Episode 5 - Scarlets new boyfriend and a witch called Whitney

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We were all at Jacks Cabin, before training, it had been a week after everyone left, the rogue had certainly worried Anna and Billy they had been keeping a closer watch on me and this morning they walked with me to make sure I was safe, but something told me it was more than that, when we reached Jacks cabin that's when the whole truth finally came out... "leesh what were you thinking? you shifted in front of Axel and Luca, do you understand how dangerous that was?" Anna said "leesh Anna's right we are only saying this because we care about you?" Billy said "Anna, Billy, leesh only did what she had to do, that rogue would have killed the future Alpha and future Beta of the blue moon pack, she did call for me the moment everything was happening if anything its my fault she was on her own, I'm her protector, I'm very proud of her" Jack defended me I had already had a telling off I didn't need another one I knew it was dangerous for me to be out on my own Anna, Billy and Jack had all told me because of who I was, others would take me and use me to there own benefit, so I had to be careful, Anna let out a sigh, " awwww sweetheart im sorry, I don't mean to be so cruel or harsh I just care about you, I am very proud of you my darling, your so young, and you've been through so much" "Anna I'm really sorry I didnt mean to make you worry, but that rogue was going to kill Axel and Luca and I had no choice but to shift I promise I won't do it again until I'm stronger, noone else seen me" I said trying to convince her otherwise, "I know sweetheart thank goodness no harm I guess but please be careful from now on" Anna said "I will I promise" I replied "and Jack walk her home every day ok?" she insisted to Jack "of course I will I'll make sure I don't send her home with boys next time" "I asked Jack not to, after the boys were mean to me I wanted to be alone" I said "what do you mean the boys were mean to you?" Anna asked me "well.... Axel and Luca were mean to me, they ignored me when I said hi and didn't want to walk me back, they called me an orphan, I know I am but jakes always been my brother and you and Billy are my new mum and dad and... and..." I began to cry "come here sweetheart its ok you are our family and we love you very much" she said "I'm really sorry I made you worry Anna, but I couldn't let that rogue hurt them the rogue wasn't after me though it was after Axel and luca but I think more Axel since he's the soon to be alpha" "Leesh is right, we've been so worried about leesh that we forgot about Axel being the alpha of a pack, no one knows leesh is even here so why was the rogue that close there has to be an explanation" Jack questioned "Jack is right we need to inform axels father and make him aware of the situation, we won't say anything about leesh of course but he needs to be aware" Billy said Anna looked at me "I'm sorry Anna" I said again "oh my darling its fine your right you couldn't let them get hurt, forget this and move on ok" I nodded my head and gave Anna a cuddle then Billy, "leesh why don't you wait outside and warm up and I'll come out in a minute" Jack said "ok Jack see you later mum and dad" Anna and Billy both looked at me in shock then at each other and smiled, I walked out, I know Anna and Billy aren't my real parents but they've looked after me so much since I got here and I love them both so much, I havnt had anyone else to look after me nor be there for me Jake is my brother, just because its not blood doesn't mean I think any less of them, in fact I feel more for them. I walked outside and began warming up, all of a sudden, a man riding a horse came from the woods and stopped infront of me he was tall, and thin, he had green emerald eyes, black raven hair, and the creepiest smile I've ever seen, I shuddered seeing him, he sat on his black horse an stared at me, he got down from his horse, walked towards me, I backed up, 'don't trust him leesh, he doesn't feel safe' mi warned me "do not be afraid little one, I won't hurt you, do you know where Williams, Manor is?" the man said "its a couple of mile that way," I said "thank you little one," he said and with that he turned on his heel climbed up on his horse, and left in the direction I told him, Jack came out to see if I was OK he could feel my uneasiness, only to see the tail end of the man on his horse leave through the forest, Jack walks over to me, "leesh are you ok? who was that" Jack asked me "I don't know but he was looking for the Manor," I said "I felt how uneasy you were are you ok?" Jack asked "yeah