Chapter Three - Sober Days

990 Words
   (Warning- RAPE ahead)   Nastania’s POV   Recap ‘I watched men grumble, before one of them spoke up, “Oh’ lass, put the shotgun down- ain’t no way ye gonna shoot someone with it.” raising his eyebrows at me, smiled smugly, making me shiver in disgust, teeth were missing and the one he did have were either black or yellow. The men around him agreed, still glaring.   I shook my head in amusement, before making my way towards him. The sound of my heeled boots echoed, my skirt waving as I stopped in front of him, his rancid breath almost making me want to puke.   I pulled the shotgun barrel to his chin, my finger on the trigger,  “Wanna bet?” To Be Continued…’   I placed the barrel under his chin harder, pushing his chin upward, I could see the beads of sweat roll down his neck.   “Oh, sweetie I can practically see how nervous you are..” I licked my lips, trying to moisten them, “Stop trying to make yourself look like you have a bigger d**k than you do.” I smile, my eyes searching his. It stayed completely silent, which I took as a sign that he decided to ‘shut the f**k up’, I laughed before speaking up, “That’s what I thought, now everyone- beat it! You already caused enough racket in here, now look at the s**t I have to clean up!” I glared at them, fury in my eyes.   They stood there for a few minutes, looking at me before I raised my eyebrows and aimed the gun to the ceiling again, “Got it?” I looked at them, challenging. I hear shuffles of movements before I heard a strong voice spoke up, “Now why do you think, we, as men, will listen to a puny little girl like you?” I heard rumbles of laughter around me. I tensed my body, slamming heel on the ground with force, “Because I can decide whether you get buried six feet under today ..” I pursued my lips, my eyes staring into his, “I get to decide whether you die or not today.” I rolled my tongue around my mouth before looking down at my nails and picking at them. “Capisce?” I said with a threatening undertone.   Before I could threaten these lousy men anymore, I heard the sound of the doorbell ring- I see a figure walk towards me, the wood floorboards creaking at each step the ‘figure’ took.   “Ah Nastania, here ya go again causing trouble!” the figure spoke, before coming into the light and revealing their face. “hmph, late to the party yet again Johnny… It was just about to get fun as well.” I placed the shotgun over my shoulder and turned around to face Johnny, causing people around me to yell and duck. I rolled my eyes before looking at Johnny again, “Your about ten minutes late.” I scowled, he laughed make me glare at him, “Oh lighten up Nastania, you always have a spoon up your ass..” I glared at him harder, my eyes showing my distaste for him at the moment, he decided to glare at me himself, challenging me as we stared each other down. The air around use tensed as we looked each other down, the people behind me shifted uncomfortably, swallowing. Johnny broke out in a fit of laughter, causing me to start laughing as well, my face turned red as I laughed causing Johnny to choke in laughter. I sigh as I smiled at Johnny, “Its good to see you, Johnny!” I said before walking over to him and shoving the shotgun into his hands, causing him to make an ‘oomph’ sound. “Now that my shift is over, this is your business.” I smiled at him before making my way to the back of the bar and grabbing my check, and placing it in my bra. I made my way out, passing the group of men, “Bye boys!” I yelled before showing my middle finger at them, I laughed as I heard their grumbles. As I exited the bar I hear the sounds of Johnny’s yelling and the sound of moving furniture.   I sighed out as I stepped onto the wooden sidewalk, my heels thudding into the old wood.   Gee, I don’t wanna do this long ass walk again, all I wanna do is just lay in bed and rest my feet.   I groaned in annoyance, before beginning walking, as I made it to the edge of the village I heard muffled screams. I flinched, my eyes going wide before I looked around, trying to find the source of the noise. The noise seemed to be coming from the woods at the edge of the village, I sprinted towards the screams that were slowly becoming more quiet, just as I hit the edge of the woods the screaming stopped. I huffed in irritation, where are they?! I need to find them! As if the goddesses were shining down on me themselves, I heard the sound of whimpers. I raced towards the noise, and the sight that I met made my stomach drop.   A woman lay on the ground, her skirt raised over her thighs with tears running down her face. A man lay above, thrusting into her, with a knife to her neck and hand over her mouth. The girl's eyes connected with mine, her wings that lay on the ground crushed, she's a fairy.   Help me, please…   I snapped, picking up a rock beside me before walking towards the man, the man looked last second, “Who are you-” I interrupted him by slamming the rock into his head. He groaned as he toppled over, holding his head. "RUN!" I yelled to the girl, only to be met with silence, I looked over to see the girl staring at me with shock. I crouched down beside her, placing my hand on her shoulder before saying "Ru-" I felt the force of an ox hit me as I was tackled to the side, my head hitting the ground harshly.    To Be Continued...  
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