, he will get the message and invite his friends", she replied. I just stared at her, open-mouthed. She continued: "He will also inform his friends the amount I want and the number of guys I'll service". "How many guys and how much per guy do you usually ask for per outing? And do you do it daily?" asked the DPO. She frowned, still looking at her feet. "Usually, I can handle twelve to fifteen guys per outing. And I charge them one thousand five hundred naira each, sometimes they bargain it down to a thousand naira each. I do it once or twice a week sometimes." What the f**k! I thought. Fifteen guys at a time! That's a f*****g orgy! I looked at the girl again, and I realized she couldn't really be above seventeen. She had a touch of youthful innocence in her voice, and no one, no matter how cynical, would figure her out to be into such a dirty business. The DPO turned to the boy. Usman. "Hey you! So this is what you do instead of working with the tricycle your father bought for you?" Usman shuffled his feet. "Sir wallahi it's not like that. It's my friend Aliyu that told me to come and see something exciting. I never knew what it was." "Don't lie to me!", the DPO barked. "Didn't you also give her the money?" "I did Sir", he said. "Anyway. I'm charging all of you to court for openly engaging in immoral acts in public. Why didn't you guys even get a room or go to a hotel? And you..." he glanced at the girl, "How can you be so cheap as to allow them have s*x with you in public? Or did you think because it was night nobody would see you? Don't you even think about your parents?" "I'm sorry Sir… I won't do it again. Wallahi I'm an orphan and my step brother doesn't have time for me. You even called him, don't you see he hasn't even showed up? It's just circumstances that pushed me into it", she started crying. Usman's father also started pleading for his son to be released. I also pleaded for them to be released with a warning. "But they must pay two thousand naira each as bail", the DPO said. He sent the 2iC to get the other ten culprits from the holding cell. I also stood up to leave. "Don't worry about your own case, the guys will all be dealt with", assured the DPO. "Alright boss. Thank you" , I said. On my way out I looked again at the girl, Asma'u. Eleven guys! I thought. Eleven-Some indeed.
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