im ok Jack, I don't trust him, he gives me a creepy feeling" I said "we will have to keep and eye out for that one" Jack said looking in the direction of the forest "yeah we will" I agreed with him "right so are you ready?" Jack asked me I pushed all thoughts of that man out of my mind and concentrated on my training and studies for the day, "yep I'm ready" I said enthusiastically, Anna and Billy waved at me as they past us and walked back to the Manor, Jack and I got on with training, I returned that night to my room, Scarlett was waiting for me, she was stood by the door of the balcony, "where have you been?" she said "I've been doing my chores Anna told me she needed me to go and get some wood for the fire" luckily I was covered in grass stains and dirt from training with Jack, Scarlet stood up and walked towards me, I stood my ground, "LIAR!!! scarlet shouted she began hitting me on the side of the face with the stick she always carried with her, my face was turned away from her, mi 'Leesh stay calm we can feel you wanting to changed' ty 'don't change leesh your life will only get worse' I took a deep breath, then turned back to her I lifted my arm as she moved to hit me again, my arm and wrist were bleeding with every hit she gave me, when she finally gave in to exhaustion, scarlet "do.not.lie.to.me.again and keep your rat paws off my carlos" she walked off, I walked a few steps towards my bed and collapsed on the floor beside it, mi 'Carlos? who's Carlos' ty 'I have no idea but let's think of it later, leesh are you ok' a tear fell from my eye, me 'how long do we have to do this, I'm hurt,' mi 'sweetie we are here don't give up, Anna, Billy, jake, George, allister and Emily care for you very much hang in there please' another tear rolled down my cheek as I sat up I had hidden some first aid things, like plaster, bandages, antiseptic wipes, scissors, things I could use to keep my wounds clean and to stop any infection, my wounds I knew would heal quick especially being a drawolf, but they still needed to be kept clean, once I cleaned my wounds, I sat on my bed and put my hoodie on the boys got me, the scents attached to it calmed me in so many ways, 'leesh are you ok? what happend?' Jack said through link, 'scarlet was waiting for me' I said as I tried to hold in tears, 'oh no leesh I'm so sorry, I'm coming down to the Manor your staying with me from now on' Jack said 'no Jack I can't I'm still underage and in the care of scarlet I just have to suck it up and wait so do you" i replied I felt Jack relax he knew I was right regardless of what happend we needed to stay calm and ride it through until I turned 18 'I will see you tomorrow Jack ok?' 'ok baby girl but if you need me please call me' he said and the link closed, my face still hurt and as I looked into the small scratched mirror I had hanging from a rusty nail that stuck out from the wood on the wall, my face had a raised red line across my cheek it had started to bruise, i bathed it with cold water and placed some ointment on that Anna gave me a little while ago, it always calmed my skin whenever scarlet hit me, 'Carlos, has scarlet got a new boyfriend? we need to find out who he is, if she thinks you already met then, we need to keep well away,' ty said "yeah your right ty" I replied Jake burst into my room, bringing me back to reality, "hi jakey" I said through winces "hi leesh .... (he seen me)... oh my gosh are you ok" jake said "yeah im ok" as he came further into the room he seen the blood stained water and paper towels I had used to clean my arm, he looked worried, "leesh don't lie to me your hurt again?" jake said "yeah it was scarlet she was waiting for me when I got back after training" as jake got closer to me he noticed my cheek as I spoke to him everytime I talked my face would hurt, "leesh when and why did she do this?" jake asked me "she said I lied where I was which I did but she said I had to keep away from Carlos but I don't even know who he is" I said "right leesh hold still I'm going to take photos of what she's done" he said as he lifted his mobile up to take a photo "jake no I don't care I will heal" I said "leesh she trying to scar your face" jake said "then let her jake she hates me anyway the only reason I'm here is because of you guys so what if she scars me...