Chapter Four - The Fight

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(Warning- RAPE Ahead)    Nastania’s POV  Recap ‘A woman lay on the ground, her skirt raised over her thighs with tears running down her face. A man lay above, thrusting into her, with a knife to her neck and hand over her mouth. The girl's eyes connected with mine, her wings that lay on the ground crushed, she's a fairy.   Help me, please…   I snapped, picking up a rock beside me before walking towards the man, the man looked last second, “Who are you-” I interrupted him by slamming the rock into his head. He groaned as he toppled over, holding his head. "RUN!" I yelled to the girl, only to be met with silence, I looked over to see the girl staring at me with shock. I crouched down beside her, placing my hand on her shoulder before saying "Ru-" I felt the force of an ox hit me as I was tackled to the side, my head hitting the ground harshly.    To Be Continued…’ Purple blood oozed out the man's head, his horns peaking out, growing bigger by the second. He’s mad. I watched as he hissed at me, his body growing bigger by the second, his shirt ripping as his muscle grew the size of a tree trunk. He’s a demon, I can tell by his nasty attitude and the horns on his head. Hmm, he must be a runt demon, he doesn't seem to be a big as most average male adult demons.   I hissed as I stood up, the adrenaline taking away half the pain but not all of it. My strawberry orange hair swirled as I tried to reach the girl, hoping that she would run. I was grabbed by the roots of my head and slung into a tree, I screamed out in pain as I felt a series of cracks throughout my body. The pain only grew more as I watched the demon storm toward me, he hissed at me before licking his lips.   Demons were disgusting creatures, their either a curse sent down here on earth to roam and kill people or if a human did a horrible deed to anger the gods, he or she will be turned into a demon. Demons were normally sent by Hades himself, kinda self-explanatory since he’s the ruler of the underworld.   I was interrupted from my thoughts as a massive foot stepped on my hand crushing it, a sweltering pain welcomed itself as I felt hot pain shoot throughout my hand. I screamed in pain, my eyes widening as tears drooped out. The demon's long sharp nails broke her skin as he grabbed her cheek, bending down. “If you wanted to join, all you had to do was ask…” The demons rough voice echoed before he started chuckling. “And I must say… you are a sight for sore eyes.” He grinned, showing a ray of yellow razor-sharp teeth, a shiver was sent down my spine. His eyes trailed down my body, making me feel violated, bile rose in my throat as a tear traveled down my cheek. I opened my eyes, connecting with fairies bright green eyes, “fight…” a velvet voice entered my head, “if you want to win… you need to fight.” suddenly, as if a shooting star shot out of my ass, raised my head, before jerking my legs, causing the demon to tumble on his back and surprise. I stood up quickly, dirt clinging heavily to my skin. I raced forward, making a move to punch him, he eyed me closely before aiming for a punch himself. I quickly swerved under his massive arm, his fist missing me by a hair. I looked behind the fairy, a pile of torn clothes, probably from the demon, laid in a big pile, in the middle of it laid a shiny long knife. Now’s my chance! I flung myself forward, racing towards the long shiny knife, thankfully- I reached forward just in time to grab it, the handle of the knife rubbed against the palms of my hands uncomfortably. I swung around, the demon stood on his long legs, his chest heaving as he licked his lips, he glared at me with furious eyes. As if he moved at the speed of light, he was right in front of me. How predictable. I flung the knife into his almost impenetrable skin, a screech of pain echoed as I winced. Yea, I bet that hurt like a b***h didn’t it? Know you knew how I felt. Purple blood poured out of him like a waterfall, his tripped down his leg to the tips of his toes before touching the grass beneath the demons foot, killing it. Demons blood is extremely poisonous, almost like acid, which is unfortunate for the vampires out there. I yelped as a claw hit me in the chest, flinging me to the side, the knife fell from my hands landing where I previously was. Red blood poured out of me, the redness standing out from my pale skin. The demon stomped towards me, glaring at me smugly, before raising his clawed hand at me. “Looks as if you can’t kill me, how sad.” I saw a white clothe zoom by, my eyes catching it. The fairy stood behind the demon, the sharp knife in hand, ready to strike. I chuckled, “That may be true, but she can…” I said with finality. The demon tilted his big head in confusion until I saw the fairy held the long knife high before stabbing the demon in the chest, right in the middle of the heart, the demon screeched in pain as the knife pierced its life source. Blood sprayed out in frenzy before the demon dropped to his knees, his once red skin turning into a moldy gray.  I breathed out in relief, my eyes closing before opening back up again. The demon's dead. To Be Continued...
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