(I didn't mean to snap at jake but i was in pain) ok jake I'm sorry for give me....take the photos but please don't show anyone" I said "its ok and of course not leesh" he said Jake used his phone to take photos of my face I had closed my eyes for them, I took off my hoodie and lifted up the bandages off my arm, while jake took photos of them, "should I go and get us some treats from the kitchen or do you want to come down and see everyone" jake asked "I'll come down only to the kitchen and back but one condition, we can sneakily find out who Carlos is" I said if I got a beating because of him I want to know who to avoid like the plague "oh he's the new boyfriend of scarlets he came this morning, he was riding a horse" a deep breath hitched in my throat " OH MY GOODNESS" "whats wrong leesh?" jakes asked worried "I already met him" I said "how?" he asked "this morning when I was training with Jack, a man on a horse came riding through the forest, he stopped infront of me to ask which way William Manor was, I told him the direction to go, but he gave me the creeps I didn't feel right around him, he must have mentioned me when he seen scarlet and she came to warn me" "looks like he's trying to make trouble for you" jake said "we don't know for sure jake but we definitely need to keep and eye on him and keep me as far away from him as possible" I said "deal come on let's go and see mum and dad" jake said I nodded smiled well tried to and pushed everything to the back of my mind I would come back to it when I needed to. we walked downstairs and snuck down to the kitchen, Billy and Alister were in the kitchen, "hey dad need some help" jake asked his dad Billy looked at us jake first "yeah that would be..." then he looked at me, "dad please im ok scarlet had another go that's all" Billy wrapped his arm around me in a big bear hug and kissed my forehead, "fancy making some brownies" he asked without uttering a single word about the beating my face lit up and said "yes please" "thought you might like that" he said I laughed and giggled, "Allister you make brownies with leesh" Billy asked him "no problem Billy" allister answered "leesh here it's about time, I gave you this" I looked at a small blue parcel he handed to me, when I opened it inside was a woman's apron with my name on it, my smile couldn't have been bigger if I tried, I took my hoodie off, and wore my t-shirt and I placed it over my head and Billy tied it up at the back it was a little big but I'm sure I would grow into it, it was white with my name in bright blue embroidery, Billy looked at me "you'll grow into it kiddo" I smiled and gave him a hug "thanks dad I love it" "right leesh we need, scales, wooden spoon, some table spoons and we will get out ingredients, the Bero recipe book will help us," allister said "ok" I got the weighing scales while allister got the other things we needed he grabbed the Bero book and started to list everything we needed, we got all the ingredients, "right leesh we need 185g unsalted butter 185g best dark chocolate 85g plain flour 40g cocoa powder 50g white chocolate 50g milk chocolate 3 large eggs 275g golden caster sugar" allister listed off everything, we poured and measured everything out, into the bowl, I began mixing everything together, "great stuff leesh, should we put it in a tray and get it baked" allister said I nodded excitedly, we spread the mixture out into a tin and Allister let me put in in the oven, "it needs to bake for 20 to 30 minutes" he said "thank you for helping me" I said "of course leesh I think we should be first tasters," "yes please, can I wash and you dry" I asked "what!!" alister said shocked at what I had asked "can I wash the dishes and you dry them" allister smiled "of course thank you leesh for helping me" we washed the dishes together and by the time we had put everything away, the brownies were ready to check on, they were perfect 25 minutes in the oven and they were delicious, Allister let them sit on the side to cool down, Anna walked through the door, "mmm something smell delicious," she said Anna caught a glimpse of me she walked over to me took my head in her hands gently and arched my head so she could see my face, "oh leesh sweetheart what happend?" she asked after she seen the way I was "mum I'm ok honest, scarlet was waiting for me up in my room again" I said Anna looked upset and she had every right to be but I didn't want her to worry i was fine, I just needed to keep away from Carlos and scarlet and I was fine, that was easier said than done though, as I saw Carlos standing at the door behind Anna, I felt so sick to my stomach whenever I saw him, Anna felt me tense up and she held my hand while she turned to see him at the door of the kitchen, he walked in, "mmmmm something smells yummy in here" he said I almost vomited over the floor as he spoke he made me feel sick to my stomach he walked through the door, followed by Scarlet, 'leesh are you ok?' Jack linked 'I'm ok for now but listen to this' I left the link open so he could hear everything Scarlet walked or rather stumbled to me, lifted my head and squeezed my cheeks together, so I had fish lips, "hello rat, why are you here" she said Anna moved me back, behind her scarket let go of my face, "she's been doing her chores Scarlet" Anna defended me "leesh made the brownies scarlet there delicious" allister added she walked towards allister and she knocked them on the the floor, "I don't want a rat making any food for me or my love, speaking of which... everyone this is Carlos, he is now the master of this house" she walked back towards me and grabbed my face again "he is mine, you will, never look, speak or move in his direction, do you hear me ... rat?" I never moved I didnt look at Carlos either, "this is my pet, my love, she is my play thing that I beat and torture" she stepped back from me grabbed hold of the metal spatula hanging up on the rack she came behind me and hit me as hard as she could between my shoulder blades, I yelled a little "WHAT DID I TELL YOU RAT ... NO SCREAMING" Billy held jake back he was ready to burst and take me away, anna was holding back tears, every one couldn't look at what was going on, Jack heard me through the link he told me he was on his way, he came to the house it was pouring down outside, he watched from the window, I was on the floor on my knees, hit after hit she gave me and as she went my skin was disappearing, blood appeared in its place "I'm rather disappointed in you rat, you know to never scream, what happens when you scream" "I GET PUNISHED" I shouted at scarlet, as I tried not to let the tears fall from my face her eyes told me she was angry, "YOU DARE SHOUT AT ME RAT" she threw the spatula away and grabbed cup of hot water from the top of the counter top and poured it on my arm, I screamed again, the whole building shaking this time my scream was, deeper and harsher than ever before, Jack burst through the door drenched from the rain, "ENOUGH!!!" Jack burst through the door "I've heard and seen enough" I was on the floor on my knees, crying from the pain, Jake finally released himself from Billy's grip ran over to me picked me up and we ran out of the back door, Jack was stood by the door making sure noone followed us "GET BACK HERE RAT" she ran after us, but Jack blocked her way, "NO MORE SCARLET," he shouted at her "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, SHE BELONGS TO ME I WILL DO WHAT I WANT WITH HER" she shouted back Jack took one look at, Carlos over Scarlets shoulder, he smirked, Jack turned and walked away, Jake took hold of me from jake and ran across the grass with me, we ran in the direction of Jacks cabin, the rain felt amazing calming my skin, 'mi, ty please help me give me strength to get through this' I asked them "we are hear" they said in unison, we had become best friends, I trusted them with every feather of my being and I loved them with all my heart, "i am here little one I am right with you" Jack said we stopped at jacks cabin it was far away from the Manor he stood me on the ground while he unlocked the door, I tried to follow him but I was too weak and flopped onto the top few steps of the veranda, I laid their letting the rain cool my body, and crying, my energy was spent, Jack came up to me, he lifted me bridal style, laid me on his sofa, I was still crying, "shhhh baby girl" he said before I knew it darkness took me and I fell asleep. the next morning, my body was covered in bandages and cleaned, I was dressed in jacks shirt, the sun shining in through the window, I was in jacks bed, I sat up in bed I groaned from the pain from my wounds, I got up, got in the shower and changed into some clothes, I kept at jacks for when we were training, I stepped out of the bedroom, I didnt find Jack anywhere, I stepped out onto the veranda and sat at the top of the steps looking out at the lake, Jack's house was a few miles along the lakeside, you couldn't see the Manor from his, which I was thankful for the day was so beautiful, and seeing the lake made it even better, I didnt want to think about the prison, I had to go back to, I was sat talking to mi and ty when I felt a warm presence beside me, I didnt have to look to see who it was, "hi Jack" I said "hey baby girl, how are you feeling?" he asked me I let out a huge deep breath, "I'm ok I guess thank you for the bandages" I half heartily smiled at him, my smile faded as I remembered last night, "I am sorry you had to go through that leesh, I felt it to, I am your protector, I am bound to you, I am so sorry baby girl" he said "its ok you were with me, im so sorry you had to go through it with me I tried to bloke you out but I couldn't concentrate" I looked from Jack to the lake "there maybe something that can help" he said I looked at him "what can we do" "I have invited a freind that can help us, she will help, shield you and keep you safe away from carlos and any outsider" he said "who is she?" I asked him "she is my friend, her name is Whitney she's... Well leesh she's a witch?" he said I looked at Jack and said "a witch... Well if she's a friend of you Jack she a friend of me," I said with a smile "I trust her she has been my friend for many years" he said I looked at the lake again something inside me knew Jack did trust her, so if Jack trusted her I would too "ok Jack I trust you, when does she get here," I said "she will be here in another hour, I think you should rest some more before she gets here so you can be the best form possible for when she gets here" I nodded stood up turned to the door and began to walk towards the door as I opened the door I turned slightly, "Jack..." I said "yeah" he answered "thank you" he smiled and said "your welcome baby girl" I walked in, laid on jacks bed and fell asleep.... After an hour, Jack came and woke me up, "leesh... leesh wake up" I began to come round, "leesh come on, Whitney is here to talk to you" I opened my eyes to see Jack and a woman who I assumed was Whitney, she was beautiful, olive skin, purple eyes, full lips, and long black hair, she was very tall near the same height as Jack, she wore skinny jeans, and a red t shirt with a pendent around her neck, she smiled as soon as she seen me, "hello Elisha I am Whitney Wilds i'm a friend of jacks, I'm here to help you," I sat up on the bed, rubbed my eyes, "hello Whitney, its nice to meet you" I said Jack smiled at me then looked at Whitney then back at me, Whitney walked over to me sat on the bed, held my hand, "do you think you can help me?" she asked I nodded my head "I am going to cast a spell that will disguise who you are to Carlos and anyone who wants to harm you okay?!" "ok" I said "what I need you to do is combine you, and your drawolf together so I can protect you all" "ok I will do it" i said 'mi, ty, help me' 'I am here leesh' mi said 'im here to sweetheart' ty said "we are one whitney" I said to her Whitney went quite and made her spell without uttering a word, when she had finished, she gave me a white stone pendent with a blue stone in the middle of it, wear this, it is extra protection for you to be safe, "thank you whitney" and I gave her a hug she was taken back by my gesture for a moment, she then gave me a cuddle back "your welcome huni" she said "how about we got get something to eat" I shook my head enthusiastically, Whitney and Jack both giggled at me, we walked downstairs, I sat at the table with Whitney, Jack walked into the kitchen and started preparing food, "so leesh Jack tells me that you are something special" "I wouldn't say I was special, I'm just different" Whitney smiled at me, "will you tell me how your different?" I smiled and nodded "I'm a drawolf, half wolf, half dragon, Jack's been training me since I shifted when I was 8, my wolf and human side are really good but I think my dragon spirit can't grow or move the way she wants to" "how do you mean sweetie?" "Well Jack has taught my wolf alot but my dragon feels sad" I said "I can understand that, well would you like me to help your dragon, I don't know much but I can help you with her gifts" "yes please" "so how about we start in a couple.of days once your healed a bit better" I smiled Jack carried over two plates with, chicken casserole on, I tucked in but it wasn't long before I was full being starved on a regular basis makes your stomach the size of a pea, Whitney noticed I wasn't eating anymore, "are you ok sweetheart?" I nodded "leesh doesn't eat alot, she gets starved, and when leesh eats she can't stomach much, its not normal but we have to treat it like that so scarlet doesn't find out who she is" "thats horrible" she said "its ok Whitney, one day I will be able to eat whatever I want," "I'm sorry sweetie that you have to believe this is normal when it's not" she said " thank you for caring, ...I have to get back, scarlet will come looking for me and if she has to do that I will get punished worse than I would if I just go back, see you in training when I heal, "see you then" Jack said "yeah just try and stop me" I said we laughed he gave me a hug and I gave Whitney a hug and i left when I got back to my room, Scarlet was no where to be seen, I was grateful to not get another beating, I snuggled under my covers and I fell asleep hoping that tomorrow would be a very different day...
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